Hey! Sorry for all that anti bullshit you got, buddy! I will snap their knees!
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the wellbeing of children is more important than your weird ass fucked up ships. Stop defending paedophilia. Stop normalising paedophilia. Stop trivialising the shit I and countless other kids have gone through for your pointless fucking garbage.
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and no, “I was abused too!” is not an excuse.
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Shiro x Keith 😢
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Staff: *bans female presenting nipples*
Me: goddamnit this is exactly how Japanese tentacle porn was created
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Have you seen this post going around and thought, wow the terfs might actually have decent sources?
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I was a bit curious about this bizpacreview site. So I looked into it.
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Note specifically it says that the bizpacreview site has failed fact checks. So I looked into the actual pediatric college claim it cites.
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So uhh yeah seems like terfs are at it again with either a) not giving a fuck about if a source is valid or not, or b) being intellectually dishonest.
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artist tips
don’t save as jpeg
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being a female means needing to see 10 different doctors to get a proper diagnosis because they always think you’re exaggerating and/or lying
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Me trying to explain to someone that doesn’t have Visual Snow about the static that covers everything I see.
Here’s a gif to demonstrate.
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Imagine that, overlayed over your entire field of vision. Even when your eyes are closed. (especially when your eyes are closed.)
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(could you tell me how those lack critical thinking please? not trying to argue, just actually confused)
Sorry for the late reply! The notes on the post itself do a good job of explaining things, but here’s my take.
Abuse is NEVER black and white. It might seem like it is, and for some people thinking about it that way helps, but with all forms of trauma assuming there is one way everyone should process and represent what happened to them is misguided and harmful. 
Like yes at first it does seem reasonable to say that all abusers are evil and that they should never be redeemed and that narratives that frame them as being worthy of forgiveness are harmful, but that in itself is showing a remarkable lack of understanding of what actual abuse survivors go through.
I don’t really know how other to explain it than through anecdotes so this might get a little heavy, I apologize, I’ll add a TL;DR at the end encase you would rather not read about abuse.
That said, the paragraphs below discus childhood sexual assault and emotional abuse.
So I was sexually assaulted when I was ten. For the longest time I hated my abuser, tbh I sort of still do. But he used to be someone I trusted and loved, so it’s hard for me to say things like “he deserves to rot in hell” or “I hope he dies” because…I don’t really feel comfortable saying those things about anyone, even someone as bad as him. Plus, I have reason to believe that he might have hurt me just because he himself was hurt, and while that doesn’t excuse what he did, it makes things a little bit more complicated.
It was only recently that I discovered what became of him. After what happened my family never talked about him, and I never saw him again either. I didn’t go to his trial and no one ever told me what the verdict was. I can’t even find any news articles about it no matter how hard I look. For all I know he didn’t even get punished. And tbh I was fine with that. I didn’t want to think about it. I honestly felt a little embarrassed by it and felt like my family never really believed me. So I was ok with not knowing.
But a couple of years ago he apparently reached out to my mother and started talking to her. I don’t really know WHY, but she felt comfortable talking about whatever he wanted to talk about and some members of my family have welcomed him back into their lives. And when I found that out I felt SO betrayed. I felt violated all over again, and when I went onto his facebook page to block him I saw that he was in a relationship with someone. And part of me really, REALLY wanted to find out who he was dating and tell her what he did. Ruin his life all over again. Because he ruined part of mine, why should he get to be happy? 
But after I calmed down I thought about it….and while I NEVER want to see him again(just the thought of it makes me break out in panic sweats and feel like I’m gonna throw up and cry), who am I to say that he isn’t allowed to try to be a better person? I don’t believe in the death penalty, and he’s only in his 30s. If he can see the error of his ways and grow and change and find a better life….well, I’d rather that than he go back to offending or rot in jail. If he can be forgiven by someone, that’s ok. It doesn’t have to be me, but I am willing to accept that he has a life now, and for better or for worse that’s not something I can control. 
So you see, I cannot condemn him. Part of me still hates him, and I would rather die than ever see him again, and I don’t think I will ever be able to forgive him, but I don’t want him to die. I don’t want to ruin his life. I don’t want to stop him from being a better person. If there is a hell I don’t want him to go there. 
And to say that if I don’t feel like he should be killed I somehow am being a bad survivor or that stories like mine are harmful is….bad. Stories like mine are actually VERY common. Most abuse survivors feel really conflicted about their abusers, some even still love them. Some forgive them. And reflecting that in our fiction is GOOD. 
As another example, my dad has always treated me like crap. He loves me, I know he does, and I know it was mostly because he was sick, but he wasn’t a good dad. He used me as a pawn against my mom, he made me take care of myself way too young, he blamed me for things that weren’t my fault, he yelled at me, he neglected me, all in all he was a really bad father. And I still love him.
I can still remember the good times we had. I remember talking about sci-fi and science, seeing movies, and going out for good food. He bought me nice things when he could and taught me how to cook. He never made fun of my interests, he tried to teach me to drive, he even took me to conventions and helped me make my cosplays. He let me get dogs, and I am still so grateful for those dogs, who I still have and love to this day. He’s also the reason I moved to Arizona and because of that I made new friends and got a job I loved and met my boyfriend(and our 2 year anniversary is tomorrow!).
So yeah, my dad was both a force of good, and a force to harm in my life. He hurt me a lot, and I am still trying to overcome the trauma he caused to this day. I have a lot of negative feelings towards him, and it is hard for me to talk to him, and I do have to remind myself that I don’t have to take care of him, but he’s my dad and I forgive him. I know he loves me. I want him to get better and be a good person. I don’t want him to not have a chance at redemption. I cannot condemn him. 
And these people who think that narratives like mine, where I forgive and move on and the abusers go on to have lives and even be a part of mine, are somehow evil or harmful or invalid are fucking wrong. I don’t feel bad saying that. They are WRONG. Because most people who did have abusive parents will feel the way I feel. Conflicted. A sense of both love and resentment. A reluctance to cast them aside. A desire to care for them when they need you. And a lot of us don’t even feel like we need to forgive them…we just do. Sometimes it’s easier to forgive. And sometimes we just want to have another chance at having a parent that loves us. There’s nothing wrong with that. 
And as other survivors have said, seeing stories where abusive parents and people do see the error of their ways and go on to make an effort and change and try to be a better person and be worthy of redemption is cathartic as hell. It might be unlikely, and it might be an escapist fantasy, but it makes us feel better, and helps us process and cope with our trauma. Like fucking forgive me but sometimes I want to read a story in a world where people who do wrong ARE redeemed and DO make amends and become good people. 
And this post is long enough so I won’t get into it too much but stories where bad people are redeemed are actually GOOD. Everyone fucks up at some point in their lives. Everyone does something awful, something that feels unforgivable. And when we do we see stories like ATLA and Star Wars and Steven Universe and see people who have fucked up and done awful things and who still are given a second chance. The struggle forward isn’t easy, people won’t always forgive you, they shouldn’t be expected to. But these stories tell us that no matter how far we have fallen, we can ALWAYS get back up. We can always be better. We are never beyond saving. We shouldn’t give up. That’s really fucking important for EVERYONE to see. 
And I mean you don’t have to look far to see a world where one fuck up means you are evil. That’s how Tumblr is! A system of morality where one strike and you’re out. Where you can never be redeemed. Where all apologies are performative and anyone who tries to be better is just trying to get people to forgive them so they can be bad again. No one can learn from their mistakes. And that FUCKING SUCKS. I really do not want the world to start being like that too. 
But anyway TL;DR
Most abuse survivors feel really conflicted about their abusers and do not follow a narrative that tumblr believes is “correct”. Acting like there is only one way to process and come to terms with abuse and that depicting anything else in fiction is somehow harmful and evil is in itself harmful and evil. The people making those posts don’t actually seem to care about that and tend to talk over abuse survivors who usually enjoy these narratives because stories where abusers do change and are forgiven are super cathartic and can help us heal more than stories where the opposite happens. In fact a lot of these stories are written by people who have been abused, and once again, acting like these narratives are somehow wrong is harmful as hell and invalidates a lot of people in the name of morality.
Tumblr once again shows a lack of any and all critical thinking and in doing so harms the very people they claim to be protecting because nuance is evil and everything is black and white.
Sorry that this got so long, if you have any other questions feel free to ask.
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Guess who, at the end, didn’t choose which one drawing do?
(and draw Shiro’s arms wrong in the first pic?)
Yeah, guess who (≖_≖;)
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“A Million Times Over”
There I fixed it. Again. And it’s 2:30 am and I made myself sad making this fix. Again. XD I don’t think I’ll ever be over how awful the canon ending was, so I guess I’ll just keep fixing it for the rest of my life until, after 10 years or so, when finally two gay main characters are allowed in a kids show for mostly boys, one of the show runners stands up and sticks it to dw and makes a sequel in which Keith and Shiro get the ending their relationship deserved.
Until then… I’ll keep drawing sad shit like this. XD and yall gotta suffer with me.
(on a side note: this was my very first idea for the @realitieszine but it turned out a wee bit longer and sadder than expected, so I opted for something lighter :) and I can’t wait to show you previews!!)
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Have to admit I go to Hot Topic so I can say this, does anyone know what’s up with that shirt of anime Spongebob transforming into a muscular version of himself behind broken glass?
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Been playing around with styles with Catra as my experimental subject. It’s less than a month between these two images lmao
Anyway Noelle Stevenson confirmed Catra’s growing out an undercut on Twitter and I haven’t seen enough art of it. Gimme my punkass gremlin
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