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ThingsĀ don't go to heaven, people go to heaven. So thats whatĀ I'm going to spend my life on.
Jamilyn Hull
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Three years ago I believed whites and blacks were equal in the United States. I believed that slavery was abolished and racism went both ways. I disagreed with affirmative action and I thought black people who didnā€™t make it out didnā€™t want to make it out.
I was so very wrong.
Today my heart is...
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Many times in life we face struggles internally that causes us to see ourselves in a negative way externally. I admit that this is a truth of mine as well as many others that I know. As a woman, I feel that this is even more so true. Today I am writing about a friend of mine who will tell you that overcoming her own personal struggle allowed her to see herself as a strong, talented, beautiful, and inspiring woman.
Ā A few years ago, Jennifer set out on a journey that many of us tend to fear because we donā€™t want to fail, a weight loss journey.Ā  She started going to Weight Watchers meetings after work every week. After a while she began working out. She started going to Zumba classes. Throughout her journey, Jennifer posted photo and status updates documenting her success. Her journey and her motivation encouraged those who read her post and saw her pictures. She became an inspiration for those who not only want to lose weight, but those who want follow their dream and set out to do something that they thought they might not be able to do. Throughout her journey, Jennifer started to notice the favor and blessings that God poured out on her. This allowed her to touch others in a way that was spiritual and lead others to believe in the power of God, be faithful and believe in his promises. Jennifer has lost more than 160lbs and continues to push forward and work hard while encouraging everyone around her.Ā 
ā€œWith God all things are possible. I have my degree! I have my career! I can sing! I can dance! I can act! I can do hair! I can troubleshoot computers lol (shout out to IT@SAM) have lost over 170 pounds! Girl looking back I truly realize that I can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens me!ā€Ā 
Why was Jenniferā€™s weight loss journey successful? Because she DECIDED that it was time to make a difference in her life. Once you decide to do something, you are more than likely to follow through with your plan. Jennifer now seeā€™s the person she was all along; Smart, talented, and beautiful!!!!
ā€œNo temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it.ā€ 1 Corinthians 10:13
Ā Remember that God is faithful and rewards those who glorify him in all that they do. I encourage everyone to work hard, love yourself, and be true to who you are.
For more information about Jennifer and her weight loss journey and tips, visit her at https://www.facebook.com/GodslilDiva?fref=nf
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Hi All,
Yesterday morning I decided to make oatmeal for my family. I wanted to make something quick, easy, and of course healthy for my 2 year old. I looked in my pantry and right away saw the unopened oatmeal. I have to admit that usually I throw a pack of instant oatmeal in the microwave and call it a day. However I am happy that I tried this quick recipe.Ā 
Here's what you need:
1 cup of Oats
2 1/4 cup of Vanilla Almond Milk
1/2 cup frozen or fresh berries
Boil Almond milk for 7 minutes. Stir in the oats. Let cook for about 10 minutes until oats are cooked. Top with berries. Allllll Doooooneee (as my two year old would say) No need for sugar. This meal is already yummy and ready to eat.Ā 
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I am a woman in process. I'm just trying like everybody else. I try to take every conflict, every experience, and learn from it. Life is never dull.
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Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another steppingstone to greatness.
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My Beautiful Family
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My daughter, Taliyah Auset Maat.Ā 
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My son, Travis Jr. at his 2nd birthday party.
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FRIENDS: How to know if your crowd is the right crowd.
Friends will either build you up or tear you down. Friends can motivate you to be better or they can influence you to be someone your not. Find friends how love themselves, who tend to have positive relationships, and who are attempting to do something with their lives.Ā  Sometimes for girls, its hard to be yourself around other girls because everyone is always trying to fit in and be accepted by everyone else. Most of the time, you start to act like the people you are surrounding yourself with. Tell me who your friends are and Iā€™ll tell you who you are. This is very true. Be a blessing to your friends and be honest. Its ok to be different from your friends and look different. Find friends who accept you for who you are.Ā 
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Great Reads
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The Little Black Book of Success: Laws of Leadership for Black Women
This is a wonderful book that I recommend to all women especially recent college graduates. I read this book a few months ago as a recent college graduate and it really helped guide me in my job search and learning to be more professional and showing employers that I am what the need for their organization. I've posted the link to amazon where you can learn more about the book and purchase.Ā 
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ā€Ž"How to Live Your DREAMS!" The Real Law of Attraction & Love, Dating, Relationships by Abiola Abrams
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Love Yourself
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Ā Love is more than just a word. Love is an expression. I have noticed that too many women have the reality of love mixed up with the idea of love, which causes them to experience heartache and pain. They are not loving themselves enough.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Many times in life we women experience struggles that cause us to look at love the wrong way. One example is for women who have went their life without a father. Or women who did not have a close relationship with their father. Sometimes these women began at a young age searching for the love they are missing from that father figure in their life. More than likely, every relationship they are in turns badly or ends on bad terms because the men or even women they are with, are not able to give them the love they are searching for.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Society also plays a big role in women not loving themselves enough. We watch t.v. and we see all the beautiful women living their elegant lives. We look at the cover of magazines and see the most beautiful women with no flaws. Everywhere we look, billboards, music videos, movies, etc. Society has a standard for how a woman should look. Long hair, skinny, perfect nose, nice pearly white teeth, long legs, and so much more. As children develops into adolescents to teen to a women, they are trying to look like this women that society expects them to look like. This causes women to not love who they are. They will always be looking for the hottest new thing to feel more in place and cool. If they are not popular they are not happy. If they do not have nice clothes they are not worthy. Something that everyone needs to know is that only who you are on the inside defines the person that you are destined to be. Looks and material things only get you so far. So why place all your happiness, love, hope, and self worth in those small things.
Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Self love is the best love. Not in a selfish conceited way. But in a way that a girl can look in the mirror and love how she looks and is happy with the way she was created. Living in the world that we live in now, that can sometimes be hard. We as women however have the power to overcome that and work harder everyday to love ourselves. It is easier for people to love us when we love ourselves first and vice versa. You yourself as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection. Everyone must love themselves and put themselves first when it comes to love. Love who you are, embrace who you are, and accept who you are. way we can be better for ourselves and others that are in our lives.Ā 
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Praying for your Children
If your anything like me, you pray for your children all the time and want the best for them. Well I found this pretty awesome prayer and reading calendar from familymatters.net for you to do with your children daily.Ā 
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