lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
the witcher s2 sentence starters
contains spoilers. some quotes are slightly altered to fit better.
โ letโ€™s play a drinking game. โž โ faithโ€™s a simple medicine for desperate souls. โž โ you donโ€™t frighten easily. โž โ itโ€™s what eats you alive. loneliness. โž โ i heard it all. fire, screams and death. โž โ youโ€™ve become a lightweight, old friend. โž โ how are you not heartbroken? โž โ people do stupid things when they think they are trapped in a corner. โž โ are you a monster because you are different? โž โ this must be our secret. โž โ all you care about is your damn duty. โž โ iโ€™ve lived through a whole dark age and three supposed end of days. โž โ thatโ€™s a tale requiring wine. โž โ do what you do best. stay and fight. โž โ fear is an illness. if you leave it untreated, it can consume you. โž โ you have taken something from me. someone i care about deeply. โž โ thereโ€™s times to stand still, and thereโ€™s times to keep moving. โž โ youโ€™re panting like a dying mammoth. โž โ youโ€™d rather be blind than see the truth. โž โ when you have power like yours, you never apologize. โž โ you have the social graces of a wild boar. โž โ last time we saw each other, you basically told me to fuck off. โž โ what would you have me do? โž โ promise me something. if we get seperated, remember what you have. โž โ all you have to do is keep your sword close and keep running. โž โ you were never one to go quietly, were you? โž โ i am here for you. i wonโ€™t let anybody hurt you. โž โ the path to true strength lies not in humble faith, but in believing in oneself. โž โ you would not know talent if i shoved it up your ass. โž โ you can tell me anything. โž โ itโ€™s just โ€˜yap, yap, yapโ€™ with you sometimes. โž โ my faith brought me this far. iโ€™ll see how much further it can take me. โž โ power. thatโ€™s what you live for. โž โ i know this is dangerous, but now is not the time to be weak. it is the time to be strong. โž โ nowhereโ€™s safe now. you canโ€™t run from the world. โž โ i donโ€™t want revenge. i want justice. โž โ your stomachโ€™s growling loud enough to wake the dead. โž โ less than perfect means death. โž โ you can either be too strong to fail or too weak to try. โž โ you are always so emotional. โž โ we donโ€™t kill out of fear. โž โ like father, like daughter. โž โ i understand that you are in pain and you can drown that pain with whatever you want. just not here. โž โ humans do bad things to everybody. โž โ i tell you no word of a lie. โž โ that was the first and last timeโ€ฆi saw my father proud of me. โž โ thatโ€™s quite barbarous, even for me. โž โ iโ€™m not going anywhere, all right? iโ€™m staying right here. โž โ and you call yourself a leader? โž โ magic. itโ€™s lodged in you. like a spiked arrow. โž โ you bring terror and death wherever you are. โž โ do what you have to do to seize your destiny. โž โ itโ€™s as if youโ€™re determined to do the opposite of the thing thatโ€™ll keep you safe. โž โ remember what you have. magic. โž โ iโ€™m hoping there is a grain of truth to fairytales. โž โ this place was meant for no one. โž โ iโ€™m not having this conversation unless iโ€™m drinking. โž โ you did what you had to do. โž โ all the people i loved in this world were taken from me. โž โ i would not wish that fate on my worst enemy. โž โ it came from the heart. perhaps a broken one. โž โ whatโ€™s it like? being alone because of what you are? โž โ all curses have cures. โž โ you pick up a thing or two while in hiding. โž โ how about we scout the property? make sure itโ€™s safe for the night. โž โ my war is your war. โž โ you thought you were special. โž โ i wish i could go back in time. save everyone. โž โ something has changed. the worldโ€™s acting of its own strange accord these days. โž โ how did you spend your days when you first came here? โž โ i value the bond we have. โž โ i know what you are. an old wivesโ€™ tale for children. โž โ do you humans ever stop talking? โž โ if only youโ€™d think of yourself instead of licking otherโ€™s boots. โž โ sometimes it doesnโ€™t seem real. โž โ thatโ€™s your play? itโ€™s rather desperate. โž โ i was hoping youโ€™d do what i say. โž โ youโ€™re the desperate one. the most. โž โ the path forward will be harder still. โž โ iโ€™ve never met anyone alone in the heart like you. different. โž โ it is not in my nature to be cruel. โž โ stay with me tonight. letโ€™s not be alone. โž โ do you think iโ€™m asking because i personally give a shit? โž โ what is destined cannot be avoided. โž โ scary storoies donโ€™t really work on me. โž โ you were wrong. or lied. neitherโ€™s a shock. โž โ what has been need not always be. โž โ we should keep moving. โž โ are you all right? you look like day-old shit. โž โ you donโ€™t seem like a monster to me. โž โ thieving a thief merely makes you the latest thief. โž โ you can find power and purpose. a chance to survive the horror. โž โ iโ€™ve fantasized about going back. โž โ the only certainty in this place, is that no one is ever what they seem. โž โ this is what you call free? โž โ you still have time to turn back. itโ€™s not too late. โž โ itโ€™s not a question of price. itโ€™s a matter of cost. โž โ tell me what you want. โž โ sometimes i think iโ€™m still a person. butโ€ฆi know what i really am. โž โ i deserve my destiny. โž โ why help? whatโ€™s in it for you? โž โ i can smell your desires like rotten meat. โž โ itโ€™s funny how quickly people forget about you when you are no longer any use to them, isnโ€™t it? โž โ trust the path you choose, and it will protect you. โž โ move beyond the pain, the fear, the failure, until you become one with a killer. โž โ you can do anything. doesnโ€™t mean you have to. โž โ what is lost is lost. โž โ you are all alone in a world that hates you with no way to protect ourselves. โž โ thankfully, men remain simple. โž โ verbose when i need you to be quiet. silent and stubborn when i need you to talk. โž โ even traitors speak the truth. โž โ shared dreams are a powerful omen. โž โ our most trusted advisors are becoming less and less trustworthy. โž โ i think thereโ€™s something wrong with me. โž โ nightmares are common after battle. โž โ when i say run, you run. when i say hide, you hide. โž โ iโ€™ve never met anyone alone in the heart, like you. โž โ i know who you truly are. what are you hiding now? โž โ youโ€™re eager to please. easy to wound. โž โ that all you got? โž โ your true power resides in more than your blood. โž โ hatred is an endless cycle of fear and desperation. โž โ perhaps we were meant to find each other. โž โ no matter how hard i train, no matter what i do, iโ€™ll never be enough. โž โ shocking. we have to do it your way again. โž โ your heart has been beating fast this whole time. youโ€™re nervous. โž โ do you like the dress i left for you? โž โ oh. thatโ€™s a look of a person whoโ€™s worried theyโ€™ve lost their touch. โž โ it doesnโ€™t matter if itโ€™s true. it only matters if the people believe it. โž โ iโ€™m sick of feeling lost. โž โ iโ€™ve had leaders, followersโ€ฆbut iโ€™ve never had a partner before. โž โ i want to be indifferent to the past. to the lies. to the things iโ€™ve done. โž โ donโ€™t flatter yourself. iโ€™m saving me. โž โ did you not think of the consequences? what if you were killed? โž โ we can leave under the cover of darkness. โž โ donโ€™t be afraid. nothing can hurt you here. โž โ you are important to me. you always will be. โž โ yes, well, iโ€™m topped off on magical mystery at the moment. โž โ you are already enough. you are extraordinary. โž โ you donโ€™t get to play damsel in distress. thatโ€™s my job. โž โ iโ€™ve destroyed so many things. please, let me heal things for once. โž โ the truth is you are choosing to be an asshole, arenโ€™t you? โž โ i have nothing to hide. โž โ i owe you as much as you owe me. nothing more, nothing less. โž โ legends arenโ€™t science. โž โ who are we, when we can no longer do what we were put on this planet to do? โž โ some wounds cannot be healed. i understand that more than you know. โž โ i canโ€™t be what you want. what you deserve. โž โ you need to let me take care of your wound. โž โ everyone answers to someone eventually. even you, i suspect. โž โ you pretend to not have emotions, but you do. โž โ love and blood. they both possess a mighty power. โž โ prison didnโ€™t exactly do you any favors. โž โ monsters are more than just horrid looks and claws and teeth. monsters are born of deeds done. unforgivable ones. โž โ i hope that in your search to feel again, you feel your value. โž โ iโ€™m too hopeless to stop anything. โž โ i sleep like shit too. โž โ you donโ€™t really give a shit about what i want. โž โ those who diedโ€ฆi say their names out loud at night so i donโ€™t forget. โž โ something dark lies ahead of you. i can feel it. โž โ no oneโ€™s on our side, you trusting idiot. โž โ iโ€™m not abandoning you. iโ€™ll stay and fight. โž โ explain to me how youโ€™re not deadweight. โž โ weโ€™ll reach our destination by sundown. โž โ i see your wounds have improved, but your manners have not. โž โ donโ€™t be scared. iโ€™m not going to hurt you. โž โ hesitation will draw danger to you like fire. โž โ donโ€™t flatter yourself. iโ€™m saving me. โž โ you have the ability to break the cycle of hatred once and for all. โž โ sensitive questions are my favourite. โž โ sometimes we assume the worst because we fear to hope. โž โ it is in blindness we find our true strength. โž โ i know you know how dangerous this is. โž โ were you attacked because youโ€™re different? โž โ who knows, maybe weโ€™ll be friends again. โž โ i wonโ€™t let anything happen to you. โž โ you can fight battles and wear dresses. you can do both. โž โ holy men are the most depraved. โž โ watch me burn all the memories of you. โž โ whatโ€™s the difference between you and a heap of shit? eventually, the shit will stop smelling. โž โ youโ€™re offering me up as sacrifice? โž โ our best chance is to kill the hatred we hold on to and move on. โž โ everywhere i go, people die. โž โ sometimes i feel like i could burn the whole world. โž โ was it worth it? โž โ you are brave, but let me help you. โž โ there is only death here. โž โ unlike you, iโ€™m not one to waste power on such frivolous nonsense. โž โ the battle must have really taken it out of you. โž โ i know. i know you want to scream. โž โ thatโ€™s the problem. no one knows anything about you. who you are, what you are, where you are, what you want. โž โ my friend, you are very far from fine. โž โ i look a tad different since you saw me last. โž โ we both need to keep a low profile, it seems. โž โ we won. but barely. โž โ i hope thereโ€™s a plaque to commemerate your greatness. โž โ i will not let us down. โž โ iโ€™ve never known a human to give out of the kindness of their heart. โž โ every day increases the risk of being found. โž โ forget faith. weโ€™ve got power. โž โ your precious leaderโ€™s after something. you are a pawn to get it. โž โ are you my inquisitor or my executioner? โž โ you are a hero to me and many others. โž โ weโ€™re only staying until the storm dies. โž โ so iโ€™m your destiny? whatever that means. โž โ i wonโ€™t be here forever to protect you. โž โ faith sustains us all in dark times. โž โ your pain is my pain. โž โ everything i was told my whole life was a lie. โž โ after everything we did, what we sawโ€ฆyou turned your back on me. โž โ we all have our time in the sun. โž โ if you have an ulterior motive, you can tell me. โž โ from the moment we met, you have been trying to fill a void. โž โ history does have a way of repeating itself, doesnโ€™t it? โž โ theyโ€™re desperate. which means theyโ€™re dangerous. โž โ iโ€™m doing everything i can to keep you safe. โž โ i said donโ€™t touch me. โž โ iโ€™m one of the lucky ones. depending on your definition of luck. โž โ i donโ€™t see any side upon which you are not entirely fucked. โž โ there are forces at play larger than we know. โž โ you will destroy us all. โž โ i donโ€™t know who you are, but come any closer and youโ€™ll regret it. โž โ iโ€ฆdreamed about you once. โž โ itโ€™s been a difficult few monthsโ€ฆbut things seem to be finally turning a corner. โž โ what is it with men lurking about this place? โž โ oh, whatโ€™s the hurry? โž โ ___. itโ€™s nice to finally put a face to the name. โž โ in times of war, hard decisions must be made. โž โ if you free me, perhaps we can work together. โž โ you remind me of an old friend. โž โ i was stupid, and i was selfish. โž โ i have always considered you my equal partner. i wish i could prove to you that iโ€™m worthy of the same. โž โ what are you doing out here in the middle of east bloody nowhere? โž โ family, bloodโ€ฆthatโ€™s the only bond that canโ€™t be broken. โž โ when iโ€™m with you, i donโ€™t feel alone anymore. โž โ are you all right? who did this? โž โ what iโ€™m really asking you isโ€ฆis this what pleases you? โž โ we could be entangled in a war again before we know it. โž โ why do you want this so badly? โž โ there are those obsessed with finding power, and those who know their place. โž โ iโ€™m asking you for help. for once, will you give me it? โž โ you dare show your face here? โž โ i wasnโ€™t sure youโ€™d make it. โž โ i wouldnโ€™t ask you if it wasnโ€™t unnecessary. โž โ your aimโ€™s gone to shit. โž โ i pay you to solve my problems, not fill my head with piling bad news. โž โ the monsters arenโ€™t new. theyโ€™re just new to here. โž โ i have some wounds that refuse to heal. โž โ you were having a nightmare. i came to check on you. โž โ please stay. donโ€™t go. โž
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
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๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข๐”ซ ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ฐ๐”ฑ๐”ฌ๐”ฏ๐”ช ๐”Ÿ๐”ฏ๐”ฌ๐”จ๐”ข, ๐”ž๐”ซ๐”ก ๐”ฑ๐”ฅ๐”ข ๐”ก๐”ฏ๐”ž๐”ค๐”ฌ๐”ซ๐”ฐ ๐”ก๐”ž๐”ซ๐” ๐”ข๐”ก.
daenys targaryen velaryon, an original character from hotd & got ( alt verses in each. )
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
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I will be a stranger when we meet againโ€ฆ
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
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First look at Emma Dโ€™Arcy and John Macmillan as RHAENYRA TARGARYEN and LAENOR VELARYON in 1.06 โ€˜The Princess and the Queenโ€˜
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
โ€œMy grief is tremendous, but my love is bigger.โ€
โ€” Cheryl Strayed (via infinityrph)
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
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beautiful... wise... and STRONG.
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lcstgiirl ยท 2 years
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