Well I sit here at the Brewhouse, which has the exact opposite feel of the school right now.  It is hoppin’ in here.  First, I have to say to all my full-time school followers (All 1 of you), Holy Crap, kudos to you!  2 heavy exams in one day, and I am completely done.  Cramming for four exams in the last week has brought back grade 12 departmental exam flashbacks.  My brain is about to give up completely because I want it to decide between potato skins and dry ribs.  I think my brain might actually be crying.  And I went with both FYI.  Also...my fingers ache.  that’s kind of weird.
So now begins three weeks of being just an employee, mom, wife, and me.  Oh and trying to squeeze Christmas in there too.  In a few short weeks I will re-fill my duotangs with fresh paper, dump the crumbs from the bottom of my back pack, and probably buy some new pens. (No, really I swear I need more).  This time around I think I also need whiteout.  I kept wanting that, but was too cheap to pay $5.00 for it at the bookstore.  
I also have goals for next semester (Fellow students don’t laugh)
1) Make study notes as I go throughout the year (Maybe a separate notebook, I like notebooks?)
2) Colour code my notes to justify new pens
3) Use homework assignments to actually learn material instead of just getting them done to get the marks
4) Read the textbook...haha who am I kidding, that one really is a joke!!
Now I sit here, alone at the Brewhouse (with painfully slow service I might add) hoping at least one person shows up to celebrate with me so I can convince them to drive me back to my car and avoid that final bus ride of the semester.  
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nelson-kitty · 11 years
Just finished my first exam. ONLY 5 LEFT TO GO!
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