glacialheart · 4 days
i am. i am freezing send help
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glacialheart · 4 days
so. i tried cooking something
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glacialheart · 5 days
I’ve been silent for too long and can no longer bear to keep this inside: @floraldresvi is a good person and deserves many good things.
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glacialheart · 8 days
jiyan is home and he is <3
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glacialheart · 10 days
ahem. do not ask me why i'm doing this at 2 AM jsjjsjs i just saw this in my notifs
i sing pretty well, i think!! though i'm only good at specific songs in the range i'm comfortable in.
ice cream is my one true love, but i also really really like pasta. (i'd live off of pasta if i could jsjjsjs)
i'm fluent in three languages i.e. telugu, english, and hindi. (i basically learnt telugu and english simultaneously when i was just starting to speak as a baby, and i picked up hindi from my mom and from cartoons when i was 6 or 7) i can also understand urdu decently well i think, can read and write in arabic to some extent (+ speak it a little), and i know some japanese!!
tagging: anyone who'd like to join in!!
If you get this, answer w/ three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs. anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog!
Chalo let’s do this!
1.) I wear spectacles and I’m half blind without them!
2.) I love to read Harry Potter fanfictions, they’re my guilty pleasure!
3.) and last but not the least, my nickname literally means “darling” in my native language, in the most cringiest way possible and I hate it 😂❤️
Tags:- @i-am-just-a-girli
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glacialheart · 11 days
i saw this in my notifs and i thought i'd join in!!
“i didn’t think you were such a slacker— oh.” his brows knit together in worry when his gaze finds your eyes glazed over with the sheen that comes with emotion, bottom lip trembling ever-so-slightly.
ahem i think everyone knows who this is from that one dialogue hsjsjs
tagging: anyone who'd like to join in!!
Last Line Game
tagged by @dear-massacre
RULES: Post the last sentence you wrote (fanfic /original/other) and tag as many people as you want.
This one is also hot off the press as we are currently writing with our partner atm.
"That's fantastic!" Rei nodded, already tearing through another bag of snacks. "What was wrong? Was he sick? I know there's that Betelgeusian flu that's supposed to make you so stupid you can die from it…"
tagging: @failure-artist @dead-pidove-do-not-eat @hellshire-harlot @thebejeweledwatercat @wolveria @wenldy @madamkezzie @abnormal-artist @megaphonegirlk or anyone else who wants to do it! No pressure!
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glacialheart · 11 days
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thank you for the tag vi!!
tagging: anyone who'd like to do this!!
hai fwendz ! ໒꒰ྀི ˊᗜˋ* ꒱ྀིა i came across dis supa personality test 'n thought it was supa cute ♡ ! !
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no pressure tags ! : @neuvistar @13curses @pileofmush @cubffections @femivi
@mysicklove-main @angelsrcute @pastelle-rabbit @kaeinvy @getonite
@nantoji @ivyieka @gojoest-main @kentoangel @y2kuromi
@supersoniii @yngxing @sleepyqinfei @atsumou @reaveh
@44st4rs @candy69gurl @moechies @veraiism + any1 else who wants 2 join ! ໒꒰ྀི ´͈ ᵕ  ͈ ꒱ྀི১
( posting frm m' sideblog, main is @/yuutx )
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glacialheart · 11 days
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thank you for the tag, vi!! i did this a while ago too but i can't remember my results so jjsjsj
tagging: anyone who'd like to join in!!
To all my moots and all
Take this test
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glacialheart · 11 days
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glacialheart · 17 days
pain </3
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glacialheart · 17 days
more fucking petitions because this clown car country cannot stop with the bigotry for 30 seconds
uk people it takes 5 seconds and you checking your email to verify
everyone else: rebloge please
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glacialheart · 23 days
low effort jing yuan drabble on the way
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glacialheart · 23 days
This evening, my children fell asleep hungry because there was no proper food for them. We also walked for three hours to save drinking water. The place was inhumane and the water was polluted, but there was no other choice. Please help me cover travel costs for me and my family. War life is very tiring, especially my children who suffer every day due to lack of food, medicine and hospitals. Please keep sharing and donating as much as you can, every $5 can help us escape to a safe place and start a new life.
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This evening, my children fell asleep hungry because there was no proper food for them. We also walked for three hours to save drinking water. The place was inhumane and the water was polluted, but there was no other choice. Please help me cover travel costs for me and my family. War life is very tiring, especially my children who suffer every day due to lack of food, medicine and hospitals. Please keep sharing and donating as much as you can, every $5 can help us escape to a safe place and start a new life.
The food consists of unhealthy expired cheese and overcooked canned foods that are not suitable for cooking.
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glacialheart · 23 days
oh, so NOW the queue works </3
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glacialheart · 24 days
⟡ within your waking thoughts (there i’ll be).
⎯ what do they do when they miss you? how do they cope with yearning when you're away? { y for yearning ノ ordered by @floraldresvi! (sorry for the ping!) }
RESERVED FOR! ノ characters. aventurine, sunday, dr. ratio ft. gn!reader. { 1.3k words }
FLAVOR! ノ genre. fluff, slight angst (my apology to sunday lovers yet again), established relationship.
TOPPINGS! ノ tags. aventurine has his tech savvy moment, pre-2.2 sunday (heavy references but no spoilers), ratio has two phones (king of separating work & personal life !!!).
BAKER’S NOTE! ノ thoughts. a repost! bcs tumblr didn't like it the first time. hopefully, this one will be here to stay. thank u to vivi for requesting this ‹3
© seelestia on tumblr, may 2024. please do not repost, plagiarize, translate, use for AI-related purposes or claim as your own.
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in your absence, aventurine welcomes little thoughts of you that float around his mind with open arms - and the way he indulges them is by simply texting you. effective and efficient, there is a reason why the cosmos calls it the second most used means for long distance communication. what about the first? well, he would've opted for calling you with his earpiece if only his line of work doesn't require 90% of its usage time.
let's just say the idea of fellow stonehearts interrupting his conversation with you ruins the fun. besides, he has deft fingers; coin tricks aren't the only thing in his book, you know, typing a few sentences in one go is no problem at all.
but maybe, he is using that too much to his advantage . . . considering the “25+” staring back at you from your notifications every few hours or so. aventurine is truly, irrevocably relentless.
anything even remotely in your favorite color found within his vicinity? new message: Saw something that reminded me of you, you must really like crossing my mind.
an item he thinks would fit you well? new message: I got you a gift. Does it suit your fancy? [1 attachment]
reminded of how cruel fate is to separate you two for so long? new message: Haven't seen your face in a while. Fifteen hours are a total too cruel, don't you agree?
have faith that you will never grasp the true meaning of boredom when you’re apart from him. luck follows a man like aventurine, so do interesting events - remember how he won a vacation to a resort with one chip? he revels in telling you stories of his encounters while you're away. it is as if thrill revolves around him constantly. . . one wonders just how he fares living on the edge of it all.
(you, for one, are aware of his ways. he has allowed you to wander far enough behind his masquerade, after all.)
of course, texts on an illuminated screen can barely compare to seeing you in person. he prefers having you in his arms instead - but he'll live. solitude is an old friend of his, albeit distant and cold, aventurine can deal with its company every once in a while. at the end of the day, he knows you’ll be there when he comes home.
though, it's such a shame he cannot see your face when you're apart. the curve of your lips as you smile, the twinkle in your eyes with his reflection in them, and. . . ah, seems like he is making this harder for himself. maybe, he should consider buying that HD holographic communicative device on the market? his ears caught wind of some P45 officers at pier point whispering about it before.
it'll cost a large sum of credits but hey, he thinks it'll be worth it. for you? anything is possible.
(...him? clingy? well, guilty as charged.)
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sunday’s self-discipline is not something to be underestimated. halovians are a species known for their enchanting voices, yet he feels as if he cannot spare any for even his inner thoughts. what an irony. his longing for your presence is persistent, tumbling at the edge of his tongue - but he is equally as, if not more, stubborn and so he swallows this yearning down instantly.
you are not confined to the dreamscape like he is, as self-imposed as that may be. sunday is aware of that, hence his first instinct is to keep quiet. the curse of sealing his lips till forevermore; watching you leave through the grand doors, letting his gaze fall to where your shadow used to be, savoring the last of your remaining fragrance from when you last bade him goodbye - all without a word.
(don't go, he wished he could say.)
is it a bad habit? “your voice shouldn't be used just to utter words that others want to hear,” you reminded him once. “it's also for you. it's yours.”
but even then, your words are akin to a faint whisper; muffled by the thoughts that plague his mind like a mist. he can't help how they fog up his reflection in the mirror, leaving remnants of something acrid that wafts in the air. something like doubts, sunday would know because he has dwelled in it for as long as he remembers.
you are outside, fluttering your wings in the sky and enjoying what it has to offer. does he have any rights to disturb you? perhaps, in his eyes, sunday views himself as a string tied around your talon, trailing all the way from the heavens where you soar to the humble ground where he resides. each time your absence compels him to reach out, it is as if he’s tugging on that string and dragging you lower from the height you truly relish in, from the height you deserve to be at.
(sunday believes that you belong to the sky, unlike him.)
so here, he shall stay and here, he shall wait until you return. sunday’s heart begins to grow cold - but the farewell kiss you've left on the apple of his cheek hasn't faded. its warmth remains, even when he brushes his freezing hand against it, it remains.
you remain.
(and that is enough for him.)
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dr. ratio is a man with a packed schedule, so it's safe to say he keeps himself occupied particularly well. tasks at the intelligentsia guild are nothing short of demanding, after all. there are researchers asking for his input left and right, although some tremble while speaking to him even when he hasn't even uttered a word yet. ignoring that, he also aids in projects that require his expertise. last but not least, his students and classes which he takes very seriously.
(but be careful with how you phrase it — the doctor doesn't view them as distractions, no, he sees them as his responsibilities — saying the former might offend him.)
as you can see, he is perfectly capable of spending time away from you. . . .or at least, until it's time for a break and a part of that perfection chips off.
his office is quite tranquil, free from outside noise, just the way he likes. this place bears a similar purpose as his headgear, to let him focus in silence without disturbance - but he hasn't expected that exact silence to be this deafening. hah, how absurd! in what realm of possibility could silence ever be associated with deafening as an adjective? he supposes it could be a case of tinnitus. . . but veritas knows that isn't the case.
something's missing and it is, much to his dismay, you.
veritas has his standards. he prefers things to be set at a specific level - and this level of silence, one marred further by your lack of presence, is too low for him. he's getting too used to seeing you barge into his office with neatly packed sandwiches in your hands, a revelation he'd rather keep to himself.
veritas reaches for his personal phone, his work one left neglected at the far end of the desk. he considers making a call to you but the clock is ticking. tick tock tick tock, as if to hang the fact that his break is reaching its end over his head.
utilizing whatever time he has left, his finger gives the gallery app a tap. various pictures pop up on the screen; selfies of you with silly expressions, candid shots of veritas himself and some photos of random objects like your matching mugs. all of these were taken by you, of course. seriously, is this his phone or is it yours?
who knows at this point? he nearly lets out a snort, but that smile on his face is fooling no one. the doctor continues scrolling through his gallery, utterly content with just this until he gets home. to you.
(yes, yes, this still counts as keeping himself occupied. thank you for your concern.)
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— thank you for reading! reblogs with comments are most appreciated.
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glacialheart · 24 days
grr. this theme is giving me so much difficulty I CAN'T MAKE DECISIONS </3
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glacialheart · 24 days
oh? do tell, who do you think i am?
i'll send you another gift if you're right, how about that?
nervous laughter
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