girlpowerben · 5 years
beat by a girl
Yup haha. A girl named Jaslynn. 
And worst part is it was probably set up by my ex-girlfriend Britney. Britney was always sort of aggressive with me. I don’t mean we fought or anything, not like that, but she liked having a dominant role during sex and stuff. That kinda relationship. So obv she loved it that her friend beat me.
Britney would usually win if we grappled but that’s because she goes for balls lol, especially if she’s losing and needs to. Like she really GOES for them, just shamelessly grabs me there. It’s so annoying lol, but basically I would so basically it’s like it got to the point that So got to the point where I basically would just let her win. That’s her natural energy anyways I think, and hey it’s prob mine too, I don’t mind if a girl is in the lead during sex. 
But still kinda made it worse to lose a grapple in front of her  🙈
I thought she was just being cute and playful by talking shit, but NOPE, she wanted to go lol. Turns out she’s good asf. Had a winning record in high school, made states and stuff. I wrestled for one year and quit ha. So ya.. she whooped me 🙈😩😡😳
Worst part was she made me say “girl power”. Out loud, lol. Not even gonna describe how she was holding me .. lol. She won fair and square, but then when I tapped she didn’t let go and pressed her legs into my nuts 😳 so obv I just said it.
Hey I’m all about females rights anyways and always been of the belief that anything a guy can do a girl can do too if not better, so I’m fine with it. Was brutal to nut me like that tho lol. But it’s all good I know Britney was instigating. 
But hey, this blog is about some of my experiences with my ex-gf Britney and girls in general, so I’ll just own it: “girl power Ben” 😛
That’s what the name comes from, ha
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