glad2bdad 11 years
A Little Push for your Baby's First Steps - http://pinterest.com/pin/431993789228681238/
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glad2bdad 11 years
Need help with giving your Baby Oral Medicine? - http://pinterest.com/pin/431993789228681455/
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glad2bdad 11 years
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Although common advice is to wait till 6 months before introducing food to infants, our Doc gave a go-ahead on non milk foods for Tweety when she turned 4 months. Have been quite excited to see her reactions on tastes beyond milk!
After reading up and gathering thoughts from elderlies, we decided to introduce non milk liquids first (fruit juices etc) and then slowly progress to semi solids depending on how she takes it. Another thing we decided is that we will try and give her as much fresh, home-made things as possible to keep artificial flavors, chemicals away from her tiny system.聽
The first thing we gave her was freshly squeezed orange juice at room temperature. After making some strange gestures, she liked it and took another 9-10 spoons. Encouraged by her reaction, gave her apple juice couple of hours later which was also accepted well! It鈥檚 been more than a month now and she has been given many other forms of fruits, pulses, veggies. The food feeder came in handy to introduce her to lot of fruits which are difficult to squeeze into juice. Sharing a brief of our learning鈥檚 here.
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glad2bdad 11 years
Cause and Cure for babies having sticky or watery eyes
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glad2bdad 11 years
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Baby Food Feeder : An Excellent way to start fruits and vegetables for babies
聽 First few months of baby are spent drinking and spitting milk as the digestive system strengthens and develops capability to digest heavier foods. As baby nears the age of 6 months, you would need to start on other foods or juices to ensure that baby gets the adequate nutrition for wholesome development. Although my tweety is just 4-1/2 months old, our doctor said that we can start with juices and semi solid foods in small quantities.
聽 There are a lot of baby foods like Cerelac in the market which are based on fruits or essential cereals but we all know that nothing beats the actual stuff. But for that we need to squeeze the juice out of fruits or feed the baby in extreme pulpy form so that eating (or gulping) and subsequent digestion is not an issue.
We got the answer to our problem at a Mom and Me store while shopping for diapers and bottle nipples. I saw a tiny teether like product called as Food Feeder.
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glad2bdad 11 years
Details about Causes and Cure for deposits on the electric bottle sterilizers.
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glad2bdad 11 years
A sterilizer is required for disinfecting daily use baby products like bottles and breast pumps so that they do not pass on any germs to baby during use. Earlier baby bottles were boiled in water to rid them of germs but that is time consuming and not very effective as when baby is hungry, you will not have time to boil the bottle first.
A sterilizer provides you the ease of disinfecting the bottles and keeping them sterilized for up to 24 hours (varies with sterilizers), thus you can simply take out the bottle and use it to feed your baby without worrying about germs.
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glad2bdad 11 years
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As a new parent there are a few must have things which need to be bought at the earliest, Pram or Stroller is one of them. Earlier life was really simple, people used to go to a shop and get a pram which was nothing but a basket with a handle and wheels.But today there are so many brands variants and features to choose from that prams can give cars a run for their money.
聽 http://www.papakehtehain.com/2013/03/guide-to-prams-and-stroller-features.html
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glad2bdad 11 years
As soon as you go out for the first time with your baby, you will realize that it requires a lot of preparation and a good number of essential things to be taken along. Now rather than organizing these things every time, it's better to have a dedicated bag with all essentials so that you are assured of having all things required to take care of your baby.
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glad2bdad 11 years
Most men when asked to hold a baby, especially newborn, shy away by saying they are scared they might drop the baby. Well you can get away by saying that for others babies but when you have your own baby, you can't say that forever.
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glad2bdad 11 years
Baby Gym..the word literally may make you think of a little place where little ones would go to build muscles! Well actually that's not too far from the truth. A baby gym is usually a colored toy in the form of an arch or something that has legs to stand on and has provision to hang toys and colorful objects. Although seems basic enough from the description, but baby gyms are generally a bit expensive. Let's see if they are worth the price.
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glad2bdad 11 years
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glad2bdad 11 years
A website for baby care tips
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