give-a-wormadam · 2 months
I'm giving rotomblr a second chance, which I don't do very often.
Don't let me down.
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give-a-wormadam · 2 months
"Eat the rich"? Please. I'm too bitter for your tastes.
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give-a-wormadam · 4 months
Gee, I wonder what my favorite bug is.
It's not like it's in my url or anything.
First real post. Might as well make it about the best type.
What's everyone's favorite bug?
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
I never said I believed it, but alright.
Allegedly, there are behind the scenes recordings of her co-stars calling her by the stand-in's real name. Of course, they could have easily picked up on the joke and played along.
Most of the theory is based on the posters for some of her more recent films, but again, they could be grasping at straws.
anyone got any good conspiracy theories they’d like to share? asks are always open, i’ll give my thoughts on any conspiracy you tell me about unless theyre bigoted.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
I've heard that the real Diantha has been dead for years, and that the current actress and league champion we call Diantha is someone else entirely.
anyone got any good conspiracy theories they’d like to share? asks are always open, i’ll give my thoughts on any conspiracy you tell me about unless theyre bigoted.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Send me a △ and ask a really invasive question aimed at my character
They’ll have to:
Rate on a scale of 1-10 how much they don’t want to answer that question.
Answer that question.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
At times I wish I lived in Unova, as Snivy appeals to me.
Although I doubt it would be worth dealing with the filthiness of Unova in general.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
It's a meme. They're not always supposed to make sense.
Cool Bug Fact's: One day you will have to answer for your actions, and Arceus may not be so merciful.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Cool Bug Fact's: One day you will have to answer for your actions, and Arceus may not be so merciful.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Pokeball ask game! :D
Poke Ball - What’s a thing that seemed normal to you until someone told you it wasn’t?
Great Ball - Do you think you’re a good person?
Ultra Ball - Post your favorite reaction image :0
Master Ball - If you could gain the abilities of any one legendary Pokemon + immortality, would you? If so, which one? (If you are a legendary, pick a different one! Mythicals don’t count because then everyone would be choosing Victini :D)
Safari Ball - Do you like to hike? If so, what’s your favorite place to hike? If not, just answer with whatever you think is the coolest :D
Fast Ball - Draw a random Pokemon in 30 seconds and see if people can guess what it is! If you don’t have access to drawing materials, describe it in 30 seconds instead!
Level Ball - Which gym leader that you haven’t already beaten do you think you could win a battle against?
Lure Ball - Do you like to read? What’s your favorite? (Intentionally leaving this open! Books, poems, fanfiction— anything!)
Heavy Ball - What’s your strategy in Pokemon battles?
Love Ball - Where are you the coziest?
Friend Ball - What’s the silliest thing that’s happened to you?
Moon Ball - Do you like to draw? What do you usually draw?
Sport Ball - Do you play any sports?
Net Ball - Have you consumed any water lately? Don’t forget to do that!
Dive Ball - Do you like to swim? Are you good at it?
Nest Ball - What flying type Pokemon do you think would make the best cookies?
Repeat Ball - Share a song you could listen to on repeat for hours without getting tired of it!
Timer Ball - How are you with doing things under pressure?
Luxury Ball - Thoughts on glitter? :D
Premier Ball - Odd numbers or even numbers?
Dusk Ball - What time of day do you feel the most awake at?
Heal Ball - How do you help someone when they’re sad?
Quick Ball - What’s an insult/compliment/phrase that you’ve had saved in your head, but haven’t gotten the chance to use yet?
Cherish Ball - What’s your greatest treasure? (Literally or metaphorically :D)
Park Ball - What would your ideal world be like?
Dream Ball - Share a dream that you remember! If you don’t remember your dreams, tell us about your favorite candy!
Beast Ball - What are your thoughts on legendary Pokémon?
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Remind me not to go through Connecting Cave if I haven't been to a pokemon center recently.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Battle-obsessed trainers are so bothersome. Yes, I know Wormadam and Mothim aren't very combative pokemon. No, I'm not using them for combative purposes. And why in Arceus' green world would I want to battle you?
That's a rhetorical question, I don't want you to argue your case.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
For the love of... this Bounsweet just showed up outside my window and is demanding to be let in.
And I am not just going to let a pokemon order me around.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
Hot take: Zebstrika Cakes are absolute trash and you should learn how to bake your own cupcakes. It might even be more affordable that way.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
I keep running into Combee, but they're all male. I just want a female one so I can have a Vespiqueen, is that too much to ask?
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
//this is an in-character poll!
Reblogs are appreciated.
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give-a-wormadam · 6 months
When life gives you lemons, try to sell them to someone who actually likes lemons.
In other words, hi, would you like to buy a lemon?
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