goblin-grumbles · 2 months
not for me mind you for the little goldfish thta runs me like a mecha her name is alfredo she needs enrichment
if take out my brain and run under cold water yes a nice rinse that would fix me
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goblin-grumbles · 2 months
if take out my brain and run under cold water yes a nice rinse that would fix me
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goblin-grumbles · 2 months
I am making a bed for my boyfriend (who is Very Tall) because he can't fit in the bed that my other boyfriend bought for my wife (it has a footboard and his feets hit it because he is Too Tall) and
in the Ikea packaging there are a few, one or two, long red hairs. We all have short hair (me, my wife) or no hair (my boyfriend) or both (my boyfriend, the one I am building the bed for)
my Ikea friend why is your hair in the bed for my boyfriend. Did it get snagged. Didn't you wear it up when you were packing this bed that I'm making for my boyfriend to stay in (when he's here a few times a week, and my kid will allegedly sleep in the bed too on the other times of the week, but he usually sleeps in the dresser drawer)
It is a beautiful shade of red, like mine but long. Why didn't you wear it up. What dye do you use. Did you think about the people who would sleep in this bed when you were packing it (like my boyfriend, or my kid if he ever outgrows the dresser drawer)
My Ikea friend I hope you are having a good day, I think your hair must be beautiful
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goblin-grumbles · 2 months
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Co-working bunk bed, next new latest big trend
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goblin-grumbles · 2 months
ant in my coffee ant in my coffee dead ant in my COFFEE thought it was grounds how strange three coffee grounds stuck together better see what that's about NO it's a WHOLE ANT we've been having ants yes why is it in my coffee? Is it the one I smooshed, what did I do with that one, did I put it in the dirty cup assuming I'd clean it out first and jsut poured COFFEE on the DEAD ANT
did it fall in and drown.
Why were there words on the kid's window this morning saying I SHOULD GO. Has the furniture been delivered yet. What should I make for dinner. I want coffee. Are there more ants in the coffee
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