🍺 How did you woo the bird man? Do you know how many people have failed at doing that? What made you stand out?
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      “Patience... patience, and after a while, started appreciatin’ him as a person ‘stead of just someone I wanted to fuck. Works wonders, but ain’t doin’ that again. At least not in this ‘verse. I already got Falk, I’m happy, don’t need nobody else. Other ‘verses? Maybe. I dunno.”
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Send 🍺+ a question and my muse will answer drunk!
Bonus: For every question received, my muse will also get increasingly drunk.
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*✧・゚ surprise!
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       Hear that? That’s the sound of a certain psychic giggling in pure joy.
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send me ‘*✧・゚’ to douse my muse in glitter!
ALT. send me ‘sparkles’ for the reverse!
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       Wonder if crucifying the bastard would have any effect... or if he’d just use his whale-powers to bust himself out.
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How did you make that sound with your mouth
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Do you like the moon? If yes, then would you still like it if it hit your eye like a big pizza pie? (@daily-lunatone)
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Will: “This is somewhat of an ominous question, but, yes. Of course I’d still like the moon. I mean, that’s where my name comes from.”
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Bugsy: “Actually, Tsuki, weren’t you named after the Zelkova tree?”
Will: “… I was trying to look cool.”
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Will: “Anyways! All that matters is that I’d still like the moon, whether or not if it hits-”
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    Y’gotta work on yer interrogation skills, kiddo.
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      “Work’s over, though! Now, it’s time for play!” ... If only his powers would work, though. Oh well, maybe Archie would piss him off enough so he could do it.
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    Squeaky toy noise!
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       What if I tried throwing you through a wall again? I don’t think it’d get you to talk, but I do know it’d be fun.
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    Well, ain’t you somethin’ special.
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       And you’re a fucking bitch to get a confession out of. But at least I got a hint. That’s all I need, really.
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    I ain’t prideful ‘nough t’ keep track, kiddo.
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       Neither am I, really. Plus, I don’t think I could keep track. The last Rocket base I cleared out had to have hundreds of people in it.
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“I do not know what sort of answer you are looking for from me, Will. I am sorry, but I have nothing to offer you.
…Fine. What if plants have feelings? If it is not going to change your dietary habits, and their consciousness is entirely different from ours…what would be the significance of this discovery?”
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      “I might seem like an idiot most the time, but honestly? I really enjoy thinking about stuff like this. Not because it’s ridiculous, but just... think about it! What if we could learn to communicate with them? Or even if we just knew, how would life as we know it change? Also what would happen to the vegans who think us ‘carnists’ are shitbags? I wanna see them squirm, honestly.”
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    That ‘s unrelated!
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      Awwww c’mon, don’t be shy! I doubt it’s higher than mine, but I know someone like you has to have a body count!
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“Will, no.” His voice was firm, but not in a harsh sense. Still gentle, and with no increase in volume. But the Gym Leader was hesitant to reach out and touch him in this state. “You do not need to be getting into trouble with the League again, not now.
We should…dispose of that. Destroy it, so that it cannot harm anyone. Together.”
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       “Oh, c’mon! It’s just a joke! I’m not gonna try cursing anyone with it, don’t worry.” The object was shoved into a pocket instead- no, he... didn’t want to give it up. Besides, it was probably harmless. A lot of things with a dark aura around them turned out to only do stuff like make people’s hair turn green. Like an ancient prank thing.
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son-of-skarmory replied to your post: ��
“That…That does not sound like a good idea… where did you get that? It seems dangerous.”
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       “Worse that could happen is Bruno ends up with a horrible curse... and honestly, that’s not so bad. I’ve never really liked him, anyway.”
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036. — evil artifact
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       “Hey, hey Hawkie. What if I put this thing in Bruno’s bed?” Will just held up some horrific statuette, surrounded with dark energy. He... probably shouldn’t be handling such a thing.
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148 Horror Writing Prompts
Send me a number 1 thru 148 for a horror prompt that I’ll use to either write a drabble or starter. Send 💀  for a random number instead. ‘Read-more’ added for length. WARNING: contains potentially triggering material. Always make sure your roleplay partner is comfortable with these themes! (SOURCE)
001. — “the nightmare box” 002. — abandoned asylum 003. — abandoned city 004. — abandoned hospital 005. — abandoned house 006. — aliens 007. — apocalypse 008. — attack of the giant [_____] 009. — axe / chainsaw murder 010. — body horror 011. — brainwashing 012. — bride / groom is a monster 013. — buried alive 014. — can’t get out of the building 015. — can’t get out of the city 016. — cannibals 017. — Cassandra Curse 018. — cemetery 019. — changelings 020. — chest burster 021. — chimeras 022. — classic ghost stories 023. — corporeal ghosts 024. — crashed spaceship 025. — cults 026. — dark magic 027. — dead the entire time 028. — deadly cute thing (bunny, stuffed toy, killer tomato, etc.) 029. — deal with the devil 030. — demons 031. — doomsday device 032. — dream or reality? 033. — driven mad by guilt 034. — dystopian future 035. — everyone is affected but you 036. — evil artifact 037. — evil asylum 038. — evil body part 039. — evil doll 040. — evil fog / mist
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