gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
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Ahn So Hee
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
-- @gmxbaek ;
Sohee knew that pocket warmers were only a temporary fix to a month-long issue, but oh it was nice to step outside and not nearly become comatose.
Her lethargy never truly dissipated, but when she felt like she’d go out of her mind if she’d stay in her apartment one minute longer, she was willing to compensate.
With some of her (cough cough) hard earned money, she had managed to purchase pocket warmers and tape to fasten to most of her limbs, and thus was able to go for an evening walk with only minimal worry over chemical burns.
Stopping to watch a concert, she never would have thought she’d run into a familiar face in such a crowd, though of course it couldn’t be a friendly-friendly face.
Scowling already at the familiar voice, hands jammed firmly in her pockets, she responded with her sweetest sneer, also yelling over the music, “Oh, just missing you too much, baby. I don’t know what to do with my life without your awkward under-jaw in it.”
Rampant Evil° Blythe / Sohee
— gmxsohee ; It’s late in the afternoon and the sun has just begun to set. Feeling at easy, Blythe takes his time as he walks around the bustling city crowd. Intrigued by sound of music he follows and let’s the sounds guide him to the nearest park. He discovers that there’s a concert being held by a band he’s hasn’t had heard before and so he pauses outside the park entrance, content to listen and observe the crowd that has gathered inside and outside the park. That’s when he spots her. In all honesty, she’s the last person he’d expected to run into at a function such as this. He knows that approaching her will only bring about bickering, and more often than not their conversations end with him feeling agitated, or worse, bruised— he still has the scar from their last argument. And under normal circumstances, Blythe would avoid conflict by keeping to himself, however,  tonight he can’t resist the temptation of instigating trouble purely for his own amusement. He cautiously walks up to her.
"Haven’t seen you around in a while he says," He has to raise his voice so he can be heard over the music blasting through the speakers, "What brings you to this area, SoSo?"
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
She stumbled back gracelessly, tripping over her own two feet as she fell back against the cabinet she had hence tried to straighten. Hand curling around the edge, she flicked her hair over her shoulder and sneered at the taller man, the tips of her fangs wet with the taste of his blood.
Making a show of licking her lips, she straightened up, and purred, “Ridiculous? For a doctor on an island of freaks, you’re sure quick to underestimate a random girl that still somehow got past your security mesasures.”
Sohee walked slowly toward him, swaying her hips to mask that she was trying to keep her weight off of one of her feet, which throbbed a bit from her stumbling.
“Doctors might know how to treat venom, but after all, I’m no ordinary snake,” she spoke breezily, as she came toward him again, blocking his sight without coming close enough to put herself in danger, “Sooner rather than later, you’ll be just as helpless as I assume you thought I’d be against you. Irony is a delicious thing, no?” Sohee laughed, knowing that as she waited, the poison would spread, one way or another.
Raid || Jongsuk & Sohee
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
Sohee, full of bravado and pure idiocy, silently gave this young punk of a doctor a strike against him when he dared smirk at her, a second when he touched her, and a third when he threatened her. As far as she was concerned, three strikes were three too many, and he needed punished for treating her in such a way.
“Oh, of course.” She answered in the sweetest, fakest voice she could conjure, “But somehow, I doubt you know what will happen, poor dear.”
She barely had a moment to think, only feeling glad for the barest hint of a second that she hadn’t backed away when he had grabbed for her, before she grabbed for the medicine, hand twisting to aim for his wrist at the last second.
Assuming she wasn’t stronger than him was much safer than thinking the other way, so she made certain that she acted quickly. Surprise would always be on her side in this case, unless someone were to peer deep into her mouth. Thankfully, this random nobody certainly hadn’t taken the time to, so when she snared his bare wrist, she doubted he knew what would follow.
Wrenching the taller man’s arm toward her via the wrist, she opened her mouth and bit down sharply over his vein, teeth clinging on for a few long seconds as she felt her venom shoot into him like a vaccine. A few seconds, and it would all be over.
Granted; she hadn’t stopped to consider how she would handle the body of an unconscious doctor, but it didn’t matter.
“Next time, think before you pull that shit with me.” She hissed at him, a hint of a sadistic smirk in her expression.
Raid || Jongsuk & Sohee
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
In retrospect, anything that happened after that point could have been prevented by a properly closed door, and it was something Sohee would come to mourn over the course of the next few days, as she’d look back on this moment.
She heard the door opening wider, the influx of air and the subtle shift of the atmosphere when another person entered the room pressing down on her ears, but there was nothing she could do fast enough to prevent him from seeing her.
One box fell from its unsteady perch in the cabinet as she wheeled around to face him, it making a muffled ‘thunk’ as it hit the floor not unlike the fainting of a person on carpet.
“I’m uh, lost?” She tried, lips curling up into a strained smile as she wracked her brain for something, anything to do about this. All he had to do was yell, and she could never get out of there with her spoils.
She began slowly walking toward him, keeping her pace slow, as she attempted to slip around him without losing any of her cargo, “But I guess I should go! This clearly isn’t the right room… Sorry for the misunderstanding.”
At this point, she hoped he would be too surprised to stop her, and she could put some real distance between them before he would think to call for help. Otherwise, this might have to get ugly, and she really had been hoping to avoid that…
Raid || Jongsuk & Sohee
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
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sohee in red beanie → requested by anon
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
Raid || Jongsuk & Sohee
Tucking a loose strand of hair back behind her ear, Sohee’s shaking hands went to the cabinet in front of her, greedy eyes focused on the boxes located behind the frosted glass.
She was doing this more and more often now, as prescription drugs were on the rise, and she had gotten tired of finding professionals to fake doctor’s notes for her. That took a chunk out of her own funds, and with her dietary needs, Sohee needed all of the money she could get.
“Why pay a man to cut corners when I can get it easily from the source?” She murmured, the corners of her mouth curving up triumphantly, as she began jamming boxes into the many pockets of her pants and coat.
Getting up to that point had her sweating a bit –thankfully, as that helped to keep her alert- but altogether, she found it freakishly simple. Whether it was a slow day, or an especially busy one, she had managed to swipe a set of keys off of some poor doctor headed out for his lunch break, and made her way back, with the excuse of looking for a specific room.
Having memorized the floor map on display in case of a fire, that wasn’t especially hard, and she had showered earlier that morning, so she didn’t even look much like a drug dealer, for the first time in about a week.
However, she was wasting a bit more time than she really needed to by rearranging the boxes she left so they wouldn’t notice any were missing. Her hair blocked most of her face, and she had kept her back to any cameras she noticed, but that didn’t change the fact that she was rummaging when any doctor could come in at any moment.
To compensate, she would cast the occasional glance at the door, as she finished filling the inner pockets of her coat up, going to stuff the last few she would take up under her sweater. Her work consumed her, the adrenaline making seconds feel like hours, but she kept her core calm because mutants or not, she could likely make a quick enough getaway without anyone noticing. Or she would take care of things.
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
(* from the very instant she had entered the grocery store, she was on guard, paranoid for the people that could recognize her, or might have a composite of her. she realized on the crime totem pole of a mutant island, she must rank very low, but some rather annoying additons to her behavior had to come out, when the weather muddled her thoughts. luckily, this day was warm enough for her to deal with the frozen foods isle and conquer.
still, her gaze lingered suspiciously on every person that passed by her, eyes squinted and darting every which way as she piled box after box of instant macaroni into her shopping cart.
eventually she reached the impasse known as another cart in her aisle, with one simple, silly girl blocking the other side as she examined the different types of cookies available. sohee could do nothing but wait impatiently as the short girl got up on her tippy toes to reach for a pack of fudge-covered somethings, shirt riding up to expose the top of her lacy underwear, her tight leggings hugging her ass so tightly sohee swore she could see pimples through the fabric.
after hopping a little bit, unable to reach her spoils, sohee had had enough.
reaching around her, while not having to worry about anything showing, she waggled the box of cookies in front of the girl’s confused face *) You are the reason women are seen as these weak, helpless little sex dolls. God, people like you make me sick. It is winter, wear a fucking jacket!
(* startled, and clearly more than a little confused, the girl moved to point at the heavy coat resting in her basket, but sohee wouldn’t be deterred *) Do you have any thoughts in that empty head of yours? I’m shocked you even will eat cookies. Doesn’t that make you less fuckable, the more calories you eat?
(* the girl looked like she was frozen in place, eyes wide like a baby deer’s, and sohee laughed at her *) God, girls like you…girls like you aren’t good for anything at all.
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
( posted some plots here if anyone is interested ^^)
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
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An Sohee 2007
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gmxsohee-blog · 10 years
“Warning: If you are reading this then this warning is for you. Every word you read of this useless fine print is another second off your life. Don’t you have other things to do? Is your life so empty that you honestly can’t think of a better way to spend these moments? Or are you so impressed with authority that you give respect and credence to all that claim it? Do you read everything you’re supposed to read? Do you think every thing you’re supposed to think? Buy what you’re told to want? Get out of your apartment. Meet a member of the opposite sex. Stop the excessive shopping and masturbation. Quit your job. Start a fight. Prove you’re alive. If you don’t claim your humanity you will become a statistic. You have been warned.”
 Chuck Palahniuk, Fight Club (via kfinalempire)
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