gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Outside again
Hello it’s Gilbert but this time I have my brother and sister with me. My mama is working on laundry so she keeps on walking in and out the door allowing us to look out the screen door and admire the outside. Us cats see a lot of things going on outside. Many different people walk across the sidewalk. Children from a nearby elementary school head home and run through the sidewalk. Sometime’s kids will see us and yell “Hi Kitty!” as they walk home. There are also high school kids that walk through the neighborhoods. Some of them have loud scary skateboards. I don’t like the way they sound on the street! We don’t only see people but we get to see other animals. Our best friend from outside is Blueberry who we get to talk to through the screen door. Sometimes Blueberry and Gizmo will purr at one another. I think that maybe Gizmo has a crush on Blueberry but I’m not sure because he hasn’t sniffed her tail. There are also a lot of smelly birds that live outside. The other cats and I really want to go outside and chase them! Everytime I see a bird I shake my little booty and go “PURRMEOW” in order to intimidate it. I wish that I could run out the door again so I can hunt him! My mama doesn’t think I can do it because I have never hunted before but I know I can get the smelly bird. With only the screen door closed, I can feel the cool wind breeze through my fur. The outside also has many different scents. The cats and I could smell the grass trimmings because Uncle Frank mowed the lawn earlier that day. I love absorbing the outside surrounding with my brother, Gizmo, and Sister, Glimmer.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Hello it’s Glimmer, your favorite kitty out of us 3. This other day it was a little quiet in the house me and my siblings were just walking around, we were sleeping, hissing at the birds we saw outside. Nothing was really going on, it was just one of those days. But before the the sun went down, we heard loads of voices and car doors closing. Tons of humans walked into the house, we all ran away and went to go hide cause we got scared. I saw my grandma but that was the only human I knew. I heard something about family from church. I heard words like grandpa, uncle, cousin, and I wondered if that meant I was related to them too. So I went to my brothers and asked them if they wanted to come with me to say hello, but they were too scared so I went out on my own. I came out from under the table and approached the one they call “nana” not sure what that means but she looked friendly. So I went up to her and said meow! A smile appeared on her face and she gave me a pat on my little nose. Then I approached the one they call “grandpa.” He was a lot different from Nana, he didn’t seem to have an interest in me. In fact he took one look at me and was in disgust. I asked myself “Is it because I’m fat.” I really lost all self confidence after approaching grandpa, I just ran back to hide under the table crying. I felt horrible, like I didn’t want to see anyone ever again, but my mama Karen picked me up and told me that there are just mean people in this world who want people to suffer making them feel self conscious and stuff like that. I remember her telling me “I saw you met Nana, she’s a type of person you want to have in your life, when you see grandpa, walk away, you don’t need that negativity.” I love my mama so much, she knows just what to say to me whenever I’m feeling down.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
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Hi everyone it is Glimmer! I just wanted to tell you all about this amazing week I had. Waking up in the morning with the smell of my favorite kitty treats, tuna cookies on Monday was a great start! I yawned, stretched, used the kitty potty, then I waddled to the kitchen where my mama was putting the cookie treats in the oven. Soon after, the oven shot out the baked treats. That was such a delightful start to my week. The next day I thought that those treats were gonna be the best food I had all week, but i was wrong when mama brought out the leftovers from her dinner. It was oven roasted chicken, my nose couldn't get enough of the flavorful smell it gave off. My mama gave my brothers and I a small plate of chicken each. My mama should know that i don’t like to share, cause right as I saw my brothers getting the same plate of food as me, I snatched their little bites of chicken. Yeah i got them mad, but it was worth it, nothing could beat the taste of that oven roasted chicken. The next few days nothing special happened, my brothers were mad at me, I was still waddling with all of my chunkiness, so pretty fun if you ask me. The last day of the week, Sunday, the house was crowded with tons of people. Mama said something about it being church day or something like that. Since she knew a bunch of people were coming over she made a big dinner filled with mashed potatoes, steak, and macaroni salad. I was under the table the whole dinner and I stuffed myself with anything the humans dropped to me. Because it made me so happy I even allowed my brothers to get some without even getting mad, I wish this type of week comes again some time soon.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Hello everyone it is Gilbert! I witnessed a bully in our neighborhood the other day through the screen door and he wasn’t nice to this grey kitty (Gizmo and I call her Blueberry) that lives outside. He was chasing her around the house, under the car, through the bushes, he wouldn’t let her go without a scratch. I remember her walking past the screen door bleeding with a big scratch mark behind her ear. This black kitty just struts around the neighborhood looking for trouble. He always gives me this death stare and it scares me sometimes, I just feel so bad for the other kitties who are just sleeping outside peacefully and he comes by to just raise his paw and go smack smack smack! All over their heads while they are asleep. I want him to get out of here, he needs to go pick on someone his own size. After Gizmo and I saw Blueberry with the bloody scratch on her ear we were sniffing her through the screen door and asked her if she was okay. After this my mama came into the room and realized something was going on. “MEOW MEOW MEOW,” said Gizmo and I as we looked at Blueberry outside. Mama then went outside and discovered what had happened to little Blueberry. Mama was very upset but she brought Blueberry into the house and cleaned her up! Mama cleaned, dried, and put some ointment on Blueberry’s cute little ear. As mama was tending to Blueberry, my brother and I were worried for her. Blueberry is a friend to Glimmer, Gizmo and I so we always want the best for her. After mama finished she brought Blueberry back to her bed on a table outside where she could sleep comfortably. Then I saw mama go outside and make sure black kitty was nowhere to be seen. I am very happy I showed mama what happened because now Blueberry’s ear has been getting better.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
This week my mama had to leave out of town for a few days to compete in a floriculture contest. Mama had to identify flowers and practice making floral arrangements! I love being her study partner because I get to munch on yummy flowers. Once she left I felt lonely without her. My brother Gizmo doesn’t always like to spend time with me and my sister Glimmer steals my food! I spent most of my time being a sleepy boy and napping all over the house. A few times Glimmer and I snuggled together on Mama’s blanket. When I wasn’t napping I was either eating, using the litter box, fighting my brother, or chirping at the birds out the window. After two days of my Mama being gone she finally came back! My siblings and I were excited to see her and sniff her. She came home and I overheard her talking to Grandma all about her floriculture trip. She had to identify loads of flowers and most of them were ones that I have munched on before. My Mama’s floriculture team placed 6th in the state, not really sure what that means but I am proud of what she accomplished. That night Gizmo and I fell asleep together next to Mama; both of us missed her. I felt very close to my brother Gizmo as well as my Mama. Even though I sometimes think Gizmo is a stinky mean boy, I love and care about my brother. I appreciate the times my brother and I come together to hangout with Mama. I am very happy that Mama went to her competition but I am happier now that she is back home. Now I can have my fur brushed, tummy filled, and tummy scratched. I am very glad that Mama is back to spend time with her little baby Gibbert.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
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Hello everyone it is Gizmo speaking. Now that Christmas is approaching, there is a Christmas tree inhabiting my home. The fresh pine fragrance is very pleasant to my nose. In fact, I actually stood in front of the tree for eight minutes just to whiff and sniff the tree. I like to open my mouth just slightly when I’m by the tree because it makes it smell even stronger. The soothing scent is enough for my to want to get a taste of the tree. When mama isn’t looking I munch and chomp on the tree just enough to exercise my jaw and get a slight taste. Recently my mama has been putting shiny balls on the tree which get in my way. Sometimes when I chomp too hard on tree, a ball or two will come down and shatter all over the floor. Mama does not like it when my siblings and I shatter a ball because then she has to clean it up. She also worries that my siblings and I may cut our feet. I wish my mama never decorated the tree because it was more fun to play with when it was bare. I could easily jump on or bite the tree without worrying about objects falling down and shattering! After my mama arranged all the lights, strings, stars, and balls on the tree, I could barely wag my tail without breaking something! Although this stinky tree is no fun anymore, it looks very nice and sparkly during the night time. Hopefully my mama will fill the bottom of the tree with present for me! Even if the presents aren’t for me I am very excited to rip the Christmas wrapping paper to shreds! I hope my siblings, mama, and I have a very Meowy Christmas.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
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Good afternoon followers this is Gilbert speaking. Today was an eventful day. This morning I managed to slip out the side door. The outside has many thinks I like: plants, dirt, birds, and even other kitties! Because I am strictly an indoor cat, I take any chance I can get to go outside. Grandma was going outside to take out the trash; I saw my opening and darted outside from under her feet. I ran all the way to the backyard! I had finally managed to make it to freedom. I sniffed plants, nibbled on some grass, and even rolled in the dirt. After a while of being outside, I realized I did not know how to behave myself outside of the safe, warm, home that my mama provides for me. I dashed back over to the metal side door however it was shut! The loud noises, chilly weather, and fast cars began to frighten me. After I found no way to get back into my home, I began to cry. MEOW! MEOOOOW! MEOOOW! I cried very loud so that somebody could hear me, however nobody opened the door for me. I decided to lay down in front of the door and cry like a sad kitty. After what felt like forever, I heard a loud scary noise! I got up and saw a car pulling in. I was scared at first but then I realized that my mama was home! I got so excited because I was ready to go back inside, eat some kibble, and take a cat nap. My mama didn’t seem too happy to find me outside. She picked me up into her arms and carried me back inside. Because I was slightly dusty from running around outside, my mama had to brush and clean my fur. I got a little angry because I don’t like when mama uses waterless shampoo on me. Regardless, I am happy to be back inside.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Making Human Friends
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Good Afternoon everyone! It is I, Gizmo. Today my mama introduced me to two new humans, Chloe and Saye. Usually I can be a little shy around guests however I was not because my mama gave me catnip! I walked up to these girls and wanted to meet them. My nose immediately caught the attention of one of the girls, Chloe. Sniff! Sniff! She smelled very good it led me to trust her. I went right up to her and allowed her to pet me and scratch my forehead. I then let Saye pet me as well and she gave me a very nice back rub! I was beginning to enjoy the company. I let Chloe cuddle with me and even let her give me a kiss on my nose! Then Gilbert and Glimmer came along to play. My mama brought in some toys and my siblings and I began to play with them; we chased each other all over the living room! The guests recorded some funny videos of me fighting with stinky Gilbert and chubby Glimmer. After we played, the cats and I got very sleepy so we all went our separate ways: Glimmer went on the couch, Gilbert hopped up the scratch post, but I decided to accompany Chloe and Saye. I layed down right in front of them and allowed them to pet my lovely orange fur. I was purring and being a very kind kitty. I even allowed them to brush me a bit. Both the girls said I was a good boy and made me feel happy. I am grateful that we had visitors over today because it gave me time to socialize with new people! Overall I had a good day meeting new people and playing with my siblings. Maybe I will think twice before I hiss at someone entering my home.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
PURRR MEOW! Hello my name is Glimmer I am a 2 year old kitty who is very fluffy and fat. I am a big girl and that is because I like to eat. I love to fight with my brothers and hog all of their food. If my mama didn’t stop me from eating all of the food, my brothers would starve! I also like to try and steal food from my mama at home. I try to steal food left on the table. I’ll hop up on the table and dart across as I attempt to steal my favorite treats. I’ve gotten away with stealing beans, cereal, bread, and even chicken, my favorite. I belong to Uncle Frank but mama takes care of me as well even though I receive love mostly from him. I am very spoiled by Uncle Frank. He thinks I am very sweet and cute so he gives me lots of kitty treats and food. If I meow a lot or meow very loud, Uncle Frank thinks I am hungry and gives me extra food! Because I use this tactic on Uncle Frank quite a bit, I am a chunky girl. My mama thinks that I am slightly overweight but she is just jealous of my beautiful figure. When I am overeating like usual she will take my food bowl away and place it on the counter! This makes me upset because then I have to work for my food and jump very high. My mama has a goal of slimming me down a bit but I am unsure of how I feel about that. I know mama loves me but she sometimes feeds me nasty diet food for fat cats and it makes me go HISSS! For now I think I want to keep being fed by Uncle Frank.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Cats and Halloween
Hello and good afternoon everyone! It is I Gilbert! One of my momma’s favorite holidays is halloween which correlates to cats; specifically black cats. It is extremely easy for my momma to find cute cat halloween decorations around this time of year. Our local Humane Society, from where I was adopted, is actually having 50% off cat adoptions for black and/or orange cats! Although these examples show how the correlation between cats and halloween is positive, it also has a negative affect. We’ve all heard the myth that black cats are bad luck. This is solely a rumor that is spread by smelly dogs and mean-spirited people! Although many people realize that this is only a myth, some black cats may be mistreated by fearful or immoral people! If you happen to see a black cat, have no fear! BLACK CATS ARE NOT BAD LUCK!! They are simply sweet gentle souls with warm black fur that may or may not like belly rubs. A black cat is just like myself; a cat! Cats are also affected by halloween in other ways...
One of the reasons my momma likes halloween so much is because she gets to dress Gizmo and I up. Some of the costumes are uncomfortable, but I put up with it because it makes my momma happy. Some of the outfits I get put in are soft and make me look purrfect. My brother and I have been dressed up in many different costumes. Here are some of my costume options I have for halloween this year:
Pumpkin: comfortable, repeated halloween costume, matches fur
Mouse: mice are fun to catch, hat is slightly uncomfortable
Vampire: comfortable, well-fitting, makes me look fancy
Biker: very uncomfortable, not my favorite
Lion: Fits big on my head, matches my fur
With that being said it is time for me to to take a nap right meow. I, gilbert, am logging off for the night
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
Fear Free Feline Medicine
Hello everyone it is I, Gizmo. Today I’d like to share how all cat owners can make a vet visit less stressful for their pet. As a cat myself, I know that vet visits can really stress me out. When my mom follows these procedures during a veterinary exam, it makes it easier for the both of us. Here is the procedure that is best to follow:
a.) Minimize the use of the waiting room. As the waiting room is very busy with a variety of animals, it is advised that your cat remains in the car or is taken to a seperate room while waiting to be brought back to the exam room. If immediate access to the exam room is not possible, place the carrier on an elevated surface to prevent other animals from accessing it.
b.) Keep the cat away from other animals to reduce stress. As previously mentioned, it is advised that your cat remains separated from other animals. Other animals approaching him/her will only create more anxiety.
c.) Do not use “baby talk”. This can cause stress and anxiety. (This should not be used before, during or after the visit.) Instead, utilize a positive, firm, and reassuring tone. This will help to reassure your cat and prevent nervous vocalizations.
d.) Do not use a firm approach while handling a feline. Use a light hand and refrain from applying copious amounts of pressure. If an area needs further examination, consider a form of sedation or allow the cat time to relax and adjust before proceeding.
e.) Allow your cat to exit the cage himself. Do not rush anything, as this could create a sense of anxiety.
f.) Provide a warm, non-slip surface on which to examine the cat.
g.) Reward good behavior with treats.
h.) Consider the use of synthetic pheromones. Using pheromones on blankets and tables within the carrier and exam room 10-15 minutes prior will allow for a calming effect.
i.) When giving oral medications, consider mixing the treatment in with the cats food or a treat. This will make the medication more pleasant and the cat will be more likely to willingly take it.
j.) Pay close attention to the behavior being exhibited. For example, if your cat shows signs of aggression, allow time for him to calm down before proceeding.
h.) The veterinary staff should have all exam tools ready prior to the cat entering the exam room.
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
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My name is Gizmo. I am a 5 year old, neutered, short-haired, ginger tabby. Although I am thin, I have strong muscles! I love to hop onto high surfaces such as the top of the refrigerator. I have green eyes and a cute little pink nose. My fur is much softer than my brother’s fur. I was given to my mom as a gift. I was also her first cat. When I first met my mom, I was only a few weeks old! In fact I was able to fit inside of a kid’s size spiderman sock! I have now grown into a healthy and mature adult cat. I never overeat but I can sometimes be picky; food must have fish in it or else! For snacks I like to eat beans, oatmeal, and any small pieces of bread. My coat is shiny because my mom brushes me often. I like to be gently brushed but I detest getting my nails clipped! When I don’t have sharp claws, I can’t win a fight against my siblings. My momma also has to brush my teeth once in a while due to my gingivitis. I hate it a lot because the toothpaste is very nasty. It makes my very stinky breath smell slightly less stinky. Although I am a good boy I can be a bit cranky. As you can see in the second picture that my mom took of me, I bit her! Sometimes my mom annoys me so I bite her so that she will stop! Gilbert never bites my mom but that doesn’t stop me. Some people say I am grumpy but I am still a good kitty. I love to lay on and knead fleece blankets. My favorite blanket is a blue blanket that my momma often sleeps with. At the end of the day, I am the alpha dominate make cat and I rule this house! Thank you for reading!
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gizbert-blog1 · 6 years
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Hello everyone my name is Gilbert! I am a 6 year old ginger tabby. Even though my fur is slightly brown, I am still a ginger. I have large and rounded green eyes. My ears are very triangular and long. I also have freckles on my paws, gums, and of course nose. My nose looks like a scoop full of cookies and cream ice cream! My mom adopted me from the animal shelter 3 years ago when nobody else wanted me. I was returned back to the shelter two times before finally being adopted. Ever since then I've been best friends with my mom! I have a brother, Gizmo, and a sister, Glimmer. I like to fight with them a lot but we are all still friends. My siblings and I eat together every night. I love wet cat food! I also enjoy eating tuna and chicken. I absolutely love flowers! Whenever there are flowers home I sniff them and sometimes eat them! I am generally a healthy cat but I sometimes have tummy aches which cause me to get sick. Sometimes my mom will feed me canned plain pumpkin. It helps me when I am constipated because it gives me extra fiber. The pumpkin is kind of yummy but at least it supports my healthy immune system! I have been pretty healthy because I get lots of love and care. I always get brushed and get my nails trimmed. I am extremely terrified of baths. Whenever my mom tries to give me a bath I panic and scream! I am very afraid that I will drown! My mom usually just brushes me and sprays me with some waterless shampoo. I am also deadly scared of riding in a car. The few times I have been in the car I cried through THE ENTIRE RIDE. Even when we are parked with the car engine off I still cry. I like to stay at home with my family. I sleep, eat, and play all day! I am a very happy, lazy, and friendly cat. Thank you for reading this first post about me!
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