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Motorcycles in January!!! What a crazy winter it's been!!!!
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It's official. My lap top says I can't work on it more than 12 hours a day. It does automatic updates and I can set a range of hours that are "active" where it won't randomly shut down on me mid sentence (as happened last week). But that range has to be between 1 and 12 hours. What kind of work week do these guys work over there??
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Just drove 45 minutes from west end to downtown. My engine temperature gauge didn't even move.
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Yikes, what a semester this is going to be.  Blogging may take a back burner to a very heavy semester.  Less than a week in and there has been absolutely no down time for creative thinking.  
So far this semester, less than 4 class days in, I have had 2 assignments DUE, began working on a case study, and had to find a group and begin working on a group assignment.  Given I still feel school started a week earlier than it should have, I am having a hard time feeling organized! (And I have already received my first mark of 0 in a very very long time)
Will do my best to still be entertaining through it all!!
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This is my computer restarting for updates right in the middle of me taking notes.
Update. Has said 100% complete for over 5 minutes.
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Guess who’s back
Well my last first day back at school.  It’s been a doozy, missed the bus, thankful I remembered my lock combo, was the first one to class, found out the notebook I grabbed was already half used, got to listen to some Pink Floyd “Money” in my Finance class, learned that Flow Charts will be part of my other class (yay), finished my first assignment, already have a group project underway and had to form a group so here’s to hoping that works out ok, and even squeezed in a little work stuff in between.  It’s been such a hectic day I wasn’t even able to blog my adventures throughout the day, hope this quick summary will suffice.  
Things to note:
I am literally the only person in the silent study room
The food has not changed and is still not appealing
The bookstore has crappy pens, crappy notebooks, and limited post-its for sale
Writing is habitual and is harder when you don’t do it regularly
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Yup. I just got ID'd at the movie theatre. Guess not wearing make up for date night has its perks.
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Up to six
With a 7th follower pending, how's your tummy Derrick?
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When you can only afford one of each letter but your restaurant faces two streets.
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This drink is to being done four exams and finally having four followers. Welcome non descriptive "Edmonton2016"
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Well I sit here at the Brewhouse, which has the exact opposite feel of the school right now.  It is hoppin’ in here.  First, I have to say to all my full-time school followers (All 1 of you), Holy Crap, kudos to you!  2 heavy exams in one day, and I am completely done.  Cramming for four exams in the last week has brought back grade 12 departmental exam flashbacks.  My brain is about to give up completely because I want it to decide between potato skins and dry ribs.  I think my brain might actually be crying.  And I went with both FYI.  Also...my fingers ache.  that’s kind of weird.
So now begins three weeks of being just an employee, mom, wife, and me.  Oh and trying to squeeze Christmas in there too.  In a few short weeks I will re-fill my duotangs with fresh paper, dump the crumbs from the bottom of my back pack, and probably buy some new pens. (No, really I swear I need more).  This time around I think I also need whiteout.  I kept wanting that, but was too cheap to pay $5.00 for it at the bookstore.  
I also have goals for next semester (Fellow students don’t laugh)
1) Make study notes as I go throughout the year (Maybe a separate notebook, I like notebooks?)
2) Colour code my notes to justify new pens
3) Use homework assignments to actually learn material instead of just getting them done to get the marks
4) Read the textbook...haha who am I kidding, that one really is a joke!!
Now I sit here, alone at the Brewhouse (with painfully slow service I might add) hoping at least one person shows up to celebrate with me so I can convince them to drive me back to my car and avoid that final bus ride of the semester.  
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And done
I'll write something insightful later. For now I'm heading over early for food if anyone wants to join!!!
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One down, one more to go.  My hand has cramped up and I have a tension strain in my neck.  Eat, Pee, Repeat.
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To my three beloved followers. Monday, 9:00. Downtown Brewhouse. Come celebrate with me.
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That moment when you are in the room waiting for class to start and the instructor starts walking in your direction.  As he gets within speaking distance he says those dreaded words... “Can I talk to you for a minute” as he motions with he head towards the door.  Queue an instant flood of thoughts.  Was it my assignment, I handed it in, maybe I did it wrong and got zero and he wanted to warn me.  But it was only worth a small amount.  Maybe I forgot to submit it and he wanted to ask me about it away from the other students?  Was there anything else outstanding?  Maybe I missed an assignment completely?  Of course by this point I have to stand and start walking towards the door, heart has skipped a few beats and there is a pit in my stomach.  Have I been accused of cheating?  The last test was a few weeks ago, maybe he thought I cheated on my assignment?  Or someone has just come forward?  Well I certainly did not cheat and I will fight that accusation!!  It’s actually quite amazing how many thoughts we can have as we walk the distance of maybe 10 feet. 
Now we are standing in the hall and I wait anxiously for an indication.  “I have a favour to ask you” he says.  A favour, that isn’t ominous, A favour is positive, I've been asked those before, though not since high school.  Help marking, help a student.  I start to relax. 
Short story long, Apparently there is some conference in partnership with CPA for groups of students to work together and make a presentation.  There is faculty help and some coursework involved (10 week course with a case study and then the group presentation).  Topic is start-ups and entrepreneurships (I just recently learned how to spell that word, is that a bad sign?)
Well of course the nerd in me is all over that!  Thank the nerd gods for flexible work schedule (glad the boss doesn't read the blog...) and an extremely understanding husband (who also doesn’t read the blog...) and what a neat opportunity.  Not thinking yet about what that will mean for workload, and didn’t consider that there might be cost...  Mostly I’m just grateful I wasn’t in trouble. 
And what is going through my head the entire conversation?  The fact that I undid my belt in the library, had not done it back up, and it was clanging and hanging out while my pants were falling down.  Yup I am totally fit for this. 
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Haha. This guy has Powerade, candy, and cough syrup for his dinner. He looks sad that he has to be here. Took a swig of the syrup and cringed. Wonder if it's Buckley's?
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Dream Flashbacks
I slept quite deeply last night.  Went to bed reasonably early and the night was full of vivid, lengthy dreams.  While I can’t remember them in detail now, I keep having the oddest “flashbacks” today to those dreams.  The flashbacks are so vivid it takes me a few seconds to determine they were from a dream and not a real experience (unless you want to pursue the idea that dreams are an alternate universe and we do experience what happens in them).  I can honestly say I don’t think I have ever actually experienced a flashback but there really is no other word to describe it.  I get a weird recalling sensation and am image from the dream will flash in my mind.  I’ll be walking down the school hall or getting something out of my locker and it hits me so hard I actually stop what I’m doing and have to re-gather my thoughts.  I really wish I could remember what happened in those dreams, their need to push themselves so strongly into my day intrigues me.  
Otherwise I am just enjoying the last day of classes.  I will try to study for a bit, and I am looking forward to the Christmas break where I can do some writing for fun.  That has definitely taken a back seat in the second half of this semester and I am really hoping to have something prepared to submit for the anthology.  Even if it doesn’t get it, submitting something would be a big step for me.  
My English instructor brought in treats today (and I may have also made the class pumpkin chocolate chip cookies...)  Got feedback on my report about creating caring communities, which was really positive (I’ll refrain from posting a picture this time...).  
Now the real question is, is there anyone willing to go for drinks with me at 9:00 on Monday night (the 12th) to celebrate writing my last final???
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