girly-lilis-blog · 8 months
Brazilian: fracos
im kinda bored of this whole computers thing. i think tomorrow im gonna go outside and see if i find some kind of creature to look at
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girly-lilis-blog · 9 months
A Collection of Greek Keywords for Hellenic Pagans (kharis, miasma, etc.)
Kharis means 'grace' or 'favour' and it is in reference to the reciprocal nature of our relationships with the gods.
Liddell and Scott describe it as, "A grace or favour felt on the part of the doer but more frequently on the part of the receiver in the form or thankfulness and gratitude."
It essentially means a favour done in delight. This can be both the offering we give to the gods, and the favours and blessings the gods bestow upon us.
Kharis is both the action of offering and worshipping and also what is built between a worshipper and a god through the actions of offering and reverence. It can be used like this:
'Giving an offering to the gods is an example of kharis.'
'I have built up kharis with Apollo over the years.'
Khaire or khairete are words that mean 'hail', 'farewell', or 'blessings'.
It can be used to greet someone, either as hello or farewell (I use it at the end of some of my posts). It can also be used at the end of a prayer.
Khaire is used to address one person or god, and khairete is used to address a group.
Miasma means 'stain', 'pollution', 'defilement', or 'stain of guilt'.
It is a type of spiritual pollution that a person or a place can collect through either happenstance or deliberate action. It makes us spiritually unclean but there is no damnation involved in miasma and thus is not similar to sin. Sin is more comparable to agos, which is mentioned later.
We tend to collect miasma while going about day-to-day life, almost like getting our hands dirty while working. The stain it refers to is always one of a spiritual nature; miasma is a strictly spiritual concept.
It makes a person or place ritually impure, hence it is inappropriate to interact with the divine while in a miasmic state. The gods are said to reject the offerings of a miasmic person or to vacate a miasmic place until it is cleansed.
Human blood is also considered to be miasmic when spilled outside of battle, though this is not the case for menstrual blood (although I tend to avoid praying and doing rituals during that week anyway as I consider it to not be my cleanest state possible. I use this time to tend to my altar physically instead, cleaning it and reorganizing it).
Miasma is very common, everyone gets it, mostly due to plain daily life, though sometimes due to deliberate actions. Miasma can always be cleansed.
Sources of miasma include:
Death in the home - Pollutes the grieving and the home. People and home need to be cleansed before interacting with the gods or going to temple.
Birth - Because of the blood involved. Mother and baby are considered by traditional standards to be miasmic for three days postpartum and both are generally cleansed at five days postpartum.
Intercourse - Both parties are polluted by the act and must be cleansed before interacting with the gods or going to temple.
M*rder/m*nsl*ughter - This collects both miasma and agos. The m*rderer becomes miasmic, and a place can become miasmic if a m*rderer is free and unpunished there. This does not apply to blood spilled in battle.
There is a line in Hesiod's Works and Days that refers to the action of cleansing oneself of miasma before interacting with the gods. It reads, "Never pour a libation of sparkling wine to Zeus after dawn with unwashen hands, nor to others of the deathless gods."
Khernips means 'handwash', or 'lustral water'.
It is basically Hellenic holy water. It is used to purify ourselves of miasma before interacting with the gods.
It can be made by dropping burnt herbs or laurel leaves (bay leaves) in clean water, or by dropping a lit match in clean water. Simply washing our hands in plain water can work symbolically as well if done with the specific intention of purifying oneself.
Agos means 'curse', 'pollution', or 'abomination'.
It can be considered as a step up to miasma and, while not quite the same, it could also be considered comparable to sin. It is brought about through deliberate actions and it is very difficult, if not impossible, to cleanse. Agos can also invoke the divine wrath of the gods, so it does involve a form of damnation
Some things that cause/invoke agos include:
Having intercourse inside a temple
Temple robbing
Bloodshed inside a temple or on sacred grounds
Broken xenia
The refusal to properly bury a family member or a soldier (even an enemy soldier)
K*lling someone who is under the gods' protection
Offering human blood to the gods (due to its miasmic nature)
Agos is hardly as common as miasma, so it is not something the general practitioner should worry about.
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girly-lilis-blog · 9 months
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# random girl bios .ᐟ
. do not repost or claim as yours
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
reblog if you think sign language should be taught as a language in schools.
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
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This shit is really happening here, we literally went through this.
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
How to show emotions
Part I
How to show annoyance
slightly shaking their head
rolling their eyes
looking to the side
closing their eyes for a moment
taking a deep breath
clucking their tongue
crossing their arms in front of their chest
tapping their foot
How to show hurt
turning away
avoiding eye contact
closing eyes
lips pressed together
eyes filled with tears
breathing deeply
How to show anger
clenching their fists
pressing their lips on each other
breathing loudly through their nose
eyes getting smaller
clenching their teeth
clenching their jaw
looking away to calm themselves
speaking with clenched teeth
whole body is tense
throwing things around
moving around a lot, can’t keeping still
open body language, like they are ready to attack
frown wrinkles on their forehead
prominent veins
grabbing someone they are angry with to get them to understand why they are angry
becoming violent
non-stop talking, ranting
shaking their head
throwing their arms in the air
eyes either going from one point to another while ranting or completely fixating on the person they are angry with
How to show excitement
jumping up and down
not being able to stand still
clapping their hands
bright eyes
flushed face
dilated pupils
tapping their foot
How to show boredom
biting nails
leg bouncing
playing with everything close by
twiddling your thumbs
spinning around
staring into the distance
propping your head on your hand
Part II + Part III
If you like my blog and want to support me, you can buy me a coffee or become a member! And check out my Instagram! 🥰
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
Hermes Offerings and Devotions
Playing cards
Playing jacks (UPG)
Bouncy balls (UPG)
Lucky charms (Cereal)
Rabbit's foot
Horse shoe
Magic 8 ball
Energy drinks
Road trip snacks (I like Hostess donuts)
Airplanes/trains/cars imagery
Foreign/new foods
Trail mix
Peanut m&ms (UPG)
Lyres/string instruments
Sandals/shoes/running shoes
Camping gear
Survival gear, like multitools, fire starters, first aid kits etc.
Small (stolen) trinkets
Language dictionaries
Work out gear
Zodiac signs
Car parts
Backpacks/drawstring bags/bags
Board games (UPG)
Dominos (UPG)
Pick up sticks (UPG)
Dream journals
Graveyard dirt
Cookie fortunes
Foreign money
$2 Bills
Dollar coins
Travel souvenirs
Old licenses/IDs
Sport trophies/jerseys/jackets/gear
Video games
Magic kits
Oranges/Lemons (UPG)
Devotional Acts
Write letters
Go for walks
Road trips
Learn about alchemy, astrology, lucid dreaming/astral travel, astronomy, etc.
Learn basic car maintenance (change a tire, jump a car, change air filter, check oil etc.)
Give money/socks/cigarettes/water/food to panhandlers
Go talk to a panhandler and keep them company for a bit. I usually smoke a cigarette with them (only time I smoke) and just chat.
Public speaking
Tip well
Learn new language
Learn ASL
Work out
Drive safely and predictably
Use your blinker fools
Clean your car
Make a travel altar
Get a passport
Practice keyboarding
Have a penpal
Train your voice
Magic tricks
Check your mail/email regularly
Low risk gambling, like lotto tickets
Riskier gambling if you're mindful of it
Make sigils
Have a race
Play a tag
Be nice to wait staff
Play sports
Make maps of trails near you
Make maps of whatever you want
Play uke/string instruments
Make herms
Uphold confidentiality
Coin tricks
Be a reliable worker
Thrifting/yard saling
Dumpster diving
Making trades and barters
Help look for missing people/pets
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
people who shit on the gods in 2023? cringe. very cringe.
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
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After all she is his twin, she knows what he must be.
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girly-lilis-blog · 1 year
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Depression/Adhd study tips coming from someone who has depression, anxiety, and ADHD. All of these I try to do
Make the process as bearable as possible. Put on those fuzzy socks you like, comfy clothes, pour yourself your favorite drink, and have a treat while studying
Pavlov yourself into it
I've found that when I do these, it both helps sit down and get started, and it makes my brain associate it with positive things.
If you have the option, have a specific place you do schoolwork.
I happen to have like 3 desks in my dorm, even though I live in a single 🙃 So I have a desk where I have fun stuff, like my TV and gaming console, and a work desk which has my printer, laptop, and Kettle.
Minimize your distractions. Given that I'm currently writing this in procrastination, I'm lowkey failing that, but that's okay. You're going to get distracted sometimes. What matters is getting something done.
What did help minimize distractions is that I drink tea while I work. So I moved my kettle to my desk so I wouldn't have to get up and walk across my room every half hour
Find lighting that works for you. Some people might like soft lighting,
for me if I'm studying at night I need all the lights on to minimc daylight as much as possible.
Notice what you happen to be wearing or doing when your being productive. Like after you get your work done. We're you sitting in a specific position? what was the environment like? what were you wearing, was your hair up or down? were you wearing shoes?
Oddly, for me, I'm most productive if I'm wearing a bra with an underwire. If I need to clean, putting on shoes seems to cue my brain into its work time. Music usually helps me stay focused
If you take medication, make sure you take your medication.
Look, just make sure your basic needs, like sleep, food, and water, are all met first. Trust me, it is impossible to focus otherwise. Same with anything clamoring at your brain.
Regulate yourself first, like lay under a weighted blanket, meditate, or go on a walk. Those are all examples I do that help.
If you're nervous about an exam you're studying for and your stomach is in knots, you're never gonna retain the info. So take care of yourself first.
Block off more time than you think you need. Should this only take an hour? block off 2.5 hours. Especially if you have adhd and you aren't hyperfocused, you're gonna get distracted. Sometimes, you might not finish. that's okay. The goal is to have something. A word, a sentence, a page. Even if it's not a lot, something is better than nothing.
if you're really struggling with an assignment, half ass it. something is better than nothing, and yeah, you might fail it, but at least I'll be a 20% rather than a 0%.
Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
monthly beauty routine.
(staples for models)
1. lash extensions or lifts — depending on what your job allows, it might be better to get lash lifts instead. EVERY 2-3 WEEKS.
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2. brow shaping — waxing, threading, etc. EVERY 2-3 WEEKS.
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3. mani-pedis — french, clear, white, pink, or nude tones. EVERY 2 WEEKS.
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4. facials — microdermabrasion, peels, dermaplanning, hydrafacials, etc. ONCE A MONTH.
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5. professional hair removal treatments — waxing, electrolysis, or laser. frequency depends on which treatment you choose. typically it’s 1-2x A MONTH.
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appointment layout.
week 1: facial & mani-pedi
week 2: brow shaping & lash extensions or lift
week 3 or 4: professional hair removal
(repeat each month)
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
Hellenic Polytheism Masterpost
Hi everyone! I know there are a lot of these out there, but here are my personal favorite resources. I linked to the source on all the posts I could, but as some blogs have been deactivated, the links for those are just to my reblog. Also, the blogs whose posts I’ve linked here have many more resources, so check them out! Hope this helps!
Blogs, Websites, and Masterposts
Theoi.com An essential resource for myths, cults, and historical information on the Gods
Theoi.com’s library of classic texts
thegrapeandthefig’s Masterpost
List of Greek Gods & Goddesses
Delphic Maxims MasterpostModern insights into the Delphic Maxims
Offerings & Worship
Small Devotional Acts Masterpost
Things you could put in a devotional journal
Methods to Bond with Deities
Greek God Offerings
Worship for Chthonic deities
The Theoi in our Actions
Simple offerings to the Greek Gods
How to Build Kharis
Respecting the Gods
Pillars of Hellenismos
How to make a libation
Libations: Pouring One Out for Your (Godly) Homie
Easy Ways to Connect More Strongly with Your Dieties
Ways to Get Messages From Deities
Offerings for Deities
Tips & Advice
Advice for baby Hellenic Polytheists
Struggling Polythiest Tips
Advice to anyone who is just starting out on this path
Chthonic worship tip
Spoonie Devotional Tips
Worshipping the Pantheon
Before entering into a Contract with a Deity
Critical Thinking
Signs You AREN’T Talking to Your Diety
Mythic Context is Everything
How NOT to act with the Gods
Things I have learned as a Hellenic Pagan
Basics of Ancient Greek
The Basic Basics of Ancient Greek
More Basic Basics of Ancient Greek: How to pray the ancient way
Who to Avoid
People to Watch Out For in Hellenic Polytheism
Hellenic Polytheist Groups to Avoid
Miscellaneous Posts
Former Christian Guilt
Connection with the Gods
Mentally Ill Worshippers
Reading outside the Myths
Hellenic Polytheism and Depression
Zeus and Hera in Myth vs. Cult
Introduction to The Underworld as Understood in Ancient Hellas
Xenia, and why it is our duty as Hellenic Polythiests/Pagans to be anti-racist and anti-fascist
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
Cheesy Holiday Card Masterpost
I've officially done a full year of those, and since a lot of those festivals will not be relevant to me due to my calendar change, I'm not sure I will be making a set of new ones. If I don't forget, I will probably be reblogging them when the timing is right. However, should anyone want to use them, here's the compilation.
Rural Dionysia + x x
City Dionysia
Mounychia + Brauronia
Oschophoria + Pyanopsia
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
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Amanda Mthandi
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 23 May 1996
Ethnicity: South African
Occupation: Prof soccer player
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
I'm kinda curious, age regressors and pet regressors of this world, which country are you from?
I'm latina, Brazilian and you guys?
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girly-lilis-blog · 2 years
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Gender: Two spirit (they/them)
Sexuality: Lesbian
DOB: 7 November 1946
Ethnicity: White, Native American (Menominee)
Occupation: Writer, artist, activist
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