girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Loki x reader
Word Count: 4513
Warnings: language, spoilers for avengers infinity war
Author’s Note: THIS IS NOT JUST ME!
Understand that I pulled a paragraph or two from OTHER USERS. I will credit them below this so that you can go read their work, the full story and check out the rest of their blog because all of them are truly AMAZING to let me use some of their written arts.
ALL OF THE PARAGRAPHS IN ITALICS ARE NOT MINE: They have the actual writer in parentheses at the end of the excerpt.
THE FIRST STORY USED FOR THE MEETING: by @swanky-batman Fic: Asgardian Protector
THE STORY USED FOR THE FIGHT: by @girlwholoveswriting Fic: I Am Yours
THE STORY USED FOR THE PRANK: by @imagine-assembling-the-avengers Fic: Nice Try
THE STORY USED FOR HIS SECOND DEATH: by @that-sokovian-bastard Fic: Jokes
THE STORY USED FOR THE WEDDING: by @4fandomsinonebrain Fic: Imagine convincing All-Father to let you and Loki get married
Summary: This story is a ‘farewell for now’ to our dear Loki and it goes through memories of the reader and he beloved.
Genre: fluff but mostly ANGST
Song: Long Live by Taylor Swift
(not my gif)
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He’s dead.
    That was the hardest thing to remember about everything that had happened within the few days. Not that Asgard was gone, not that Earth was in danger but the fact that your husband, the man you loved was dead. He had died before.
    He had died a few times actually.
    But none felt as permanent as this one had. You had been there, felt the fear in his heart as Thanos…you couldn’t bear to think of it. You had thought about that enough to last a lifetime. You and Thor were sitting in the Guardian of the Galaxys pod. You were waiting for Thor to get a new hammer to defeat Thanos but your mind couldn’t seem to be worried about him.
    You were trailing back memories from long before you and Loki had been together. A array of memories placed themselves in front of you and you refused to let the tears fall. Truth be told, you didn’t like Loki much when you first met him. You were a Asgardian warrior assigned to him with a promise if you made Loki more skilled in battle then in books. He was supposed to teach you about book smarts as well. But you had your differences to begin with.
“You know, I could have taken you down if I wanted to.”
“From the floor?” You giggled, opening his door, “Alright, show me.”
“In here?”
“Are you scared?” You batted your eyelashes and he laughed again, closing the door behind him.
He sat down on the floor and got into the position he was in before. You held your sword at his throat again with the same grin.
“Never.” He answered back, raising his hand and- using magic- sent your weapon across the room. He swept your legs out from underneath you and you fell onto the floor as Loki came up with a short dagger in his hand, holding you down with one hand and holding the dagger with the other.
“Do you surrender?” He grinned, showing power.
“Never.” You answered back, pushing back against the dagger and moving his hand off your neck, pulling him closer with your legs and spinning on top, moving his own dagger against him. He was laughing from under you, looking impressed. “Still no surrender?”
He paused, scanning you for a moment, “One could get used to this position.” He gave a wink and your heartbeat quickened, realizing you were practically straddling him.
You flushed red, “Then one would end up dead.” You tried to stand up and he flipped you on your back.
“One still hasn’t surrendered yet.” He said softly, his face inches from yours as he pinned your hands.
You were afraid he was going to feel your heartbeat and mock you so you tried to twist out from him and he came even closer, looking into your eyes.
“Loki,” You whispered before his lips fell on yours and he gave an inward groan. You both stayed there for what felt like ages but probably was only a few seconds before there was a knock on the door.
Loki’s head jolted back and he jumped up from the floor to answer, “Who is it?” He snapped.
Loki’s face turned to a frown, “Go away.” (swanky-batman)
    Ironically enough after that first kiss, first fight together that you kissed during he had admitted to being slightly jealous of Thor. Of course he didn’t say jealous but he implied it enough.
“I’m supposed to be training you to fight.” You felt Loki’s arms wrap around your waist.
“You’ve been fighting with me since day one.” You could hear his smile as he spoke softly to you, “I can’t help it. I want you- I…” He sighed, grabbing your hands and pushing them aside as he saw your face, running over it with his eyes, “I like you. A lot. I hate when Thor comes over and talks with you so naturally and how nice you are to everyone and how you leave every afternoon as I wait for you to return to me the next morning.”
“You’re jealous?” You asked after a couple minutes of silence as you were processing what he had said.
“I never said jealous-”
“But you meant jealous!” You grinned to him and he wore a slight frown so you added, “Loki.”
He visibly shivered a little as his face went into a dark smile, “Maybe I am. I want you to be mine. To fight with me, to talk with me, to… kiss me.” He leaned in again and you pulled him in quickly, your hands grabbing his cheeks. (swanky-batman)
    You knew you loved him somewhere then. It was difficult, he was difficult, but that didn’t really matter in the big picture because he was so..so Loki. You loved him and that wasn’t something that was just going to go away. You looked up at Thor who was chatting with Rocket as he drove through space. It was hard to believe this man was the same man that Loki was jealous of oh so long ago in Asgard. His hair, his eye, his stance, the sadness etched in his eyes from all he’s lost. It was hard not to cry then and there.
    Of course being with Loki wasn’t always sunshine and rainbows. The man was convinced one day you were going to leave him. Sometimes he wanted you to leave him! He was sure that you were to pure for him, that you would never be tinted the way he once was. He was scared often of it. After a battle once, as you lay by his knees, bleeding you swore if this was the way you were going to go, it would be with him. Next to him. And he was so so scared that he had hurt you. Sure that you were going to leave him he had made sure he asked you to leave first.
You spoke firmly, your gaze strong as you looked deep into his eyes, “I swore an oath to you long ago. I will stand by your side to protect you until my dying breath. And even if I didn’t have an oath, I could never leave you, I never will, Loki.”
“Quit that nonsense (Y/n)!” Loki hissed, stepping close towards you, his hand grabbing you by the neck. “You only speak such words because of that oath. You lie. LIE!”
“A-as… as the God of Mischief, you clearly know when one lies.” You choked out, your hand moving to grip on his, “I would never l-lie… Not to you.”
You felt him tighten his grip around your neck, suffocating you further, and you no longer felt the ground beneath your feet. Your eyes tightly close and a gasp escapes your lips, your own grip tightening against Loki’s wrist. If this was how you were to end, you were at least glad that it was by the hand of Loki.
One last time, you opened your eyes to meet with Loki’s, seeing the pain he hid so well yet so easily seen by you. Darkness began to creep into your vision slowly but surely. You closed your eyes once more, awaiting your impending doom.
You suddenly felt yourself hit the ground, your body immediately taking in the oxygen it lacked as you gasped and coughed. You touched your neck right where Loki held you, looking up at the male. You could tell that he was frustrated more than ever, and you expected him to send you flying half way across the room any moment now. You closed your eyes, and waited for your impending doom.
But it never came.
Instead, you heard Loki drop to the ground, causing your eyes to shoot open. Your instinct immediately told you to wrap your arms around him protectively and ask if he was okay, but the sobs that Loki emitted took you by surprise. You froze on the spot, opening your mouth, only for no words to come out.
“I don’t… I don’t understand you, (Y/n).” Loki choked out, lifting his head up to look at you dead in your eyes, his tears continuing to stream down his cheeks, “Why? Why don’t you just leave me like everyone else?”
“Because I lo–”
“Cut that bullshit, (Y/n)!”
You fell silent, staring back at Loki as he glared daggers at you. “Love? Love!? My family once loved me, my people once loved me, and now look at me! Look at me, (Y/n)! I’ve been pushed aside not once, not twice, I’ve been pushed aside more than anyone should be!”
“But I’m nothing like them!”
“You’re EXACTLY like them!” Loki lashed out, his breathing ragged, eyes narrowed down as he looked at you. “You say you love me, you say that you’ll stay by my side, but guess what, so did THEY! They said they loved me, they said they’d stay by my side forever, but where are they now!?”
Silence fell between you two, it was as if time froze as you and him only looked at each other. You said nothing, while Loki attempted to calm himself, clearly taking his time in doing so. He then looked away from you, having more tears streaming down his cheeks. “Why don’t you just do me a favor and leave me like everyone else did? I’ve been nothing but pain to you. The only way I could take comfort in your eventual departure from me would be because you wanted to save yourself from the monster you say you love.”
“I can’t stand thinking about you abandoning me. You will leave me, and your departure will be what pains me the most every single day. I cannot stand around just waiting, so just leave right now before you break me even more.”
Slowly, quietly, you crawled closer to Loki, and wrapped him up in a weak embrace. Your body was in complete pain, but you didn’t care. You tried to tighten your grip around him, but you could only do so much. Taking deep breaths, you worked up a shaky voice to finally speak up to him.
“I-I… I am yours.” You spoke ever so softly, burying your face into his shoulder. “I am yours, and only yours.”
“I am your friend, I am your companion, and I am your comfort as much as you are to me.” You continued, voice slowly breaking as you spoke more, closing your eyes as you tried to stop your own tears from forming. “I know how much you hate it when I say that you own me, and so I’ll stop. I am no longer a tool, I am no longer just something you can throw away, so you better not throw me away.”
You took deep breaths and pulled yourself away from his shoulder, opening your eyes to looking at Loki, letting your tears finally flow. “Please. Please don’t make me leave.” Your face began to scrunch up as your sobbing began to grow more intense. “I-I don’t… I don’t want to leave you. No matter what you say or do, I could never bring myself to leave you. I know you, Loki. You don’t want me to leave, so don’t make me leave.” (girlwholoveswriting)
    But even after that, all of that, he always said he was sorry. It didn’t matter what he had done whether it be small or as big as this fight had gotten, your worst one, he made sure to tell you he was sorry.
“I’m sorry.”
Opening your eyes, you looked at Loki with a look of confusion. “Sorry…?”
“I said I’m sorry.” Loki repeated himself with a sigh, turning his head to the side, looking away from you. “I suppose that I… I overthought about plenty of things. I’m so used to others coming and going in my life, that I thought you were going to leave me as well. I hated that with a burning passion that I thought that torturing you ever single day would lessen the pain of you leaving. It’s… it’s stupid to think that way, really.”
You let out a broken laugh, holding Loki’s hand tighter. “Indeed it is. I thought you were more intelligent than you looked, Loki. What happened, hm?”
“There, isn’t exactly a reason.” Loki lowered his head, a pained smile on his lips. “You’re right, I don’t want you to leave. You leaving would destroy me inside and out. I want you to be by my side, no matter what I do.”
“I will be.” You smiled at Loki, his head turning to look at you. “I’ll say it repeatedly if I have to. I love you, and there isn’t a chance that my feelings will change soon. Even if you don’t feel the same way, I don’t care. I began as your companion, and I will stay as your companion. Though, if you do end up returning my feelings, that would be absolutely magical too.”
Loki let out a chuckle, tugging at your hand softly. He looked at you with a soft expression, then proceeded to let out a sigh and looked away once more. “Go to sleep, (Y/n). You’ll recover faster while you sleep.”
“If you say so.” You huffed with a slight pout, before turning your head to look up at the ceiling. You then closed your eyes, and silence filled the room. The warmth you felt from Loki’s hand calmed you more than it should have, and soon enough, you were fast asleep. Loki stayed by your side, his hand still in yours. As soon as he knew you fell asleep, he let out a huff of amusement.
“You belong to me, huh?” He spoke in a soft voice, rolling his eyes at your sleeping state. “How cliché of you, (Y’n). You belong to yourself and no one else. The more you say such words, the more difficult it is to resist saying them as well.”
Pushing himself up, careful not to move his hand and yours, he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, lasting for a few seconds before sitting back down. “Since you like saying it so much, I might as well say it once, even if you don’t hear me. I am yours, (Y/n), as much as you are mine.” (girlwholoveswriting)
    And with those days came the days you spent at the Avengers Tower. The holidays you got to be with together, the nice and calm and….often very reckless holidays. Pranks were Loki’s thing and you decided one faithful Halloween to prank him in the worst way possible. However he ended up having fun with it. In the end. You were trying to plan a prank together for the rest of the team and you may have gone off on your own and had Loki get you a zombie.
Within a few short hours, the tower was under a full-blown attack of the undead and the team was close to being overtaken.  The group had split up to cover each floor, but you had insisted as being the one to stay at Loki’s side and make sure he didn’t cause any further trouble.  
“This has gotten a little out of hand!  You need to stop this now, Loki, before we lose control completely!”  You spun and impaled one of the zombies through the chest, holding it to the ground to decapitate it.  “I think your prank took a wrong turn somewhere!”
“Yes, I can see that, (Y/N), thank you.” He looked around frantically for his brother, hoping that he might have a way to help.  “I may have over-indulged slightly; I wanted to get you with your own prank.  However, the reversal is a bit more complicated than I had planned.”
“Why…didn’t you…think…of that before?” you asked, grunting between each word while fighting off multiple attacks and doing your best to stay at his side.  “This is…why no one…trusts you!”
“Even you?”
“Now…is not the time, Loki. Not the time.”  You heard a yell from one of the floors above and turned to look, leaving your back unguarded and open to attack.  You screamed when you felt the bite, but turned to slice the head away from the body of the one that had done it.  “Son of a-“
Loki spun around when he heard your scream and ran to your side.  “How do I stop this?”  He said frantically, “how do I do it?”
“Cut it off, before it starts to spread,” you gasped.
“What did you say?”
“It’s the only way, Loki. You have to remove my hand to stop it. I can’t do it myself.”
He looked at you with shock, but his eyes were filled with desperation.  “I can’t do it either, (Y/N).  I…can’t hurt you.”
“But a zombie version of me is better?” you gasped.
“I can’t…I love you.”
You stared at him in disbelief, holding your breath at his words.  That was definitely not what you were expecting him to say, and you lost your train of thought, completely shocked.  
“I love you, too,” you whispered, still staring at him.  You grabbed the front of his shirt and pulled him down to you for a kiss, feeling him relax and wrap his arms behind you.  
“JARVIS,” you said as you pulled back, “we can stop now.”
The attack was over as quickly as it had begun, the threats disappearing into thin air.  Thor leaned over the railing from the level above, looking down on the two of you with a smile and a loud laugh.  “Did we do well, my lady?”  
Loki looked down at you, not understanding what had just happened.  “You are not injured then?  All of that wasn’t real?  I’m not at fault for any of it?”
“Don’t ever think you can prank me, Asgardian,” you smirked.  “I’m the master.” (imagine-assembling-the-avengers)
Halloween became your favorite Midgardian tradition after that day.
You were watching as Thor turned to you with a light smile.
“Thinking about him again?” he asked. You nodded solemnly. Thor grabbed your hand and squeezed it. You wiped a tear away and told him to keep his eyes on the road to which he told you that that was just not gonna work with no roads. But he turned back anyway.
It left you thinking about the second time Loki died. Thor had to tell you. You went to Earth and stayed with Tony for a while. He was nice enough but some days you couldn’t breath. It reminded you a lot of how you were right now.
“You know you have to tell (Y/N),” Odin told Thor when it was revealed that Loki died in The Dark World.
“I know,” Thor sighed, not sure how he would tell you that he was gone.
You were best friends with Thor, and in love with Loki. You two were dating before he died the first time, and when he came back to go to a cell, you couldn’t deny your love for him. But you knew those feelings had to go away. You couldn’t be with him if you wanted to- and you didn’t want to.
When you joined Thor’s group of warriors, you were ready to fight every force thrown at you. You could take out anyone you wanted with a single hit, making for one of the best fighters on Asgard. Well, you and Sif, of course.
Helping Loki sneak out with Thor was hard for you. For your mind, it seemed like a simple task. But for your heart, you couldn’t look at him without wanting to cry. He faked his death and sent you into sadness for months. Then, when he is still alive, not one word was said to you. It hurt, but you knew you had to help Thor to save Jane.
You patrolled around the Asgardian palace in hopes no one knew who helped with Thor’s treason. It seemed that no one knew, as you were still walking around and alive. But you also heard word that Thor returned, and maybe he was talking with his father about what happened.
“(Y/N)!” You heard Thor’s voice from down the hallway.
You turned around with a big smile, “You are not dead for what you did?”
Thor nodded, “Odin understood I did it to help the woman I love.”
“Is Loki released?”
Thor didn’t reply. He looked away and didn’t make eye contact with you. “We need to- we need to have a talk.”
Silence filled you for a week after Thor told you about Loki. You were sure that after he helped Thor, he would be released and you could see him again- you didn’t expect him to die!
Thor could see how hurt you were. You took time off your job around Asgard. You hadn’t left your room unless it was for food or to go to the bathroom. You haven’t even gone to see your friends like you usually do; it was clear that you were hurting. Thor knew you couldn’t stay in Asgard; you needed a place to get your mind off of everything going on around you. It was a good thing he knew some people on Midgard.
Getting away from Asgard was a good decision, and you thanked Thor many times for giving you this opportunity. He found that Tony Stark would give you a place to stay until you felt you could return, which no one knew if you would.
Quickly bonding with Tony, he made your days a little happier. You were able to laugh a bit and forget about how much your heart hurt when in Stark Tower and learning the ways of this new earth. For a while, you actually didn’t think much about why you were hurting. Thor didn’t tell Tony why you were hurt; he would probably bring it back and have you remember the events that recently happened. (that-sokovian-bastard)
    And despite the pain, and the fights, you learned to appreciate the little things with him. His hair, his smile, his eyes. So when he asked you to marry him you gave him an outstanding yes. Because of course you would marry him! You had been through too not get married. That day was the best day of your life.
You catch Loki’s figure standing at the end of the hall. You can’t see his face, but you know that he is looking at you. You haven’t seen each other since Odin allowed you to get married two weeks ago, and you were let downstairs to inform Loki of that. As you get closer to him, you realize that those two weeks were good for him. Probably because of Frigg’s consideration, his hair is soft and taken care of, and his clothes are new and neat. Nothing too bright - fur on his shoulders, horns on his forehead (you foresee Thor’s jokes). The brightest smile ever.
“Good afternoon,” he takes your hand from Frigg and quickly presses it against his lips. Against the rules, but you can’t fight a smile. “You look… goddess-like.”
“I am marrying a god, am I not?” you answer and turn to Odin (who is frowning at your flirtation, but you don’t really care anymore). “All-Father,” Odin says a few words describing the ceremony, but all you can focus on is Loki’s hand holding yours.
“Loki…” Odin stops for a second, you know that Frigg gives him a deadly serious glare. “Son of Odin. Do you take Y/N to be your wife in all the time given to you by fate? To protect and cherish her in happy and hard days?” you return to the reality, as if snapped back. Loki chuckles.
“I do,” not even thinking, he nods.
“Y/N, daughter of Y/F/N. Do you take Loki son of Odin to be your lawful husband and swear to cherish him and support him in happy and hard days?” Loki frowns for a second, then smiles widely, as you nod.
“I do,” you exchange the rings, Loki putting a thin silver line on your finger, and you putting a heavier silver ring on his. It seems to be just an action, but it matters to you more than anything. First of all, no one can forbid you from seeing him now - you have the right to spend as much time in the prison as you want. “I do.”
“You may kiss the bride,” Odin sighs, knowing that he has lost a part of control over you. Loki grins and pulls you in, pressing his lips against yours, holding you with both hands. You wrap your hands around his neck, hearing the crowd cheer. That’s the thing about Asgardian people - they may be mad at the stupid child (that Loki was seen as), but they still were there, cheering you.
“Congratulations, brother!” you hear Thor scream of the top of his lungs, and you both chuckle.
“I love you,” you whisper before you turn to the people, and Loki smiles softly.
“I love you too, Y/N. No one else would convince Odin to actually let us have a proper wedding.”
“You are still a prince,” you both turn to the people, congratulated by all the numerous relatives and friends that appears for the wedding.
“And you are a princess,” you can hardly fight a laughter, but win it and smile at all the people acting like they care for you. (4fandomsinonebrain)
     But of course in the end none of that was meant to last. He was dead.
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
I need more Marvel/Tom blogs to follow!
If you post 99% Marvel or Tom content, please like or reblog this so I can check you out!
Btw I follow on @imagining5sosinmeoops
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Heko frens! I just noticed that I hit 120 followers and I’m so thankful for all of you!! Really, thank you so much for liking my writing!! Huhu I’m sorry that I haven’t been posting recently and it might take a while for me to get back into writing fics and imagines again. I’m getting really busy with school, and I have to write for school as well. I promise I’ll get something out for Pride Month though! I want to celebrate even in a small way hahaha. Anyways, I hope you guys forgive me for this, and thank you so much again for the followers!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
An imagine where Tom Hiddleston helps y/n out of her shell and finally dances with him
Hi! Sorry I only got to this now but I like had school the entire day so yeee let’s get into this then haha
Imagine Tom Hiddleston helping you out of your shell
>You’re like, a really shy person, and you have self esteem issues
>But Tom loves you to death
>He’s like, so SO SO supportive of you
>He doesn’t push you to do anything you want to
>And he always tells you to never rush anything and take things at your own pace because you’re such a shy babo and you need to stabilize yourself over anything else (as he says)
>Tom is always there for you and remembers his boundaries
> G e n t l e  a s  h e c k
>But the one thing that he would really like to do with you, would be to have at least a slow dance with you.
>It’s the one thing he would ask from you everyday, kind of like how the Beast would as Belle in Beauty and the Beast, except, you know, there’s no curse to break or anything
>You would decline every night because you’re not confident at all with your dancing skills
>It breaks your heart to reject him, but he doesn’t mind
>Tom always makes sure that he makes you feel okay to reject him
>He helps you with yourself every day, making you feel better and such about yourself
>He constantly encourages you but never pushes you to do anything you don’t want to
>And you eventually start to feel comfortable and you start to be more confident with yourself
>On one night you finally agree to dance with Tom
>That night is like literally the best night you could have ever asked for
>There was no music at all, you and him were simply dancing to the beating of your hearts (if that makes sense)
>It’s literally like a scene taken from a fairy tale, it was absolutely magical
>You still continue to work on yourself and he continues to support you, staying by each other’s side.
I hope you like it!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Okay sorry for screaming haha I’m really happy thank you so much for all the love you guys have for my works!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
u should totally write a fic with loki where the reader is part of the avengers and has the same powers as mantis, so one day they hold hands n she just gets all his feelings and actually breaks down
Oh my god that’s an amazing idea thank you. I’ll write it as soon as I think about it more!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
hi! just wanted to say i’ve been reading your works, and you are SO talented! i loved very important stuff and hope you do more stark!reader soon!
Awww thank you so much!! I’m glad you loved Very Important Stuff, and I’ll definitely get around to writing more stark!reader soon!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Hey! I flipping love your work ❤️ Just dropped by to tell you that you’re so talented and don’t stop writing! I wholeheartedly believe your work should get more recognition cause my god they’re amazing. Thanks so much for your Peter Parker and Loki works cause this Fangirl is definitely satisfied~ btw, do you listen to any other kpop groups besides SEVENTEEN? And what’s your favorite song from them? Oki that’s all my rambling bye bye~ ❤️
Hii omg! I’m so glad that you think that my works are amazing! And don’t worry, more of those fics are coming soon for you to enjoy~ As for your question, I know a lot of other kpop groups, but my holy trinity is definitely BTS, SEVENTEEN, and Mamamoo. Currently my favorite song from them are Anpanman, Falling For U, and Friday Night (even if it’s one of their older songs) respectively. Thanks for the ask, love you for all the support you give me!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
What the heck!?
I just looked at how many followers I have now and omg I have 82!? Man, I didn’t think I could get this much hahaha! I’m so glad people actually like my work! Thank you guys so much!!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Tom Hiddleston with a pregnant significant other :)
Hello! Okie, here I go ahaha (this may not be accurate but I hope it suffices)
Imagine that you’re pregnant with Tom Hiddleston’s child.
>Tom’s completely surprised and ecstatic when you tell him. He tells all your closest friends and of course family a few days after.
>He’s SOOO protective of you! Like, omg you can’t even get anything from the cupboard alone without him taking it for you and scolding you for trying to strain yourself.
>HIM BEING SO EXCITED FOR THE CHILD TO COME even if it’s like, 9 long months away or so.
>You and him don’t announce your pregnancy to the public until you were comfortable with it, which is like 2 or 3 months in to the pregnancy.
>When you do, he’s like, so so proud of you and himself. Why? Because wow the feeling of having a child soon is so overwhelming that he can’t even help himself.
>He’s a lot more cuddly too when you’re both alone at home.
>He also really really likes to place his hand on your stomach whenever he can. 
>Not to mention, all those nights before bed where he whispers into your belly to talk to your child.
>Sometimes he’s the child because he’s always so happy to talk about baby things with you like, which gender he would of liked to have (but of course he’ll love whatever gender the child is in the end) and all the things he would do as a dad to make your kid happy.
>He absolutely loved it whenever he noticed how big your baby bump was getting. It reminded him that he would soon become the father of your child.
>Tom does everything he can for you and to be with you. He freaks out whenever you experience even the smallest amount of pain or discomfort.
>He would have a video call with you as usual when you were away from him while he was working. It was a regular thing you did nonetheless, but it was extra sweet since he would talk to your baby as well.
>He’s literally the most prepared person the moment you got into labor. Sure he panics too, but he already had everything ready like where the heck did that bag filled with everything you need come from?
>He stays with you through the entire process and hated how you were in pain. He end your hand tightly, as if he was going to lose you if he didn’t, and whispered sweet and comforting words into your ear as you delivered the baby.
>Once your baby was finally born, he was the first to cry even before you.
>The moment that he held your child, he instantly feel in love with them.
>While you were recovering from the delivery, you swore that you could hear Tom whispering to your child how he would love and protect them, and make them happy their entire life.
>Tom really knows how to make everything you went through during the pregnancy worth it.
Hope you liked it!
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
All them fanfics I wrote (so far) right here!
Peter Parker
Love Letter
Part 1 Part 2
Under the Rain with You
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
Very Important Stuff (Stark!Reader)
Falling for You
Coffee Date?
I am Yours
Tom Hiddleston
Imagine him protecting you from paparazzi 
Imagine you being pregnant with his child
Imagine him helping you out of your shell
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
An imagine with Tom Hiddleston (please). He’s trying to protect the reader (his girlfriend) from the paps who keep harassing her
 Hi okay never really done one of these kinds before (and this is putting me on the spot haha) I’ll try my best so here goes!—
Imagine Tom Hiddleston protecting you from paparazzi…
>Tom would hold your hand tightly at every event he took you to.
>He would walk away with you behind him every time you felt uncomfortable with all the questions thrown at you.
>Your dates would be cut short because somehow paparazzi would find you two.
>Your only safe haven away from all the attention was either at your place or at his, and a lot of the times that was no fun (well, it would be, but there’s so much more you and him could do outdoors).
>He would be constantly be worried about your well-being most of the hours away from you while he was working.
>You putting up a brave face and saying you could handle it.
>At first you did but the more you avoided the paparazzi, the more intense it got.
>It gets to the point where you had to get your own security guards (Tom really, REALLY wants you to be safe).
>You really didn’t want him to worry about you but there were news articles about you constantly on trending.
>An incident of paparazzi breaking into your own home pushed you over the edge though.
>You developed anxiety and could barely even leave your own home without Tom.
>Tom finally had enough of it.
>Tom released a statement about how he and you would like the privacy you once had back and that paparazzi should respect your privacy.
>He doesn’t take you to events and barely even goes to them while you recovered.
>Most of the time, if he wasn’t working, he would be with you.
>”Darling, you should really get back to work now.”
>”I’ll do so in a minute, love. Right now, I’ll be by your side since you need me.”
Aaand, that’s all I got ahahaha, I hope this is okay?
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Loki gives me life I love you
I love you toooo
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
I am Yours (Loki x Reader)
Loki x Reader
Inspired by BTS’ “Blood Sweat & Tears”
A/N: OH MY GOD FINALLY AFTER SO LONG I FINALLY GOT THIS OUT WOOO IT’S A LOKI FIC AS PROMISED! Gosh I hope this is good. Also, I know it says it’s inspired by BTS’ song, but it’s like nothing like the song, but that’s okay, right?? Just inspired by it, ahahaha... What I wrote changed from what I originally had in mind, so, yeah. Let me know if you want any more Loki fics!
Word Count: 2.5k
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Violence, literally one swear word, maybe it’s a little OOC (and I’m sorry), and uhhh, it can get sorta angsty???
From your first meeting with him, you were devoted for life. Loki, god of Mischief, son of Odin, was your master. You come from a bloodline who served the royal family generation after generation. You had no other purpose other than to protect and obey orders from whom you were assigned to, which in this case was Loki. You served him ever since you were a child, growing up with him along the way.
The experience you had was different though from what people would now assume. He treated you not like a servant, but as a friend he could confide in. You were a constant in his life, you never changed unless necessary, and you never left unless he told you to. You were beside him through thick and thin, whether or not you wanted to. Because of this, your feelings for Loki bloomed with you as you did in every aspect possible. You were in love with him, and you would do anything for him, even if it was your last dying breath, and even if it meant turning against everyone and anyone you know and love.
Loki though, thought otherwise. He thought you were the purest being there ever could be, he thought that you didn’t deserve to be tainted the way he was. He did everything he could to keep you away from him, but your loyalty to him never swayed. You reminded him a lot of his brother, the way you were stubborn, the way you never wanted to leave his side, it reminded him of how much he deeply cared for Thor. It reminded him of the way even his brother could toss him aside. It hurt, it really hurt, and he was tired of being hurt. Before anyone else can do the same, Loki decided that it was his turn to do the hurting, starting with you.
But no matter what he did, you never left his side. It drove him mad. He could never tell if you were ever going to leave him, and he didn’t want to find out. This lead to frequent fighting, screaming, and sometimes even injuries that would last for days. You never fought back though, and it only made Loki more furious than he already was.
You were on the floor once again tonight, bruised, bleeding, and at the feet of Loki. You were breathing heavily, unmoving from your spot. He hated seeing you like this, in pain, suffering… but he preferred this over you eventually betraying him. He wanted to make you leave, he wanted you to fear him so much that you leave on your own free will.
“Leave.” He spoke in a sharp tone, glaring down at you, sorrow hidden deeply in his eyes, “Leave me. Before I change my mind.”
Your hand twitched, moving slowly towards your body as you pushed yourself up. You groan in pain, lifting your head up to look at Loki. Your hair draped down the sides of your head, framing your face almost like a bloodied painting. Blood was dripping down your temple and from your lips, your face swollen slightly from the beating.
Loki tensed up at the sight of you, clenching his fists and jaw tighter than he already was. He hated this. He hated what he was doing, but he thought this was the right thing to do, for him and for you. He clicked his tongue and swung his foot, kicking you right in the gut. “Just stay down!”
“I-I…” You attempted to speak, coughing out blood from your mouth. You felt as if your bones were broken, your ribs especially, finding it harder to breath, to speak. But you still tried to anyway. “R-refuse… I refuse to… l-leave your side.”
You looked up at Loki, his voice cracking as he spoke. To your surprise, you felt hot tears dripping down from your cheeks that weren’t yours. You stared up at the god, watching as he held back his own sobbing. “Why won’t you just leave me like the rest of them do!?”
“Because.” You gasped, taking deep breaths as you felt your voice building up and letting it all go as you exclaimed, “Because I love you!”
In that moment, it felt as if time itself froze. Loki was already aware of your feelings for him, but he had always disregarded it. He always thought that you were lying, or that your love would never be enough for you to stay by his side forever like you always claimed you would. It was a strike to the heart whenever he simply brushed off your feelings, but you didn’t care. What hurt you more was seeing him, your childhood friend, the love of your life, in pain.
“I-I…” Your voice trembled as much as your body did as you shakily stood up from your position, standing to look Loki in his eyes. “I am yours. Yours to keep, to own, to do whatever you command me to do.”
“Are you mad?” Loki huffed out, taking a few steps backwards, “Stay here, with me, and you will face endless pain and misery. Stay with me, and you will receive nothing but hatred and looks of resentment. Stay here, and you will never, never, receive the love you want from me.”
“I do not care.” You spoke firmly, your gaze strong as you looked deep into his eyes, “I swore an oath to you long ago. I will stand by your side to protect you until my dying breath. And even if I didn’t have an oath, I could never leave you, I never will, Loki.”
“Quit that nonsense (Y/n)!” Loki hissed, stepping close towards you, his hand grabbing you by the neck. “You only speak such words because of that oath. You lie. LIE!”
“A-as… as the God of Mischief, you clearly know when one lies.” You choked out, your hand moving to grip on his, “I would never l-lie... Not to you.”
You felt him tighten his grip around your neck, suffocating you further, and you no longer felt the ground beneath your feet. Your eyes tightly close and a gasp escapes your lips, your own grip tightening against Loki’s wrist. If this was how you were to end, you were at least glad that it was by the hand of Loki.
One last time, you opened your eyes to meet with Loki’s, seeing the pain he hid so well yet so easily seen by you. Darkness began to creep into your vision slowly but surely. You closed your eyes once more, awaiting your impending doom.
You suddenly felt yourself hit the ground, your body immediately taking in the oxygen it lacked as you gasped and coughed. You touched your neck right where Loki held you, looking up at the male. You could tell that he was frustrated more than ever, and you expected him to send you flying half way across the room any moment now. You closed your eyes, and waited for your impending doom.
But it never came.
Instead, you heard Loki drop to the ground, causing your eyes to shoot open. Your instinct immediately told you to wrap your arms around him protectively and ask if he was okay, but the sobs that Loki emitted took you by surprise. You froze on the spot, opening your mouth, only for no words to come out.
“I don’t… I don’t understand you, (Y/n).” Loki choked out, lifting his head up to look at you dead in your eyes, his tears continuing to stream down his cheeks, “Why? Why don’t you just leave me like everyone else?”
“Because I lo--”
“Cut that bullshit, (Y/n)!”
You fell silent, staring back at Loki as he glared daggers at you. “Love? Love!? My family once loved me, my people once loved me, and now look at me! Look at me, (Y/n)! I’ve been pushed aside not once, not twice, I’ve been pushed aside more than anyone should be!”
“But I’m nothing like them!”
“You’re EXACTLY like them!” Loki lashed out, his breathing ragged, eyes narrowed down as he looked at you. “You say you love me, you say that you’ll stay by my side, but guess what, so did THEY! They said they loved me, they said they’d stay by my side forever, but where are they now!?”
Silence fell between you two, it was as if time froze as you and him only looked at each other. You said nothing, while Loki attempted to calm himself, clearly taking his time in doing so. He then looked away from you, having more tears streaming down his cheeks. “Why don’t you just do me a favor and leave me like everyone else did? I’ve been nothing but pain to you. The only way I could take comfort in your eventual departure from me would be because you wanted to save yourself from the monster you say you love.”
“I can’t stand thinking about you abandoning me. You will leave me, and your departure will be what pains me the most every single day. I cannot stand around just waiting, so just leave right now before you break me even more.”
Slowly, quietly, you crawled closer to Loki, and wrapped him up in a weak embrace. Your body was in complete pain, but you didn’t care. You tried to tighten your grip around him, but you could only do so much. Taking deep breaths, you worked up a shaky voice to finally speak up to him.
“I-I… I am yours.” You spoke ever so softly, burying your face into his shoulder. “I am yours, and only yours.”
“I am your friend, I am your companion, and I am your comfort as much as you are to me.” You continued, voice slowly breaking as you spoke more, closing your eyes as you tried to stop your own tears from forming. “I know how much you hate it when I say that you own me, and so I’ll stop. I am no longer a tool, I am no longer just something you can throw away, so you better not throw me away.”
You took deep breaths and pulled yourself away from his shoulder, opening your eyes to looking at Loki, letting your tears finally flow. “Please. Please don’t make me leave.” Your face began to scrunch up as your sobbing began to grow more intense. “I-I don’t… I don’t want to leave you. No matter what you say or do, I could never bring myself to leave you. I know you, Loki. You don’t want me to leave, so don’t make me leave.”
“I love you, I truly do!” You cried out, letting out a wail as you did, “So please… Please! Let me stay with you, let me be with you! I don’t care if you don’t love me back, I just want you to never feel like you’re alone!”
Loki said nothing, his eyes wide as he watched you bawl out ever single thing you wanted to say, to scream. He always knew you were holding back things you wanted to say, but he never expected you to ever say it like this. His heart clenched in his chest, and before the two of you knew it, you were in each other’s arms. You cried into Loki’s chest, clinging onto him as if your life depended on it, and he ran his fingers through your hair, having a silent cry for himself.
It took awhile for you both to calm down. Since the room you were both in was a mess, Loki decided to move you and him to somewhere more comfortable. He took you to your quarters and began to clean you up as well, helping you begin your healing process. Your eyes were bloodshot, and your nose was running just a tiny bit now. As soon as Loki was finished with you, he sat down beside your bed, you two once again in silence.
Looking over at Loki, you noticed his hand on the bed, rather close to yours. Moving your hand, you placed it right on top of his. He was startled by the sudden contact, but relaxed as soon as he realized that it was you. Turning his hand over, he intertwined his fingers with yours and brushed his thumb against the back of your hand.
You liked how his skin trailed over yours. A soft smile spread across your face and you closed your eyes, enjoying the soft sensations. Right then and there, you assumed you were going to fall asleep.
“I’m sorry.”
Opening your eyes, you looked at Loki with a look of confusion. “Sorry…?”
“I said I’m sorry.” Loki repeated himself with a sigh, turning his head to the side, looking away from you. “I suppose that I… I overthought about plenty of things. I’m so used to others coming and going in my life, that I thought you were going to leave me as well. I hated that with a burning passion that I thought that torturing you ever single day would lessen the pain of you leaving. It’s… it’s stupid to think that way, really.”
You let out a broken laugh, holding Loki’s hand tighter. “Indeed it is. I thought you were more intelligent than you looked, Loki. What happened, hm?”
“There, isn’t exactly a reason.” Loki lowered his head, a pained smile on his lips. “You’re right, I don’t want you to leave. You leaving would destroy me inside and out. I want you to be by my side, no matter what I do.”
“I will be.” You smiled at Loki, his head turning to look at you. “I’ll say it repeatedly if I have to. I love you, and there isn’t a chance that my feelings will change soon. Even if you don’t feel the same way, I don’t care. I began as your companion, and I will stay as your companion. Though, if you do end up returning my feelings, that would be absolutely magical too.”
Loki let out a chuckle, tugging at your hand softly. He looked at you with a soft expression, then proceeded to let out a sigh and looked away once more. “Go to sleep, (Y/n). You’ll recover faster while you sleep.”
“If you say so.” You huffed with a slight pout, before turning your head to look up at the ceiling. You then closed your eyes, and silence filled the room. The warmth you felt from Loki’s hand calmed you more than it should have, and soon enough, you were fast asleep. Loki stayed by your side, his hand still in yours. As soon as he knew you fell asleep, he let out a huff of amusement.
“You belong to me, huh?” He spoke in a soft voice, rolling his eyes at your sleeping state. “How cliche of you, (Y’n). You belong to yourself and no one else. The more you say such words, the more difficult it is to resist saying them as well.”
Pushing himself up, careful not to move his hand and yours, he pressed a soft kiss on your forehead, lasting for a few seconds before sitting back down. “Since you like saying it so much, I might as well say it once, even if you don’t hear me. I am yours, (Y/n), as much as you are mine.”
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Love Letter (Peter Parker x Reader) Part 2
Peter Parker x Reader
Love Letter Part 2, a series inspired by SEVENTEEN’s Love Letter
A/N: Heko friends I’m back with the second part of Love Letter! So sorry it took long and that this part is really short but, I’ve decided to maybe extend the original 5 parts I was planning because I feel rather unmotivated to write lately. I have no idea why but I hope this is still at least decent. Drop a message or an ask if you feel up to it! Maybe your kind words would motivate me hahaha.
Word Count: 1.2k
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: None! (except maybe for sucky writing)
Part 1
It was a brand new day, and you were determined to hang out with Peter one way or another. This time, you didn’t plan on doing anything big, all you wanted to do was to talk. With a confident exterior, you headed out for school like you usually did, but deep down, you felt your heart beating quickly. This was the first time you were going to attempt to talk to Peter, just for the sake of talking to him.
Getting to school at your usual time, you first headed over to your locker, picking out a few books and notebooks like you usually do before classes. As soon as you finished, you rushed over to the other side of the hall, seeing Peter by his locker. A smile spread across your face, and before you knew it, you were walking up to him, calling out his name.
As soon as he turned around with a curious expression, his cute little face wanted to make you turn around and run away. Oh my god, did he have to be so cute!? Nonetheless though, you continued your way to him and stood right in front of him.
“Um, hi.” You greeted him with an awkward smile, waving at him at the same time.
“Hey…?” Peter greeted back, his eyes glancing around before looking back at you. “Do you need something from me, (Y/n)?” He asked, curiosity and confusion in the tone of his voice.
“Um, no no! Nothing really. I just uh, I just wanted to talk, that’s all.” You replied, letting out an awkward laugh afterwards. There was a brief silence between you two, only making things more awkward. “Uh… I just, you know, talk, yeah… After yesterday I was um, I was thinking that maybe I should talk to you more, and all that stuff.”
“Uh, sure, sure. Yeah. Let’s talk.” Peter nodded his head a few times, shifting his body to look at you, leaning back on the locker behind him.
“Uhhh…” All you could do right now, was look at him with a weird smile on your face. You tried to come up with something to talk about, but the more you looked at him, your mind grew more blank. Your heart began to race, you felt sweat starting to build up on your temple, and you couldn’t find the words to say at all.
Peter’s expression changed within the few seconds that you said nothing. At first he looked confused as to why you weren’t saying anything, then worried as he probably could tell that you were nervous. The last thing you wanted from this day was to embarrass yourself in front of Peter, and your brain immediately called for a retreat.
“A-actually, you know what? I, I think I’ll just go for now.” You began to back away from Peter slowly, “I think I’m just being a bother right now, s-so, I’ll talk to you when I can, yeah?”
“H-hey, wait--!”
As you turned around to attempt to walk away, you felt a force suddenly pull you back. Letting out a shriek in surprise, you soon felt something rather hard against your back. Eyes widening, you looked up to see Peter, staring at you with wide eyes as well. He let you go as soon as he realized what he did and let go of your wrist.
Peter cleared his throat, and sheepishly rubbed the back of his head, “I uh… How about lunch?”
“How… how about we talk during lunch?”
“Lunch?” You repeated, turning your body around to face him once more, “You mean, you want me, to spend lunch with you?”
“Yeah.” Peter nodded with a smile. His smile soon faded away and he began to ramble on, “I-I mean, if that’s okay with you, of course. You have your own friends after all, and uh, Ned’s going to be with us too if that’s okay. I-I just, you know, talking isn’t really my thing, and---”
The bell rang loudly, resounding inside the hallway. Slowly, the people around you began to lessen as they headed for their first period of classes. Quickly, acknowledging that you weren’t going to get another chance like this, you nodded your head and smiled at Peter.
“Lunch sounds great.” You remarked, words a little rushed as you looked around you. The people in the hall was depleting fast, and you didn’t want to be late for class either. “I’ll um, I’ll see you later, then?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Sounds, great.” Peter nodded repeatedly, letting out a small chuckle right after. “I guess I’ll see you at lunch then, (Y/n).”
“Yeah, bye.” You waved at him, turning your heel and now heading for your own class. You looked back at him for a brief moment, seeing Peter close his locker and head the other direction.
Lowering your head as you entered your designated room, you hid a smile from everyone else. Your friends were already seated in their own places, turning to you as you sat down in your usual place beside them. Without question, you joined in their conversation, rather chirpy compared to usual, especially with what happened to you the previous day.
“What’s up with you?”
“Yeah. Yesterday you were no different from a pair of sad, stinky socks.”
“What do you mean?” You questioned with a small laugh, propping up your chin on the back of your hand. “I feel great today.”
“Hey… Did something happen? Hm?”
“Yeah, did Peter like, propose to you or something?”
“Propose to me? That’s too far!” You laughed even more, now twirling a lock of your hair in your finger, looking as if you were in a daze. “Just… You know, have lunch with him and such…”
You friends around you gasped and began to squeal.
“Oh my gosh are you serious!?”
“Eeeeiii! Girl you’re one step closer to marrying the man of your dreams!”
“I mean, not really.” You grinned at your friend’s comment, definitely not minding it if you and Peter did end up marrying, “It’s just lunch, really! Plus his friend Ned is going to be there, it’s not like it’s a date.”
“Oh don’t you dare pretend you’re not ecstatic that you get to spend time with him.”
“I-I mean…” You tried to hide the smile forming on your face, only to let out a giggle, “Okay fine, maybe I am.”
Your friends once again began to squeal, and soon enough, you joined in as well.
It was only then that you and your friends realized that the teacher had entered the room, a stern expression on her face. Her hands were on her hips as well, and she was tapping her foot on the floor of the room.
“Are you girls done?”
“Yes ma’am, sorry.”
“Good. Now sit properly and face forward before I send you all to the principal’s office.”
With your strict teacher cutting off your conversation with your friends, classes officially began. You could barely concentrate though. All you could think about was later that lunch. Your imagination was going wild with the things that you could finally do or say to Peter, your little fangirl self taking over once more. You could admit that it was getting a bit unhealthy, so you decided to tone it down to more realistic standards. You just hoped that lunch later on that day would be decent and not completely all over the place.
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
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girlwholoveswriting · 6 years
Under the Rain with You (Peter Parker x Reader) Part 3
Peter Parker x Reader
Under the Rain with You Part 3
A/N: Oh gosh I haven’t posted in a while and I sure hope that this makes up for it huhu. Anyways, yay! Part three of my unintentional series is here! It might be the ending already, but, there are still things I want to do for this so I might add in more eventually?? Who knows, not even I do, haha! As always, I hope you guys enjoy and if you feel like it, drop an ask or dm me if you want to! Also, I’m sorry if this isn’t as good as the others, I feel very uninspired currently because of a few things but yeah!
Word Count: 6.1k
Genre :Fluff
Warnings: None
Part 1 Part 2
It was difficult to explain to your mom that Peter was no more than a friend of yours, especially with Liam butting in and mentioning how he caught you and Peter standing very close to each other when he opened the door. You could have sworn she would have grounded you if you hadn’t mentioned that he was the one that gave you the umbrella to use on that one day. Though, by bringing that up, Liam only emphasized more that you and Peter were probably dating. You loved your brother, you really did, but sometimes you hated how you had to take care of him and not hurt him.
The rain continued to pour the next day. You wondered how long this was going to last, but if the rain was a sign that you would get to be with Peter within the day, then you might as well perform the rain dance every single day. You shook your head to free yourself from your thoughts. The small crush you had on Peter was definitely growing, and it didn’t seem like it was going to stop any time soon.
Earlier than usual, your mom entered the dining room where you and Liam were, already dressed for work. Swallowing the food you had in your mouth, you called out to her, “Are you leaving already, mom?”
“Yeah, sorry kids.” Your mom replied in a hurry as she walked over to the shoe rack by the door, taking her black pair of heels and putting them on, “I have to leave work early today. Your dad’s coming home today, remember?” You suddenly froze in your place, eyes widening as you snapped your head towards your mom, “Dad’s coming home today!?”
“Yes he is, sweetie.” Your mom replied, turning her head back to look at you, “As far as I was told, he’s coming back some time tonight. Be back by then, alright? You know how your father is.”
“Yeah.” You sighed heavily, “Really impulsive and demanding of affection.”
“That sounds like you!” Liam remarked with a grin, pointing directly at you. With the expression on his face, you couldn’t help but laugh and lean down your cheek, making his finger poke it.
“Yes yes, I’m a lot like dad, I get it.” You puffed out your cheeks cutely, before sitting back up straight, “We’ll be home by then! Good luck at home, mom!” “Thank you (Y/n)!” Your mom replied, opening the door, “Don’t forget your umbrellas okay? And have fun at school!”
“Got it, mom!” You replied, getting back to eating breakfast. “Be careful getting to work!” “Love you mom!” Liam added in with a bright smile, waving his hand enthusiastically. Your mom turned around and smiled at Liam, waving her hand back at him before leaving for work.
At the corner of your eye, you saw Liam sigh, shoulders slumping slightly and he softly mumbled. “I really miss getting goodbye kisses…”
You chuckled lightly in reply, pressing a kiss on the top of his head, “Don’t worry you little monkey, we’re definitely going to get a lot of those once dad gets home tonight. Then you won’t miss them anymore, you’ll just want them to stop.” Liam let out a laugh, “Dad just goes overboard. I bet you tomorrow we’re going to be late for classes!”
“Well I bet you that we’re going to be late today if you don’t finish up breakfast soon.” You laughed as well, patting his head as you got up from your place and began to head to your room, “Leave the plates there and I’ll clean it up after getting ready, okay?” “Waaaiiit! Wait for me!” Liam exclaimed as he began to stuff his mouth with food.
“Hey! Slow down, I’m not leaving you!” You began to laugh even more, holding the doorknob to your door, twisting it, “Don’t choke on your food!”
You heard a muffled answer from Liam, smiling to yourself and rolling your eyes as you entered your room and closed the door behind you. You guessed that Liam was excited for today, knowing that your dad was coming home very soon. Liam never expresses how much he misses and loves his dad, but you could definitely see how his mood changes whenever your dad comes back home.
Soon enough after getting ready, you clean up after you and Liam as promised and waited for him to come out from his room. It didn’t take him long until he came running out of his room. Seeing him all ready for school, you smiled and put on your backpack, remembering to take an umbrella as well. Taking his hand, the two then made your way to your schools.
The walk on the way was just like any other you would have with Liam. You two talked about anything really, whether it was something trivial or about your family, you spoke to him as you would anyone else. Soon enough, you both reached Liam’s school first as you always would. Squatting down to his level, you of course went along with your usual routine of making sure he knew what to do.
“Alright, you’re good to go, then.” You let out a small laugh, patting his head, “Take care of yourself, okay? Especially when you head home, it’s going to rain again today.”
Liam nodded his head in response, a smile on his face. “I will! Don’t worry about me, and just worry about getting yourself a boyfriend!”
You rolled your eyes in response, “Peter isn’t my boyfriend, Liam. And, I thought you said you were going to protect me from boys because of dad?”
“Well, I can but…” Liam began to trail off, a cute pout on his face showing up, “He can protect you from the rain while I can’t. So make sure you get him because I’m still too short to carry an umbrella over your head!”
“Hey, as if you can say if I should go after Peter or not.” You poked his nose, hoping that your blush wasn’t that obvious. “Get taller so you can protect me then, okay?”
Liam nodded enthusiastically, “Yeah! I’ll even protect you with this--” You watched as Liam reached behind him, then grew confused as his expression dropped.
You tilted your head in confusion, “What’s wrong?”
“I-I…” Liam gulped, looking up at you with wide eyes, “I left my umbrella at home!” He began to panic, flailing around his arms, trying to figure out what to do. “H-how am I supposed to get home without it? I’ll get sick if I go in the rain! I’ll trip too if I just run!”
“Woah woah woah! Slow down there, monkey.” You placed your hands on his arms, getting him to stay still. “It’s okay, it’s fine, I already have an idea, okay? Listen to me first before panicking, alright?” Liam nodded in response, biting his bottom lip. “Okay, good. Now, I have an umbrella with me, alright? For now, I’m going to give it to you.”
“No buts. Since you go home way earlier than I do, I want you to head home directly like you usually do, okay? I’ll figure something out myself, so don’t worry about me.” You smiled comfortingly at your brother, raising your hand to his face to fix his hair “Big sis can take care of herself, and big sis needs to take care of you, okay?”
“O-okay…” Liam nodded, lowering his head in shame, “I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to forget my umbrella today.”
“It’s okay, it happens.” You hugged Liam in a comforting manner, placing your chin on his shoulder, “I won’t tell mom, I’ll just tell her that it was me who forgot the umbrella again. I mean, I’m the more forgetful one between us after all, right?”
“Yeah…” Liam lightly laughed, pulling away from the hug. You handed him your umbrella right after removing it from your bag, the little boy holding it tightly. “I’ll take care of it, I promise.”
“Good.” You smiled, and finally stood up from your place, “Okay, I’ll get going now, alright?”
“Okay.” Liam nodded his head with a smile, “Take care, big sis!”
“Bye.” You waved your hand, then turned your heel and began to walk to your own school. You sighed at yourself, crossing your arms over your chest. Looks like you were once again left with no umbrella.
“That’s okay, that’s fine.” You told yourself, soon enough seeing the gates of your school, “As long as Liam gets back safe, this is fine. I’ll just have to ask a friend for some help, yeah, yeah…”
You spent the rest of the day wondering who exactly you were going to ask help from. None of your friends carried extra umbrellas as you found out, and you couldn’t walk home with them either, a lot of them lived in the other direction of your home, and the rest had parents who wanted them home immediately since the rain was only getting more intense. You were unfortunately running out of options quickly.
Lunch came rather quickly that day, and you were beginning to lose hope. You still couldn’t figure out how you were going to head home without having to run in the rain. Sitting down on the usual table you sat on with your friends, you mindlessly played with your food for a bit, appetite not quite evident.
You heard your friend called out your name, snapping out of the trance you were in. You turned your head towards your friend, noticing how it wasn’t only her that was looking at you in concern. “H-huh?”
“We asked if you were okay, (Y/n).” Another friend of yours explained, letting out a small sigh, “It seems like you’re deep in thought.”
“Is it because you’re having a hard time with someone to help you?”
“Ah, well, I’m okay, really.” You let out an awkward laugh in response, rubbing the back of your head, “I’m just, yeah, having a hard time about it. My dad’s coming home tonight and I really don’t want to be drenched right before he arrives. Mom’s going to have to clean up after the mess I make, and that’s not exactly something I want her to do after an early day of working.”
“Sorry girl.” Your friend sighed, placing her hand on your shoulder, “I’d really like to help but my brothers and sisters are going to make a mess if I don’t get home early. You know how those little rascals are.”
“Yeah, sorry (Y/n). I’ve got ballet classes to attend as well after classes. I really wish I could help.”
“Oh! Hey! Girl omg, how about Peter Parker, huh?’
“Yeah yeah! Didn’t you say that he helped you out that one time you left your umbrella? He’s really nice so I’m like, 100% sure that he’ll help you again!”
“Hey that works out too! He did it once, he can do it again!”
“Wait what!?” Your eyes widened, cheeks suddenly turning red as the memories of yesterday began to surface in your mind. “P-Peter!? N-no, I definitely can’t. That’s-- Just-- N-no!”
Your friends looked at you weirdly due to your sudden flustered state. You gulped as simultaneously, their confused expressions turned into amused ones, grins spreading across their faces.
“You like him!?”
“I-I do NOT!” You immediately reply, shaking your head repeatedly. “I-I have no idea what you guys are talking about! Me!? Peter!? P-pfsh, you have to be kidding me!”
“Girl don’t even try us!”
“Yeah! We all know you’re into the nerdy type, and Peter Parker definitely suits that description almost perfectly.”
“If you like him, just tell us. We’ll hit you up for sure.”
All your friends giggled, and you swore that your face couldn’t get any hotter than it already was. At the corner of your eye, you couldn’t help but notice the very boy that your friends were teasing you about. Peter Parker and his friend Ned were seated at their usual table, alone once again, Michelle just beside them at a distance.
You looked down at your lap, fiddling with your fingers and biting your lip. You wondered what Peter would do if you approached him right then and there after what you did yesterday. You didn’t even think twice about giving him a kiss on the cheek, heck, you didn’t even think about it at all. You were in deep trouble if your friends found out, but you were also in deep trouble if you didn’t find a way to get home relatively dry.
Letting out a sigh, you stood up from your place suddenly, startling your friends, and began to head towards Peter and Ned. You could feel them staring right at you in surprise, then letting out shrieks of delight as soon as they saw where you were heading to. Gosh,you had such weird friends.
Soon enough, you were right in front of their table. Ned was the first to notice you, nudging Peter’s side to catch his attention. As soon as he looked up, his eyes locked with yours, dropping the spoon that he was holding. His cheeks noticeably were a light color of pink, and you were almost sure that yours was too. You gave him an awkward smile and a small wave. “Hey.”
“Hi.” Peter’s eyes were wide with shock as he looked at you, finding trouble getting words out. “Uh, um… d-do you want to join us?”
“Do you mind if I do for a bit?” You requested shyly, hiding your hands behind your back like a child, then turned to Ned, “Hi Ned.”
“Hey (Y/n).” Ned greeted back, nodding in your direction, “Peter told me about you. You’re welcome to sit if you wanna.”
“D-did he, now?” You awkwardly laughed, sitting down across from them, hiding your hands under the table as you fiddled with them.
“Uh, only good things, of course.” Peter put up a smile, then began to panic slightly, “Um, I mean, not that there’s anything bad with you or anything, just, y-yeah, I told… I told Ned a few things from time to time.”
“More like everything you knew about her…”
“Shut up, Ned.”
“Uhh…” You attempted to smile, deciding to cut straight to the point before something undesirable happened. “Peter, um, I’m sorry but, c-could I ask for a favor?”
“Oh, yeah s-sure.” Peter replied with a nod of a head, “What do you need from me?”
“I… I kind of um, I don’t have an umbrella again today?” You sheepishly laughed, your eyes glancing away from the pair.
“Oh, you don’t? Well, I don’t mind walking you home again. Is that what you were going to ask?” Peter questioned with a soft smile. Ned leaned closer to his ear and whispered something, to which Peter replied with a hard nudge to his friend’s side.
“I-if it’s okay with you! That is…” You nodded your head, finally bringing up your hands from your lap and pressing them together, “I really really need to get home today. I’m so sorry if this is a bit of a nuisance but I’m getting really really desperate and you’ve been so nice to me this couple of days so--”
“No, no! It’s okay (Y/n), really!” Peter cut you off before you could continue rambling on and on. He gave you a smile, “Let’s uh, let’s meet by my locker, yeah? You know where that is, right?”
“Y-yeah, yeah. Okay. Cool, yes.” You nodded your head repeatedly, clearing your throat afterwards. “Thank… Thank you, Peter. This really means a lot to me.”
“No problem.” Peter maintained the smile he had on his face, “I’ll just, meet you there after classes, yeah?”
“Yes, cool. Definitely.” You definitely needed to get out of there before you say something stupid. You grinned at the two of them awkwardly, before standing up and beginning to back up slowly. “I-I’ll just, see you there. Yeah, okay. B-bye!”
The two of them watched as you waved your hand stiffly as you slowly walked backwards, eventually breaking into a run back to the table of your friends. With you no longer looking at them, Peter practically melted in his seat and placed his head on the table. “She’s so cute…”
“By cute, you mean socially awkward? Then yeah, she’s adorable Peter.” Ned remarked with a sarcastic tone, getting back to eating. “You two are practically made for each other.”
“You think so?”
“Take my word for it.”
Peter let out a dreamy sigh, lifting his head up to look at you with his heart eyes once again. “Then gosh do I hope you’re right.”
Soon enough lunch ended, and classes resumed. This time, your mood was completely different. This morning you were completely distraught and out of it, now you were just as happy as you could be. You reason that it was because you finally found a solution as to how to get home without getting completely drenched, but in your head, there was a completely different reason that you wouldn’t dare admit in front of anyone.
Classes ended smoothly, and you first did what you needed to before meeting up with Peter. You even went to the bathroom to make sure you looked presentable. Once you finished, you grabbed your bag and made your way to Peter’s locker, the rain outside pouring like no tomorrow.
Reaching Peter’s locker, it was no surprise that he was there, waiting for you. As soon as he noticed you, he lifted his head up and smiled brightly at you, causing your heartbeat to stop so suddenly. You gulped, and put on a shy smile of your own.
“Are you ready to go?” Peter asked, looking at you from head to toe, “If you still need to do something, I can wait here.” “No, no. I’m good. I did everything I needed to before meeting up.” You replied with a small laugh towards the end, tucking a lock of your hair behind your ear, “Thanks again, for doing this. You saved me from the rain yet again.”
“I-it’s no problem, really.” Peter glanced away from you, rubbing the back of his head sheepishly, “I’m sure others would have done the same. E-especially for someone like you.”
“Like… like me?” You repeated, slightly confused with what he had just said.
“N-nevermind what I meant.” Peter immediately changed the subject with an embarrassed laugh, “Let’s just get going, yeah?”
You smiled in response, nodding your head. “Sure!”
Walking side by side together, you two headed outside of the building chatting away as much as you could, trying to think of topics to converse about. It didn’t last very long though as you suddenly stopped walking as soon as you saw a very familiar umbrella opened and being carried by a child that was half your size. Your eyes widened in surprise and ran over to the child.
Your brother Liam turned around as soon as he heard his name, a nervous expression melting away into a smile as soon as he saw you coming for him. “Big sis! Hi!”
In front of him, you crouched down to his level and held his shoulders, “Liam, what are you doing here!? I thought I told you to go home!”
“But I was worried about you.” Liam sounded rather dejected at your reaction, his shoulders slumping and smile fading away, “The rain was starting to get really hard when I was heading home and you didn’t have an umbrella so I wanted to wait for you instead…”
You let out a sigh. You knew that your brother had good intentions, he always did, but you were worried that one day it would get him into trouble. Putting up a comforting smile, you then patted Liam’s head, “Okay okay, you silly little monkey. Thank you for coming back for your big sister, even if she can take care of herself.”
Liam’s eyes seemed to light up upon hearing his little nickname from you, letting out a small laugh. “Of course! I should still take care of you too even if you can do it yourself!”
You looked at your little brother with proud eyes. You ruffled his hair as he laughed a bit more, only to tense up right after. Standing up suddenly, you turned around to see Peter still there with a small smile on his face. You smiled back at him rather awkwardly, and Liam peeked from behind you.
“I guess you have a way of going home now, huh?” Peter let out a short laugh, looking at Liam, “You two stay safe then, alright?”
Liam’s eyes widened as he looked at Peter up and down. An audible gasp escaped his lips as he pointed at him. “You’re the one my sister likes!”
Ah, how everything seemed to crash and burn right at that exact moment. Spinning around to face your brother, you grabbed him by his shoulders and began to shake him. “LIAM! YOU DON’T SAY THAT!”
“But it’s truuuuee!” Liam replied, trying to break away from your grip. “You like him! You really do!”
Your face resembled a tomato. Eventually you stopped shaking Liam and covered your face due to the embarrassment you were feeling. Liam looked at you all confused, before approaching the flabbergasted Peter, who definitely didn’t know what to do. It was safe to mention that his cheeks were pretty red too.
“Were you about to take my sister home again?” Liam questioned Peter, looking up at him with wide, curious eyes.
Peter looked around him as if someone else was beside him, then looked back at Liam with an awkward smile. “Uh… Yes. Your sister asked me to bring her home again because she didn’t have an umbrella for today.”
“That’s because of me…” Liam mumbled quietly to himself, though it was clear that Peter could hear him. Liam looked at the umbrella he held, then back at Peter. “I guess I ruined my sister’s chance to be alone with you again.”
With Liam’s comment, Peter’s cheeks grew redder, rather in disbelief that your brother was saying such things right in front of him. “I-it’s okay! It’s better if your sister took you home, right? Then you can be together for the rest of the day.”
Liam shook his head in response, “No, I don’t want that.” He then approached Peter further and took his hand, pulling him along with him towards you. Once Liam was close enough, he handed you the umbrella then held your hand as well. “Take us both home!”
You didn’t understand your brother, you really couldn’t even if you wanted to. You looked at Peter with wide eyes, apologies dropping from your mouth constantly about your brother. Peter merely laughed and shrugged it off, saying that it was okay. Liam, on the other hand though, seemed very pleased with himself as he managed to get you and Peter to once again walk home together. He stayed in between you two as well, making sure that you and Peter stayed close to each other.
“I-I’m really, really sorry about this, Peter.” You repeated yourself for the dozenth time, looking down at the wet pavement underneath you. “Liam could be a bit… handful, sometimes.”
“It’s alright, (Y/n).” Peter replied, looking down at your brother, “He seems really sweet though, and I don’t mind one bit. At least this way we could, you know, still push through with me bringing you home safely.”
“Y-yeah, I guess so.” You agreed with a small chuckle, then bit your lip nervously.
There was silence between you two for a bit, one that was different compared to yesterday. Instead of being light, fluffy, and comfortable, the silence between you two was a bit heavy, and filled with teenage awkwardness. It was safe to assume that it was all because of Liam, who pretended that he wasn’t there. It wasn’t long until he noticed you two not interacting as much as he had hoped though, and so he decided to take matters into his own hands.
“You know, since my sister likes you, maybe you should ask for her number!” Liam enthusiastically suggested with a bright smile, causing you to once again be slowly filled with embarrassment.
“She has a lot of freetime during the weekends, so maybe you can hang out with her then!”
“Oh! And she’s very obviously single right now. Maybe you can date her?”
You let out a frustrated sigh, while Peter let out an amused laugh instead. He seemed to be more confident with kids, you noted. “Do you want me to date her?”
“Oh yeah, definitely!”
Your entire face blew up with the color of red. As of the moment, they were talking as if you weren’t there with them, and you couldn’t even let out a scream because you were in public. A small, high pitched noise slowly escaped your lips, looking around everywhere but at the two.
“My dad says that she shouldn’t date yet, and that I should protect her.” Liam spoke, swinging his hand that was intertwined with Peter’s back and forth. “He says that I should say I don’t like them, but you helped my sister through the rain and so I like you!”
Peter let out a shy chuckle, his cheeks turning a light shade of pink, “Did she tell you that I helped her get through the rain?”
“Yeah she did! And she was really happy when she was talking about it. Even yesterday! And then there was this thing that she was about to say but stopped so I don’t know what she was going to say, but I think that she was going to say that she likes you!”
“L-Liam,” You finally spoke up, breaking your silence as you looked at your little brother, “You’re embarrassing me right now, could you please stop?”
Liam turned to you with the saddest expression you’ve ever seen. Your heart clenched with pain, wanting to immediately wrap him in a tight hug. “B-but--”
“Hey, Liam.” Peter called out towards your brother, catching his attention. Peter gave him a bright smile, detaching his hand away from his and patting Liam’s head instead. “Don’t tell your sister, but I think I like her too, okay?”
Your eyes widened as much as Liam’s smile grew. All you could hear at this point was your chest pounding against your chest, at the same time, you felt like your heart stopped beating. Despite the cold weather, you felt like your body was incredibly warm, most especially your face. You looked at Peter, seeing how his cheeks were a deeper shade of red than before.
Peter was looking back at you with a shy and yet, there was still a hint of confidence in his expression. It only lasted a few moments before he looked back down at Liam and pressed a finger against his own mouth. “It’s going to be our little secret, yeah?”
Liam nodded enthusiastically, a grin on his face showing up. Liam was incredibly giddy at that point, and the atmosphere around you became different as well. For the rest of the trip back home, it was silent, but somehow, that silence spoke a million words between you and Peter. Soon enough, you reached the front door of your apartment. With your key, you unlocked the door and let Liam in, the child happily running into the living room.
With that, you were now face to face with Peter, alone yet again. You held your hands together in a nervous manner, fiddling with them nervously. Peter said nothing as well, biting his bottom lip, looking around the area, looking anywhere but at you, really.
The silence eventually became unbearable between you two, and you decided that it was better to address the elephant in the room. With every single ounce of confidence that you could muster, you spoke in the softest tone, “...I like you.”
“I-I… I really do, I think.” You twisted your body to the side a bit, your hand moving close to your lips, the other gripping tightly on the umbrella you held. “Y-you’re just, really nice and all. And, even if I didn’t ask for it, you helped me. I’ve, I’ve actually had a small crush on you ever since we became partners in that chemistry project last year, so this isn’t sudden, I think. I-it just skyrocketed so suddenly.”
You then lowered your head and held the umbrella with both hands tightly, “S-so, yeah… Liam wasn’t exactly wrong… So, if you didn’t mean what you said to him earlier, I understand since you wouldn’t exactly want to break the poor kid’s heart.”
“I wasn’t exactly lying to Liam either…”
You heard Peter’s soft voice speak up, causing you to look up at him with wide eyes. He was already looking back at you, his cheeks a lovely shade of pink. He awkwardly smiled at you, and rubbed the back of his head. “I… I-I like you too, (Y/n).”
“I’ve uh, I’ve been kind of just, trying to hide it. I really thought I was being really obvious.” Peter added in, “That day, when I uh, when I caught you stuck at school… I wasn’t, I wasn’t really, uh, doing anything after class. I was… pretty much just, working up the courage to approach you.”
“And it’s funny because, I didn’t even do it right. I just gave you my umbrella and made a run for it.” Peter laughed at himself, his hand falling back down to his side, “I wanted to take you home that day too, but… Well, I sort of chickened out, but I was happy I at least helped you home that day. I didn’t expect you to help me yesterday.”
“W-well, I knew you didn’t have an umbrella.” You laughed lightly, tugging at your hair softly, “I wanted to simply return it, so I waited, and well, you remember how it turned out.”
“Yeah, I do.” Peter nodded his head, a small smile forming on his face. “It was the best day of my life, really.”
“Oh gosh.” You then pressed your hands against your cheeks, feeling the heat coming off of them. “This is really not how I expected today was going to go.”
“Me neither.” Peter laughed at your reaction, tilting his head slightly, smiling at you. “I think it went way better than I could ever imagine.”
“Yeah…” You agreed, voice trailing off softly as you two then simply stared at each other for a moment. Remembering something from earlier though, you then took out your phone and unlocked it. “I-I think I should, give you my number now.”
“Oh. Oh right, right!” Peter then took out his phone as well, doing the same thing as you were. He handed you his phone and you handed him yours to input each other’s phone numbers. As soon as you finished, you handed back each other’s phone and kept it once more.
Peter looked at you with a wide smile, and you returned the smile. “I guess we’re dating now, huh?”
“I guess so.” You nodded, biting your bottom lip and looking down at the ground, foot swirling against the floor you stood on. Before you knew it, you found yourself suddenly wrapped in an embrace from none other than Peter himself. You could feel a pair of lips press against your head as well, causing your breath to hitch.
Not even before Peter could pull away, you heard a loud thud of multiple things drop down to the floor. Looking in the direction of the sound, you felt as if everything was once again crashing and burning around you. There in front of you and Peter, was the very man you shared your hair color with, bags surrounding him. Your dad was finally home.
“U-um!” You immediately pulled away from Peter, keeping your hands to yourself, “I-I can explain myself! Ahahahaha!”
In that exact moment, the door to the apartment opened once again, and Liam was standing right there. “Did you two get together yet?”
You snapped your head towards Liam, pushing him back inside the apartment, “SHHHHHHH!!!”
Liam turned his head and saw the second man standing in the hallway. “Ah! It’s dad!”
“What is the meaning of this!?” Your dad bellowed, startling you and Peter.
“Peter! Run!”
“B-bye (Y/n)! I’ll see you tomorrow! I-it was nice meeting you, sir!”
Peter ran for his life, while you were still working on saving yours. Your dad was home earlier than expected, as he wanted to surprise your family, only for him to be surprised instead. Everything was a complete mess when your mom arrived home. Your father was both mad and upset with the fact that you now had another boy in your life aside from him and Liam, to which Liam would reply that Peter was going to be a great big brother to him. In that situation, your mom was your only saving grace, only for her to laugh at you, your father, and Liam. Dinner was a complete mess that night.
After dinner, you decided to get ready for bed to avoid the mess you had made. Returning from the shower, you came back to a message on your phone. Reading the name of the sender, a smile spread across your face and jumped onto your bed.
P: “That was a really bad first impression, I don’t think your dad is going to ever like me now”
Y/i: “Dad just overreacts a lot, don’t worry about it! Though, I might not be able to walk home with you for a bit ahahaha...”
You were about to set your phone down as soon as you sent the message, but to your surprise, you received a message almost immediately after sending it.
P: “I’m sorry ;;”
You let out a small laugh, typing your response.
Y/i: “Make up for it during lunch tomorrow ;)”
P: “Lunch? Tomorrow? Yeah I can do that! I can definitely do that!”
Peter grew excited at the idea of making up for it during lunch. He was laying in his bed, hugging a pillow close to his chest with the brightest smile on his face as you and him continued to text. He could barely keep still, rolling from one side to the other. He laughed softly at the responses he would get from you, clearly, enjoying the time you and him were spending together even if you were apart. You two chatted away for who knows how long, until you finally decided to call it a night.
“Aaahh, Liam’s definitely the best wingman ever, and I’ve barely even known him.” Peter laughed to himself, reading the last message you sent him, a short, sweet goodnight message with a heart in the end. God, was he a sucker for cheesy things. He felt his heart leap over the moon as soon as he saw the heart you sent.
Putting down his phone on his dresser, Peter rolled onto his back, staring up at the ceiling with the goofiest grin anyone could have ever seen. He extended out one hand to the roof of the bottom bunk bed, staring at his hand. “I never would have thought about even confessing if it wasn’t for her brother.” Peter chuckled, putting down his hand, “I probably would have never found out that she liked me back. Aah, gosh… My heart feels so light!”
Sitting up and jumping out of bed, Peter walked over to the window in his room and watched as drops of rain crashed against his window, the soft pitter patter of the rain playing softly in the background. He smiled, pressing his hand against the gasspane, letting out a soft chuckle as well. “Man, I really hope the rain doesn’t stop. I never knew how much it could actually help out with romances.”
Setting himself down beside the window, admiring whatever view was in front of him, Peter could only think about how you and him were going to move from there. There was definitely a lot to think about and do together, but nevertheless, he felt like it didn’t matter. He would do anything, even stay under the rain with you if you felt like it. Right now, it was your beginning with him, and Peter was going to make sure that you and him were going to have one hell of a journey together.
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