glaciesxvenas · 10 years
That's just fuckin weird. 
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  Well, they are invisible. They aren’t really there. I usually don’t let people because it feels weird and shit. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
The fact that you're in my way. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
I thought you couldn't walk through invisible people. 
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See all of this space here, She motioned to the space either side of her on the footpath, you can walk there. I ain’t invisible yet so you can’t walk through me.
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
No I'm not--why did you spray liquid ass all over the place? 
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You look constipated. Are you? Cause if you are the boys bathroom is locked after I sprayed liquid ass allover the place. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Then don't stand in the middle of the fucking walkway. 
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Dude. Don’t push.
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Well that's fucking creepy--and a problem since I don't want to be your friend. 
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Look at all the fireflies!
Don’t worry, I only stalk strangers. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Surprise me. 
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Hey man.
Well that depends. Do you want the gay ass pansy name or do you want the fucking rad name?
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
I'd really rather you didn't. You seem like the type to stalk. 
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Look at all the fireflies!
I have plenty of friends. There’s my best friend Zeven, my friend Nerle, Kaylie the model, and my big brother. I can add you to the list, if you want!
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Talented. I bet you're just the life of a party. What's your name? 
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Hey man.
Dodger pulled a bobby pin from her hair. I can also do it with underwire from a bra, and say fart in 4 languages. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Do I look like a twelve year old with no friends? 
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Look at all the fireflies!
That’s not how wishes work, you know. Besides, I’m only keeping them in the jar until the end of the night. Even if I release them, they’ll just be following me anyway. Do you want a jar of your own? I can help you catch them!
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
*He moved over and grabbed the remote off the dining room table, putting the tv on channel four, he then grabbed the beer he had sitting next to it and and took a sip, eyeing her carefully* Well aren't you charming--should I be worried about how you got in here? 
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Hey man.
Dunno. Your couch looked like a cloud for my ass and I needed a tv. Plus you’re hot so my lady parts were just like “woah I wanna be in the same room as butt chin over there.”
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Uhm...I do--why are you in my house? 
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Hey man.
Do you have channel 4 on your tv? I wanna watch the UFC fight. 
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
Sure, you can also wish upon a pile of dog shit that doesn't mean it's gonna come true--you're gonna kill em' if you keep them in there. And then you'll be an insect murderer. 
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Look at all the fireflies!
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He holds out an empty jam jar that’s full of the bugs. If you collect a whole bunch of them in a jar, you can make a wish.
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
It looks like bugs with glow sticks for asses--how the hell is that magical?
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Look at all the fireflies!
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It really looks like magic.
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glaciesxvenas · 10 years
.....whatever. You got a name? 
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