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                                                 Christmas-G i f t - A f u t u r e together
1) Set the fire to the third Bar - 'Snow Patrol' | 2) Right here - 'Ashes Remain' | 3) Thinking out Loud - 'Boyce Avenue' | 4) Wake up - 'EDEN' | 5) Ignite - 'Fred V & Grafix' | 6) Petrichor - 'Koven' ( instrumental ) | 7) Let's Kill Tonight - 'Panic! At the Discothek' | 8) Polarheart - 'Enigma' | 9) Porcelain - 'Skott' | 10) Line it up - 'Stephen' | 11) Chasing Cars - 'Snow Patrol' | 12) Without you - 'Ashes Remain' | 13) Like a Machine - 'Thousand Foot Krutch' | 14) Facing Demons - 'Zack Hemsey' ( instrumental )
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                                             So wake me up when it's all over                                               When I'm wiser and I'm OLDER                                              All this time I was finding myself                                                  And I didn't know I was lost
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little gift for me, art by demon :’>
showing Kenpachi with his partner Milana as well as their daughter Amera and apparently a new pet as well, not that they don’t have enough
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[ Kenpachi ]
That little remark – about a name – got quite a massive potential to throw Zaraki Kenpachi off his diligently maintained balance. Sensitive topics like that were better left alone, and this was exactly what he attempted to do when only possible. However, every once in a while a situation happened where it just wasn’t an option to sidestep the issue, so he was forced to confront it and risk getting slightly unnerved as an outcome.
It was one of these situations.
Nothing like that was going to happen though; he wouldn’t let it. Not when there was his love and his future baby around, for both of which to get put under stress, even pretty inconsiderable amount of it, was the very last thing needed. Cautious in a manner inevitably bringing to mind an elephant in a room full of china, Kenpachi peeled his head off Milana’s midriff and rearranged his rangy frame back to more-or-less sitting position.
“Got some ideas too, I s’pose…” A slight frown has grown upon his face and he tilted head left and right a few times, stretching his neck. Bloody thing went stiff from all that listening. “The thing is, none of them don’t seem to be fit. They just… y’know. Somehow ain’t proper.”
He tried. He really fucking tried. Last week or two major part of his daily worktime was being used up for broad and extensive search for a name. Its products in shape of two sheets tightly covered with names and respective notes running over the paper in all possible directions (upside down and one over another included) still could be found somewhere in the mess mounting on his desk, but he didn’t see a point in bothering to excavate it.
For some reason that remained a mystery for him people tended – probably even liked – to entrust Zaraki Kenpachi with the lofty and responsible task of finding names for things. Meanwhile Zaraki Kenpachi himself wasn’t sure at all that he’s the right person to carry out such tasks. To be honest, Zaraki Kenpachi thought he’s actually pretty damn bad at finding names, as any he’s ever given to anything have been taken – not to say stolen – from someone or something else. There wasn’t a single name he’s come up with himself, or made out of some smaller pieces at least. Nah, he just shamelessly snatched whatever he liked and stated that it’s his.
The more he couldn’t understand why out of everyone around he was supposed to look for names.
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“Maybe I’m overdoin’ it, but hell… It should be sumthin’ really fuckin’ good. Like, it’s not everyday you have a baby, yeah?”
Alone having the captain ponder and think about something as - one would want to presume - easily done as finding a name for his own offspring, was enough to make Milana smile and later drop into a soft chuckle when only he had peeled himself off and away from her self and she would caress with slender hand her belly that was bound to grow even more over time. Of course, finding name for own baby wasn’t that ‘easily’ done as one might want to announce it would and the little female was just as much knowing about that simple fact as the large captain was with gears turning in his head in such a way that she could nearly hear it. 
Surely, her reaction to such an amusing thing was softly palpable even without words to be spoken, and just as much she would lean back in her place ( what prompted Rascal to happily occupy his own on her lap again ) with that still amused little smirk. 
“Oh, I know, I know~”
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It wasn’t as if she hadn’t expected all the words coming from his mouth ( truly she had ), but the way it was even only presented was near a resentment similar in even be trusted with such an important task. “I only wondered if you had something in mind, you don’t have to find the absolutely ultimate one in the blink of an eye.” Especially so, when verdant eyes to drift back to the resting pup and then further to her own stomach still fairly small for the role of being ‘expecting’. 
They had time, spending thoughts and rummaging about, offering one each other some ideas ( perhaps the warrior would, after all, come up with something ) but if not? Milana herself was fast to know, easily pleased in finding one to really match and have a meaning far too fitting to really be something ‘accidental’ - but accidental it may just be. Little yawning dog to still occupy place all close to their new family member, would warrant for long fingers to brush past the silken fur. Knowing already too well that he would be a perfect ‘older brother’ in protecting the little being to be brought into this world---
---who would have thought she was even ready, even eager to have children like this? And now to be so welcoming, for the man she loved as well, to have a new life out of the two. 
“Hm~” Soft hum, to draw them both out of thoughts, to draw them back to the topic that her idle play with fur and clothing had broken up and dispersed, nothing major, nothing to displeasure, a mere habitual behavior in finding a solace and holding in such tender conversation they had. “We should probably begin to think about what kind of name we really want~?” Kind as in: ‘the meaning’ - for if Kenpachi was such eager to proclaim that the name should be fitting and perfect, the pair should ponder about hat. 
“Finding a good description for the child to have in a name, and then go from there to find one that fits~?”
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Careful to not make some unexpected and loud noise by knocking over some bloody widget that for sure would be just as loud and unexpected as the noise it was going to make after getting walked into, Zaraki Kenpachi slowly shifted through the night. Taking it step by step, that’s how you’re supposed to do it, right? Couldn’t be that hard. Just a little walk from the door to the stairs.
Hell, would be easier if their living room didn’t resemble a fucking labyrinth now.
Darkness was making things tricky, yeah, but he wasn’t going to give up. No fucking way. It was a quest of utmost importance, to get there, and giving up was just not an option.
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Inhale. Exhale.
He closed eyes, pushed himself off the wall and took a step ahead.
Straight into the abyss.
All his life he didn’t hesitate to trust his instinct – this time it hasn’t failed him either. Not sure about details of how he managed to get there without messing up half of their furnishings, Kenpachi opened eyes when he reached the bottom of the stairs.
Mission fucking accomplished.
Now to the next part.
Still cautious to an extent nearly abnormal as for a rowdy barbarian people used to take him for and that he after all was, captain of the Eleventh Squad climbed upstairs and padded to the bedroom. Luckily the door has been left ajar so he didn’t have to grapple with the handle and risk making some noise again.
Silent as a ghost, he seated himself on the floor right beside the bed and rested head against the frame, perfectly ready to spend night like that if only it would’ve save his treasures from having their sleep disturbed. A soft smile played in the corners of his mouth as he reached over to stroke Amera’s hair, gently, carefully, with this quiet kind of love as it was the only kind he knew.
When he turned towards Milana to give her similar goodnight caress, himself he wasn’t sure if he hoped more for her to not wake up or to do exactly that. There was a lot of hesitation in his mind and in his movements, a lot of push and pull, and to the very last second he couldn’t be sure which option lied closer to the truth. After the last caring stroke he planted a little kiss on her neck and rested head just at her ear, whispering:
“Sweet dreams, sunshine…”
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Mostly, and unknowingly, to whoever would come across her ( hire her and quick as much, ask her to dispose ), she was indeed sent to get rid of whatever pesky little bugger might fuck up job that was far too important to even have thought of possible failure grace someone’s mind. And it didn’t matter if said ‘bugger’ was the actual predator, or perhaps the prey ( and roles could be reversed in an instant ). 
Waiting in place, the hum to be heard if only drawing near, underlined easily how less she cared about the whole surrounding, about the impending danger. So moment her ‘colleague’ made himself known, coming close and greeting with such lopsided smirk easily to be caught albeit darkness might obscure the vision ( they weren’t hunters, weren’t tagged without a reason ), there was a repayment with one of her own. 
Twisted, albeit such sweet as honey - oh, he knew about her, knew what such small form did hide such perfectly. 
“Maybe, maybe~” Voice to resound throughout the air, matching perfectly the beautiful grotesque smile presented. “But not so really~ The contractor that made sure you knew you would have company, simply thought that more power would get the job quicker done, nothing else~” 
But was it not enough snide towards the towering hunter? More power - as if his own would not be enough; would make it impossible to achieve utmost goal and provide everybody to be calm and silent just as their own graves would have them lie in endless slumber~? Oh, she did not care about the man, about his behavior - his own possible death wish before her - no. A work-partner for the moment, then to be left behind if job done well, or dispose of him as per order from the higher rank. 
And the army personally was the least of her own concerns.
Pushing slender form away from the wall, there was a stretch of whole body, tilting head, tilting upper part; to one side, then to the other, reaching up with arms that betrayed actual strength in superficialities, in wrapping them over her head and offering slight noise accompanying the movement. A show indeed - as if the little hunter had waited far too long. “Now then~ so that we found each other, and introductions are quite obsolete, we might get moving, shall we not~?”
Hand to rise, to wave slender fingers, curling index one in and move for the much taller man to follow her tamely ( oh, he would - and they knew ). One might want to think it a game between each other, a light quarrel between working partners, or between those about to engage in far more favorable activity - but Milana herself found it not worth her time, not worth her pursue either. She’d give him the runaround, sweetly and gently - far too alluring to pass it on~
“Not that our little contract becomes bored and thinks about sneaking away~”
That would be all too bad, would it not be~?
vicious, violent, victorious.
About three blocks from tonight’s workplace the mobile in his pocket gave off a familiar throb. Equally curious as annoyed, he swerved into the first alley and parked himself in a quiet corner behind a dumpster to check who’s come up with an idea to jack him around this time. Choice wasn’t that big – it was one of these pay-as-you-go phones meant to be used for a single job and disposed of right after, so it could be either his current employer or a mistake. Quietly hoping for the latter he pulled the mobile out and read the message, shielding the screen with his palm.
‘You’re going to have a support.’
What the hell–? As if he needed some fucking support. He was working solo. Always did and always will. Assistance of any sort was a ball and chain at best, no matter how skilled. When comes to jobs like that, two people meant only twice as many opportunities to make a mistake. Likely a grave mistake.
‘Okay, but if it dies ain’t my fault’, he typed in response and bundled the phone back in pocket as soon as the message has been sent. Heh… were they testing him? The issue of his loyalty was doubtful, naturally – the sheer fact he used to be a freelance hitman willing to join hands with the highest bidder was telling a lot about his allegiance to his employers and their whatever values, and when one added to it that his current boss not so long ago was nothing else but his target, whom once captured he had sold his former providers without a blink just to save his own hide, whole that deal was getting far more complicated.
No big wonder they wanted to check if he can be trusted.
Not that a merest notion of betrayal ever flashed through his head; it was a pretty stupid idea. If he wanted to save at least that cheap makeshift of freedom – if not life – he didn’t have a choice but to cooperate and do what he’s told, no matter how preposterous it could be in his opinion. Nah, desertion was simply not an option.
The thought that crossed his mind was outright different: it’s a trap. Many didn’t realize even remotely how fucking easy it was for a predator to turn into prey once he became inconvenient. Paradoxical as it could sound, ones who’s been sent to eliminate the undesirable individuals quickly were becoming one of them. They will hire a trigger to get rid of the ones who’s seen too much, and you’ll be tamely doing your job until you realize the last living witness of the crime committed is yourself.
Not so long ago he’s found it to his own cost.
Designedly and with full awareness they’ve sent him on a mission he wasn’t supposed to return from. In this business there was no place for mutual trust and never has been, but after this all he felt he’s simply going paranoid. They’re checking on him or going to kill him – whatever. There was no choice for him but to comply, so as well he could stop worrying his ass off about it.
Late at night – or maybe it was an early morning already? – the field of his work was silent and empty. Well, not entirely empty. Leaned against a wall at leisure, a familiar figure was already waiting for him. Approaching her without haste, he smirked in the darkness. Even if they’ve sent her to kill him, she was one of these very few people he wouldn’t mind to die in front of.
“Ah, so you’re gonna be my chaperon tonight… Guys in army have shit their pants that I’ll give ‘em the slip or what?”
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[ Amera ]
Uh…? Did mom just agree for a pond?
Flicker of a disbelief in her eyes has turned into happiness and then into mute excitement as Amera gained the understanding of what just has taken place. While asking that question she didn’t think that they could really have an own pond – and there her tentative inquiry met a response she wouldn’t have expected even in her most bold dreams.
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“Really?” As much as Amera felt like she was going to explode from the inside out, she still couldn’t believe it’s happening. “I can draw even now!”
Own pond. In addition shaped according to her design. Her mind already was full of ideas for particular parts of the future pond, little islands, waterfalls made of piled up stones and shallow hideouts where all the little creatures she was going to bring there could burrow safely in reed. Now only to sketch it all down.
“I’ll go and bring some paper!”
There were a few reasons why Milana would permit the pond. For one, Amera never really asked for anything; no matter just how small it was and how easy to obtain, she was extremely humble, and - therefore - she was easily able to permit her daughter to have what she was so interested in ( additionally with being so excited about it ). For second, it was her own house and garden the pond would be fitted to, and there they could simply do whatever they wanted---
---not to mention that a pond simply sounded like a lovely idea. 
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So yes, she did agree to a little pond. 
Excitement of girl was pretty easy to catch; what with her jumping up and going to fetch some paper without even waiting a second more would make Milana smile and simply chuckle, before standing up herself to make the aforementioned cocoa.
She was done with her work anyway, so it wasn’t that hard to simply take out some time for her. “The best would be---” Especially because it would fit nicely into the very picture. “---if you try to think of a pond that matches and suits the large tree in the middle of the garden~” There would be quite an amount of little animals added to it over time, she knew that.
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Things were done indeed, and with not overstraining patient of actual personified tolerance, Milana would mere chuckle and move to stand up from her seated place; after having signed the papers and all the important little tidbits to be done. Oh yeah, the other two furred fellows at home would - surely - be delighted upon the addition to their family ( they had enough hiding spots after all ) while alone the thought to that made her smile just lightly. 
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“Is done, we can go~” 
Not after properly saying good-bye to the once former owners of sleeping bundle in Kenpachi’s hold or - even more properly - saying good-bye to the little wiggling fur-balls at her feet. Best go now, not that the towering captain would like to pick one - maybe two - more of them ( not that she would mind nor care, what was probably not the best to know ) or maybe all - who would know. Alas, there was enough addition to their little bunch for now, and soon enough she would wave towards the elderly pair and - as it had to be - at least find a suitable place to traverse to their own home. 
Doing these out in the open ( with gigai ) could offer quite a problem, and a bit of confusion. Not that anybody could see the passageway, but two people vanishing in thin air could ( maybe, did they really care ? ) pose a problem. 
Place had been found somewhere in near-by woods, and all the while little fluffy ball, hidden in folds of captain’s attire, had not budged a single inch from snoring so quietly and comfortably. Adorable. Without a doubt the right choice. One, as apparently so drawn in thought upon protecting his new little friend Kenpachi just was, would be underlined with little kiss given to him by Milana. 
“Let’s see how our two cats will greet the little one~” But that to be seen in just a mere few moments.
To great relief on Kenpachi’s end, formalities didn’t take long – just a few papers to be filled and signed before he would become a rightful owner of the puppy. ‘Owner’ was not the best word to describe the bond that began to form between the louring captain and the tiny animal in his arms. It didn’t sound good even inside his head. Owning was not what one does with a friend.
Although it was not easy for him to admit, Zaraki Kenpachi could be a bit of a control freak – but he would never say from now he owned the little pup, just as he would never say he owns a baby. A caretaker, he would call himself. A guardian. A companion. Maybe a leader. Sure not an owner.
Zaraki Kenpachi could be a bit of a control freak, but he had learned that his fear of losing ones he cares about most cannot keep them from living.
He wanted the arms little Rascal was napping in so peacefully to become his home, not a cage. A place he would always feel so secure in as now. Arms that would always stay ready to guard him when he comes to seek comfort and protection, not arms that would pull him closer with greed and hold him back from discovering the world to the full extent.
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“So, are we going now…?” A slight frown crossing his forehead, he glanced at Milana in search for some hint. Puppy burrowed in the folds of his sleeves didn’t twitch an inch when he moved, let alone waking up. By some unknown instinct it already felt secure there, Rascal in arms of a ruffian. “Things seem to be done.”
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[ Kenpachi ]
The longer his ear stayed pressed against Milana’s bump, the more signs of foreign entity growing inside he was able to catch. First only occassional movements and some weird bubbling noises, now, when focused enough, he could feel something else too – a wavering aura of reiatsu, hovering over the skin. Sensing spiritual energy never was his forte, yet in this very moment he was absolutely sure he’s feeling exactly that: the reiatsu of his baby.
Maybe because it was somewhat similar to his own…?
His palm slowly wandered across the round belly, stroking it with care. He didn’t know why he’s doing that. Was he expecting some kind of response from that pink jellybean? Hell, he wasn’t even sure if it’s able to feel his touch, not to mention recognize him, yet it felt like a right thing to do. When had a choice, he’d let himself be led by instincts rather than rational reasoning, as latter tended to be often ridden with mistakes – so he listened to the first.
No matter how much trust did he place in his instincts, a certain emotional dissonance didn’t want to leave him. Maybe it was simply confusion, as he never had to deal with baby, his at that, being born, but this strange feeling was distrubing him for a good while.
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In the teeth of all conscious reasoning he was finding it hard, or awkward at least, to think about the baby as an actual person. It was just… it. Parasitic worm of endless appetite, growing inside his beloved woman and battening on her until, not possible to be sated by her anymore, will break free and break her apa–
Nope, he’s not going to look at this.
Sooner or later parasite was going to leave its host though – and it was his parasite too, so he would need to love it. How does one ever handle such? How to understand what the hell does it want? Not that he didn’t have a yellow clue about kids, there was Yachiru after all – but Yachiru was older. What if parasite will want from him something he won’t be able to give…?
He simply didn’t know what to expect from it.
A soft sigh escaped him at Milana’s gentle caress. He closed eye and planted ear against her stomach once again. By a while there was nothing. Not a sign given by the little creature, as though it tried to hide from him – a startled animal in its pit. Then, with hesitation at first, a wave of reiatsu dashed against his cheek. Kenpachis eyebrows lifted a bit. Did it recognize him…?
No, not it.
Far more adapt in reading what was so foreign to him ( how hard it may be, with having so much spiritual pressure, to recognize some as simple as their child’s ? ). The changes in them both, only served for her to smile. It was like it was for her: a child to grow inside of her, a child from a man she dearly loved ( and never thought it would be possible before ). And yet to watch him, carefully engaging with what was to be seen as unknown to him, it was enough to smile even wider - just a bit, as Kenpachi could not see.
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Amusing and endearing of a picture, when hand to brush away the long and nearly umkempt strands, to make it easier for him to simply listen without being disturbed by own mass of hair. To gather and garner ( relish in ) reaction of the little being to grow and created from them both. 
The little wave and dash of reiatsu from inside, Milana had felt it quite often before. Ever so often since the small baby just grew over the time, was it, nevertheless, something to just startle him for a moment. Prideful warrior and leader of the eleventh division, he seemed just a bit lost of what to do with such knowledge as this one here. Such knowledge that there had been something created ( not destroyed ) by him, something that would live, breath and grow - love him for the perfect father he would just be. 
Just as much, the female Shinigami loved this thought - yet no need to speak it out.
“She needs a name~” 
And there, likely and surely, Milana had mentioned the thing that would bring up quite a bit of thought ( yet having some ideas by herself already ). It was Kenpachi’s child, so if at all, the little woman would desire to hear his notions - if he had any. It brought up a reminder of the fact that the taking up of names for their beloved pets, had either fallen onto randomness, coincidence, or on her side. And all that just served for wonder if, by now and at all, the captain would be able to find one for their own daughter.
A mild tease, nothing more - as a few were already present, but the gently spoken sentence might draw him out of langurous thoughts and listening to the little being growing and moving inside her, as if communicating with her papa just like she would likely do it later. “I can tell you the ideas I have, but I wondered if you might have some of your own~”
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Truly, she had been looking for her child ( Amera was so easy to slip wherever she wanted ), albeit, with knowing her daughter to play in another room - to be save and sound, a mere smile to come up to her lips, while a tilt of her head followed for the moment. 
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“Yes, she is my daugher. I saw her sneaking off towards this place from time to time.” Not that she minded, for the girl game back unscathed. “I merely wanted to see what interests her so much. My name is Milana, it is a pleasure to meet you~”
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“Mhm!” A proud nod. “Daddy taught me how to catch them!”
Now when she thought about it… would be better if daddy told her where to put them after they’re caught too. Temporary ‘cage’ made of her little hands opened out a bit and she peeked inside to check if the frog is still alright. So much effort to catch it and now she’s not going to be able to keep it…?
She closed her hands back and glanced up at mommy.
“Couldn’t it live in our bathtub…?” Amera grouched a little. She realized pretty well that her newly conceived solution was nothing to work in long run, but she really wanted to have her new friend close – even if only for a moment.
Sight of the supposed ‘new home’ made her reconsider it once again.
It was a nice pond, and even bigger than the one she’s found the frog at. If she was a frog, she would be happy to live in such a pond, right? Sure more than in a bathtub…
A quiet sigh escaped her as she squatted over the side of the pond and released the frog into the water. Little amphibian looked rather relieved and without a second thought took a dive in the water just to disappear in the depths of the pond within a blink of an eye.
“Mommy…” A glance up. “Why we don’t have a pond?”
There it goes.
She knew just well it was a part of parental strive, to make sure her daughter was still happy with her own accomplishments, but would know when what she did, was not the utmost perfect thing to undergo. Learning how to catch the little being was one step, learning how to take responsibility was the second. And letting it leave and live happily in actually suited environment, a smile to twitch up her lips when, of course, Amera was able to realize it all, despite the sigh that made her watch the girl all too softly.
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“A pond?” 
Well, really, why did they not have a pond themselves? After all, the Shinigami’s home she called her own, was a rather large one, with a garden quite suited to offer place to not only one energetic pet, but by now three, that tended to jump and play around in spacious area ( two of them mostly hiding from the third, tho ). “I never thought about having one for our home.”
And of course, this would turn out to be a problem - now that Amera was perfectly able to catch whatever she wanted to have ( well, Milana would need to talk to Kenpachi about that... ), and a mild sigh would leave her lips, then for a smile to come back. 
“Alright.” A hand to reach out for a smaller one, to lead her little child back insight. “How about this? I will make you a tea or a cocoa, and you get a piece of paper from me and draw out what you think would be a nice pond, hm?”
Crisis averted, very quickly - now just to tell the wild captain later, that he would need to dig a pond~
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"Mommy, look what I found!" Puts a little frog on the table all proud of herself~
Not that Milana had any problems with little frogs in particular ( because they were actually pretty cute ), but it was by now the - fifth or sixth little critter her daughter had found and placed in front of her, while other ones before were butterflies or little caterpillars she could simply free in own garden ( so that Amera could visit her little ‘pets’ ) with frog now jumping slightly over her table it was something different. 
Especially because they had no pond. 
Maybe - yet - when Kenpachi would hear about it…. alas!
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“Hm~ that’s quite a cute little one, you did very well to catch it so gently~”
A little bit of praise, before she pushed back her chair and would stand up. The little caught amphibian was luckily to be brought to her in own work-place, means, her division, and Captain in charge and care for everybody around had quite the beautiful pond to watch and relax at. “How about we give him a new home? I believe Ukitake-taichou would be very happy about such a cute little new friend~” 
While waiting for the girl to pick up the new treasured being, the female Shinigami would open the door and let her out, let her decide where the small frog ,now again nestled in careful hands, would want to live. And given that her daughter was visiting these division-grounds fairly often—
—she would have all the time to say ‘hello’ to her new little pet~
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And even if he would have been exceptionally busy, it was an easy thing for Milana to take the little pup with herself and keep him around the thirteenth division, particularly because she knew her own captain was a gentle soul, and would probably like to watch the little ball of fur explore surroundings eagerly and play hide and seek with some surprised division-members. But so it would happen in the actually rather ‘brash’ appearing fighting squad of Seireitei~
All in all, the little dog likely would have more freedom than he should ( not that in mattered for anybody at all and in particular ). 
Mild smile from her side, just as much as from the still current owners, when name had been picked and, by now and with glance to peacefully napping bundle of fluff, wouldn’t really want to fit the little creature all too well, before a soft nod underlined the very choice of name to call. “Given how he pulled around on you to get your attention, it appears to be quite fitting~”
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As one would always need to be caught and fetched by pet of desire, to make sure even something as unlikely as matching personalities with new additional part of family, would be perfectly in place so nobody had a problem or would feel left out. Likely this little one, with name Rascal now, felt utterly and completely at home already - especially in new master’s arms. Well, as this was now finished---
---“And yet where everybody seems happy and content!” And sleeping. “We will fix up the formalities for you two~” Quick and easy, so that the gift could be taken home and be a new part of the family. 
Rascal sounded like a nice name for the little guy – not too common yet not too over-the-top either, not too long and not too short, and if it was true what the breeder said (Kenpachi believed it was), it fit puppy’s temper as well. Unknowingly, that lady has given him a perfect idea for the name, therefore saving Kenpachi much brain-racking and mind-twisting. Though before he managed to share the good news he’s got caught aback by another thing.
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“Yeah… it’s true.” A soft sigh escaped him and palm wandered on the neck to rub it a little – gesture he was aware of but quicker than his conscious thinking, what served it to stay beyond his control more than just occasionally. “It ain’t a problem though. It ain’t that I’m incredibly busy while at work. And I have a sort of work where dog can easily keep me companion, whether in office or in the field.”
Eleventh Kenpachi raised a mild smile. There came profits of being a captain – although he hardly happened to use, not to mention abuse, the privileges of his rank, in his division Zaraki Kenpachi could do whatever he wanted and not many wielded a power to forbid him anything. Such harmless thing as keeping a dog in particular.
“I thought…” He continued after a short pause, gaze of the single eye gravitating back towards the tiny being curled in his arms like it was no big deal. “…Rascal wouldn’t be such a bad name for him, huh?”
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bringmebackadog replied to your post:okay but pachi has so cute family, he should...
tHEY ARE ADORABLE. so adorable look at the bubs
milana is mainly really pretty
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and then we have the baby xD
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okay but pachi has so cute family, he should appreciate it
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bringmebackadog replied to your post:Milana in the background:
she looks so frustrated im lauGHING
i have two fairly similar faceclaims for her xD
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but this one is still the better one when it’s about that she is just so done XD
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Milana in the background:
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