gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
A grin lept to Gothel's face. It wasn't often someone from this town wanted something extravagantly vivid and insane. This was her chance to show her some of her pieces. "I've got a couple I've put together in the back, for my own personal enjoyment and practice. I could bring them out to show you, if you like? They're absolutely stunning, and they couldn't get any brighter."Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Am shrugged, she wasnā€™t one who liked to spend a lot of money (unless it was on herself), but this was Siā€¦and Si deserved nice things too. They both did. ā€œI guess Iā€™m willing to pay a little more than tulips and orchids. Iā€™m sure theyā€™re great, butā€¦something a little different would be nice.ā€ A pleasant smile on her lips, Am gave a little shrug. ā€œI just want the best for my sister. Maybe something exotic or unusualā€¦bright colors. Si loves bright, violent colors,ā€ she added with a wider, toothier grin. This one looked a little less nice and a little more like her inner wickedness was showing through.
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
"I suppose that is something to think about. I've always just focused on the whole 'nobody here to mess things up' part." Gothel said, sliding around the fact that she didn't have to pay anybody.Ā 
Measuring out the instructed amount of tea leaves enough for two, Gothel placed them into their own infusers and placed them into the mugs she had previously pulled down from the cabinet above the kettle. The water beginning to boil, Gothel poured it into the matching burgundy mugs, letting them steep. "It could be." Gothel replied with a small laugh. "Here you are though." She said, walking over to a black wire lawn set she had set up for people waiting for their orders. "Do you take cream and sugar?"Ā 
"Same here actually. And anybody who DOES know is far away now." She said with a just-as-light laugh.
She nodded as she listened on. ā€œYou are doing VERY well on your own. Plus more money for you since youā€™ve no one to pay.ā€ Cruella smirked.
Her own place was three stories high and the first floor was chalkfull of easy to steal things, she NEEDED the employees. Maybe even one more to help run the menā€™s floor.
"I simply canā€™t wait to taste this tea." She said. She chuckled right after that. "I think thatā€™s the most British thing Iā€™ve said."
Besides, of course, dahhhhling and mahhhhhvelous and anything with ā€˜arā€™ that came out ā€˜ahhhhā€™.Ā 
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel was a woman who liked to get from one place to another, with little luxury time in between. She wasn't a browser, never had been. There was a time and place to stop and look at things, however that was only when you had nothing else going on during the day, and well, Gothel never did have nothing going on. She kept herself busy, and enjoyed her life to the fullest because of it.Ā 
"Well, I've had a while to figure things out." Gothel replied. A few hundred years was certainly a while, but that was a bit of information the middle-aged appearance woman never spoke word of, even in the privacy of her own home. It was much too dangerous for her to breathe a word about it to anyone, and you never did know when the trees were listening. She came from a world where animals seemed to have some sort of knowledge as to what people were saying, and after working with plants for as long as she had, Gothel figured that even they might be able to obtain information.Ā 
She smiled back at Diablo, nodding as he spoke. He seemed to love his shop as much as she did hers. "Well, I suppose one day I'll have to come in and try something. I've never been much of a drinker, besides of course a glass of Pinot Noir occasionally." Occasionally meaning one every night before she went to bed, possibly two, but Gothel had an image to uphold and alcoholism wasn't something she wanted to be added onto that image. "I agree. There are much too many people who let their shops just be and don't let them become the best that they can possibly be. It's a very sad reality, but a reality nonetheless."Ā 
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Jogging // Gothel & Diablo
Diablo opened his mouth to answer her when he heard the tap-tapping of her foot on the concrete. Blinking, he rounded his lips into a small ā€œOhā€ shape before clearing his throat. ā€œAh, ermā€¦yes, sorry, I-Iā€™ll justā€¦I was going this way anyways. So,ā€ he hit the small button on the crosswalk to light up the signal and once it started chirping at him and the little glowing man appeared, he started to walk. He assumed Ms. Gothel would be following him too, since she seemed to be in a hurry.
Smiling faintly, Diablo listened to the woman speak, her pride glowing as she talked about her shop. Some people in town werenā€™t really thrilled about their work, but the few who loved their shops always felt like kindred spirits. ā€œThatā€™s very impressive. Not many people have the smarts to keep a business thriving.ā€ He gave a soft chuckle as she praised the mayor and her boyfriend. Yes, initially he was rather suspicious of the two. But over time, heā€™d learned to appreciate what theyā€™d done for him by bringing him to town. He was a very lucky man. ā€œYeah, theyā€™reā€¦theyā€™re good people. Weā€™re pretty lucky.ā€
ā€œOh, oui madame, Iā€™m there every night. I own the place and serve the drinks. So unless Iā€™m sick or dead, Iā€™ll be there.ā€ Diablo smiled broadly. He loved the Dragon too. The Dragon was his baby, the small thread he had linking him to his mistress, Maleficent. Sure, it was just a bar to most people in townā€¦but to Diablo it was a shrine. He worked hard to make it beautiful and keep it going. ā€œNot many in town have such a good work ethic. Itā€¦Itā€™s nice to meet someone else who loves their shop, not just the money it brings in.ā€
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
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never ending list of flawless theatre people: idina menzel
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel had been out for a walk, her mind heavy on something that didn't actually matter, at least it shouldn't. Rapunzel was long gone, had to be dead by now, and it was silly of the woman to begin thinking of something from so long ago. Through her thinking though, she'd wandered farther than she normally did, and also didn't feel the small drips of water until it was too late. Grimmsvale was following through its name with the weather that had crept up, the clouds now a deep gray and thick raindrops falling from them, their speed quickening.Ā 
Letting out an almost childish squeal, she pulled her trench coat over her head and began to run, turning into the nearest doorway and pounding on the door. "Is anyone home?" She called out, frantically, as her feet began to become thoroughly soaked. The same would happen to the rest of her clothes quickly, if no one opened the door.Ā 
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Closing up shop the bookworm of a lady looked around. Cautious not to bring out her beer bottle in front of the customers. But it was long after closing hours and there seemed to be no one around. Sometimes late at night, in this new town, Wendy needed a little something extra to help her mend her broken heart. Loneliness and sorrow would sweep her off her feet in the late hours of the night. Tentatively walking forward, Wendy locked the door to Nevertales and walked back to her office behind the checkout stand. Tipping the mouth of the bottle to her lips, she allowed the cold, bitter liquid to soothe her sore throat and aching heart.
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
"Are you sure?" Gothel asked with a concerned tone, however her black kitten heels were already tapping against the concrete, a littleĀ tap.... tap.... at a time.Ā 
A smile spread across her lips at the next mention of her shop. No matter how many times she heard, read, or spoke the name, a proud smile always shined. "Yes! That's me. I suppose I do have the right; I've practically had it built from the ground up. Of course with the Mayor's help and her lovely boyfriend. They're such amazing people, I really do not know how we got so lucky." Gothel would never be able to find a way to pay Ortensia and Oswald back, however she never really wanted to. She was happy in their little town of Grimmsvale. Her store would always have costumers, the rent was small, and the cottage they had built for her was beautiful beyond compare (even though itĀ wasĀ still a cottage). Let's not forget the largest gift of all that they gave her many years ago. The gift of life that kept Gothel looking at her best. She did of course always keep up with remedies, detoxes, skin care regimes, and had a stricter diet than most. There was a part of her that wasn't sure if it would last forever, or if perhaps one day it would stop all together and she would begin to age again, and she wanted to be prepared if that day did come.Ā 
"An escape, you say? Hmm.. I may have to step in one day, now that I know at leastĀ someone who will be there. Assuming you go in every day...? I know some people don't, however I'm certainly not the kind. I love my shop too much not to."Ā 
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Jogging // Gothel & Diablo
Diablo followed the point and made an understanding face as he quickly composed himself. ā€œOh, right, no, I-Iā€™m good. I would hate to make you late for, umā€¦self-scheduling.ā€ Sure his muscles still ached and he was a little winded, but he could at least totter alongside the woman while she made her way towards whatever place she was going.
Gleam and Growā€¦that sounded familiar. ā€œThe flower shop?ā€ he asked as the image of the storefront came to mind. No, heā€™d never set foot inside the shop, but he often passed by during his walks around town. He saw her smile with pride and laughed, knowing that feeling all-too-well. ā€œItā€™s okay to be biased towards your own hard work, Ms. Gothel. Youā€™ve got every right.ā€ Diablo was always proud of his little bar; in his mind, it was the greatest bar in existence and no one could tell him otherwise.
ā€œWell you should definitely stop by. Itā€™s more than just a barā€¦itā€™sā€¦ā€ he paused, trying to come up with the right word, ā€œitā€™s an escape. I can set you up in a nice booth with your friends, enjoying cocktailsā€¦fun stuff like that.ā€ Plus having more women in the bar would be nice; the only ones he ever saw in there were Morgana and Meg. He didnā€™t want the women in town to feel unwelcomed, after all. ā€œI think youā€™d like it if you tried itā€¦ā€
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
"Well I should hope so!" Gothel retorted. "Depending on how much you're willing to pay, I could get you my most beautiful and interesting flowers into an arrangement. They do however take more effort to make and grow to be healthy, so they come at no little cost. If not, however, than I have a rather large selection of orchids and tulips that have very interesting color schemes to them. If you'd like, I could go show you where they are, to see for yourself."Ā 
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Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Am almost allowed a pout to cross her face when the ribbon was taken away from her. Like a child having their toy taken from them without explanation. But instead she kept her eyes roaming around the shop; once the woman had untangled her, Am stepped forward to lean down into the nearest bouquet of flowers, taking a little sniff of them; she figured if Si was going to have them in the house, they should at least smell nice. Smiling, Am, looked at the woman as she praised her shop. ā€œIt really is beautiful. Um, sort of. My sister wants me to find flowers for her to paint, so I need to bring her back an arrangement thatā€™s interesting for her to look at. Would you happen to have any suggestions? My knowledge of flowers is limited.ā€ Limited to that one time she snipped all the roses off their stems when she was supposed to be making arts and crafts back at the orphanage. Ohhh the caretakers were very upset that day. It was hilarious. ā€œPlus you seem to know your stuff. Iā€™d rather take your advice over my own.ā€
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
A grin immediately shined upon Gothel's face as she watched her newest and only employee work her magic. "That was trulyĀ fascinating to watch!" She exclaimed, clapping her hands three times quickly as her shoulders shrugged in excitement. "You're magnificent! I really do like you already, Drizella Tremaine, and it is very hard to make me really like someone in such a short amount of time."Ā 
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"And i will keep my word." Drizella pulled out her smart phone and went over to the box. She read the label and went to the website that the ribbons had come from. Snooping through the website, she found the contact info and dialed the phone number. A person answered and said the name of the company, which sounded like blah blah blah in her head.
ā€œHello. Yes, I am calling from Gleam and Glow. My Boss recently placed an order with you and No i will not hold. I am going to be very quick about this. The package that she received today was completely wrong and you have put my Boss in quite a predicament. See she canā€™t send out her orders without the right ribbon and these just wonā€™t do. I am heading down to the post office right now to send these back.ā€ Their was a pause as she was listening. ā€œAh well thank you Very Much." Drizella hung up her phone and turned to Gothel.Ā 
"The Lady pulled up your order and realized the mistake. She felt so bad that she is not only going to refund all your money but She is sending her son out here to come pick up this box and give you the right one. She said he should be here within the hour."Ā 
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
"Oh, I wouldn't have anyways." Gothel started with a small laugh. "I've never been one to tell anyone my birth month date, let alone the year!Ā 
She began to turn on her small electric kettle, which she kept far from any type of plant. The flowers were her 'little darlings' and Gothel tried to keep them as far from hazardous things as she could. Water kettles included. "A few people have told me I should hire someone on for up here alone but, I don't know... There's so much conflict bringing a complete stranger into your store to help you run things. I do it perfectly fine on my own, I think!"Ā 
"Aged well? Goodness how old ARE you?" Cruella asked, jokingly, adding a chuckle. "Iā€™m joking. Donā€™t tell me. I doubt Iā€™d believe it anyway." She said.
She secretly began guessing in her mind though. The highest sheā€™d guess was 35ā€¦.. 33. She smiled at the -she guessed ā€˜insideā€™- joke politely though she didnā€™t understand it. Perhaps it was just florist humor like the way the fashion world had their jokes. Cara Delevingne for example. She nodded her head a smidge and then Gothel was off.
She looked among the flowers as she was alone. Beautiful. Cruella as never one to ā€˜stop and smell the rosesā€™ figuratively or literally. But taking in the flowers, all she was REALLY missing out on was a good view of natureā€™s beauty.
Her favorites, surprisingly, were the blues. Each blue flower seemed to have ore than just one shade of blue on itā€™s petals. That was interesting. And beautiful.
Cruella turned with a smile when Gothel came back with the tea. ā€œMahvelous.ā€ She said. ā€œAnd donā€™t worry, I TOTALLY understand you.ā€
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
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Canā€™t wait to see Idina on the Late Show with David Letterman tonight! Love this little preview ;)
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel let out a laugh at the young girl's excitement, it being quite contagious. She was very glad she hadn't taken anyone on before Drizella, for no one fit for the job or the shop owner quite like she did. "You may certainly. Remember your promise though. You said you'd have the right order back to me by tomorrow morning, with atĀ least no extra charge to me."Ā 
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A huge grin spread across her bright red lipstick lips and she did a little happy dance. ā€œThank you, Ms. Gothel!ā€ Her Mother would be unbelievably happy when she told her the great news. ā€œI take the same exact thing in my tea, but i usually go for Earl Grey. Iā€™ll be here right at 8:30 in the morning with tea.ā€ Drizella nodded. ā€œI donā€™t normally snack, so you donā€™t have to worry about that And I think we will make excellent friends.ā€
Her eyes shifted to the box. ā€œWould you like me to take care of that now?ā€Ā 
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel smiled along with the girl, her compliment certainly doing that job that the woman knew it was supposed to do. She wasn't often able to be buttered up, but something about this girl... The two just clicked, and Gothel could see them becoming quite close in the future.Ā 
"I take tea. One cream, three sugars, English Breakfast. The shop opens at nine o'clock in the morning, however I expect you to be here at eight-thirty sharp, and staying until six o'clock in the evening. Lunch will be at twelve-thirty, and if you need a small snack to keep your body going in between times than by all means have one, except be quick about it. Other than that..." Gothel gave her a smile. "I think we might become good friends."Ā 
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"Your flowers are way too beautiful to even think about doing something to them. Itā€™s almost a shame that you have to share them with the rest of this town. I have never seen such Beauty." A genuine smile was on her lips. "Before my father passed away, He used to bring me the most beautiful white Orchids i have ever seen And i would take care of them so they stayed fresher longer. I was only a child then. And i cross my heart thatā€™ll iā€™ll take care of your Flowers." Drizella did an ā€˜Xā€™ over her heart with her finger. "And iā€™ll bring you Coffee or Tea in the Morning, Whichever you take."Ā 
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel laughed. "Well, I was heading this way" She began, pointing down the street towards Amzy's restaurant, "before I came across you. Have you caught your breath enough to begin walking again, or will I be pushing my self-schedule back today?" Her tone was amused, yet part of her would be annoyed that she wouldn't be grabbing her dinner at the usual six o'clock.Ā 
"I do! Gleam and Grow, it's right down the street! You can't miss it. It's the prettiest shop on the block, although I may be bias a tad bit." Her chest puffed up slightly with pride at her shop.Ā 
"Ah! I must admit, bars are not generally my go-to place to get my mind off things, but I have thought of going in once or twice!" Gothel wasn't lying when she said this. There had been more than one occasion where she was tempted to call Ortensia and talk with her about very private matters.Ā 
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Jogging // Gothel & Diablo
ā€œWalking is definitely more my speed. Literally,ā€ he said with a breathless laugh. Diablo wasnā€™t one to really care about his appearance. Aside from wanting to be a little more fit, he didnā€™t care about sweat or grime or wearing the same shirt for a few days straight. But once he got something in his mind, it was hard for him to be swayed from it. And right now, that something was running around like a fool.
ā€œShop? You own a shop around here?ā€ He definitely hadnā€™t seen her, then. Diablo usually went from work to his home, with the occasional stop for food or a break in the park. ā€œGothel,ā€ he repeated, smiling politely at her. ā€œYeah, a pleasure to meet you too. I, uh, I work at the bar. A bar. The Green Dragon,ā€ he clarified, poorly, and ruffled the top of his head as he spoke.
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
Gothel watched the girl, a small smile growing on her lips as Drizella finished. "Indeed I do. They're my pride and joy and I work veryĀ very hard on them. If I am to take someone on, which I'm not saying I am, butĀ if,Ā I would need to make sure that they would respect them and make sure no harm came to them. Could you do that?" Ā Her eyebrow raised a hair as she awaited reply.Ā 
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While the Dark haired woman talked, Drizellaā€™s eyes wandered around the store. When the Raven haired girl was younger, Her Father would bring home Flowers. Red Roses for Mother, pink roses for Anastasia and White Orchids for her. Drizella thought White Orchids were the most beautiful flowers ever. If she had to get a job, no wonder her first choice was a flower shop.Ā 
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A smile perked up at her lips and she made her way over to the counter. ā€œWell first things first, I am going to sort out this ribbon ordeal for you and make sure that the correct ribbon is here by tomorrow morning when you open. And all of this will be at no extra charge for you. In fact, I think iā€™ll persuade them to give you a refund. Iā€™m very persuasive.ā€ Drizella smiled.Ā 
"Then after all that is sorted out, You tell me what to do and iā€™ll do it. Your flowers are very beautiful, Ms. Gothel." She knew who ran what shops and what their names were. It was her business to know. "I can tell you take a lot of pride into your flowers."
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gleamandgrowgothel Ā· 10 years
"I can see how that would be a problem to opening up earlier." Gothel replied. Of course Cruella could simply go in earlier than whatever time it was that she normally did. How hard is it to redress something the doesn't fight you? And couldn't she just clean up shop the night before? It didn't matter all that much to her, how someone else ran their shop was their own business, even if it she knew they could run it more efficiently.Ā 
"Oh thank you! I do pleasure myself in saying that I have aged quite well over the years, but I try my hardest with natural remedies. Sometimes I like to think the flowers give me life." An amused hum escaped her lips. The woman also pleasured herself in making little jokes that only Ortensia, Oswald, and herself would understand. "I'll go get it from the back room now."Ā 
Gothel scurried off through a doorway from which hung a heavy, deep red curtain with a gold design bordering it; grabbing the box opener that she had beside her box of ribbons on her way out. She slipped a key that she kept neatly tucked in her pocket at all times, she unlocked her private office and entered in, the room looking completely different than the rest of her shop. It was cluttered, with books and tumblers and different bottles that held different oils. Her desk was stacked high with papers, but she rummaged around quick enough to find the box of tea that she'd mentioned to Cruella.Ā 
Putting the box cutter away on her way out, Gothel locked the door and made her way back to the front room. "Here we are!" She sang. "Sorry that took so long, things are a little cluttered back there."Ā 
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"Only because I always have to retouch the shopā€™s appearance and put this back here and that back there and redress the mannequins." Cruella said. Wow. Gothel was quite the early bird if that was LATE to her. "I would keep it open 24/7 as well but it turns out people like to shop when the sunā€™s up for some reason."
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Then Gothel invited her to stay there. ā€œOh, that works, too.ā€ She said. She listened on about the tea and raised a brow. ā€œButā€¦. nevermind. I was going to say you look FAR too young to worry about losing your glow and aging but goodness knows I started my skin care and rejuvenating routine at 18.ā€ She chuckled. ā€œAs radiant as your skin is, I guess I MUST try this tea.ā€
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