goabrakadoodle · 2 years
The Role Of Art In Promoting Positive Social Behaviors In Children
The arts take us to another world where we can explore our thoughts and feelings free of fear of stigma or judgement. They help children to express things that they sometimes cannot say in conversation, and to celebrate feelings and thoughts that previously troubled them. The creative process is also a curative process.” – Professor Peter Fonagy, CEO, Anna Freud Centre
Children are born curious. From the moment they gain control over their limbs, they are at work to put themselves out into the world to see how it all works. Every waking moment is devoted to exploring, observing and imitating, figuring out the world around them. This unrestricted search helps children form connections in their brain, it helps them learn — and sows the seed of building self-esteem through art. it also happens to be great fun.
Art in early childhood has a natural tendency to support free play in children. Engagement with the arts has a positive impact on the mental health and well-being of children. Studies have shown that introducing art in early childhood can provide children with numerous benefits, including improved cognitive abilities, emotional regulation, and social skills.
Regardless of ability, engaging in any sort of visual expression results in activating the reward pathways of the brain, which means that you feel good, and begin to perceive art as a pleasurable experience.
According to Christianne Strang, professor of neuroscience at the University of Alabama, “Creativity in and of itself is important for remaining healthy, remaining connected to yourself and connected to the world.”
Visual arts have positive effects on the brain, health, and well-being of children. Encouraging children to explore and experiment with different art materials can be a fun and rewarding way for them to learn and grow. Here are some ways in which art in early childhood can benefit children.
Using art for positive outcomes
For optimal health and well-being, art is a rich source of engagement for adults and children alike. Visual expression through art activity helps create pathways within the brain which make you feel good. Encouraging you to connect with yourself and stay connected with the world.
Creativity and imagination: Art allows social-emotional development in children as they learn to explore their imaginations and express themselves in new ways. They experiment with different materials, colours, and techniques, which can boost their confidence and self-esteem. Art is a means for expressing creativity, and it encourages children to think outside of the box. Creativity is a valuable skill in the modern world, as it helps individuals to solve problems, come up with new ideas and innovate. Through art, children learn to think creatively and develop their critical thinking skills, which in turn can be used by children throughout their lives.
Emotional regulation: By introducing art in early childhood you teach children to express their emotions in a safe and healthy way. It can help them process difficult feelings and experiences, and find a sense of calm and relaxation. Art in early childhood shows a way for children to express themselves freely, without any judgment or criticism. Children can use it to communicate their feelings, thoughts, and experiences, which can help them to understand themselves better. Art in early childhood can also be a form of therapy for children who have experienced trauma or are struggling with emotional issues. Through art, children can express themselves freely and without holding anything back.
Problem-solving and critical thinking: When creating art, children are often faced with challenges and obstacles that they need to overcome. This can help them develop their problem-solving and critical-thinking skills, which can be applied to other areas of their lives. Art for children is a complex activity that requires the use of many different cognitive skills, including memory, attention, and perception. When children engage in art, they are exercising their brains in a variety of ways. Research has shown that art for children can enhance cognitive development, particularly in areas such as problem-solving, spatial reasoning, and creativity.
Foster social skills: Art is an activity that can help children to develop their social skills. Art nurtures social skills in early childhood. Children learn to collaborate on art projects, share ideas, and give feedback to each other. Through art, children learn how to communicate effectively and work together towards a common goal. Art can also provide children with a sense of community and belonging, which is essential for their emotional well-being. Art can expose children to different cultures and traditions, and help them develop an appreciation for diversity and the world around them.
As parents, it is crucial to encourage their children to engage in art activities as it encourages positive social behaviours in children. By doing so, you are helping your child develop into a well-rounded individual who is equipped with the skills and knowledge she needs to succeed in life.
Art & Well-being
Shaping child’s social identity and self-esteem through arts can have a positive impact on mental health and well-being. From creating art to attending performances, participating in art-related activities can provide an individual child with a sense of purpose and meaning, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and foster a sense of belonging.
Parent should consider incorporating arts into the daily lives of their children as a means of improving their overall health. Well-being is a holistic concept that encompasses many different aspects of our lives. It’s not just about feeling good all the time, but also about being able to cope with life’s ups and downs in a healthy way.
Emotions such as sadness, fear, anger, and frustration are all normal and can serve a purpose in our lives. They can help us learn, grow, stay safe, and build meaningful connections with others. All-round social-emotional development in children will enable them to manage these emotions in a positive way, rather than letting them take over their lives.
Having a sense of curiosity about the world, the ability to bounce back from failure and the capacity to adapt to change and challenges are all important aspects of well-being. In the context of children, well-being means creating an environment where they feel supported, empowered, and safe.
Raising polite and respectful children means providing opportunities for them to learn and grow, while also helping them develop the skills they need to manage their emotions and navigate the challenges of daily life.
Learning through play
Giving your child a creative outlet can help relieve stress and resolve problems that may be happening in her life. Artistic expression can also help facilitate learning. Talk to your child about her work: It’s often not easy to decode a child’s drawings, but your child knows exactly what it is. There is no point asking your child a direct question about what she has drawn. Instead, wait a while and then follow it up with an open-ended question, “Is there a story you are trying to tell me through your picture?”
Imitate your child: Avoid drawing your own picture. Sit down next to your child and imitate her every movement and action. Making small lines and drawing circles. Let your child be more imaginative and creative on her own. Allow her to take the lead.
Ample choices:  Gather a wide range of materials for your child to use like watercolours, pencils, sharpies, chalk in different colours and sizes, play dough, crayons, scissors and readymade stampers. Add unexpected materials like Q-tips, dinosaurs, toys, dry pasta or beans… mix them all up.
Support, don’t lead: Let your child take the initiative and choose whatever material she wants and how she wants to use it. She may want to rip the paper wrapping off the crayon and use it sideways, instead of its tip. Let her do as she pleases.
Keep it playful: Try not to have a plan, and leave the play open-ended. No one has an outcome in mind. Just dive in, everyone is ready to explore, and try out different things to see what can happen. Leave everything to your imagination. Your child might make a big mess or change her mind several times — this is all part of the creative process.
Focus on the process, not the product: Encouraging your child to do unstructured art. It will teach her to express herself freely, and not worry about what others think. Don’t pay too much attention to the end product, nor praise it. Focus on the process, and encourage the effort.
Let go: As long as a child is safe, let her explore. She may spend the majority of her time sharpening coloured pencils instead of actually drawing with them. Children learn through play, exploring and trial and error. When you give them the freedom to discover, they will be learning to create and experiment in new and innovative ways.
Prepare for the journey
Encouraging artistic expression can have many benefits for children, including improving their cognitive, social, and emotional development. A few tips to support your child’s artistic journey:
Create a dedicated space for art-making. Set up a space where your child can freely create without worrying about making a mess. This can be a corner of the living room or a separate room altogether. Make sure the space is well-lit and stocked with art supplies.
Take your child to museums, galleries, and art shows, music concerts, expose them to different forms of art. This can help expand their creativity and inspire them to try new things.
Encourage collaboration. Art-making can be a great way for children to work together and learn from each other. Encourage your child to collaborate with siblings or friends on art projects.
Be patient. Art-making can be messy, and it may take some time for your child to create something they’re proud of. Encourage them to keep trying and be patient with their process.
Celebrate success. When your child creates something they’re proud of, celebrate their success. Hang their artwork up in a prominent place in your home, or take a picture to share with family and friends. This can help boost your child’s confidence and encourage them to keep creating.
This article originally published on -  The Role Of Art In Promoting Positive Social Behaviors In Children
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
The Impact Of Colour On A Child’s Development
Colour perception in child development is a far more powerful influencing factor than we think. Colour is everywhere. From the colour of our skin to the shades of our clothing and the tint of our walls. In short, colour can change the way a child feels and thinks.
Just like people, colours have stories to tell. And like people, colours are always interacting with one another. Colours influence how we feel and how we process the world.
So how do children feel about colours? Can colour have a profound impact on a child’s development and mental state? As a matter of fact, there is a science of colour that tells us that infants and children relate to the world through colour.
Colour perception in child development also plays a major role in learning and memory, as they can help children to better retain information when colours are used to categorize and organize information.
How colour can impact child development
Colours have been shown to psychologically affect a child’s mood. But impact of colour on child development is not solely determined by the colours per se, it is also other factors such as the context in which they are encountered and the individual child’s developmental stage and temperament that makes a huge difference.Mood enhancerDifferent colours can affect a child’s behaviour and emotions, for instance, warm colours like red and yellow evoke excitement and energy, while cool colours like blue and green promote calmness and relaxation.
Cognitive developmentColours can play a role in cognitive development by helping children to categorize and organize information, which can improve their memory and learning.Social developmentColours can also play a role in social development, as children may form associations between certain colours and social groups, which can impact their perceptions of people and relationships.Cultural influencesColour perception in child development can be shaped by cultural and personal experiences, which can impact the way they perceive and respond.
Colour and the well-being of a child
Colour psychology plays a significant role in the well-being of children. Children are often more sensitive to colour than adults, and different colours can have a profound effect on their emotions, behaviour, and learning.
So it is important to consider the use of the right colours in child’s environments, such as in their bedrooms, playrooms, and study rooms, as this can have a significant impact on their performance and overall well-being. Before choosing a colour for the interiors, it is best to consider the context and the purpose of the room. For example, in a bedroom, you may want to choose soft and relaxing colours to promote sleep and relaxation, while in a playroom, you may want to choose bright and stimulating colours to encourage play and creativity.
However, as with all aspects of colour psychology, it’s important to keep in mind that every child is unique and may have different responses to different colours. So the right way to begin is to assess your child’s favourite colours and their meaning. You won’t go wrong.
Children, creativity & colour
Whether it’s a child or an adult, the effects of colour on human beings trigger various emotions causing excitement, lending a sense of calmness, giving inspiration, and raising anxiety or stress. Various studies in colour psychology have shown the benefits of colours, especially when it comes to the development of the brain, creativity, productivity, and learning.
Primary colours, such as red, green and blue are especially appealing to young children. For instance, when infants were presented with the full chromatic spectrum they spent more time looking at red and blue than looking at yellow and green.
By exposing children to a variety of colours, you can help them to learn to express themselves in new and imaginative ways. This way, you could also help in the development of their cognitive and motor skills as they learn to identify and distinguish different colours.
Alternatively, enrolling your child in art classes will be a practical way for children to learn more about colour, and how it can enhance their creativity. By exploring different colours, they can experiment with different moods, emotions, and ideas. Additionally, they can also learn how to use colour to convey different messages and emotions through their artworks. It is important to note that while colour is a valuable tool in helping children develop, please note that every child is unique and may have different responses to different colours. For example, what may evoke feelings of happiness and excitement in one child may evoke feelings of fear or anxiety in another.
Hence, it is advisable to approach colour in a holistic manner and always consider the individual child’s needs and preferences first.
Choosing the right colour for the interiors
When choosing a colour for the interiors of a home, understanding your child’s favourite colours and their meaning can be helpful in creating the desired mood and atmosphere. For example, a relaxing bathroom may use cool blues and greens to create a calming environment, while a living room may use warm reds and yellows to create a more energetic and inviting ambience.
It is easy to connect colours to different moods and impressions when you understand colour psychology. But remember, age also affects perception and influences affinity towards a particular colour.
Children, for instance, are more drawn to colours that are bright when they little — red, yellow, green, blue, and pink. Such colours can help in creating a sense of positive energy and playfulness. These colours also radiate happiness.
Once the child starts growing up their colour preferences also change. They are likely to be drawn more towards calming colours like pastels and matte. With this understanding in mind, let’s take a look at colours individually and understand clearly what each of them can signify.
How right is red?
While it is true that red can have a powerful impact on our visual and emotional state, the use of red in a kid’s room need not be completely avoided. It all depends on the intensity and tone of the red colour used, as well as the overall colour scheme of the room.
For example, a soft, muted shade of red can create a cosy and warm atmosphere in a kid’s room, while a brighter, more intense red can have a stimulating effect. The key is to use red in moderation and in combination with other colours that can balance its impact.
Some kids might enjoy a red-themed room, while others might not. Ultimately, the goal is to create a space that is comfortable, safe, and enjoyable for the child.
Yellow is happy
Yellow is often associated with positive emotions like joy, happiness, and optimism. And unlike red, yellow is the most joyful colour for your child’s room. By using yellow you also tend to create an attentive atmosphere that can play a key role in memory stimulation.
Yellow is associated with wisdom, and kindness. It helps in radiating warmth, enthusiasm, fun, and inspiration. Combining yellow with cool colours like blue or green can create a calming and balanced effect in a baby’s room.
The key is to use colours in moderation and to create an environment that is visually pleasing and emotionally supportive for your child.
Blue is cool
Blue is the complete opposite of the colour red. While blue is transparent, red is seen as more opaque. Blue as a colour is often considered to be calming and serene. It plays a key role in lowering body temperature, blood pressure, and pulse rate.
When used in a child’s bedroom, it can create a peaceful and relaxing environment. The colour blue is also associated with trust, loyalty and stability. Blue also invokes feelings of contentment, spaciousness, and comfort just like the sky and the ocean.
Blue perhaps is the most preferred colour choice for even nurseries as it helps the baby to be at ease and at peace. You can easily use the colour blue in a child’s room who happens to be very active and vibrant all the time. Blue is soothing and will have a calming effect on the child.
Nurturing green
Just like blue, the colour green has a lot of healing and therapeutic properties. The colour represents health and offers a calming and soothing effect on the nervous system. It reduces stress and anxiety levels. It also symbolizes growth, renewal and stability, making it an ideal colour for a child’s bedroom.
By incorporating different shades of green, you can create a warm and inviting environment that promotes peace and comfort. Research has shown that the colour green improves concentration, reading and comprehension skills in children can be especially beneficial for children studying and doing their homework.
Overall, green is a wonderful colour with the capacity to motivate a child to do better and excel in studies and will also make them calm and stable.
Versatile orange
Orange is a versatile colour that evokes a range of emotions and is energizing and comes with uplifting properties. It grabs attention and creates a sense of fun and excitement.
The colour orange can be used to create a warm and inviting space for a child. It is believed to promote restful sleep and positive energy. And when paired with complementary colours, such as blue or green, orange can create a harmonious and balanced ambience.
Additionally, it is believed to help boost self-esteem and confidence. Overall, orange is a versatile and dynamic colour that can have a powerful impact on our moods, emotions, evoking the feelings of happiness, joy and positivity.
Careful with pink
When you mix red with white you get pink. The colour pink has a positive effect on all of us.It is associated with softness, calmness and nurturing making it a good choice for a child’s bedroom.
However, make it a point to use the right shade and intensity of pink, as it can have the opposite effect of what is intended, especially on children who are shy or introverted.
A muted shade of pink in combination with blues, greens and yellows to neutralize the negative effects of pink can work together to create a more dynamic and inviting space.
Purple purpose
Purple is often associated with creativity, luxury and sophistication and is very popular as a colour of choice for a child’s bedroom. Colour psychology suggests that purple can has a calming effect and is historically linked to spirituality.
What is important, however, is ultimately it is up to you to choose colours for your home based on what you feel and find pleasant, rather than solely relying on anecdotal or unproven claims about their supposed effects on the brain.
This article originally published on  The Impact Of Colour On A Child’s Development
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
STEAM activities for toddlers is an educational approach that focuses on introducing young children to the concepts and principles of science, technology, engineering, the arts and mathematics through age-appropriate, hands-on activities and experiences.
The goal of STEAM activities for toddlers is to provide a foundation for children’s future learning and to help them develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills, creativity, and innovation at an early age.
STEAM activities often involve activities that allow children to explore the world around them, experiment with materials and ideas, and make connections between different subjects. These activities may include playing with building blocks to create structures, painting to explore colour and texture, and singing rhymes to learn about rhythm and sound.
STEAM activities for toddlers can be provided right at home. Helping future-proof toddlers’ skills, and make them confident life-long learners by giving them unlimited possibilities for hands-on, playful STEAM learning.
Advantages of STEAM activities
Engaging toddlers in STEAM activities at home can be highly beneficial for their cognitive, social, and personal development. Here are some advantages of STEAM activities for young children.
Promote creativity and problem-solving skills  Cognitive learning activities encourage children to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions to problems. These activities also help children develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills that they can use in their daily lives.
Enhances cognitive development
STEAM activities require children to use their brains in new and different ways, which helps to stimulate brain development. These activities can also improve children’s memory, attention, and concentration.
Build confidence and self-esteem
When children are able to successfully complete a STEAM activity, it can give them a sense of accomplishment and boost their confidence and self-esteem.
Encourages teamwork and social skills
Many STEAM activities involve working in small groups or teams, which helps children develop social skills such as communication, cooperation, and collaboration.
Provides real-world connections
STEAM activities often involve hands-on, experiential learning, which helps children make connections between what they are learning and the real world. This can make learning more meaningful and engaging for children.
Motivates a love for learning
STEAM activities can be fun and engaging, which can spark a love of learning in children. This love of learning can carry over into other areas of their lives and help them become lifelong learners.
Promotes diversity & inclusivity
STEAM activities often involve a diverse range of materials and approaches, which can help to promote inclusivity and diversity in relationships and in the classroom. Children of all abilities and backgrounds can participate and feel valued.
Prepares toddlers for the future
The skills and knowledge gained through enrichment programs can help prepare children for success in the 21st century. The jobs of the future are likely to be highly technical and require strong skills in science, technology, engineering and math.
Combining Process Art with STEAM activities
Process Art is a great way for young children to express themselves creatively and explore materials in an open-ended way. It allows toddlers to focus on the process of creating rather than the end product, this approach helps build confidence and develop problem-solving skills.
Here are a few simple Process Art activities that you can challenge your toddler with:
Painting with unconventional tools Instead of using brushes, try using sponges, cotton balls, or even vegetables to apply paint to paper. This allows children to experiment with different textures and see how the paint behaves when applied in different ways.
Sculpting with playdough Playdough is a classic material for process art, as it can be moulded and shaped in endless ways. Encourage your child to use her imagination and create whatever she likes. Your child can use tools such as rolling pins, cookie cutters, and plastic knives to add texture and detail to her creations.
Collage with recycled materials Gather a collection of recycled materials such as cardboard, paper, and magazine clippings and let your child create a collage. She can glue, tape, or even staple the materials together to create a one-of-a-kind piece of art.
Nature art Take a walk outside with your child and collect natural materials such as leaves, stem sticks, and rocks. Encourage your child to arrange these materials in a way that creates a picture or design. She can use glue or tape to hold the materials in place.
Remember, the most important thing is to let your child lead the way and have fun. Process Art activities are meant to be open-ended and allow for exploration and creativity.
Making "STEAM" activities part of enrichment programs
This approach focuses on integrating five subjects in a way that encourages toddlers to think critically, solve problems, and explore real-world issues from an early age. As part of enrichment programs, STEAM-based activities provide young children with valuable skills and experiences that will play a key role in preparing them to face and succeed in the rapidly changing world they will encounter.
STEAM activities encourage interdisciplinary thinking by bringing together subjects that are often taught separately. This approach enables young children to see the connections between different fields and how they can be used to resolve real-life problems.
For instance, a child fascinated by biology might begin to connect and start thinking about how engineering principles can be applied to the design of say, medical devices. Or another child with a keen interest in art might learn how math and science can be integrated to help create new concepts in digital graphics.
The primary aim of STEAM activities is to foster creativity and encourage toddlers to think outside the box. This is particularly important in a world, where the ability to come up with new ideas and approaches is increasingly seen as an invaluable trait.
Many of the high-paying work opportunities of the future will require people who have a combination of both technical and creative skills. When there are gaps in learning, STEAM activities can be designed to ensure that children bridge the gaps, and nurture to grow up with these skills intact. For example, a child participating in age-appropriate STEAM activities learns about how to program a computer, design a website, or create a piece of art using simple and easy-to-master digital tools.
Exciting Art and Craft for toddlers
Art and craft is a great way for toddlers to express themselves and have fun. It helps them develop not only fine motor skills and creativity but also improve their problem-solving capabilities. Here are some exciting learning activities for kids, that will make toddlers jump in wholeheartedly.
Finger painting Finger painting is a classic art activity that toddlers love. All you need is some washable paint and paper. You can make the paint easily at home by using food colouring mixed with a little bit of water, simple and inexpensive. Encourage your toddler to make different marks and shapes with her fingers and to mix the colours by herself. This activity is not only fun, but it also helps toddlers develop their fine motor skills and creativity.
Playdough Playdough is another classic art activity for toddlers. You can make your own playdough at home with flour, salt, water, and food colouring. Encourage your toddler to roll, squeeze, and shape the playdough into different objects. You can also provide her with small cookie cutters, rolling pins, and other tools to create her own creations. This activity will help your toddler build hand strength and improve fine motor skills.
Sticker art Toddlers go overboard when it comes to making those cute little stickers which they end up using in a variety of other art and craft activities. Provide your toddler with a large piece of paper and a variety of stickers, and let them create their own sticker art. Give her a choice of creating a scene, or a picture, or just getting on with sticking the stickers randomly on the paper. This activity is great for developing creativity and some original works.
Cardboard tube art Don’t discard those cardboard tubes and tissue roll tubes because these can be transformed into a variety of art and craft projects. You can provide your toddler with some cardboard tubes, paint, ribbons and streamers, and let her create her own masterpieces. Encourage her to paint the tubes, cut them into different shapes, or glue them onto a piece of paper to create a 3D effect. This activity is great for creativity and for fine motor skills.
Collage making Collage is a fun art activity for a toddler. Provide your toddler with a variety of materials, such as magazines, newspapers, tissue paper, and glue, and let her create some unique collages of her own making. Encourage her to cut and paste the materials onto pieces of paper to create a pattern, a picture or a design. This activity is great for creativity and for developing precision skills and movements.
Chalk art Chalk is a great art medium for toddlers because it is easy to use and easy to clean up. You can provide your toddler with some sidewalk chalk and let them create their own chalk art on the driveway or sidewalk. Encourage them to make different marks and shapes with the chalk and to mix the colours. This activity is great for creativity and fine motor skills.
Salt art Salt art is a fun and easy art activity for toddlers. All you need is some watercolour paint, salt, and paper. First, have your toddler paint a picture with watercolour paint. Then, sprinkle salt over the wet paint and let it dry. The salt will absorb the paint and create a unique texture. This activity is great for creativity and helps toddlers learn about different
Nature art Nature is a great source of inspiration for art projects. You can take your toddler on a nature walk and gather natural materials, such as leaves, sticks, and rocks. Then, provide them with a large piece of paper and some glue, and let them create their own nature art. This activity is great for creativity and helps toddlers learn about the world around them.
Experimenting with new ideas and concepts
One of the more difficult tasks of a parent has always been to keep their toddlers engaged and entertained. But we’re sure that you are already doing a great job. Painting, building and crafting are great for improving toddlers’ motor skills and as well as helping develop their vocabulary. Getting messy with your toddlers is huge and a lovely bonding activity.
Go old school with art and craft for toddlers. Let them get creative on the walls of the house or mess around out on a balcony, it really doesn’t matter. You can always involve your toddler in the cleaning up later on.
After all, learning activities for kids are a fun way to introduce young children to scientific concepts. For instance, seeing their faces light up when they mix colours and see how different shades are created, or exploring how different materials can be used to create texture in the artwork. This in itself is a thrilling experience.
STEAM activities are an excellent way to engage toddlers as these programs make learning, interactive, hands-on and fun that can be difficult to achieve in a traditional classroom environment.
This article was originally published on Abrakadoodle Blogs
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
For many of us, when we think of art, we tend to think that it’s not for us. Either you think you are not very creative or feel that your child is too young to indulge in art. But there’s more to art than merely playing with paints or being good at doodling.
The fact is, allowing your brain the freedom for free expression, even by doodling, can have a remarkable impact on how you process, retain, and share information. The same thing can be expected from a child even if she doesn’t take to art as a duck takes to water. Don’t confuse art therapy with play therapy. Because art-making, within the context of therapy, is a slightly different experience from play because it encourages the creation of a tangible product in most cases.
Art Therapy for behaviour problems is generally defined as a blended field of therapeutic practices that combine art and psychology. By utilizing the creative process, artistic techniques, and external artwork, art therapy supports a child to develop self-awareness, and explore emotions to help address an unresolved conflict or trauma.
What is art therapy?
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Art is a visual language that can be used to dig deeper and discover what young children cannot express using words. It helps children visually express and record experiences, perceptions, feelings and imagination. An Art therapist is able to achieve this by capitalising on her expertise in art media and a deeper understanding of social and emotional development issues to enhance a child’s ability to communicate through creative expression.
For example, when you give a child a block of play dough and ask ‘what shall we do with it?’, you automatically set the stage for conservation to begin. As soon as a child’s hands touch the play dough, the creation part takes on a life of its own.
The versatility of art therapy is immense. For young children who are anxious and need fewer stimuli, it makes their world smaller and more focused, allowing them to be fully present to create or simply relax. For older children, art therapy when applied during the early childhood development phase can widen their world by providing them with a wonderful escape mechanism.
Art is non-verbal & sensory-based
For children who may not be able to articulate thoughts, sensations, emotions or perceptions, art is the easiest way to convey what may be difficult to express with words. For those who have been exposed to traumatic experiences, art becomes a safe way to tell without talking. They will be able to speak and express their feelings without being afraid of any repercussions.
Assessing a child’s growth & development
Art expressions, particularly painting and drawing, provide useful information to assess the level of development in children, especially the younger ones. For example, differences in artistic development can help you understand better a child’s emotional experiences, cognition and sensory integration. These episodes of artistic development in young children are helpful and add valuable information not always apparent through talk therapy alone.
Art helps in self-regulation
Specific art-based activities, within the context of art therapy, will be helpful to young children. In particular, certain sensory characteristics of art-making are found to be quite effective in improving mood, sensory integration, and calming the body and mind. As a matter of fact, art may well be the only medium available to children who may have been scarred by abuse occurring earlier on in their lives.
Art helps in meaning-making
Like play therapy, art therapy provides an opportunity to encourage and enhance storytelling and narratives. Making up a story to tell about a drawing or painting, or collage, needn’t be taken literally. These narratives, however, serve as a way to slowly and safely release disturbing or terrorizing experiences.
Benefits of adopting art as therapy
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Since time immemorial, art has been an effective means of communication. Just think of the original cave drawings found in France and elsewhere in the world. This goes to show that art and drawing have been standard practices used to tell a story as a means of self-expression and to promote social interaction.
The benefits of the practice of art for emotional and social well-being are many. Margaret Naumburg often referred to as the ‘Mother of Art’, believed that children should be allowed creative freedom and that allowing them to pursue subjects that interested them, as this will enable healthy, all-around development.
Art helps improve communication skills
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Art is beneficial for a child’s language development and communication skills. Children are visual thinkers, and creating art helps them process and express their thoughts more easily. When children talk about colours, shapes, and other elements in their artwork, they actively expand their vocabulary.
Discussing art, whether it’s their own or someone else’s work, helps in cognitive skills development. It teaches children how to describe what they see and put their thoughts into words. Speaking and listening skills are both critical skills. Therefore, hearing other children discuss art helps a child not only to learn how to listen but also articulate what she is thinking more effectively.
Art helps stabilise emotions
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Art therapy activities are meditative, quiet, and relaxing for most children, and help calm their nervous system. It also creates opportunities to practice patience and improve their focus. By participating in art activities, children can soothe symptoms of stress, reduce anxiety, and work towards having a sense of control over volatile emotions and stabilise them.
The quiet and meditative-inducing qualities of art encourages a child to step out of a rut and reflect on what she is doing. When you hand over a blank sheet of paper and some crayons to your child, just watch her reflect and get down to scribbling away, totally engrossed and working through her emotions!
Art helps make new friends
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Children find art to be an enjoyable way to be together with family, or in an art class. Art classes for instance, provide a child with a heightened sense of belonging. It’s a great opportunity for your child to meet others, build connections, and make new friends.
For children who are shyer, a one-on-one conversation can be a daunting task. Art classes help such children to get out of their shells, as a piece of art gives them a chance to talk without the fear of being “shushed” midway through their sentences.
Art helps promote teamwork
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Art nurtures social skills in a more fun and relaxed environment. For instance, round-robin art is an activity where a child gets to work on a piece of art for a couple of minutes, and then passes it along to the child sitting next to her.
Since all of the children are working on the same piece of art, they learn how to work together, adapt to new ideas, and gain new perspectives. Discussing the artwork also teaches children empathy and understanding.
Joint activities such as these also teach children to share. Especially when you limit art supplies, children learn to be patient and realise that waiting for their turn is really not all that bad, and sharing is a good thing.
Art builds confidence & self-esteem
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Creating art provides children with a sense of purpose. And the best thing about art is there is no right or wrong way. This is how art promotes self-expression which in turn boosts confidence.
Such social and emotional development practices are incredibly valuable to reassure children who may be struggling to cope. Always allow your child to decide what she wants to paint or draw and try not to give in to the urge to change her mind. This will improve your child’s confidence levels and raises self-esteem.
In social situations, it is advisable not to tell your child that she is wrong frequently, or get her to do art the way you want. This crushes confidence levels and lowers a child’s self-esteem. Always encourage and support your child who is interested in art, and let her talk about it by asking open-ended questions about what she is doing.
Remember, always make it a point to celebrate your child’s work by complimenting her art, providing thoughtful feedback, and praising her effort.
How to begin art sessions at home
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Art provides a safe and conducive space where your child can play freely and use art materials as she wishes. By being able to discover her own experiences and feelings, the child is led to a deeper understanding and transformation.
You will be pleasantly surprised and inspired by the levels of creativity and resourcefulness that will come into play.
Art therapy isn’t simply about making art. It also helps to regulate difficult emotions, broaden perspective and help you work toward equipping your child with the tools she needs to navigate life with increased confidence and resilience.
You can begin the process by providing your child with a broad range of sensory materials, such as playdough, paints, and pastels and involving your child in the making of collages using magazine clippings. You can also widen your child’s art materials, including sand play, creative writing, storytelling, puppetry, drama, music, dance and movement.
Whichever approach you take, art exercises will provide children with a safe form of emotional expression and communication that is unrestricted by language and communication difficulties.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think different, be innovative, and explore new ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Art therapy also changes the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in our art classes or find out more about why art classes for childhood development is important, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
You will get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art therapy in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Art has a critical role in your child’s life as it exposes her to a unique range of learning experiences. Unlocking the true potential and helping your child to develop skills in communication, creativity and problem-solving.
Arts and crafts are fun activities for children – whether it is colouring with crayons or making miniature statues with play dough, folding paper to create fascinating origami or designing a handmade birthday card. Art activities enhance and sustain the interest of the children and helps to build their cognitive, physical, and social development.
Art lessons for children help to process and communicate difficult and pent-up emotions and feelings. If these harmful reactions are not released, they will harm a child’s mental well-being.
Goals & objectives of art lessons
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Art lessons for children help develop and enhance awareness and understanding of the world, particularly the natural world and the world we live in. around the visual arts, through a thorough study of design principles and observational practices.
Art lessons for children help children recognize design elements such as lines, shapes, colours, and space. Become familiar with the visual structure of objects and scenes.
Introduce children to an array of art materials and more contemporary and innovative art techniques.
Help children engage and fully understand the principles of visual arts. Be able to access their visual intelligence and enhance their capability to solve problems.
Enable children to make art that reflects their understanding of life and its experiences. Be able to present their ideas in cogent, original, and convincing ways.
Impact of art on the mind
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Art lesson plans for preschoolers show them the way to be mindful. Being mindful is when you are just aware and conscious of your own thoughts, but without making a judgement about them. This state of the mind activates parts of the brain not touched by logical and linear thinking.  Art lessons can be used to create this unique cognitive state of mind called the ‘flow’. By practising art regularly, even a child can learn to shift into this conscious state at will. Reaping the benefits of a state of mind that is mentally pleasurable and neurochemically rewarding. [Source]
This is a place to start your child’s love affair with art and creative expression. Apart from giving children numerous opportunities to enjoy and exercise their creative thinking abilities, mindful activity engages young minds to explore and discover effective learning processes that support positive educational outcomes.
Mindfulness stimulates creativity and imagination. It provides visual and sensory experiences and a special way of understanding and responding to the world we live in. And art enables children to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. Furthermore, children become involved in shaping their environments through art activities.
Art is valuable not only as a stand-alone activity but provides the perfect link between all subjects – Science, Technology, English and Math (STEM). As a matter of fact, art can act as a great delivery system for making complex concepts of these subjects easy and simple to understand.
Art helps in developing motor skills
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The alignment of the spine and the development of deep stabilising muscles begins early when the baby engages in lots of wriggling and squirming. This continues throughout the first year with ‘tummy time’. It is a natural process.
Going through these normal developmental movement patterns of rolling, belly crawling and creeping on all fours every day, ensures that by the time a baby is able to stand up, she will have a naturally aligned spine, a strong back and a good posture. A child can then moves onto more complex and refined movements of the arms and legs.
Art lesson plans for preschoolers help to develop gross and fine motor skills in very young children. These include movements of larger muscle groups that help with balance and coordination, as well as develop the finer motor skills, which are the smaller muscles in the hands and fingers. These are essential for writing, drawing and other precise actions that need more refined hand-eye coordination.
Arts and crafts activities enhance a child’s dexterity and agility. With the enhancement of both gross and fine motor skills through practice, a child’s manual dexterity, artistic skills, and speed also increase.
Improve self-expression & manage feelings
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Humans are hardwired to express themselves. You just have to look at young children to understand what can happen when they don’t have the words to describe what they are feeling. They let their emotions take off. It could be an angry yell, a scream of joy or an outburst of crying – and sometimes doing all three within a span of two minutes!
Expressing emotion through art is an incredible way for children to release their feelings before these embed themselves far too deeply and begin to create other problems. Studies show that whenever we suppress or deny an emotion to be what it needs to be, our neural pathways get blocked. Pretty soon, all the feel-good hormones that dictate both our biology and behaviour are unable to flow freely.
Arts and crafts activities are an effective creative outlet for children to reflect and manage their emotions. It doesn’t matter if it is through painting or drawing or writing, being involved in the process of turning a thought into a tangible piece of art in itself will suffice.
There is no need to follow rules because there aren’t any. When you are creating something that is a reflection of you, it’s best to let your emotions guide you to feel fully and completely. This allows a child’s thoughts and feelings to be moulded into something tangible and real.
Each time your child creates a work of art, she is sharing new ideas, and trying out different ways of expressing herself. Doing this without realising your child is revealing her innermost thoughts and feelings through her artwork.
Improve confidence & self-esteem
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To be able to have high self-esteem, children must believe in their abilities and in themselves. It’s this self-belief that allows children to try new things, challenge themselves, take criticism, make mistakes and build friendships.
Art lesson plans for preschoolers aim to improve confidence and self-esteem in many ways. It helps children gain the confidence to express themselves freely. Enabling them to channel thoughts and feelings into their artwork and communicate how they are feeling. When children receive positive or constructive feedback, this not only boosts self-esteem but allows children to recognise their own strengths and achievements.
Always try to value effort over perfection. To show them that it’s OK to make mistakes, reassure them that it’s all part of learning and that you too can make mistakes! Make it a point to provide hands-on support. Simply because children learn best by copying what they see, so if they’re learning to draw, help them hold a colouring pencil and guide their hand across the sheet of paper. As they get older and more confident, start art activities but do this separately, this way their need for hands-on support lessens over time.
As art differs greatly from one person to the next, it reinforces your child’s individuality and recognizes her unique existence. Furthermore, the more a child engages with art, the more she will grow in confidence. By learning new techniques and having a better understanding of how art makes her feel, your child’s sense of self-worth will be enhanced and nurtured.
Art helps develop patience
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Waiting is a big part of childhood — waiting in line, waiting for your turn, waiting to grow up, waiting for something special to happen. Patience may be a virtue, but as every parent knows it’s not one that many children possess. A child is very impatient by nature and gets distracted easily.
Teaching patience in children is one of the most important life skills your child can learn while she is young. While teaching patience can seem puzzling at first, you will come across numerous each day when you can reinforce patience with your child without her really noticing you are ‘teaching’ her a lifelong skill.
Children love to paint and play with colours. While it can be tempting to rush things to get your child to complete her artwork, please don’t interfere with the flow. Your child’s levels of patience will increase and she will soon realise that good things take time! Whether it is the duration of the time it takes to complete a piece of art or learn a new artistic technique, it takes patience and dedication. While painting, a child will focus on all aspects like colours, figures to be drawn etc, this requires attention to detail which calls for having patience. Once a child completes her artwork, your child will feel a huge sense of accomplishment and realise that hard work and dedication always pay off.
Art helps build a growth mindset
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Art lesson plans for preschoolers help them to develop skills like resilience and grit, and achieve a growth mindset that helps them master their craft, do well academically, and succeed in life. Ideally, this progression will happen naturally, but often it can be aided by parents. Children begin to shift their motivation, resulting in a much healthier and more sustainable learning environment.
For your child to truly grow and progress, there has to be a point when internal motivation needs to be balanced with external motivation. In the early stages, a child will engage in art activities because it is fun. However, this is not enough for learning an art form. At this point, lean on external motivation (awarding stars or giving her a treat) to continue your child’s progress. Remember, both types of motivation will be helpful and productive.
Spontaneous art is liberating. It is the most effective way to release emotions and reduce stress. So allow your child to be impulsive, throwing paint on a blank sheet of paper Pollock style, and start working from there.
Self-expressive art will help your child discover new depth to her thinking she may not have realized were there. She will also realize that it can be applied to so many other areas of her life. In fact, this is what makes art such an important part of early learning.
Art helps children become socially aware
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from art. A culture without art isn’t possible. Art is at the very core of our identity as humans. The greatest skill we can give our children and humanity is an understanding, appreciation, and ability to create art.
When children have hands-on experience in arts and crafts, they begin to reflect critically on their own work and those of others. They learn to act and think like designers, working intelligently and creatively. By engaging in creative pursuits, children get the opportunity to think and act in a positive, tangible and meaningful way.
According to the International Child Art Foundation, “Research indicates that a child who is exposed to the arts acquires a special ability to think creatively, be original, discover, innovate, and create intellectual property — key attributes for individual success and social prosperity in the twenty-first century.”
Art is a great equalizer, helping create a common ground for children who don’t know each other and who may or may not be interested in the same things. It can help children of all ages, races, abilities, and even languages engage in a shared activity.
When participating with other children in art class, for instance, gives children a chance to interact with others while sharing common interests. The process of arts and crafts also strengthens parent-child bonding.
About Abrakadoodle
Abrakadoodle is  dedicated to supporting children in the early years and building strong foundations to ensure they get the best head start. Process Art learning experiences, for instance, inspire toddlers and young children to think differently, be innovative, and explore new ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world.
Our art lessons also change the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before. If you like to enrol your child in our art classes or find out more about why art classes for childhood development is important, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
You will get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art therapy in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post is originally posted on Abrakadoodle Blogs.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
What do you do when your new baby is not sleeping, nursing, crying, getting a diaper change or having a bath? Most new parents will find themselves stumped for ideas that allow them to engage actively with their babies, and wish they could do something about it.
Another fact to deal with is, while there are plenty of art activities for a wide range of age groups, there is one tiny little group that is consistently left out — babies. Creative art activities for infants are oftentimes ignored.
This could be due to the absence of fine and gross motor skills in a baby or a baby’s lack of control over them. Or people believe that babies may not like to play with paint. Or feel that a mother is too tired to do things beyond what she is already doing. Besides, a new baby at home is quite overwhelming, to say the least.
The good news is, instead of just cuddling and cooing, singing soothing lullabies, you can choose from a list of creative art activities for infants. Actively play with your baby while she is awake in her cradle. Babies are born curious, and instinctively move their limbs or start looking around, exploring the strange new world they find themselves in.
This is exactly the right time to begin creating those special moments with your baby, which you will come to cherish as memories later on. You will be amazed by the deep sense of joy you will experience by indulging in a range of simple process art activities that will keep your baby engaged and help her experience the world with you.
Creative art for infants, for instance, is not just a visual activity but also can turn into a sensory experience for the baby and this can start when your baby is 6-month-old, if not earlier! There are lots of ideas to try out, including finger painting with child-safe homemade paints; creating mess-free masterpieces; and handprint keepsakes — all aimed at encouraging and nurturing creativity in your baby.
It’s never too early to start
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Process art has a set of gentle baby and art interactions that encourages the natural development of babies. These are not only sensory, exploratory and fun activities but also help develop both your baby’s physical and cognitive skills. importance of creative art.
To start with, process art activities can be easily adapted to create lots of opportunities for tummy time painting as well, helping strengthen the baby’s core muscles, and develop good neck control. So get ready to dive into the world of process art. Allow your baby to use her fingers and hands to explore what happens when she does things with paint, colour, and textures.
Art helps your baby gets familiar with multisensory activities which have been carefully researched and shortlisted. These child-safe ideas for your baby’s first art experience will go a long way in further strengthening the bond between parent and child. The importance of creating art has been repeatedly confirmed by studies the world over.
Mirror play with your baby
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Your baby is curious by nature and is naturally attracted to human faces. So take advantage of a mirror — the simplest yet most enriching tool you can use to play with your baby. Mirror play develops and enhances her visual senses. If you think otherwise, just recall how your baby spends hours gazing at you lovingly with her big, unblinking eyes! You are totally hypnotized and can’t help but hold her gaze.
The mirror acts as a happy distraction and is the easiest sensory experience to set up as well. It is also a fun exercise to do while on her tummy. Regular tummy time helps develop strong back, neck, and shoulder muscles, which will be needed when your baby starts to roll over, sit up, crawl, and eventually walk. It also helps develop her gross motor skills.
As soon as your baby starts to focus on objects, begin to engage her in mirror play. During tummy time, you can slide a small mirror under her as motivation to push herself up to study her own face.
All babies come to love mirrors and looking at themselves, it is a great way to make tummy time more interesting and exciting for the baby. A baby will be able to recognize herself in a mirror when she is about nine months old. Just place an acrylic mirror on a blanket spread out on the floor and lay the baby so that she can see her reflection in it.
During bath time and when in the tub, it will be a good idea to hold up a mirror for your baby to look at. Take a minute or two to point to your face and your beautiful baby’s. Identify each other and name body parts while pointing at them. And speak to her.
What a way to play with water
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Water play is the easiest and simplest sensory experience to set up. Babies get to feel the sensation of water on their skin – warm or cold. Pour some lukewarm water into a shallow tray, add a little food colouring to it and let your baby splash in it with her hands while still laying down on her tummy.
The fun gets a little wilder when her older sibling joins the play, mistaking it for a puddle, he might decide to literally jump into the water, splashing water all over the baby, the towel, and the floor. You might be left with a lot of water to mop up. But it will be great fun with all the giggles and screams of joy.
Water play brings out the inner scientist in every child, this includes the baby too. Learning through water play, little toddlers and young children discover and begin to understand the many properties of water.
Whenever an older sibling joins the water play in a tub, the fun will be multiplied a hundredfold. Just by using toys, they get to discover which objects will sink and which ones will float. Find out what happens when they open the shower tap fully, and get to learn about water pressure and force. Figure out what happens when they pour water from a large container into a smaller one. By having fun and splashing about in water, babies and toddlers investigate these phenomena, as well as learn about cause and effect.
Block printing activity
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The materials you’d need for this activity are some paper, some child-safe homemade paint, masking tape, plastic blocks, small toys, a paper plate, and of course, an eager baby.
Secure the paper your baby will print on, to a board or a plastic sheet stuck on the floor. Use the masking tape to stick the paper, otherwise, your baby might reach out to grab it and start squeezing the paper thinking that it is food.
Spoon out blobs of child-safe paint onto a plate, dip the plastic block or a toy in the paint, and hand it over to your baby. She might study the block for a while, examining it closely for a long time. While it will be tempting to show the baby what to do by holding her hand and moving it, resist this urge.
Just wait and watch. She may start by hitting the paper with the block or just may want to move it around in circles. Let her do what she wants as this is a free exploration activity. Show her what she can do on a separate paper by all means. But allow her to explore her own motivation and direct her own play.
Keep conservation going all the time. Talk to her about what she is doing, tell her about colours, shapes and lines… the more you speak with her, the more new words she will hear and perhaps even remember. Keep the conversation going and keep it simple.
Finger painting for babies
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As babies do a lot of play on their tummies, you can use this time to introduce playing with colours. The best time to introduce finger painting is when your baby is able to sit up on her own. It is a good idea to find out if your baby will enjoy sitting in her highchair and exploring finger painting.
A highchair will be the ideal place to plonk a blob of child-safe finger paint and watch your baby unfold the magic of colours with her fingers. It’s a great way for your baby to learn and develop through sensory play. And makes it easy to clean up afterwards.
Finger painting is also a lot of fun. Babies and little children love having the chance to make a supervised mess. The feeling of wet, squishy paint on their fingers is also a relaxing experience. Finger painting acts as a much-needed vent for letting go of negative emotions like anger and anxiety.
It’s worth remembering that finger painting makes a wonderful fine motor skills development activity, helping babies and little children build up strength in their fingers. Eventually, helping them to hold a pencil correctly and learn to write.
Playing with jelly when on the belly
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Babies love to mouth everything they can lay their little hands on. Jelly is the safest sensory play accessory to have and you can build upon the sensory experience it delivers.
All you need to create an exciting toy to play with is a sturdy zip-lock plastic bag, and some cold jelly from your fridge and combine it with those small squeezy balls that bounce back into shape after being squeezed.
Your baby will enjoy and have a great time squishing the cold jelly and moving the squeezy balls between her hands and fingers. The surprising part you will notice is this kind of activity can keep a baby entertained for about 15 minutes, which is a pretty longish time for a baby when she is just under 6 months old!
Fun paper plate painting
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Set this activity up on the floor. Set up two paper plates, one for your baby and one for you. On a third plate, pour out homemade, child-safe paint and hand over a broad paintbrush to your little toddler. Remember to cover the floor with a plastic sheet or a discarded shower curtain before you start. As this activity can encourage your baby to try and move around and work on her gross motor skills.
She may swirl the colours with the brush or mix up the paints on the plate. She may even want to paint with the other end of the paintbrush. It really does not matter, the idea is the process and not the end result. Homemade paints are easy to wash and wipe away the stains, so keep a damp washcloth handy to clear up the mess.
Talking and interacting with your baby will help her understand the physical and mental processes she is going through and develop her vocabulary. Continue the play with your baby once she has explored on her own. You could show her different painting techniques like making circles, dots, stripes and squares with the paint.
As your baby gets older, you can extend this activity to include focusing on patterning and colour mixing by letting your child add paint to the plate herself and use the mix in whichever way she wants to.
Always supervise, because babies and small children need constant supervision.
Painting with plastic balls
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When your baby reaches toddler age, you could involve her in a fun way to create art. Even though you may not be an artistic person, your toddler daughter will help develop the art muscle which you always wanted but didn’t know how.
Here is what you can do and it is so simple to set up. Cut and paste a sheet of paper into a plastic tray. Then ask your toddler to pick two or three colours of her choice. Add the plastic balls to the tray and roll them around by picking up the tray and tilting it in different directions.
Do this process art exercise with her. The results of this activity are open-ended, but both you and your toddler will get to experience creating something beautiful. And this fun project is so messy and active at the same time!
Repeat this activity as often as you like because little children need repetition to learn and understand. They gain new insights each time they repeat the same activity. And always talk to your child about what she is doing. “See the blue line you made!”, “Are you swirling the paint around? ” “What are the colours you used”?
Creating a keepsake
When your baby can stand up and move around on her own, it is time to create a handprint keepsake. A framed wall hanging of the palmprints of your baby when she was a year and a half old. Or handprints of your entire family will be a wonderful keepsake. A family heirloom comes to mind.
Knead some dough using wheat flour and roll it into a ball, press it down into a shape of flatbread. Make it big enough for two palm prints, enough to fit the left palm and the right one side by side. Help your child to press one hand firmly into the dough, repeat with the other hand. Once you are happy with the handprints leave the dough to dry out.
If humidity is high, you can dry the dough in an oven set at 100 degrees for about 3 hours. Remember to turn the dough over halfway through that time. If you like to hang the handprint instead of framing it, make a hole at the top before you bake the dough.
Once your handprints dry out, use acrylic paint and paint the handprint. Leave the choice of colour to your daughter. She might choose a purple or a dark pink. Either way, it will be a memento that will last a very long time, perhaps even be handed down from generation to generation!
Make child-safe, taste-safe paint
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For very young children or for anyone who is likely to try a taste of the paints, it’s best to use a child-safe recipe that uses only food items as ingredients straight from your kitchen cupboard.
Using corn flour as a base for your finger paint will be ideal because it is a simple and easy-to-make. Measure out two cups of corn flour – around 250g. Place the corn flour in a jug and add five cups of cold water. Mix together until all the corn flour has completely dissolved.
Pour this mixture into a saucepan and heat gently, stirring all the time to ensure there are no lumps. After a few minutes the base will begin to thicken. Split this base out into three or four bowls and add a few drops of different colours to each and create several different colours to paint with.
If you feel the paint is too thick, dilute it by adding a little extra cold water. You are now ready for an unforgettable sensory painting experience with babies and toddlers using paint that is not only child-safe but also taste-safe!
You can use the paints immediately or pour them into separate bottles and store them for a week max, before the paint goes bad.
Go eco-friendly, use fruit & veggies
Make child safe and taste-friendly paint for babies. Instead of using food colouring to make paint, swap it with fruit and veggies which have strong colours — spinach, blackberries, dried apricot, watermelon…
Here is how
Stew each fruit or veggie separately in a little water, purée with a hand blender then pass it through a sieve. Leave it overnight in a fridge.
Stir before you use these natural paints for great colours quickly. Or you will have to trash the paint afterwards, as, unlike food colouring, paint made from fruit and veggies will go bad really fast.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think differently, be innovative, and explore new ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in our creative art classes or find out more about why creative art ideas for infants is important, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you. Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life right from the time she is just a baby!
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published on Abrakadoodle Blog.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Watch your child when she is completely absorbed when at play, or when scribbling or painting. Note that her attention is totally focused on creating something from nothing. Using only her imagination and creativity she is trying to express a thought, feeling or idea. This is a life skill that we ought to nurture in every child from a very early age. All you need to do is ensure this activity never stops!
Young children learn and develop best through art as it helps reduce anxiety and lower stress levels. The best part is when they’re using their imagination and expression, and having fun doing it, the brain triggers positive hormones, oxytocin and serotonin into the bloodstream. This is why participating in art classes for childhood development is a healthy way of motivating your child to experience pride, confidence and happiness at will.
Studies have repeatedly indicated that writing and drawing help children manage their emotions in a productive way. Writing helps process and transfer the thoughts they have onto paper, while painting helps young children express their feelings and experiences when they cannot find the right words to do so.
But unfortunately, despite all the positive impact of arts on a child’s development, it is often thought of as being unimportant and is progressively ignored and is often the first activity that is dropped from a class curriculum.
You, as a parent, however, can neutralize this by never stopping your child from involving herself in art activities when she is at home. Because art not only helps develop your child’s imagination but also helps her be a more flexible and inventive thinker. According to Sydney Gurewitz, a noted Consultant in Early Childhood Education, “Art plays a critical role in education, helping children become like themselves rather than more like everyone else.”
Art classes make STEM subjects easy to understand
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Art helps bridge the gap between STEM subjects better than anything else can. It enables young children to go full steam ahead, helping them see science, technology, English and math as art and beauty. Creating and nurturing a genuine liking and changing the way children view these disciplines. Art classes are an effective way to minimise the complexity of these subjects and make learning enjoyable and fun.
Doing hands-on projects and experiments that involve the arts solidifies a child’s understanding of science concepts. And when they get to see these concepts in action, children are inspired to seek them out. Plus, the creative process itself helps boost the capacity to remember.
Art also connects your child’s interests to the real world. Children interact better with things they can touch, see, or understand how to use in everyday life. A wonderful aspect of art is that it’s just another way to interface their interests in the real world with the STEM disciplines.
Arts show children how to be creative problem solvers, and realize and understand the value of making mistakes. Mental arithmetic and equation-solving abilities are important skills for children to possess, but creative approaches to problem-solving truly make a difference. Art creates the space for children to make mistakes and learn from them. Because in art, there is never a right or wrong way or answer.
More importantly, art gives children the freedom to experiment and choose and create something that is unique and original. Not only is art a healthy way to tap into the power of individuality and self-expression, but in the world of work, abilities like creativity and innovation are actively promoted and highly valued.
Art classes help develop critical thinking skills
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Critical thinking is the ability to resist gut impulses and instead look carefully at the available information, consider multiple interpretations of that information, and come to a conclusion that is rationally defensible.
Art helps young children to observe their world more closely. This process enables young children to look more carefully, and observe and analyze the world around them.
Young children who are involved in art show increased levels of tolerance and empathy. This is because experiencing art exposes children to viewpoints outside of their own. They come face-to-face with other children and their ideas. Helping them learn to see the world outside of themselves and tolerate the differences they encounter.
Discussing the artwork of peers or adults further helps children to look at the world around them through different eyes. It teaches them that not everyone’s idea or view of something is the same, nor does it have to be.
Actively involved in producing art changes the wiring of the brain, improving areas that help young children to manage stress. Helping them to communicate visually about both how they see and experience the world, and how they feel about it.
Art classes help develop cognitive abilities
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Art contributes to helping establish a three-way relationship between the enhancement of life, values and attitudes, and meeting a range of emotional needs. Valid reasons to encourage your child to participate in art activities.
The arts offer children opportunities for complex and dynamic modes of thought and communication. When children begin to use visual art to make meaning, their capacity for realistic thinking and for mentally manipulating and organizing ideas, images, and feelings increases.
From a cognitive perspective, when children make art, they integrate their memories, experiences, observations, and imagination. They also create at their own individual level of learning and draw on their own strengths, abilities, and aptitudes.
Art stimulates parts of the brain that are responsible for problem-solving, focusing, and memory. Problem-solving skills are developed over time, enabling children to find creative solutions for ordinary problems in their day-to-day life through what they’ve learned. This is an important developmental skill set. As a matter of fact, the ability to use art as a medium of learning will limit cognitive development, especially in children.
Children develop their fine motor skills through visual art experiences as well. Many art activities involve the hands and fingers and help children to develop good fine motor control. For instance, playing with dough, handling a pair of scissors, picking up tiny pieces of paper with a tweezer, and threading beads, all play an important role in developing finger strength and dexterity.
Research in child psychology, for instance, substantiates this with evidence of how children can use art to explore ideas and communicate their cognitive processes. It concludes that art is not an extra but rather an essential component of early cognitive development in children. [Source]
Art classes help increase self-esteem
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Art has fewer rules than many other subjects, children are often free to choose the direction that they want to take, and so naturally end up internally asking themselves numerous questions and solving problems as the work progresses. This leads to a real sense of ownership over what they produce. In art, the outcome does not matter as much as the skills learned during the task.
As stated earlier, children feel more comfortable in art because this is a subject where there is no ‘right answer’. They are free to explore their ideas, and so become more at ease with the uncertainty. As a result, children are more likely to experiment and try out new ideas. They are less likely to give up when they encounter a problem or when things don’t end up as they had planned it. Art helps boost self-discipline and resilience in a natural way.
Researchers from University College London analyzed information on more than 6,000 young children from a study called the Millennium Cohort Study, ‘Child of the New Century. Researchers took into account a range of background factors, including their level of engagement in the arts; how well they got on with their parents; and whether they had any social, emotional, or behavioural problems. The study concluded that the arts “gives rise to a sense of accomplishment in children and to feelings of self-worth in their own abilities, helping enhance self-empowerment, self-esteem and self-worth.” [Source]
Art classes boost well-being
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Art is an outlet for children to release the pressures of everyday life. It is a calming activity that shows children that they are in control. Creativity is also well recognized for its potential to heal, express hidden emotions, reduce stress, fear and anxiety, and promote a sense of independence.
Young children express a sense of enjoyment and achievement in creating art. They also demonstrate greater levels of motivation, self-awareness, and community engagement.
Through art, children gain creative and life skills, including design, use of color, painting, and independent decision making as well as the ability to adapt their plans as their ideas change and evolve. Flexibility becomes an effective means of coping with life in real time. [Source]
Engaging in the arts is inspiring for children, opening up new possibilities for them in terms of creative expression and imagination. It stimulates the ability to question and connect with other children and the world. Art also helps nurture positive aspirations and develop the resilience to manage challenging life circumstances.
Creativity is linked with promoting well-being — the more children are allowed to explore their individual identities and develop their sense of self, the more content they will be within themselves. Art – in its broader sense is beneficial in providing moments of mindfulness, quality downtime and escape from fast-paced life.
Art is a great way to have fun
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Probably the most important factor, art is a fun way to make time fly. When a child is actively involved and totally immersed in what she is creating, it relieves boredom and its negative effects. Having fun and enjoying yourself is good for your mental health simply due to the fact it can uplift your mood and give you a sense of satisfaction that you did something positive and productive with your day.
For young children, art is an important part of their lives, and it becomes something that they look forward to doing and actively make time for. It gives a child a sense of fulfillment that she can appreciate for the rest of her life. Remember that art isn’t about creating a masterpiece, it is about being able to express yourself, creating something that brings joy boosts a child’s mood and discover that it is fun to do!
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think differently, be innovative, and explore new ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play, and learn like never before.
If you would like to enrol your child in our art classes for kids program or find out more about why art classes for childhood development are important, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you. Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published on Abrakadoodle Blog.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Is your little one all excited to begin their rewarding journey into preschool? Give your child a wider perspective on life through the mesmerizing world of art & crafts. Artistic activities ignite the imagination and allow for creative expression, which benefits young minds in many ways –
Learn about various artists, art movements, styles, mediums & more
Build confidence & nurture independence
Instil a love for learning
Boost imagination & creativity
Develop social skills
We follow the unique Process Art Approach, which encourages kids to enjoy and learn from the actual creative process that goes into creating art that reflects their thoughts and ideas with a range of different art materials.
What you’ll love about Abrakadoodle
Small teacher-student ratio
Well-trained, experienced & caring staff
Productive & nurturing environment
Safe & sanitized spaces
This post originally published on Abrakadoodle Blog.
0 notes
goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Is your little one all excited to begin their rewarding journey into preschool? Give your child a wider perspective on life through the mesmerizing world of art & crafts. Artistic activities ignite the imagination and allow for creative expression, which benefits young minds in many ways –
Learn about various artists, art movements, styles, mediums & more
Build confidence & nurture independence
Instil a love for learning
Boost imagination & creativity
Develop social skills
We follow the unique Process Art Approach, which encourages kids to enjoy and learn from the actual creative process that goes into creating art that reflects their thoughts and ideas with a range of different art materials.
What you’ll love about Abrakadoodle
Small teacher-student ratio
Well-trained, experienced & caring staff
Productive & nurturing environment
Safe & sanitized spaces
0 notes
goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Art and craft workshops for young children play an important role in their early education and deliver tremendous long-term value by ensuring higher levels of emotional, physical, cognitive, social, cultural and creative maturity, opening doors to opportunities that would have otherwise remained shut.
The benefits of art and craft in early childhood can be noticed almost immediately. Parents will notice an eagerness in their children to participate in art and craft play activities that may be difficult to match. Children will be thrilled to engage and explore visual and other sensory experiences and learn how to recognise and communicate ideas and meanings easily using the skills they learn in art and craft workshops.
Whether it’s playing and sculpting miniatures out of clay or colouring with crayons, making origami shapes from paper or crafting handmade facemasks or birthday cards for parents and friends, art and craft workshops provide numerous creative opportunities to children to freely express themselves.
Involving in Art and craft activity helps children develop their fine motor skills and hand-eye coordination by requiring them to exercise the small muscles in their hands and fingers. These skills are necessary for tasks such as writing, eating and taking care of themselves as they grow up.
Spend quality time together
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Art and craft workshops are a great way to spend quality time with family as children tend to express and share their ideas with them freely, actively seeking their help. As the frequency of these interactions multiplies, it strengthens the bond between children and their parents and caregivers. As a bonus, parents also end up creating a repository of art and craft that helps bring back fond memories of their children growing up.
In life ‘knowing how’ is just as important as ‘knowing why’. Art and craft introduce children to a range of intellectual and practical skills. Helping young become lifelong learners by exposing them to frequent opportunities to think out of the box and develop confidence in other subjects and pick up life skills.
The benefits of art and craft in early childhood play a crucial role as these benefits will be at the centre of science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEAM). They also provide an introduction to potentially lucrative careers in the visual arts, digital and design and new media industries, sectors that contribute significantly to the economy and reputation of a country on the competitive international world-class platform.
Boost cognitive skills
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Benefits of arts and crafts include helping improve cognitive development in children by sparking their creativity and imagination. By providing your child with different materials to work with, you will be giving her an opportunity to let her imagination run wild and to start building those all-important creative thinking skills for later use in life.
Studies confirm that a child who is exposed to the arts acquires a special ability to think creatively, be original, discover, innovate, and create intellectual property — key attributes for individual success and social prosperity in the twenty-first century. “Art is not just art, it is communication, inspiration, point of view, and a bridge that links us all up.” – Chung Kei Ting in Hong Kong [Source]
Improve self-expression & self-esteem
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Most people think of art as something children do just for fun. However, art plays a very important role in a child’s emotional development. Through art, children learn how to express their emotions, cope with stress, and interact with other people in a healthy manner.
Arts and crafts workshops help children find new ways to express themselves in new ways and build on their self-esteem and self-worth. Art is an extremely valuable activity for children of all ages as it helps develop a core sense of self-esteem — vital for every child.
Spark creativity & imagination
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Creativity and imagination are two skills that arts and crafts workshops help manifest in children. By giving them the opportunity to be creative and use their imaginations, arts and crafts can help foster a love of creativity that will last a lifetime, as well as help them generate new ideas and find new solutions in all aspects of life.
Teach problem-solving skills
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Arts and crafts workshops help children learn how to come up with solutions, as the projects they work on lead them to think outside the box and come up with new ways of completing a task. Children learn how to brainstorm, consider all possible solutions, and create an action plan. These skills teach children how to problem solve effectively, an important skill for success in both life and at work.
Help practise mindfulness
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Art and craft workshops help children practise mindfulness, as they show how a child can bring her attention to the present moment. Practising mindfulness helps children become more aware of their thoughts, feelings, and body sensations. It also helps them learn how to control their reactions to stress and emotions.
This is also why art and craft is important in early years: When children learn to focus their attention on the present moment, they become less impulsive and more aware of their own feelings, be able to lower stress and minimise anxiety levels. When mindfulness is learned early in life, children are able to regulate their emotions when interacting with immediate peers and adults later in life.
Teaching a child to be mindful by showing her deep breathing techniques helps them relax and focus. Deep breathing resets the nervous system. Mindful awareness of breathing helps to support your child’s mental health and minimises negative self-talk.
Encourage teamwork & socialisation
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Art and craft workshops encourage interactions, teamwork and socialisation in children as this requires children to work together and find common ground to complete a task. This helps children learn how to cooperate and get along with others, as well as make new friends.
Teamwork and socialisation skills are vital as they help children form lasting relationships and allow them to be successful in both their personal and professional life.
Learn flexibility
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Flexibility, is among the first important life skills children pick up from art and craft workshops. This is because children begin to see the need to come up with new solutions when things don’t go as planned.
This will help them in other areas of their lives as unexpected situations will no longer throw them off balance. Instead, they will learn to pick themselves up, adapt quickly to changing situations, and develop the ability to expect the unexpected.
Fun Art & Craft activities for children
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As a child’s brain is constantly learning and growing, it is important to provide your child with a wide range of art and craft supplies that can stimulate her interest and keep her engaged. The more diverse the range of art materials you source, the easier it will become to create more opportunities to learn and grow.
Arts and craft workshops are helpful in fostering the development of specific motor, cognitive, linguistic, and pre-academic skills. They also allow for interpersonal exchanges that are vital for brain development, lifelong learning, and social-emotional competence. Art and craft activities for children allow them to be creative, think outside the box, and solve problems.
Creating a ‘worry’ doll:
A ‘worry’ doll is a small toy you can help your child create so that she can then pass all her worries to the doll. Psychologically, a doll becomes a useful device to help children become more aware and mindful of their emotions, feelings and worries.
These dolls are easy to make, all you need is toothpicks or pipe cleaners, spools of knitting wool and colourful twine to make tiny ‘worry’ dolls. Involve your child by talking about worry dolls and how they might be useful to her. Help your child gather all of the materials you need to make the ‘worry’ doll. Once she has collected everything she needs, show her how to make one. Let your child decide how many ‘worry’ dolls she wants to make. While she is engaged in making the first one, give your child the background as to why she is making one for herself. Explain to your child that everyone has worries and it will be OK to tell you about them, or in your absence, share them with her ‘worry’ doll. Show her how she can do this effectively. Ask your child to focus on her breathing and spend a few minutes talking to the doll about her worries. Transferring them to her doll and asking her to take care of them. She can then put away her dolls until she needs them doll again.
Painting & Drawing:
Painting, doodling and drawing are activities that provide a wealth of development benefits for children. They make children creative, help them explore their imagination, and improve their dexterity and coordination, all at the same time. Plus, it is not expensive. All that you would need is a piece of paper and some crayons or paint. Another big benefit art and craft activities bring to young children are helping them focus on fine motor skills as they begin experimenting with a variety of fabrics, materials, colours and things of different shapes and sizes. As children learn to handle a pair of scissors safely, cut and paste, hold crayons or anything else, they are actually strengthening their muscles and improving dexterity and learning to coordinate their eyes and hands. It is a fun, absorbing, colourful, and liberating experience. Little wonder then, why children enjoy art and craft workshops so much.
Using nature to nurture:
It is important for children to initiate and develop activities for themselves. They must have opportunities to revisit and practise their physical skills in ways meaningful to them to build confidence and independence. For instance, it is very important for children to learn about nature.
For instance, creating a nature collage consisting of leaves, flowers, and twigs and use naturally occurring material that they take a fancy to. Hand painting rocks and tiles, using wooden sticks to build houses, cutting leaves dipping them in paint and using it to print patterns on a cloth or paper among many others…
The best learning is when a child is relaxed, absorbed in her surroundings collecting things she would need to make a nature collage. Having so much fun while playing, she doesn’t even realise that she’s picking up new skills. That’s the real magic of the art and craft workshops.
Creating a tiger mask:
Children love making masks of their favourite animals and superheroes. My child’s favourite animal is the tiger and it was time to create a mask for her to wear to a birthday party. First, we got hold of a large piece of cardboard and as my child was too young to work with a pair of scissors, I helped her cut the board into the shape of a tiger’s face and ears. Made sure this would cover her face snugly and used an elastic band to hold it in place.
Then we began to colour the board with bright yellow as a background first. Drew four long outlines of stripes on either sides of the tiger’s nose in pencil and asked my child to fill in the outline with black. Finally, we used white paint to complete the jaws and mouth. The birthday facemask would be ready for the party once the paint dried.
Painting the tiger mask was good for helping my child with her fine motor skills, taught her turn-taking (with the brushes), improved her self-confidence. She also learned how to paint around the eyeholes developing her control, as well as learning that the flatter brush covered more of the mask faster.
Discovering the magic of colours:
When your child begins to experiment with colours, she in effect is practising science thinking skills such as cause and effect, learning to predict what can happen, and comparing the results.
Introduce blue, red, and yellow as the “primary colours.” To teach colour matching, help your child combine paints in different colours (mixing red and blue to make purple paint). While taking her through the steps of mixing colours, you will be introducing new words and contexts, enhancing your child’s communication and linguistic skills.
While viewing the resulting colour combinations, discuss the concept of “secondary colours,” including green, orange, and purple. Your child can also make artwork with shades of colour she created. Doing activities with colour offers children a sense of accomplishment along with a great deal of fun.  
Another big benefit is getting your child to use different tools such as droppers, brushes, sponges, craft sticks, and fingers! This way you will encourage further development of her fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and visual judgement.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think different, be innovative, and explore new ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in our art and craft workshops or find out why creativity is important in early childhood education, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you. Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published at Abrakadoodle Blog.
0 notes
goabrakadoodle · 2 years
It is every parent’s desire to give their child a head start in life. Especially when it comes to meeting their child’s educational and cognitive development needs. Switching to STEAM education will be a great start to a truly rewarding life-long learning experience.
STEAM learning initiatives are becoming increasingly critical in the years before formal school education begins. It is considered to be the best way to prepare young children for educational journeys while retaining the need for fun and excitement so important at their age.
But what exactly is STEAM? The acronym stands for – Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics.
These disciplines work together and help young children understand that these subjects are not separate but interconnected. Not only is STEAM’s interdisciplinary approach more reflective of how these disciplines interact in real life, but also of how STEAM works in real life.
When you opt to go full speed ahead with STEAM education, your child will gain a unique opportunity to experience everything she is learning from a completely different perspective. This is because STEAM programs help parents focus on promoting self-directed play and exploration in the early years of their child’s life.
The primary aim of starting STEAM programs at an early age is to further develop a child’s curiosity, acquire the ability to have a longer attention span and encourage inquisitiveness. Studies on the effectiveness of STEAM education have indicated that while toddlers and preschoolers may be too young to comprehend complex concepts, they can continue with their desire to learn through play and self-development.
Why STEAM education is so critical
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STEAM programs encourage preschoolers to use all of their senses to explore the world around them. Learning to use their sense of seeing, touch, hearing, smell and speech naturally lead to boosting fine motor skills, and developing language to communicate about what children observe.
Furthermore, the safe learning environment of the home allows children to push themselves to try new ideas and gain the confidence needed to use new tools and experiment with unfamiliar items.
Young children who embrace STEAM skills in their infancy are shown to have a better chance of transitioning into the rigours of school life with ease. High comfort levels and increased self-confidence translate to better performances.
So if you have a child aged 1 to 4, now is the time to give careful consideration to begin participating in STEAM activities for preschoolers and learn about how they can be incorporated into your child’s life for the best possible outcomes.
Exploring STEAM
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Science is centred on our capacity to wonder about things that are tangible and intangible. It is always driven by our desire to explore. It’s about ourselves, others, the natural world and our interdependence – as a matter of fact, it is the basis of our very reason to be. We engage with science through a growth mindset and the effective use of our senses.
Only a scientific approach to this urge will be able to sustain and nurture our children. Propelling their desire to learn to investigate, observe, test, predict, evaluate and gather evidence. Its absence will forever undermine and relegate our children to leading a life without beauty, and wonder and suppress the desire to know more.
The truth is children are born curious and inquisitive. The interconnection of all life on Earth is an essential core and leads young children to stimulate their natural curiosity and nurture the desire to connect. Our future depends on a child’s understanding of this fact.
Technology is about being able to put our thoughts and ideas into action and creating things that work for the general well-being of mankind.
There are images of, and literature about mechanical vehicles through the ages – from the penny-farthings to the steam engine to flying machines – all provoking conceptual analysis of how technological skills have developed over time. Buildings and structures are also the keys, they tell and introduce our children to inspiring examples from across the world, including the Great Pyramids, the Eiffel Tower and the Taj Mahal. By studying these wonders, children get to see and understand how human thinking and skill have changed the world.
Children need to see and be inspired to have real solutions to real problems and apply their skills to effect positive change.
Engineering is design thinking and innovation working together. Children need the time to explore and come up with a solution to an identified problem and have the opportunity to design and redesign based on their observations and findings. This is when children will be able to explore how to problem-solve in all aspects of their life. Thinking about engineering, children learn to deconstruct. That is understanding the validity of being able to break a complex concept down into smaller and more manageable parts.
Through abstraction, children learn how to eliminate unnecessary and unhelpful detail so that they can achieve clarity when pursuing an outcome. And finally, through collaboration children get a handle on the value of teamwork, understanding working together with others is sometimes more successful than working alone.
Engineering in other words is about taking all of our skills and our wonderings to create something the world may have never seen before. Sometimes invent something truly amazing!
Art is at the core of STEAM education and is the spark that motivates children to engage. For that to happen, it will be essential that we allow children to explore their creativity and as parents and adults, we need to understand and respect a child’s need to develop her creative thinking abilities. Every child’s potential needs to be seen as a window through which they can see their world. And to help a child express her creativity, we need to provide stimulating opportunities and environments on a daily basis. Empower children to think, wonder, question, explore and express themselves. Celebrate the freedom of expression, and allow the uniqueness of creativity, critical thinking, problem-solving and innovative processes to take centre stage in everyone’s lives.
Art plays a central role in aiding and developing the creative process. Creativity becomes a reality only when adults become more attentive to facilitating the cognitive processes of young children, rather than being concerned with the end results they achieve in various fields of doing and understanding.
Maths is so much more than recognizing shapes and counting numbers! Maths is when everything is seen from a mathematical perspective and success in it is achieved through a mindset which is open, analytical and curious. Maths is seen as both a rigid and creative subject. It is both serious and fun. Maths is for everyone, including young children. Every child can be taught to believe in their abilities to master maths.
Children will achieve success in many different fields of study only when they adopt and have a positive approach to mathematical learning.
Learning to think differently
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STEAM activities for preschoolers touch upon every sphere of their lives. And since they are already digital natives, the more relevant the STEAM phenomenon becomes. For instance, more and more children will benefit from a networked system of learning that shows them how mathematics isn’t an isolated disciplinary universe, but an effective tool with which they can approach and solve problems in other disciplines — most importantly, doing so in a way that imitates real-life conditions.
STEAM programs accelerate not only the development of crucial cognitive skills but also benefit rapid progress in acquiring social and communication skills to enable active collaboration – the perfect combination for success in the digital age.
When your child takes part in STEAM-based activities, her interactions with other children, or adults increase and become a critical process. Remember, a shared curiosity and joint investigations can send a child’s love of learning to a whole new level.
Steam activities for preschoolers close a gap that earlier generations may have experienced when in school. Education is now closer to establishing itself as a natural process of social interaction in which the focus is always on the process and development of the learner, and not so much on the final result of a specific standardized test.
Practising soft skills
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Nothing is more rewarding for parents than seeing their child having fun while learning something new and strengthening her 21st century skills. Coding is a phenomenal way for your child to learn in a non-threatening environment.
Coding is among the master keys to developing critical thinking abilities through active collaboration, boosting your child’s creativity, and increasing her levels of both self-confidence and self-esteem. Children also get to learn while understanding that mistakes are nothing more than experiences that pave the way for more learning.
When engaged and working with STEAM projects in their infancy, young children practice a whole range of developing soft skills in real time. They learn to be effective and collaborative and highly adaptable. The work they do requires a large portion of creativity, listening skills, task management, and problem-solving skills, and develops empathy towards finding an effective solution and coming up with multiple variations of the solution.
There are numerous ways to start a child’s journey in STEAM enrichment programs. However, the most essential component of any educational technique needs to be driven by engaging activities. Enabling children to comprehend how and why things happen the way they do. Shows them that when hands-on learning is actually applied in a fun, safe environment, learning can be engaging and enjoyable.
Children can indeed become way better in their own areas of interest and reach their full potential. Enjoying not only their learning process but also developing a genuine hunger for new knowledge. Their success, however, will depend upon the intensity of passion, the one element that can propel a creative genius to become a game changer!
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think differently, be innovative, and devise ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines ignites her mind to think, play, and learn like never before.
If you would like to enrol your child in our children’s art classes or participate in cognitive learning activities, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations, and everything else the child might touch are made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published at Abrakadoodle Blog.
0 notes
goabrakadoodle · 2 years
This post originally published at Abrakadoodle Blog.Drawing Skills help communication. As a matter of fact, drawing with supporting text is a better way to explore and expand upon your ideas and express those ideas to others. When it comes to toddlers and young children, learning to draw is a critical stage and allows parents to sow the seeds of learning to write at a very early age.
Before children begin to write words and letters, initiating drawing skills development program is one way they can use to communicate their thoughts and feelings. More importantly, drawing supports the development of a child’s capability to visualise and explore the world they are growing up in.
Drawing for children is a journey of discovery and is beneficial for their mental well-being. It has a calming effect and shows children how they can face and cope with stressful situations by enabling them to let off steam by expressing complex emotions through drawing instead of resorting to aggressive behaviours.
Drawing skills improve muscle development & control
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It’s important that children are physically ready to begin drawing activities for kids at home. Focus on exercising shoulder and arm muscles (gross motor skills). Here are some great ideas to get your child moving. Get her to climb a tree or pull herself up using her arms, swirl and dance with a coloured ribbon stuck to a stick in wide arcs, sweep with a broom, fill and empty toy buckets, draw giant chalk circles on the driveway, in fact, anything that will get your child stretching up or across her body!
Then get her to work on exercising her wrist and finger muscles. (fine motor skills) essential for gripping tools. Here are some ideas for developing these muscles — threading beads and sewing games, kneading play-dough, using tweezers to pick up tiny objects, and involving her in stacking games.
Most of what your will be needing can be found around in your home itself.
As muscles and control develop, your child will automatically progress to using crayons or chalk to draw big circles and straight lines on paper. This type of drawing is often dismissed as squiggles and doodles but is actually an important step in learning to draw.
Remember, for a toddler learning to control any tool, such as a pencil, crayon or paintbrush is hard and requires a lot of practice. Hand-eye coordination is also key for drawing as is the need for your child to build up control in her hands and fingers. Many of these skills can be supported by ensuring your child is physically active through play for at least an hour and a half, daily.
Instill drawing skills and make it fun
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Parents can be most supportive by providing some basic art material. Drawing can become a major part of kids’ activities. It does not require expensive inputs – just a pencil, an eraser and a few sheets of paper and then leaves your child to get on with it.
The importance of drawing and painting in child development becomes even more meaningful as drawing stimulates and nurtures the imagination. The best way to encourage your child is when you avoid comparing your child’s drawing to another child’s work. Do not push or put your child under pressure to draw.
If you notice that she is hesitant, sit down with her and start to draw yourself – she might decide to join if you can make it look fun! Being able to draw will lay a solid foundation for your child to be able to write when the time comes for it.
Realize that at her age, the process of drawing is more important than what she actually creates. Encouraging her effort will have more impact than focusing on the outcome. Understand that drawing for children can become a soothing activity. Some children may take to drawing as a duck would take to the water.
Offering encouragement and guiding her, providing lots of opportunities to draw using different media, and investing the time to ensure your child is comfortable and gains confidence will be a big help. In other words, it is important for you to nurture and appreciate the effort your child puts into a drawing. It pays to take it more seriously.
Whether a child draws like a genius or not doesn’t matter. Rest assured, drawing activities for kids at home will play a critical role in your child’s development and growth. Value it, appreciate the effort, and use what your child draws as a springboard for initiating meaningful conversations and opportunities for strengthening bonding.
Improve how your child communicates:
As stated earlier, toddlers and young children cannot always find the right words and actions to express themselves. But by looking at what they draw, parents can gain insight into their child’s thoughts and feelings. Apart from this, being able to express freely helps boost a child’s emotional intelligence.
Help your child think clearly:
When your child begins to draw, she is faced with multiple decisions and choices — whether it’s ‘what colour should I use here?’ or ‘How do I draw an aeroplane and connect one part of its body to another?’ ‘How many petals should my flower have?’ ‘Should I make each petal look different?’ All these questions require her to solve problems. You can learn a lot by asking questions such as, why did she draw certain parts of the flower the way she did? Why she used one colour and not another? See what answers your child comes up with to justify her decisions.
Stimulate your child’s imagination:
Drawing sets your child’s imagination free. Each time she draws, she learns to access her imagination and is able to put down on paper what she has in her mind. As she becomes more adept at drawing, your child will be able to create all the things she imagines and notices around her. You really cannot fathom what your child’s boundless imagination can bring to life!
Make your child future-ready:
Drawing lays the foundation for logical thinking or abstract thought. Whether your child is still at home with you or at school already, drawing helps her prepare for understanding difficult concepts and ideas. Learning creative ways of thinking at an early age prepares your child for future education.
Don’t forget to provide a variety of materials to draw with, and don’t ignore digital media tools. It makes sense to help your child get used to tablets and other smart devices she will be using frequently in the future.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think different, be innovative, and devise ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in drawing classes for kids or participate in cognitive learning activities, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published at Abrakadoodle Blog.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Ways To Boost Your Child’s Drawing Skills
Drawing Skills help communication. As a matter of fact, drawing with supporting text is a better way to explore and expand upon your ideas and express those ideas to others. When it comes to toddlers and young children, learning to draw is a critical stage and allows parents to sow the seeds of learning to write at a very early age.
Before children begin to write words and letters, initiating drawing skills development program is one way they can use to communicate their thoughts and feelings. More importantly, drawing supports the development of a child’s capability to visualise and explore the world they are growing up in.
Drawing for children is a journey of discovery and is beneficial for their mental well-being. It has a calming effect and shows children how they can face and cope with stressful situations by enabling them to let off steam by expressing complex emotions through drawing instead of resorting to aggressive behaviours.
Drawing skills improve muscle development & control
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It’s important that children are physically ready to begin drawing activities for kids at home. Focus on exercising shoulder and arm muscles (gross motor skills). Here are some great ideas to get your child moving. Get her to climb a tree or pull herself up using her arms, swirl and dance with a coloured ribbon stuck to a stick in wide arcs, sweep with a broom, fill and empty toy buckets, draw giant chalk circles on the driveway, in fact, anything that will get your child stretching up or across her body!
Then get her to work on exercising her wrist and finger muscles. (fine motor skills) essential for gripping tools. Here are some ideas for developing these muscles — threading beads and sewing games, kneading play-dough, using tweezers to pick up tiny objects, and involving her in stacking games.
Most of what your will be needing can be found around in your home itself.
As muscles and control develop, your child will automatically progress to using crayons or chalk to draw big circles and straight lines on paper. This type of drawing is often dismissed as squiggles and doodles but is actually an important step in learning to draw.
Remember, for a toddler learning to control any tool, such as a pencil, crayon or paintbrush is hard and requires a lot of practice. Hand-eye coordination is also key for drawing as is the need for your child to build up control in her hands and fingers. Many of these skills can be supported by ensuring your child is physically active through play for at least an hour and a half, daily.
Instill drawing skills and make it fun
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Parents can be most supportive by providing some basic art material. Drawing can become a major part of kids’ activities. It does not require expensive inputs – just a pencil, an eraser and a few sheets of paper and then leaves your child to get on with it.
The importance of drawing and painting in child development becomes even more meaningful as drawing stimulates and nurtures the imagination. The best way to encourage your child is when you avoid comparing your child’s drawing to another child’s work. Do not push or put your child under pressure to draw.
If you notice that she is hesitant, sit down with her and start to draw yourself – she might decide to join if you can make it look fun! Being able to draw will lay a solid foundation for your child to be able to write when the time comes for it.
Realize that at her age, the process of drawing is more important than what she actually creates. Encouraging her effort will have more impact than focusing on the outcome. Understand that drawing for children can become a soothing activity. Some children may take to drawing as a duck would take to the water.
Offering encouragement and guiding her, providing lots of opportunities to draw using different media, and investing the time to ensure your child is comfortable and gains confidence will be a big help. In other words, it is important for you to nurture and appreciate the effort your child puts into a drawing. It pays to take it more seriously.
Whether a child draws like a genius or not doesn’t matter. Rest assured, drawing activities for kids at home will play a critical role in your child’s development and growth. Value it, appreciate the effort, and use what your child draws as a springboard for initiating meaningful conversations and opportunities for strengthening bonding.
Improve how your child communicates:
As stated earlier, toddlers and young children cannot always find the right words and actions to express themselves. But by looking at what they draw, parents can gain insight into their child’s thoughts and feelings. Apart from this, being able to express freely helps boost a child’s emotional intelligence.
Help your child think clearly:
When your child begins to draw, she is faced with multiple decisions and choices — whether it’s ‘what colour should I use here?’ or ‘How do I draw an aeroplane and connect one part of its body to another?’ ‘How many petals should my flower have?’ ‘Should I make each petal look different?’ All these questions require her to solve problems. You can learn a lot by asking questions such as, why did she draw certain parts of the flower the way she did? Why she used one colour and not another? See what answers your child comes up with to justify her decisions.
Stimulate your child’s imagination:
Drawing sets your child’s imagination free. Each time she draws, she learns to access her imagination and is able to put down on paper what she has in her mind. As she becomes more adept at drawing, your child will be able to create all the things she imagines and notices around her. You really cannot fathom what your child’s boundless imagination can bring to life!
Make your child future-ready:
Drawing lays the foundation for logical thinking or abstract thought. Whether your child is still at home with you or at school already, drawing helps her prepare for understanding difficult concepts and ideas. Learning creative ways of thinking at an early age prepares your child for future education.
Don’t forget to provide a variety of materials to draw with, and don’t ignore digital media tools. It makes sense to help your child get used to tablets and other smart devices she will be using frequently in the future.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think different, be innovative, and devise ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in drawing classes for kids or participate in cognitive learning activities, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Art is a natural way of learning about the world. It is among the most effective approach for toddlers to learn to communicate and think for themselves. Art activities for preschoolers also provide very young children with the opportunity to create, share, and convey meaning, using non-verbal ways.
Art is playtime for children. Art lessons for kids never put them under pressure, they feel comfortable and have fun as they soon realize that art is also a very pleasurable experience. Indulging in art activities for preschoolers allows children more opportunities for self-expression and being involved in creating freely results in greater creativity, as children find that they are free to express even their innermost thoughts.
Object based art stimulates the senses. Toddlers get to explore texture, shape, colours, light and shade and structural forms. Early Art lessons for kids at home enable them to express what they know and understand about the environment they live in using paint, clay, crayons, and finger painting.
Children are inventive people, and they discover that creative art activities for preschoolers help them to express who they are, and is an easier way to process and integrate their perceptions about the life they experience.
Impact of Art Objectives For Preschoolers
How art benefits toddlers
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Just think about what happens when you hand over some finger paint and a blank sheet of paper to your toddler. As your child’s tiny hands begin to experiment with mixing colours, and creating swirls on the page, she is excited and feels engaged. An additional benefit is that your child will be developing and improving her hand-eye coordination exercises on a daily basis.
By learning to hold a crayon in her hand, your toddler may just begin to draw a house and trees, and birds. Flexing important muscles in her arms and fingers to develop her fine motor skills. Working with her hands and practising repetitive motions and art activities for kids such as picking up objects helps refine her pincer grasp, and improves focus and discipline.
Art lessons for kids give young children a sense of spatial orientation – this is a cognitive skill that helps with flexibility, dexterity and more. For instance, carrying art materials and cleaning up after a session helps in gross motor transferring skills, making decisions and learning from mistakes. More importantly, by diving deeper into her imagination, your child will be able to exercise her mind and gain a sense of independence when she creates something of her very own.
Always encourage your child to participate in any kind of art activities for kids, even if your little one isn’t ready to do much yet. Just keep at it, and encourage your toddler to speak her mind and to tell you, in her own words, what she is thinking and planning as she makes decisions. Which of the colours she plans on using, what to put where. This facilitates rapid verbal development and sentence formation capabilities.
The best thing is that art school activities give little ones a sense of accomplishment, boost their self-esteem, create opportunities and accelerate social and emotional development processes. Gaining confidence and feeling good about oneself is important for toddlers, so patience, praise and a positive attitude go a long way in ensuring art therapy activities end up having the desired effect. [ Source ]
Keep your toddler’s art projects simple
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Early years should be all about providing toddlers with a solid foundation, establishing the building blocks of language development through art processes which allow them to become confident, lifelong learners. Introducing age-appropriate art projects should be your aim, as this is an effective way for young learners to engage and stay actively involved.
Ensure all art-inspired kids activities are simple and have easy-to-follow steps, this helps your toddler focus on activities that aren’t above her developmental level. Above all else, make sure your toddler’s art projects are fun to do as well. Introducing complex art projects at this age may just cause frustration, put her off, and lose interest.
Using beads or buttons helps your child with counting skills while glueing objects together or colouring by numbers can help colour selection, and improve vocabulary. Also, make sure you keep a close watch while your toddler is busy engrossed with these tasks. Staying alert will give you enough time to prevent your toddler from hurting herself when a task involves cutting, or prevent her from accidentally swallowing a bead when she is threading them.
Embark on a journey of growth together!
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Art lesson objectives help to spark your child’s natural curiosity and create her own journey of exploration, discovery and development. What’s more, opting for art activities at an early age is a very engrossing cognitive skills development process and at the same time is great fun for your child!
Toddlers love object-based art therapy activities and are especially helpful when you don’t want your child to spend all her time in front of the TV. So roll up your sleeves and get down to getting involved with your child and engage her in art activities.
For toddlers, making art is a sensory exploration activity. They enjoy the feeling of a crayon moving across the paper and enjoy seeing a blob of coloured paint grow larger or dissolve, and are amazed when they see for themselves what happens when they mix one colour with another and a new colour emerges like magic!
Exploring art materials plays a critical role because only through exploration toddlers can build knowledge of the objects in the world around them. Kids activities centring around making art also helps young children to make decisions and conduct self-evaluations.
As your toddler grows and develops, her art education will move beyond exploration through their senses and begin to involve the use of symbols. Your child will use symbols to represent real objects, events, and feelings in her artwork.
Drawing can take on a lead role as a means of expression as it enables your toddler to symbolize feelings. It indeed becomes an effective outlet for very young children whose vocabulary is limited. This practice of using symbols in the artwork is very important because it lays the foundation for a child’s later use of words to symbolize objects and actions when she begins to write.
Finally, art activities for preschoolers enable adults and children to learn together and involve explicit and positive learning outcomes. It inspires young children to aim higher, and gives them the resources they need to change their lives for the better.
Parents are central in helping their children find out how they can improve upon their creativity. By sharing their work with an adult, they can celebrate their achievement, and feel valued and recognised. This, in turn, builds self-esteem in children in the years to come.
About Abrakadoodle
Process Art learning experiences inspire toddlers and young children to think different, be innovative, and devise ways to learn about interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way a child discovers and imagines. Igniting her mind to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in our children’s art classes or participate in cognitive learning activities, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to your child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Simple Acrylic Painting Tips For Beginners
Acrylic paint was first developed in Latin America in the 1920s when artists demanded paint for their outdoor murals. The paint had to dry quickly and be resistant to changing weather conditions.
It was however left to “artists and scientists to work closely together to perfect the paint and in the mid-1950s, an American company launched the first commercially produced, water-based Acrylic Paint called Liquitex Soft Body.”
The great thing about acrylic paint is that, unlike watercolours, acrylic paint can be used on most surfaces — paper, glass, metal as well as wood — and comes in handy when it comes to craft projects.
Acrylic paint is a perfect choice for beginners as it has many of the strengths of oil paint in terms of colour translucency, opacity and body, but without using toxic solvents for mixing and cleaning. It is fun, affordable, and versatile.
Acrylic Paint is water-based and can be thinned with water but, once dry, it turns water-proof. As a result, it is perfect for use by children for painting and for craft projects. Just keep one thing in mind though, acrylic paints are permanent, so once dry they don’t wash off.
Here are some unique ways and techniques of acrylic painting to stimulate your child’s imagination. Feel free to experiment. There are no rules to follow because the process is always more important than the end product.
Also, keep exposing your child to a variety of art materials, and use different tools and paints to ensure different sensory enriching experiences. Even if your child’s paintings look like a mess to you – remember it’s her creation. Celebrate it!
Dry brush effectSimply apply the acrylic paint straight onto the surface of choice with a dry brush. Especially when you want a highly pigmented thick stroke of colour with rough, scratchy unrefined edges. This gives a more natural look to landscapes in elements such as grass, trees, and even clouds.Creating a wash
The wash technique is an easy way to create a watercolour effect for your painting’s background. Just like when you use watercolours, a wash of acrylic paint will make colours blend together and more translucent.
The purpose may be to help create the effect of a misty sky, a vibrant sunset or to give your painting a more abstract feel, or to quickly cover the canvas with a base layer of colour.
If you like working with watercolours, you’ll most probably come to love working with acrylic washes. The big difference to remember is the acrylic paint will set quickly and permanently.
Get started by taking a generous scoop of acrylic paint onto your palette. Dip your brush in water and dribble the brush into the paint. Stir. Apply this scoop of paint onto the canvas, covering the whole surface if you are doing a background. You will end up with a light, nearly-transparent layer of colour.
You can create intriguing special effects by adding a little more water or adding more colour. Experiment. Apply multiple layers on the top of the canvas and fewer as you move down for an ombre effect, or combine different brush strokes to create textures. Use your imagination!
Stippling with a toothbrush
For intricate painting styles, stippling is a popular technique. It is essentially forming an abstract image without using long, smooth brush strokes, but by a collection of small dots and circles. You can use a paintbrush with stiff bristles or a discarded toothbrush to try this out. This painting technique is energetic, unpredictable and a whole lot of fun.
When using a stiff paintbrush, apply paint on the paper surface or canvas with a repetitive dabbing motion to create the effect. Or use a toothbrush dipped in paint and send a stream of droplets by gently sliding your thumb across the bristles of the brush over the painting surface. The stream of tiny droplets creates shapes that prompt several interpretations and is more abstract. Stippling is similar to but not exactly pointillism, where the shapes formed are more precisely defined.
Pouring a perfect abstract
Some techniques are more common and easier, while others need more practice and time. Techniques for beginners are easy, quick to learn and need a few additional supplies. Simple to execute and allows you to create stunning works of abstract art.
A pouring medium is what makes the magic happen, without it you cannot get the paint to flow. Basically, the pouring medium is an additive that you add to your acrylic paint to increase its fluidity. It also keeps the colours vibrant and helps you create intricate patterns. You can get the pouring acrylic paint ready-made or DIY.
To get started, premix the acrylic colour in individual cups with the pouring medium. Pour each colour separately onto the canvas making lines or circles, taking any direction and going to places you’d like to go. Then tilt the canvas and enjoy the pattern that emerges. And it is done!
Of all the pouring techniques you can choose, the Dutch Pour technique is a little difficult but is an absolute winner. The results are usually spectacular and easy, and the best part, even a beginner can experience the magic of pouring. Each new creation is bound to be one-of-a-kind and amazingly different.
Splattering is freedom to express
Splattering is a great way to experiment with less precise acrylic painting techniques. It is fun because there are no lines to restrict your creativity! This technique is about freedom, a play with colours, and want to express the chaotic nature of life.
The technique is achieved by wetting your brush in water, before dipping it into an acrylic paint of your choice before flicking the soaked brush to splash colour onto the canvas. Creating a real abstract piece of spontaneous art, as well as roughing up an already created precise artwork.
All you need is a canvas, a range of acrylic paints, and an open mind for a disorder to create bespoke masterpieces!
Layering for contrast & tonal values
Among the most effective acrylic painting techniques is the one called layering which has resulted in some of the most well-known and desirable works of art in the world. Layering colours on top of one another creates an illusion of depth. Building contrast and tonal values.
This makes you look through one or more colours to see the layers below. This technique tricks the eye into seeing different depths between each layer, creating an impression that one shape is in front of, or behind another.
The technique has a huge impact on the overall feel of a painting. Brightening areas that would otherwise be flat and uninteresting.
Acrylic painting ideasHere are a few intriguing and practical acrylic painting activities for kids at home. These can simulate the imagination of toddlers and young children alike. Remember to begin the journey together with your child, and share the endless joys of painting. The selected art themes will help create experiences that can never bore anyone, least of all children. They never let go or hold back!Paint tulips in a jiffy!
Your favourite flower may be tulips and the favourite craft activity for toddlers and preschool children is playing with colours. So put the two together, and have a blast.
Remember, painting with anything other than a paintbrush is always fun for young children. Using an ordinary fork, instead of a paintbrush, to paint will be a great start. It’s quick, easy, and pretty mess-free.
Squeeze various colours of acrylic paint onto a paper plate. Start with less and add more if needed. Dip the backside of a fork in the paint, and press down on the paper to make an impression of the tulip. Wipe the fork clean with a paper towel and repeat using different colours.
Use a paintbrush to add in stems and leaves. Then use the fork again to make grass and sun. And lo, your tulip masterpiece is ready in no time!
Strawberry rocks!
Normally we tend to use larger-sized rocks when it comes to doing rock painting. But why not try using smaller stones and create a set of extraordinarily tempting and real-looking, rock-painted strawberries?! Needless to say, this will be an exciting and easy-to-do project over the weekend. You can add a little bit of drama to the whole exercise so that your toddler will enthusiastically participate and stay engaged.
Hand your child a small hamper to carry and take her for a stroll in the park. Help her collect a bunch of smooth, triangular-shaped rocks — the sizes can vary from ½ an inch to 1½ of an inch. Explain to your child what you are going to do with them. Inspire her and stimulate her senses while you are at it.
Collect as many pebbles and small rocks as you can and bring them home. Soak them in a tray containing a little detergent and water and give them a quick scrub. Wipe clean and allow to dry.
Using a flat brush, paint the entire surface of the small stones bright red. Ask your child to do the same with the other stones. It is essential to involve your child by showing her how it is done.
Using the tip of a toothpick, dip it in black acrylic paint and apply small dashes all over the painted red stones. Repeat with yellow paint, covering a portion of the black dashes with yellow ones.
And lastly, add two different shades of green to the tops of each of the painted rocks. Your painted strawberry rocks would by now be dry and are ready for display.
Pineapple finger painting
Almost every child loves to paint. Pineapple finger painting projects are super simple and always have a big surprise in store for you at the end. Each painting will look different!
As a matter of fact, even when children are well into their teens, they don’t lose that urge because it is still fun to paint with fingers. This explains why pineapple finger painting can be so much fun for both toddlers and adults alike!
Use a paper plate as a palette to hold the acrylic paints. It really doesn’t matter which colours you choose, but be sure to squeeze out a generous blob of each colour. The colours can be contrasting, complementary or totally unique to each other.
After laying out the colour blobs, pick up the paper palette and tilt the plate back and forth, but make sure the acrylic paints don’t mix into each other. They just need to touch each other around the edges. You are now ready to start your finger painting!
Show your child how to dip her thumb in the colour blob and press it firmly on the paper surface. Create a pattern in the shape of a pineapple by making three thumbprints in the first row, follow this up with four thumbprints in the following two rows, and end it with a row of three thumbprints again.
Remember to vary the colours of each thumbprint. Bear in mind, that the more the variety of colours you manage to get in a single thumbprint, the more surprising will be the outcome. So don’t hesitate, because this is what makes Pineapple Finger Painting so exciting and fun!
The final step involves getting the lush green leaves on top of the pineapple right. Use a thumb dipped in green paint again and press it just above the first row of thumbprints, and slide it across at an angle to form short strokes of a green cluster of leaves. That’s it!
Cherry blossoms in bloom!
Children find painting without using a paintbrush fun as this can produce amazing effects. Painting a cherry blossom tree for instance is a beginner-friendly idea. It is also a perfect first canvas project for young children as it increases their confidence levels in painting with acrylic paints.
Start by drawing a bare shape of a cherry blossom tree with a brush dipped in black or brown acrylic paint. While you are at it, you can help your child learn to mix paints. Teach your child how she can create various shades and tints of red/pink that will help create an extra dimension to the cherry blossoms. It is easy to mix colours, start with simple colour mixes like adding red to white and you get pink! It is as simple as that.
Next, bundle together 3-4 Q-tips using an elastic band. Dip the tips in pink acrylic paint and dab away to make your blossoms. Just relax and enjoy the dabbing. Try this Q-tip technique as it can help create many cherry blossoms quickly and makes painting them very easy for everyone.
A never-ending journey of joy
These acrylic painting ideas for beginners will set your child on a journey filled with plenty of beautiful experiences and moments that she truly enjoys. Encourage and stimulate her, but be gentle with your child and allow her to experiment and add her own twist and character to this journey.
When you approach painting like a series of mini-experiments, each building on one another — you’ll together help create something unique and interesting. What is important is not the outcome but the journey of learning together. This way she’ll enjoy the whole process that much more.
Always remember: painting (and learning a new skill) is a process. With each new thing your child learns and each new painting she makes, your child is on her way to becoming a better thinker, problem solver and budding artist!
About Abrakadoodle
This is the kind of Process Art learning experience that inspires children to think different, be innovative, and devise ways that teach interesting things found in the real world. Changing the way they discover and imagine. Igniting their minds to think, play and learn like never before.
If you like to enrol your child in our children’s art classes or participate in cognitive learning activities, give Abrakadoodle a call. Or better still, make an appointment with the head of a centre near you.
Get hands-on exposure to an experience that will make you see art in a way that adds value to a child’s life.
Please note: Abrakadoodle classrooms are thoroughly sanitized every day — the tables, the chairs, the children’s activity stations and everything else the child might touch is made safe and clean. They also wear a mask, wash their hands frequently, and practice social distancing.
This post originally published at Abrakadoodle Blog.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Painting & Art Classes For Kids In Singapore
Whether through painting or crafting, colouring or drawing, there are several ways in which a child can explore their creative side. Art classes for kids not only help in enhancing a child’s creativity, but also nourish & enrich their minds.
Art for kids is a combination of exploration and skill development – making art for the sake of art, without focusing on the final product can be a therapeutic exercise. Apart from that art for kids in the form of art classes and painting classes is also one of the best ways to channel your kid’s excess energy and teach them to use it in a creative stream.
Whether it is to stimulate your kid’s creativity or to give him or her a nurturing and therapeutic experience, art classes for your kids serve the purpose splendidly. However, those are not the only things that art classes and painting classes do, they also help kids with their motor skills, spatial awareness, decision making, confidence building, language development and other crucial developmental skills.
At Abrakadoodle, our ‘Process Art’ method helps your kid in all those aspects and more, for their overall development. It focuses on the process of art rather than the final product. Easy drawing for kids, in order to express themselves, helps in several self-development related aspects.
It is also meant to help kids explore their talents, and opens their mind to endless creative possibilities. Such an open-ended approach to creativity, where there is easy drawing for kids, where meaning is not assigned to their expression of self through art, helps create a foundational attitude in children which helps them to approach varied situations in life with their best foot forward.
This perspective helps them not only in their academic endeavours but also in their social abilities to interact and communicate effectively, further adding to their self-confidence and enthusiasm for healthy passions in life.
Here at Abrakadoodle, we help kids from the age of 20 months to 12 years, with proven techniques and classes, designed specifically for every age group.
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goabrakadoodle · 2 years
Why is Art Therapy essential for children?
Have you ever noticed how your child grabs a set of crayons or coloured pencils and begins scribbling on a piece of paper after being denied that extra piece of chocolate or restricted from playing? Art therapy assists preschoolers in developing fundamental skills that are required for early childhood development since art lessons for kids have a therapeutic impact on the holistic development of children. It significantly boosts children's self-esteem as they learn to explore their own thoughts and feelings, in addition to dealing with negative emotions. What is art therapy? Art therapy courses are a collection of systematically designed creative activities that integrate art and psychology. 
The process of art creation helps children heal and cope with challenging situations by empowering them to understand their own emotions and take a healthy approach to resolving conflicts or any deep-rooted trauma by adopting and experimenting with various art techniques and art materials. 
 Benefits of Art Therapy for kids: 
- Reduces stress and fosters cognitive skills development
 - Enhances self-expression - Improves hand eye coordination 
- Stimulates problem-solving skills
- Boosts confidence 
- Strengthens sensory, gross and fine motor skills development
- Cultivates emotional resilience and promotes social and emotional development Interesting art therapy activities for kids: 
1. Drawing a tree with each leaf representing a sources of strength 
2. Journaling thoughts and ideas 
3. Decorating a jar that treasures positive affirmations within 
4. Mandala art on stones for emotional release 
5. Make a coping strategy fortune wheel. 
Children's art classes based on the process art approach strive to assist children cope with the early stages of learning! Visit Abrakadoodle, one of Singapore's most reputable art classes for kids, to learn more about how the process art approach, as a form of art therapy, impacts the mental health and overall well-being of children.
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