glcryled · 2 years
closed apocalypse starter for @fatedbeginnings​
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"i don’t have much, but you’re welcome to what you need.” as charlie speaks, voice rough and thick with his southern accent, he gestures to the supply room in front of them. “but, and i know this is asking a lot, if you have something to spare, add it to the supplies. i know you don’t have much reason to trust my word, but i use it to help folks.” there’s not a lot of selflessness left in the world, not with the dead walking and society collapsed, but he does his best to help. perhaps it’s more for the nature of having nothing left to lose and thus no fear of the risks involved, but better not to think that hard about it all.
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glcryled · 2 years
closed apocalypse starter for @heirbud​
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amelia has spent the time since the apocalypse ( since her defection from the military that so violently failed its civilians ) carving out an isolating space for herself, far away from both humans and the undead that walked among the few that remained. it was easier this way, easier when her hands were bloody read and easy now that her social skills have all but deteriorated. thus it’s no shock that an interruption to her daily routine is met with the business end of a pistol aimed straight at them, gaze hard as she takes in the sight of them.
“state your business. quickly.”
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glcryled · 2 years
closed apocalypse starter for @elisemuses​
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the end came swiftly, the wrath of creatures beyond human and their long pent up vices tearing apart human society in the same sort of way that a boot does not care for an anthill it stumbles through. amitiel fell long before then, grace removed and wings torn asunder, but she did not have it in herself to put much effort into the salvation of humanity - not that a single fallen angel could have done much either way. the injustice of it haunts her, but there is no personal guilt to accompany the feeling.
she finds herself wandering, enough grace remaining to have little need for food or water. it’s a lonely life, but one that enables her to see a great many things and perhaps create some plan for restoring her grace eventually. typically she steers clear of other survivors, but sounds in a ruin draw her attention and she investigates carefully but with no intention to sneak around. when finally her gaze finds another, she comes to a stop, head tilting to the side curiously as she takes in the sight of them. 
“i am no threat. are you?”
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glcryled · 2 years
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she looked damn near terrified to see him — which set the man on edge almost immediately, despite the fact that redford couldn’t blame her. the end of the world had brought out the best in some and the worst in others. which you got was like flipping a coin — a complete 50/50 chance. blue hues watched her carefully, only drawing away to flicker in the direction of the sky at her comment ( brow furrowing at the cloudless sight ).
 “we’re all rightly fucked if thats the case.” he, and the neighbors sprinkled around the five or so mile radius, were likely to lose crops if it flooded. “drop your bag inside the door — if you’re staying here, even temporarily, i could use the hands to help harvest what i can. shouldn’t take terribly long.” they would see a storm rolling in well before it was overhead. “what’s your name?”
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astoria doesn’t like the be the bearer of bad news ( especially given how people reacted to her predictions before the end of the world ) but she supposes there’s something nice in the feeling of helping folks get prepared. nice enough to make her give a small nod as she moves forward to pop her bag inside as instructed; nothing aching at the base of her skull screams about him having bad intentions, so she figures she can trust him at least for now.
“i don’t know much about harvesting but i’ll try my best.” the words are offered with a small, if nervous, smile. she understands the basics, but she’s never tended so much as an herb garden before. not that she imagines it will be difficult however. “astoria, but you can call me story, if that’s a mouthful. what’s your name?”
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glcryled · 2 years
i’m absolutely CRAVING some apocalypse threads tbh so LIKE this post and i’ll write you up a quick apocalypse themed starter! feel free to specify in the replies any preferences ( how long since the apocalypse, what type of apocalypse, etc ) otherwise i’ll just go nuts!
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glcryled · 2 years
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                 “whoa! hey. you’re not the average thief.” peter fell short mid web swing, landing gracelessly in a crouch on the roof of a car in front of a robbery in progress, he wasn’t sure what the hell she was doing, but there was some weird shit going on with molecules and it involved theft so…best to stay and try to talk the thief out of it, right? she was just a little bit older than him, maybe it could be a sort of peer to peer situation. “how are you doing that?” 
@glcryled​ here is the chaos u requested
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“did the excellent observational skills come with the spider powers or do you come by those naturally?” her tone is blasé, unbothered by the sudden appearance of her friendly neighborhood spiderman. people have tried to stop her before without much success and while his fun little outfit and web slinging abilities suggests he’ll have more of a shot than most, she’s not terribly worried. “it’s magic,” callie teases with a sarcastic tone, wiggling her fingers at him. as she does so, the car beneath him dissipates, pulled apart at the molecular level and disappearing like a pile of dust. 
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glcryled · 2 years
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              the expression on wanda’s face is extremely familiar because it is one he has seen on his features many times. grief, all consuming. rage at what one cannot control, at what others could do but choose not. erik, out of all people in the world, understood just how wanda felt in this exact moment. “i assure you i’m not attempting a trick nor an illusion. in this universe, i am wanda maximoff’s father. my name is erik lehnsherr. i have not been the best of father’s in the past, but i will not allow the illuminati and ilk such as them bring harm to you. your rage is justified. the resolution to it will come, especially if you have me at your side to aid you.” 
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her eyes narrow and she manages to push down most of the emotions that come with the statement, the fact this man is her father in another dimension. there’s a small rage to it, an ache fueled by the death of her own father and a jealousy for yet another thing this wanda has that she does not. yet in that ache, she finds no lie in his words and there is a reassurance in the way that he promises her rage will find its target. “and how can you aid me? do you have magic?” perhaps in this universe it’s genetic? again, that thought of familiarity aches and she wants to tear it out, but she pushes it down for the time being.
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glcryled · 2 years
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            how many more times could logan get dragged into a massive amount of bullshit before the universe (God, if he wanted to feign belief in a higher power) would let him rest? logan was on his way up north, blazing down the highway on his motorcycle, when a fiery explosion startled him and sent him careening off the road. groaning, mostly in aggravation and not because of the pain, logan shoved the motorcycle off of him and clambered to his feet, suddenly dizzy.             “fuck’s sake,” logan stood there for quite a few minutes, hands on his hips, waiting for the feeling to abate. the worst part about aging was losing most of his healing ability–what the fuck was the point of superpowers if you lost them over time? after he had regained a semblance of comfort, logan leaves his motorcycle where it lays and heads in the direction of where the explosion occurred. he felt obligated to make certain there were no survivors before he went on his merry way.              of course. logan heaved a sigh as he turned to face his company, jaw set in minute irritation. “yeah, yeah. i hear ya. what the fuck happened back there?” 
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that’s him, she’s certain of it. not that the tech in her head allows her to make many mistakes, but she’s never seen him before outside of security footage that was usually accompanied by some angry mission brief that took most of her attention. now he’s real and in front of her and something about that fact makes her stomach twist in panic; if she turns around now, she can still pretend the crash was an accident but this? there’s no going back after this.
“helicopter crash.” a brief pause and her mind is racing. she just killed five men to escape and part of her suspects he’ll understand the necessity of that but part of her worries about judgement or rage. “no survivors. just me.” her gaze slips down to her own body, ripped and torn with distinctly mechanical parts visible through the blood and ash sprayed across her skin. teeth grit, fingers clenching and unclenching as her side as she debates what to say. not to mention her people skills are pretty damn rusty - no pun intended.
“they were-” a shake of her head. “-we were coming for you. they’d found you and they wanted you back but i...” she turns her palms upwards, revealing some of the worst damage in an attempt to prove her mutant nature. “i’m like you and you’re the only person i know that’s ever gotten away. i wanted to get away. so i...crashed the helicopter before we reached you. it should be a couple hours before backup gets here.”
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glcryled · 2 years
status: open to all ( f if romantic ) plot: the apocalypse occurred roughly 5 years ago and this is the aftermath. the human population is significantly decreased. major governments have fallen and small communities have popped up in their place. technology is nearly non-existent. possible connections: stranger passing through, previous owner of the farmhouse, old friends, siblings/relative/found family of my muse, spouse, please specify in the tags!
abandoned when things had gone belly up, the farmhouse was the place he’d come to call home over more recent years. there were neighbors within a walkable distance that minded their own business, and the land was workable. in truth, it wasn’t the life that redford had ever pictured for himself, but it was simple and after everything that had happened, that was what he needed. 
stepping out onto the wrap around porch just as the early morning sunlight was beginning to bath the world, he started slightly at the sight of another. “what are you doing out here?” 
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astoria has kept herself mostly isolated since everything had come to pass ( just as she had predicted, though most people treated her like she was crazy for saying it ) and it’s easier that way. less trouble, less fuss. she’s no survivalist but the gift of precognition keeps her out of harms way and it’s easier to trust herself than to try and figure out who to trust in the new world; she’s never been terribly good at reading people.
it’s why her heart is hammering in her chest at the sight of the stranger, swallowing her fear as nervous fingers wrap tight around the strap of her bag. “there’s a storm coming.” her head tips up towards the clear sky, the only sign of a storm found inside of her sketchbooks. “it’s gonna be bad, flash floods, i think. mind if i stop here? just for a while, then i’ll be on my way.”
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glcryled · 2 years
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         “i sincerely hope that you do not believe i hold any ill will towards you, nor did i ever intend for my words to cause you harm when we first met,” the initial conversation between he and kili had been rather inflammatory, though that was mostly due to thorin’s presence and kili’s brainwashed state. “the tensions and stakes were high, and i am certain that all of us said things that we now regret. i apologize for any words i said that may have brought you undue harm.” there have been many lessons that elrond has learned since he became the lord of rivendell, and one of the most important was humility. sometimes you hurt other people unintentionally, sometimes your actions caused harm, and one must always be ready to apologize and admit blame for what they did.           “it is quite the honor to be invited to erebor for your and fili’s wedding. these halls are as grand as i imagined, and it is such a pleasure to see you and your kin thriving where you should be. you do look much healthier yourself, prince. the braids suit you.” 
@glcryled​ !! 
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kili cannot help the small laugh that rolls out of him at elrond’s gentle words and apology that is far kinder than any he deserves. “you are someone of greater kindness and patience than most in middle earth if you are apologizing for your actions when mine were far crueler and meant to wound.” there’s guilt in his words, thinking back to the vicious black speech and the eager way he lashed out. kili is certain he would have tried to kill elrond had his wrists been unbound and the thought makes his stomach twist painfully. “i would begrudge you no resentment, if you felt some. i was not...myself, but that does not excuse the things i did. i am greatly sorry for my words and my actions and i am grateful for the kindness you offered even when i did not deserve it.”
“the honor is ours to have you here. i was not certain you would come but i am thrilled to have you. we have taken to our home with ease and it is such a gift to have a place to call home.” the comment towards his braids has him raising a gentle hand to where they lay against his neck, lips curling up into a soft smile. the braids are a great joy to him both due to their meaning and due to the feeling of finally having his hair long enough to braid. “thank you. they are...they make me feel far more myself than i have been in a great many years.”
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glcryled · 2 years
i’ve been dead to the world ( still kinda am ) but i’m trying to get back into the vibes. most of my drafts are almost a month old so i’m probably gonna wipe most of them and start with a clean slate but i’m always down to start new stuff!
with that in mind: consider this a REVERSE STARTER CALL! hit the like button and i’ll come check out your starters!
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glcryled · 2 years
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        the nature of elves was that they lived to see what they loved come to an end. immortality was a dual wielded blessing and curse, though elrond had yet to view the blessings himself. elongated life was not the benefit that many believed it to be, with it came pain, intimate suffering, and the weight of the world as it shifted around you. all that elrond loved seem to fall from his grasp as quickly as a mortal life passed. elros had given up his immortality to be counted among men, and elrond was forced to watch him age and fade away like the leaves in the fall.          then his beloved celebrian had been beaten so terribly by orcs that she could never recover and departed middle earth for the undying lands. elrond longed to join his wife, but he knew he could not leave his children alone in middle earth while the threat of sauron and his minions hung heavy over them all. the very last thing that elrond wanted was for her to perish so that he never saw her in the undying lands, that she pass away, her bones, her very essence trapped so far away from him. elrond intimately understood the want and will to die for love, but that didn’t meant he wanted such a thing for his beloved daughter.         “i understand how you feel, nin elen. had i the opportunity to take your mother’s place, i would have. however it does tear into old wounds that are not your fault, nor your concern me. this is your choice, and i cannot stop you.” but it hurts terribly was left unstated. 
@glcryled​ !!
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it is not a choice to be made idly to give up the long life granted to her by her elven birthright. there is a part of her that desires nothing more than to follow her father and brothers to the grey havens, to find that eternal peace granted to them waiting just across the sea - to see her mother again. all she has ever known will pass her by and that swift, cruel fate of old age will reach her when she once felt untouchable. it is an unkind truth and a fate she chooses only with complete conviction.
yet she knows how it must hurt her father. he has lost so much in his long lifetime and she will be yet another death that he does not deserve to carry on his shoulders. it feels cruel of her to choose her own happiness over his after a lifetime of him putting her first and yet she cannot bear to walk away from elessar and the future she has seen that they will have. for a moment, her heart thinks of the truth that her son will never know her father and that hurt cuts like a knife.
“you cannot stop me but i know you would if you could bear the thought of even a moment of selfishness.” her voice is soft as ever, gentle hands taking his in her own. “i wish i could have all things, that i could have both you and my love but this is not how it can be. do not fret, i will not be alone and neither will you.”
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glcryled · 2 years
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             “part of the burden of living extended lives as we do is that time addles our brains. even the most kindhearted, well-intended elf can become callous and cold as the world constantly shifts around them. that is not to say that i would ever excuse the behavior of our ancestors, but as a way to understand how we have come from them yet still behave the way that we do.” despite what others stated about him, elrond was a very level-headed and fair-minded individual, perhaps moreso than his kin.              “i do not often talk of my personal hardships, and very few that were around for the events themselves remain here today,” whether they had perished or simply gone to the gray havens, the elves days were numbered in middle earth. this was the age of men. “but i do not have much family here, not anymore. i am proud to welcome you into our number, andune, both as ecthelion’s love and as my own kin. it is truly an honor.” 
@glcryled​ !!
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it had taken a great manner of convincing on ecthelion’s part to convince andune to speak to elrond and tell him the truth about who she was. not by any great misgivings she held about the elf lord - truth be told, she knew nothing but stories - but simply out of a fear that she had carried for some thousands of years. “the blessing and the curse of a long life. so much time for growth and yet so much time bury yourself in old hate so deep you cannot find a path out.” her thoughts go to ecthelion for a brief moment she is grateful that she was there to pull him from death after his mission was completed.
“the honor is mine.” what a life she might have lived had the sons of faenor not tried to kill her father, had she not been forced into hiding from such a young age? might they have been raised together, might she have been some great elf lady of rivendell rather than some wandering friend of rangers? it is something that hurts her heart to dwell on for more than a few breaths. “i have no wish to cause you to dwell on painful memories, but i must admit i have a great curiosity about you and rivendell and all these things i might have missed.”
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glcryled · 2 years
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             perhaps ecthelion did not realized that he was in love until this moment. the single thought contained within his mind for centuries was his need to put an end to the elven king. now that his chief duty had been appeased, he could focus on the other things that had lingered behind that shadow, the reason that he had always been drawn to andune, why he sought her company when he never believed that he had deserved it. “it would be an honor to be followed by one as angelic as you,” ecthelion murmured in reply, jamming his eyes shot as a wave of pain shot through his nerves. he lifts a slick palm to andune’s cheek, thumb swiping along the sharp bone there. “you are still too kind to me, even after you’ve seen what i am. i do not deserve such loyalty.” even still, ecthelion arched upward, a pained whine taking the air from his lungs. it did not matter as he pressed blood smeared lips to andune’s, as no sight in middle earth could compare to the beauty contained within this kiss. 
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"oh to be cursed to love a fool so eager to die.” andune is teasing him, tone soft and sweet and joking in a way that only one who knows her as well as ecthelion would notice. she is not prone to great outbursts of emotions, positive or negative, and any jokes that slip past her lips are often dry and rough. yet all she wants to do is see him smile again, the grand fool, and she swears the light will heal him if it’s the last thing she can do. it is a conclusion of a long love to finally have his lips pressed against hers and even the metallic taste of blood cannot muddle the joy and grief in her heart. “i did not survive all these great many years to watch my love die after only one kiss. you will survive, ecthelion. i swear it,” she mumurs against the soft shape of his lips.
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glcryled · 2 years
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             it does not need to be stated out loud, ecthelion knows that andune never intends harm when she speaks, but the reminder hurts nonetheless. tears continue to burn his eyes, but he does not have the time or patience to acknowledge his pain right now. that is not what this is about, and he does not have time to linger on why he’s must do this–only that he must. ecthelion does not mean to ignore the intimacy andune offers with her personal information, but he cannot focus on any single thing aside from his actions, cannot shift his thought from his duty lest he get weak in the knees and flee before he can take action like the child that ran out of mirkwood many moons ago. “have you considered that perhaps i am already lost to that? the boy you met on this very road centuries ago is not who i am now. i have been honed into the sharp point of the most deadly blade, and i seek to kill or be killed. there is not other options. i know that you’ve always wanted to protect me, that you’ve never hesitated to come to my aid, but if what you want is that boy, than i fear there is no place for you here. because of thranduil, all that is left within me is a violent rage comparable only to that of the sea, and the tide has rolled in. the time has come for this weapon to be yielded, and i am a lowly creature that most attend to my master. i am sorry, andune, if you believed that i was any more than what i am. thranduil made certain that this is all i will ever be. a sword doomed to shatter akin to the shards of narsil.” 
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"as if centuries are some grand measure of time in the life of an elf,” andune scoffs with a small shake of her head. he is not the first to be driven mad by rage and grief in the history of arda and certainly he will not be the last, but there is a biting sting to the way he talks about himself. it is frustration paired with a burning anger of her own that seeks to grasp his shoulders and shake him until he sees reason, until he sees the nonsense of revenge and good intentions. but andune is not given to rage, not after several lifetimes spent in the shadows, and so her tone is only chiding at its most violent. “i believe a sword does not know a battle and i believe a wound knows nothing but the taste of blood, if you must know what i believe. there is no victory in the killing, only in the surviving, yet none but the dying know that to be true.” a slow sigh, lips pressing together as she considers the frame of him wound tight like a bowstring ready to let loose. “i will be here when this fool’s errand is complete and i will heal you as i always do.” a statement of fact with unwavering certainty as if she has just now made up her mind.
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glcryled · 2 years
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         the relief of finally having done what he was destined to do had removed a great weight off of ecthelion’s shoulders, and at the same moment his very life had been sucked from him. stars dotted his vision and ecthelion struggled to breathe; one of the wounds thranduil had inflicted upon him had cut through his lungs. only adrenaline and a feeling of necessity had kept him alive until the moment that thranduil’s death was certain. up until this moment, ecthelion had been perfectly content in perishing as long as he was sure that his enemy was dead, but now that he had come to that moment, he knew that there was something to live for after the duel of fate.           “ni cíta nányë nemestea,” ecthelion murmurs, the grin lighting up his eyes in utter conflict with the blood spilling on his lips. though he could barely see, what he could discern was how andune glowed, bright and shining like the most iridescent in the heavens. never had ecthelion seen a more beautiful sight, enchanted by that which was saving him. “firië lerta tul pan le nar hí.” 
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andune has mourned a great many people in her long life, the same scar opening and opening again until she is sure no time can heal it. it is that wound she feels now, burning at the edges even with the warmth of light between her fingertips and the bloody chest beneath her hands. fool as he is, andune cannot lose another. it is a grief that will destroy her; even a heart as strong and old as hers can only bear so much and elves are not meant to love twice in one lifetime.
“if death comes for you, then i will follow you to those shores,” andune argues as she moves closer, pressing her body to his and begging for that light to flow from her to him. she will not watch him die, even if that means the end of her. “my mother was teleri. the sea is in my blood and even the great void ocean of death will not keep me from you.” it’s a joke, almost, and a weak exhale comes from her throat, somewhere between a laugh and a sob.
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glcryled · 2 years
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              “my mother was kind, good, a loving soul,” ecthelion’s jaw set, gaze far away, as though he weren’t present in the moment. he wasn’t, as thoughts of his mother came to his mind, memories, all that he had left of her. “never hurt a fly, couldn’t even lay a blade to an orc. thranduil watched her die and did nothing. her, my brother, my father,  they are gone because of him.” tears sprung up at the edges of ecthelion’s eyes, overwhelmed with emotion as he was. “i do not care what he did or did not have to suffer through, i do not care what good he has done in his life for all of it has been for his own inclinations, to save face, to contort others to his will. many go through this world suffering yet they do not act as he does. cruelty has no place in this world that we’ve fought for, and i will not suspend my sword any longer.”                 finally, ecthelion glanced at andune once more. “i know what i appear to be, a self serving monster no better than him. that is all i have ever been, i have accepted my fate. this is not just for me and my family, but for others who have suffered because of the elf king’s inaction. the dwarf kings of erebor were conceived based on thranduil’s lies, their mother an object of desire and revenge, nothing more. many amongst middle earth share similar tales. if i am to be cruel, it is out of necessity. this is for those who cannot fight, for those long gone, for those who have never had a voice. i will do what i must. i do not blame you if you cannot understand that.” 
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"i mean not to disrespect your grief. arda is lesser for their loss, i am sure of it.” andune has seen enough grief to know that it is not a thing of logic or reason. it is an aching wound, the feeling of red raw skin torn so wide that the healing itself will leave a permanent mark. “yet there has been greater evil than thranduil on this earth and there will be greater evil even after his passing. he is a symptom of shadow, not the shade; a long life and the belief that you are right above all else is bound to create atrocities, lest you forget it.”
there is no cruelty meant to her words, no venom or anger even in response to the pain in his voice. her tone is even and steady as they walk, footsteps silent even across the dry leaves of summer; the gift of stealth is one often found in elves and she has never known how to exist without it. “i understand more than you believe i do, ecthelion.” a small shift in her tone, almost a chiding undercurrent. it is not his fault; he knows little of who she is. “my father was left to die by men driven by an oath to do good against the greatest evil arda has ever known. my uncle perished in those same woods, a child left to starve by those who believed with every single part of them that the cruelty they inflicted was a necessity.” a slow breath and, just for a moment, her words catch in her throat. “you cannot fight a shadow in the sunlight. take care not to become what you seek to destroy.”
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