glamloftus · 3 years
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Aisling, Day 3, Cannes Glamlist Film Festival
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glamloftus · 3 years
In general. I would have bought another one too since I wouldn’t have any idea how to even clean one out. And like you said- what if a leg gets left behind? Or even worse- eggs and tiny spider babies? Those little shits are the worst! Just makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. Wallflowers are little plug-in decorations from Bath & Body that you plug into the wall and then screw in a little bottled scent that gets diffused into the room. All the girls are into them; you can never go wrong with buying one of those for every girl you have to buy for during the holiday season and not having a clue what to get them other than that. It’s really a when in doubt thing, or ‘i’m lazy, so i’m just going to buy ten of these and pass them out’. But they’re nice and only know what they are because of my ex, and she left hers behind when she moved out so…I just have it. Eventually i’ll have to wander into a Bath and Body and explain that to them so they can help me. 
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Jesus Christ I hadn't even thought of eggs fuck I'm glad the bin men will have been by the time I get back from this French escape otherwise I would be panicking now that a infestation of tiny critters would come out the bin when I was checking a bag in there. I remember having to get a nest of eggs that we're in a web in the corner of my bed room once, spent a good ten minutes checking pictures online to figure out if it was what I feared it was. Got my ex to do the getting rid of part in the end. Oh we have those just their not fancy like they sound we just have like fabreeze ones and the like it's like made by the companies that sell ouder diffusers and air freshener. It's a bit different that filling the room with lavender oil to help you sleep but that are nice to have around the house especially if they aren't just a generic scent. Tell me you don't do it over and over for the same people though that gift giving? You don't want to get known as the wallflower guy, better to mix it up now and then it the same person is in need of another gift if you know then more than a the one year. Candles go down well, or bath bombs too if you want something generic or even reed diffusers
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glamloftus · 3 years
I’m…so turned off now. And those things usually don’t bother me, but there is just something about spiders that don’t sit well with me. I can do anything but spiders. You should just get one of those Bath and Body wallflowers; they’re so nice to come home to. 
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Turned off from water diffusers or just in general because I mean I was turned off that one and had to buy a new one, is it weird all I could think we even if I cleaned if I would be diffusing some remains of his his decaying body into my room for weeks to come? So spiders even decay? Wallflowers? Explain to a clueless English lass what a wallflower is please because I don't think we have those here or at least we don't call it that
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glamloftus · 3 years
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Aisling, at the Cannes red carpet
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glamloftus · 3 years
That makes sense! I would personally throw the spider out and keep it, but I understand if it grosses you out.
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i could have done that but part of me was all worried I’d be spreading the fumes of his decaying body around the room whenever i used it as silly as that sounds. I’m realise more and more how silly my response was but seeding it floating really freaked me out
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glamloftus · 3 years
Oh no it just does in there and my aracnophobic arse was too grossed out to keep it
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I have a water oil diffuser in my room so i can put some lavender in and relax when the baby falls asleep so i can try and get some zzzs myself. The thing is i haven’t used it for a while because we haven’t been at home. When i say a while i only mean a month but i came back to i having not rememered to empty the water out before we left and i i open it to fin a dead spider in there laying tummy or whatever it is for spiders up in the water take up like a lot of the size of this diffuser, moral of the story rememebr to empty things like that out when if you don’t want to have to rush to buy a new one to replace it because it’s no longer all about being serene
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glamloftus · 3 years
You know what gets me? The parents who use their children as excuses t buy something. Like come on man we know you are not buying two bags of Oreos in the Target checkout line for your son alone…or buying that playhouse for the backyard just for the joy of putting it together…When I buy dodger a kiddie pool hell yeah a I admitting it’s also for me. Maybe I have no shame..Maybe I’m just a kid at heart, Maybe I’m both, who knows. But I swear to never be one of those parents. One day. @theglamliststarters​
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Parents do this the only thing i use excuses to buy is litral baby tthings for her or to decorate her room is this something that comes when she’s older like dragging her to a movie because i need an excuse to watch it and not look creepy in th cinema full of families. But sweets sounds like he’s just seeing himself as boring or wants to seem that way i’m in my 30s and i would buy a bag of oreos happily for myself. If you want to buy a kiddie pool when it’s hot more power to you, just lay in it with a cocktail and shades and have a lazy day
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glamloftus · 3 years
I have a water oil diffuser in my room so i can put some lavender in and relax when the baby falls asleep so i can try and get some zzzs myself. The thing is i haven’t used it for a while because we haven’t been at home. When i say a while i only mean a month but i came back to i having not rememered to empty the water out before we left and i i open it to fin a dead spider in there laying tummy or whatever it is for spiders up in the water take up like a lot of the size of this diffuser, moral of the story rememebr to empty things like that out when if you don’t want to have to rush to buy a new one to replace it because it’s no longer all about being serene
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glamloftus · 3 years
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Mr. Selfridge [S02E10] “Agnes I love you”
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glamloftus · 3 years
my daughter is under a year so we haven’t really got to the peppa stage yet but you have eft me very confused and not sure if i and feeling good about this coming up. As for adult conversations i need that more and more recently i spend so much time just singing random nursery ryhmes and god knows what else. I’m doing good though i am going to be in a live musical that is terrifying to me even though i have done countless plays and i’m in LA for more than a week for the first time ever and i’m actually feeling overwhelmed but loving it.
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My daughters watched the episodes where Peppa Pig goes to Hollywood and I have questions. Why is there so many Mrs Rabbits? Why wasn’t the script for the movie written beforehand? Why is the whole movie about vegetables but the sidekick is a hash brown? I think I need an adult conversation with adults that aren’t gonna bring up the pig. How are you? @theglamliststarters​
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glamloftus · 3 years
Going back to Australia in a week and I realise I’m going to have to deal with two winters, but the plus side is, I can always deal with two summers, aka my favorite time of the year. Of course I’m going back to see family - but there’s this music festival my friends and I have been going to as tradition since we graduated high school, can’t wait to get waisted and head to the beach partying it up back home. @theglamliststarters​
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hey nothin wrong with having two winters think of it this way if you lived in th uk chances of 2 winters is constant we have days when it feels like winter then the next day it’s the middle of summer we have such bipolar weather. But if you’re going home to family and a load of fun then i think a winter again is an easy thing to deal with
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glamloftus · 3 years
Are you telling me you don’t need to know about farming? Damn, I’m disappointed - that shit is what gives us food on our table! I get it, though. Schools try to suppress the more horrific pasts of history, but then it’s our responsibility once we leave to seek it out for ourselves. There’s only so much ignorance we can blame on schools not teaching us shit, you know what I mean? Actually, we’ve just finished filming for the time being. I’m freeee! 
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I mean maybe I do, maybe in the future i will give up acting buy a farm in wales somewhere and spend my days growing things and rearing cattle. At least i have the starting points to push myself that way if i want thanks the british school system. I think if anything we need to learn from the past and how can we learn without the dark parts of it being told to us so we can truly better ourselves on our ancestories wrongs. I mean jesus. Well i’m in LA for a bit so if you ever want a coffee date buddy or a couple drinks hit me up
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glamloftus · 3 years
it’s acting i would never hold it against you some of my closest friends have been people who have had to pretend to hate me at work in a way you have to trust those people more than you trust the ones you are nice to in scenes. Let get a coffee and we can completely eradicate any potential hostility
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So, I’m just gonna formally apologise on behalf of how shitty my character’s going to treat yours, and just know I won’t be enjoying a minute of it during rehearsals this week. I know I’ve got that resting bitch face look down, but I’m actually sweet - or so I like to think - so I demand that once we’re finished one of these days we go and grab a coffee together, sound good? 
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glamloftus · 3 years
Well it is going to be amazing either way, I am sure you are going to be great and nerves are normal. I am very excited to work with you too. Thank you so much but so are you.
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honesty i am so hyped but this will be the first time in a long time i have done a musical and even sung in a public way so here’s hoping i measure up. any tips for the nerves darling
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glamloftus · 3 years
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Click here for preview of ‘Big Fun’ from Heathers: The Musical, feat: 
@lilypadj @manuphailees @itsbrinaxo @alexadem @davidcnswt @glamloftus @melton
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glamloftus · 3 years
I can't blame you I love a good crime drama or something now and then I'm guilty of checking up on any true stories even more after I watch or listen to them I go full research mode trying to find out every little fact I can about the situation.
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Some people are just so judgy! My sister came to stay with me in London while I’m shooting Doctor Strange. I thought I’d be nice and make her dinner and she had the audacity to call me a psycho for listening to a true crime podcast while I was cooking. I think the ladies accident is soothing, I can’t help it if I find true crime podcasts calming while I’m puttering around the house or cooking. Any other true crime lovers get where I’m coming from with this? @theglamliststarters​
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glamloftus · 3 years
To be honest I think of plan crash survivors and I think they are just lucky, you don't really have a say in how it crashes what caused it and what part of the plane goes up in flames if any, if it blows up in the sky you have no chance, if you land on water you have a high chance of surviving and if you crash to the ground well you're you re more than likely fucked unless you're in like the back or something right
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the thing about doing actions movies as whitout remorse is that your mind goes to places like - would i actually survive a plane crash? the answer is… i think so? but i’m not sure if i would cause now that i did the for the camera i have a plan or if i could actually do it on the spot. you feel me? how about you? would you survive a plane crash? @theglamliststarters​
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