New Year Approaching.
“If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results.” ~Jack Dixon
Having goals, are important because each one will lead you in the direction of a better year, a better family life, and a better you. Together, that makes for a better future.
I personally believe that these are some of the things that people especially single mothers like myself are to take into consideration for starting off a new year.
I plan to: review my finances while budgeting and saving more money for the year to come.
I would also like to try to earn more this year. I think I need to think of a good master plan to achieve this goal. Whether it is to start a small business or even try to become an ambassador for an extravagant business. I know a lot of people began the Forex trading and said to be making a lot of money but that takes up so much of one’s time. Going to school, talking care of my child and working; I think is too much and impossible for me. Is it because I need a better time management? As I feel as if I am not progressing in life at all. Even though I am still in school, I worry about finding a job afterwards. I do not even think I am in the right program. The social media aspect and marketing is what I think I enjoy doing and what I want to learn and progress in.
Where is the time to focus on yourself and your goals?  On your finances and plans for the future?
Therefore, next on my to-do list is to focus on personal goals while connecting more with my child and just take a few moments to recap. Personal goals including having a daily fitness routine - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1KbJUPGI7U (I think this is one of the routines I’ll be following).
Mornings are busy getting the baby ready for daycare, prepping breakfasts and packing both our lunches, dropping him off, then commuting to my day job. Then I work a full day, battle through my commute and pick back up my child, then rush home, scramble to make dinner, and get through the evening and bedtime routine.  And for me, this is every day.
By the time the house is quiet (If I’m off from work that is) and I have a little alone time, I just want to veg out on the couch and unwind before it all starts over again.  This is especially true when you have no one to help manage a very full schedule.
I needed a break, therefore I made travel plans for the year – I wanted to go Jamaica or another island or country but because of COVID, I have to stay put. As there is no way I can go to another country for even a weekend to come back and quarantine for 14 days and miss work.
Things I want to let go of this year? Firstly, let me say, your energy is your currency – stop allowing people to use your energy in exchange for nothing. It’s crazy how much you’ll tolerate for someone you care about. Someone who settles for crumbs can’t understand the mentality of someone who wants the whole cake. My soul isn’t for this generation. Trusting people is getting harder and harder. I have to stop being so accessible to people.  Holidays suck when the people you love are in the sky. I think twice about who really deserves my energy these days.
 Need a new year outfit inspiration? – A nice sparkling outfit is an ideal outfit for the ladies, for like if you are going to like a New Year’s Eve ball or party.
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Valentine’s Day date ideas? – I think a wonderful date night with a lot of red roses, a bottle of champagne or wine, nice soothing music, candle lights in a 5-star hotel room (preferably) with a hot tub would be a very romantic night.
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Closet organization is a task I believe that everyone should do before heading into the new year – To have time off from work/school, this is a good idea to get your household organized. Not only just your closet.  As it not only makes your house feel lighter but also yourself. This can be a form of therapy for people like us. It helps me to feel accomplished and good in myself.
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Why We’re (Me) Really Unhappy?
I can’t say this is true for everyone, but my experience has shown me that my unhappiness—and my need for coping mechanisms—come from several different places:
•           I’m dwelling on the past or obsessing about the future. (All the time)
•           I’m comparing myself to everyone else—their accomplishments, the respect and the attention they garner, and their apparently perfect lives.
•           I’m feeling dissatisfied with how I’m spending my time and the impact I’m making on the world.
•           I’ve lost hope in my potential.
•           I’m spiraling into negative thinking, seeing everything as a sign of doom and hopelessness
 All in all, I definitely know I wanted to say a HUGE thank you for an amazing year! That’s a given… but that being said, I’ll say it anyway! THANK YOU SO MUCH! Your support, comments and kind words mean so much and I can’t tell you how grateful I am.
It’s just so validating to hear other people’s thoughts and know you’re not alone in this crazy obsession with travelling the world!
I honestly believe that the world would be in a better place if everyone just took a little extra time to appreciate the feelings of other people. A little bit of empathy goes a long way.
The strongest people are not those who show strength in front us, but those who win battles we know nothing about.
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                                            Christmas 2020
 I have to say, December is one of my favourite months probably because Christmas is in December and it’s my favourite holiday. I like it so much that I’m incredibly excited right now – just because I’m writing about it. 😛
Why would someone love Christmas? - I personally love the Christmas spirit.
The gifts, the holidays, the decorated trees, the songs & most of all, the snow *brrr*
I have a little bit of everything to include in this Christmas blog. A few things I want to speak on are Christmas Decorations, travelling at Christmas, Christmas Songs, Christmas Traditions, Christmas Movies, A Review of 2020 (Like what happened this year? Lessons learnt this year), How to find gifts on a tight budget and everything about the winter and snow.
Don’t get scared. This won’t be a long boring blog. Some of these topics, are topics that were requested and some that I just want to touch on. That is why I said “A Little Bit of This, A Little Bit of That) so now you understand. 😊
Remember, you can always send me a message directly or even to my email address. I answer every comment, feedback or questions.
Let’s begin!!
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Christmas Decorations
What are your favourite Christmas decorations and where can you get them?
Candles, Ribbons, Christmas Tree Ornaments, Wreaths and Garlands are some of my favourite Christmas decoration.
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I know for sure, if you are looking for personalized ornaments, you can go on the website Shutterfly; Zazzle, Personalization mall and Etsy. P.S. Shutterfly is having a sale; 50% off everything and an extra 20% if you use the code ‘SAVINGS’.
What do you think, do you have any of them? If you have them, send in photos and/or give your personal opinion on how good they are. Share some of your décor with us too 😊
 Travelling at Christmas: My Experience
Have you ever travelled for Christmas? – Before moving to Canada in 2016, I occasionally visited here and Florida.  My first experience in Canada during Christmas time, was experiencing the severe cold weather and snow. Of course, being a little child, seeing snow for the first time, was very exciting for me.
Going to Florida on the other hand, is almost like being back home, with their tropical sunny weather.
 Any experiences to share?
 Christmas Songs
A playlist with my favourite Christmas songs:
Mariah Carey - All I Want for Christmas Is You - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yXQViqx6GMY
Mariah Carey - O Holy Night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BEJmP8T07JU
Justin Bieber – Mistletoe - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LUjn3RpkcKY
Chris Brown - This Christmas - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b9XNyeeJZ2k
Céline Dion - O Holy Night - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsWUWzai8P8
 Christmas Traditions
My Christmas Tradition in my family, every year we decide on which family house, everyone will be meeting up for fun, games, dinner and music. Also, each family member cooks a different meat with maybe a different side, like two different salads, 2 different rice and those sorts of arrangements and then we have a huge variety of food to consume. Especially on holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, in my culture, we always walk with our to-go container (Our Lil Doggy bag) as there is always left overs. But I am pretty sure this is similar in most cultures.
 Christmas Movies
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When you start seeing Christmas movies start premiering, you know Christmas is near. Some of my favourite channels to watch Christmas movies on, are the channels Lifetime, Hallmark and Netflix.
I can tell, one of everybody favourite movies to watch yearly is Home Alone (It can never get old for me). I also enjoy “The Last Holiday” starring Queen Latifah, “The Holiday” starring Nancy Meyers, “Die Hard” & “While You Were Sleeping”.
What are the movies do you look forward to watching every Christmas?
 Roundup Of 2020: What Happened This Year?
2020 is almost over.
What lessons did you learn this year? –  I learnt this is not the year to get everything you want. This is the year to appreciate everything you have.
People will do you wrong behind your back but guess what? – We are all lowkey fighting different battles.
 How to Find Gifts for Everyone on A Tight Budget?
We have so many people to buy gifts for. parents, siblings, friends, significant others. Okay, we probably don’t get gifts to all of them, but my point is, that it’s difficult to find gifts sometimes especially if you know some of them already have everything they need.
Since Black Friday is almost a month apart from Christmas, I would recommend everyone trying to shop during that time. Big sales and major discounts are given. If not, usually most stores do have Christmas sales also; therefore, you will definitely have to take advantage of that.
If you want to find gifts for everyone – even when you don’t have a lot of money to spend – what tips do you follow? Share your knowledge with the rest of us!
 Why Do You Love Winter?
So many things to write. I would definitely start with Christmas, but there are more reasons:
New Year – New beginnings (A blog on this will be coming up shortly)
Holidays – I get a few days off. Especially the fact that I am in school, to get two weeks break, is just breathtaking. To be a single mom, working and going to school, IS A TASK. Hence, why I love holidays. Lol.
Gifts – So many gifts to receive, but also to give!
Snow – Well, if you live somewhere that snows. Seeing snows on trees are so beautiful.
Blanket Snuggling – You can’t usually do that in summer (Unless you are in an air conditioner room), so you have to take advantage of winter.
 That’s it! We’re done with Christmas blog post ideas!
 So… what do you think about these ideas? Go ahead and let me know in the comments below!
 Any suggestions are always welcome; tell me about topics you’d like me to write on.
 See you next time!
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Let’s get on this topic about the Toronto Cop that got convicted in the beating of Dafonte Miller who sentenced to nine months in jail.
 A Toronto police officer convicted of beating a young Black man while off-duty has been sentenced to nine months in jail. Const. Michael Theriault was found guilty of assault for a 2016 attack on Dafonte Miller that caused him to lose an eye. Theriault was sentenced.
The cop should have donated his eye for science.   An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.  If the roles were reversed, black man would be getting 10+ years.  Even if he was found guilty of breaking into cars, it’s still not a justifiable reason to assault someone like that.
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He was at home. Ran out in his boxers and beating up a “thief”.  Unfortunately (or fortunately) the guy paid for it with his eye. But if you get in a fight and hit in the wrong place, it will leave damage; intended or not. Let’s NOT normalize that stealing is okay. He shouldn’t have done that.
The story the cop gave was that he caught him breaking into their car and came out to question him and then Dafonte ran and cornered himself and grabbed a pipe and started swinging at them first so he defended himself and Miller’s friends story agreed that they were breaking into car. All of this made it to the court and they couldn’t believe anything that Miller said including the fact that he wasn’t the one who grabbed the pipe first which is why the sentence is shorter than it should be and if that is the case, I don’t think that it should be. It could not be maximum sentence because it was self-defense but still could have gotten like 4-5 years instead.
Most of what was saying by many people, were all allegations. If people took the time to actually look into the case, they would have seen that the other friend on the scene had a different account of what happened as mentioned before. Hence, why he was not charged.
Everyone is acting as if it was murder; it was only assault. He’s doing his time for excess force. Dafonte did not once mention that he was breaking into cars. 2020 wants everyone to play a victim.
The Canadian justice system is so muddled sometimes. Imagine that cop arrested him and didn’t beat him with a pipe. He would have been doing time and people would be normalizing violence.  #AbuseOfPower
I think many people normalized stealing a long time a go when colonizers committed mass genocide to steal this land, this situation could’ve been avoided, but not on account of this young man. Colonizers have a lot of things to give back if we want turn this into a conversation about “not normalizing stealing” rather than how they associate punishment such as violence with correction when they know well that will NOT prevent stealing or crime at all for that matter.
The officer in this particular case did not follow the law either because he was trained in safe arrests that did not involve beating up someone and chose to neglect that; because there’s tons of resources on how to prevent bodily harm and emphasize the escalation in situations like this one.  There are a lot of resources on a social/cultural level to “crime” which has been proven to reduce it first of all.  
As per usual, here are some provided links below to read about the stories more in depth. They all have similar information but it is always good to read articles from more than one sources.
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                                            US Elections
 The US elections had me stunned, ‘Talk about show down!!’ While Donald Trump served as president, there have been many controversies surrounding him from alleged sexual assault against women to separating 500 children from illegal immigrants from their parents all the way to conspiring with Russia tampering with the previous US elections on the flip side during his term as president; employment rate for black people increased by 9%. The terrorist was killed and economic growth hit 4.2%.  He is a very controversial being but clearly a large portion of Americans seem to like him or the things he has done otherwise this presidential election would not be so close.  In order to win and become president, the presidential candidate had to win 270 electoral seats.
Felt like the whole country was on the Maury show waiting to find out who’s the father.
Americans were frantically googling ‘Move to Canada’ late the other night based on information found on the internet.  Who cares what the Canadians think about the US election but yet, Canada do trade with the states. This election does have an effect on us Canadians, a bigger effect than you may realize. We are the biggest trade partner and customer. America essential runs the planet.
A few celebrities are supporting Trump, because they know what’s really the agenda and they want the real change and know only Trump can do that.  Freedom of choice, don’t we live in a democracy? People have a right to their political opinion.
I believe Donald Trump is definitely one of those man that thinks we play hockey 24/7, live in igloos and ride polar bears. He says so much without actually saying anything.  Hate him or love him though, the guy is entertaining.
“Even though Donald has made a few comments that comes off wrong, everybody should know that Donald Trump isn’t a racist. He really has done more than almost any other president for the black community during his presidency and it’s only been 3 ½ years.” Said social media personnel. Do you really believe that?
Prior to his presidency though, he was also a huge supporter/donator to black groups. Over 1.4 million more Black Americans have found a job since President Trump’s election.  Black poverty reached a historic low President Trump designated 8760 opportunity zones that are projected to spur $100 billion in private investment in minority communities. The trump administration established a fund to deploy $1 billion in capital funding for minority-owned businesses through the commerce department.
The black property rate is now at its lowest level in history. President Trumps 2020 budget called for $500 million in federal funding for school choice, and in 2018 he signed legislation increasing school choice funding by $42 million.
His administration proposed the Education Freedom Scholarships and Opportunity Act. Provided more than $500 million in loans to HBCUs through the Capital Financing Program worked with HBCUs and simplifies the FAFSA application. And the list goes on. ALL FACTUAL!
Donald Trump Jr. thinks all of Canada would vote for his dad. How is that even possible? LOL
Mr. Biden, had serve in public life for around a half-century, is emphasizing his government experience, seeking to cast himself as a steady, seasoned hand in a dangerous and uncertain world.
“If we give Donald Trump eight years in the White House, he will forever and fundamentally alter the character of this nation, who we are, and I cannot stand by and watch that happen.” – Joe Biden
As the coronavirus crisis has unfolded, Joe has looked for ways to help voters picture him as commander in chief, formulating recommendations rooted in advice from health care and economics experts. 
Joe Biden says he can build on the Obama legacy and unite the country in a challenging time.
Why do black people need to all think, act and vote one way? Why are white people allowed diversity of thought, but not people of colour?
Anyhow, A big Congratulations to Joe Biden on winning the U.S. Presidential election and Kamala Harris who made history as the first woman of colour to be elected as Vice-President of the United States.
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Were you all rooting for him or for Donald Trump? I am happy Biden won. I disliked Trump on some of the statements he made etc. but I appreciated what he tried to do, even though he failed miserably.
Let’s be real, anything and anyone better than Donald Trump. :) 
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                                            Black Friday                                   #WhatYouNeedToKnow!!
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Is Black Friday cancelled because of the coronavirus? What if they only have “Online-only Black Friday”?
Black Friday 2020. There’s still a lot that’s up in the air. It will look extra different this year more than over the years and it is even possible that not all stores are going to be opening their doors on this day or even open at all. Therefore, we are not sure people will even be allowed to shop in person.  As staff will basically have to try navigate a world where it is not safe to crowd many people into an enclosed store. Challenges always present an opportunity for innovation, and we have been seeing much of this since COVID-19 started. You can assume most stores will have COVID-19 safety protocols in place and limits on how many people will be allowed in the building at once, so endless lines and door-buster stampedes are going to be a thing of the past. (As always, make sure that you're shopping safely, wear a mask and sanitize your hands!)
Since COVID-19 hit, people started to take use of the curbside pick up options, the fact that this is like a holiday for everyone, more people will be out more than ever, just like the most important time of the year, Christmas. People tend to shop more during this time because of the great deals etc., the stores have to offer.  Looking back at the days when grocery shopping or even buying take-out meals, and having someone deliver to your car especially on a Friday evening/night. On the bright side, customers will have a faster experience while taking advantage of getting their order on the same day instead of waiting days for it to be shipped to their homes.
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For retailers on the other hand, with the online shopping, there will definitely be technical issues. Websites will be slower or crash altogether because of the high number of traffic and at the same time, challenges of having remaining stocks, meaning if you do not try to get on early, many things will be sold out especially the ones in high demand.
This is something we already experience in normal years, but with an online-only Black Friday, you’ll have to do that fighting over the last item on the shelf virtually. It’ll be like you’re really at the store! How exciting is that? But for real, we will have to plan ahead and make a list of the big-ticket items we want and be quick to add them to the cart and check out to make sure they don’t go out of stock before its bought.
The year 2020 sucks and we all know it. We anticipate that retailers will try to make up for it by running extra/better deals and "doorbusters”, as mentioned before; especially since we won’t get to shop in-store sales. As such, we’re not expecting to see many “in-store only” deals, which means all of those typical doorbusters will be available online to encourage people to shop safely from the comfort of their homes. In other words, you will get “awesome bonus great deals” and you don’t even have to leave your bed or couch. Isn’t it sounding better and better having an online Black Friday though?
If you are going out, you can assume most stores will have COVID-19 safety protocols in place and limits on how many people will be allowed in the building at once, so endless lines and door-buster stampedes are going to be a thing of the past. (As always, make sure that you're shopping safely and wearing a mask!)
With that said, we anticipate that most stores will be pushing their online Black Friday sales more than ever and since Black Friday creep is real, expect to see "Cyber Monday" sales kicking off in some stores. ‘Target’ in the United States has already announced that it will be spreading its in-store and online sales out instead of packing them into a single weekend, kicking holiday deals off as early as October (therefore it has already started) to cut back on crowds. Expect other stores to follow.
Let me know everyone’s experience this Black Friday. Have a good one 😊
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A high school in Pickering recalled all their yearbooks after a student’s tribute to his deceased grandmother was edited and replaced with a racist message.  The original message was a tribute that said “RIP Grandma. Thank you for guiding me through my 4 years of high school.” It’s sad things like this still happens in Canada.  First of all, he’s a real one for shouting out his grandmother.
But this is horrible and disrespectful. All the people who were involved and allowed this to happen need to be persecuted. The yearbook committee needs to be suspended. The thing that really gets to me about this, isn’t it that a principal or teacher must review the entire yearbook before submitting for print. Reprimand the students involved and fire the teacher. This is such a disgrace of a catholic school.
I would be rounding up everyone responsible for this and making sure they pay. Bullies are cowards that have no control in their own lives. And as mentioned, if a teacher is involved, they should be fired immediately. We do not need degenerates teaching our kids.
People really think this is funny and people say racism doesn’t exist.  People sit here and think we are crying wolf about these things. In what part of the world does anyone think this is okay; this is why suicide is high.  Racism will always exist, that I know; as long as people identify with their “colour” of skin. No one choose their colour/complexion, background, social status or environment. They were put into it and until everyone becomes aware of that; racism will remain.
I know of mutual associates through a cousin that attends St.Mary’s and never in my life would have thought that race would ever be something that was picked on. The community is very diverse there. I know this, because I use to live in that area. People of all walks of life, better find who did this and there better be some type of repercussion! This is unacceptable in any case, anywhere. Pick up your acts people. It’s 2020. How is this still happening? Not only to black people but to people of any race.
Racism is a huge issue at schools, and it has not been dealt with correctly, with at least a 95% white staff, race issues have many times been ignored/or mitigated; which needs to be fixed now. Racism is the strongest form of ignorance and sense of knowledge.
Let’s be real though; How do you disrespect a person’s dead grandmother??
The action the family is requesting isn’t enough. A written apology? No, demand a financial compensation. Pay for half of his college fees or something. Words mean nothing without changed behaviour.
Young man, do not let this define you. You are better than this. My apologies to you for this disgusting act.
Here are two articles with the story of the incident:
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Even though the day is almost over; Happy Thanksgiving Day Everyone 😊
Questions of the day: What does Thanksgiving mean to me? What does Thanksgiving mean to you?
Thanksgiving is important because it's a positive and secular holiday where we celebrate gratitude, something that we don't do enough of these days. It's also a celebration of the fall harvest.
We have to be thankful for what we have; and I firmly believe you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never ever have enough. #FocusOnTheGood #FocusOnThePositive
Give thanks for each new day with its light: for rest and shelter of the night, for health and food, for heal and food, for love and friends, and for everything thy goodness sends.
I hope everyone used Thanksgiving as a time to disconnect from phones, tablets and computers and to focus on connecting with others.
We all know that being around our families at thanksgiving time can be a tough one. Old emotions are brought before us, memories are share and even new tension(s) can arise. But we all know that our moms and dad even grandparents too, when they unite, can cook up a storm in the kitchen leaving us want third and fourth plate after the first one. Finger licking good meals I tell you.
Where is the hero who will destroy that heart of evil? I believe it must be each of us. I gave thanks this Monday and I cooked my traditional food; I will be thinking of this hidden heart and how my ancestors survived the evil it caused.
I know it is a bit late, (better late than never), but today, I will be sharing some dessert recipes my family and I baked for this thanksgiving and also can be baked for Christmas holiday and other holidays as well.
I am from the Caribbean and we cook and bake differently from other countries traditional cooking. Some of the favorite desserts that we enjoy are:
1)      Pumpkin pie. - https://sallysbakingaddiction.com/the-great-pumpkin-pie-recipe/
 2)      Apple pie/ Apple crisp. - https://cookpad.com/uk/recipes/414056-sherries-caribbean-apple-pie
 3)      Pecan pie - https://www.simplyrecipes.com/recipes/pecan_pie/
I made these deserts using these recipes, of course, adding my very own tweaks to it (This is not a must) as everyone cooks differently. You do not necessarily have to add anything for the meal to have a good taste however, you can spice it up in ways that suits you.
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How has the pandemic changed – the way we use social media?
Is it really COVID-19 or flu?
This blog will explore how I think and feel about the risk of COVID-19 and how these thoughts and feelings may be different depending on people’s experiences with the virus. First of all, let’s start off with by saying, my brain doesn’t work like it did before.
An article I had read previously mentioned (which I agree with) is that so much of this epidemic is about what we do, but it is also about what others do. “Some people are very optimistic about their low likelihood of contracting the virus. Others are overly pessimistic and think they are more at risk than they are.” Take a read: 
The online community has done a really good job of rallying together during an unpreceded event that affects more than 140 nations referring back to the (theshelf.com) article. Social media has been more active than ever. It has forced businesses to be innovative and forced non-social media users to become social media users to steer the pocket of their business.
Everyone’s saying there is a 99% survival rate, so they may not care. But no one should care about the survival rate. We all just want it gone so we can live our normal lives. Life don’t feel real right now. Like we are living in a bubble or supposed to live in a bubble #NotAGoodFeeling
The numbers probably never dropped, just more people getting tested now? You all notice they are not posting “The deaths” anymore? Why do you think that is?
They shut down large gatherings and parties but allow schools with thousands of students to reopen; is this a joke? What is the government thinking? We should have never gone to stage 3.
I find it interesting that President Trump has told the US nation that COVID-19 is under control, and a few weeks later, he and his wife was tested positive for Covid-19. Which begs to question, are we really safe? He is supposed to be the most protected/secured and have less contact with people, where for others, working class people who has to take public transportation and stay 6ft apart and interact with people on a day to day basis. This goes to show what the government of each country has been putting up with; reinforcing the rules, like washing your hands, using hand sanitizers and of course wearing a mask. Is it so hard to get?
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How is everyone getting through COVID -19 ?
How do you feel? What are your thoughts ? Any experiences ? Lets Talk ! :)
 I’ll answer some of the questions or feedback etc. in my next blog. 
#NewBlogComingSoon :)
#DontTouchYourFace #WashYourHands #SelfCare #StayingPositive #SocialDistancing
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Why should people blog?
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I will make this a personal post as all/most my posts are just general blogs posts. And I will share my views and opinions on why you should post blogs. I really do think a blog is the right fit for so many people for so many different reasons.
Please give your feedback after you are done reading.  :)
Firstly, it all boils down to social media as social media enable users to create and share content.
1. You can use your blogs to impress people. This is based on your aim or what your goal is and how you want to use your platforms.
2. Usually when you are a blogger and you're posting, you have to convince people on what you know. As most times you are posting on a topic or situation or even a event, if people are not convinced or not interested, your blogs will not go viral or you would not get your point across. Understand what/where I am getting at?
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3. You could blog and even make money. Like have it as a part time personal job where you can work flexible hours. So it is not just spending time on social media blogging about random stuff but you can actually benefit from it. Where the job part is concerned, if you have an existing business, you can also use "blogging" as an exposure for your business as this is one of the perfect ways to spread the word. #CreatesOpportunities
4. Blogging allows you to challenge yourself and find like-minded people like yourself. It’s an ever changing world and therefore you would need to keep learning to keep up with things. For example, trending topics that will grab the readers attention.
And there are many other reasons why you should blog but I just listed a few; just comment below if you would like to me to speak more about this or even speak on a burning issue/topic.
That's it for now folks. :)
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Black Panther Movie
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What does a black panther mean?
If your Totem Animal is a Black Panther, this is part of your power. You need that release, but frequently without commitment. It’s said that the most powerful form of communication available to humans is complete silence. Those with Panther as a Totem Animal know when to be silent and have the strength to do so. For more details, See link below:
Black Panther Symbolism & Meaning | Spirit, Totem & Power Animal
After the death of his father, T'Challa returned back to Wakanda to take over as king.  First, he was crowned king in an African Traditional ceremony where the leaders from other tribe could contest him for the kingdom. M'Baku, the leader of the mountain tribe contest him but he was defeated then Killmonger, his long last cousin came and overthrown him.  Black panther teaches us that sometimes in life we have to unite for the greater good of not just ourselves but others. 
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Killmonger was not really a villain from my perspective. He just had a different view of how he thinks black people should live in a white world. His view was more extreme and he wanted to empower all black people to fight against all system of oppression and show all the power we have.
Black panther represents Africans living in the continent versus black people living in African diaspora countries. It shows that black people who live in the diaspora may have dream to go back to Africa but they have fear that they might not be welcome because they aren’t "African enough".
It also represents what Africa would have been if it did not have slavery and colonization. Africa is one of the worlds richest natural resource continent. However, western countries thought that wakanda was a third world country but they did not know it had one of the world's best natural resource, vibranium that let the country be more technological advance than any other country.
Black Panther is not only a political story but also an important film for black people and black children as it offers a positive representation of black people. It shows that a teenager girl can be in charge of a country's technology and that female warriors can be the protector of the king. This isn’t about racism but people trying to push it there. This is about creating compelling stories. For T’Challa, his blackness and his Wakandan heritage are a source of pride.
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Dancehall Star Spice Joins 'Love & Hip Hop Atlanta'
International recording artist Spice is well known in the Caribbean as a dancehall diva that has been integrating more hip hop into her sound. The Jamaican singer and songwriter is no stranger to network television and will soon be a regular on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta. Spice is increasingly booking press and performance appearances in the U.S. and enjoying crossover success as she continues to reach more global audiences.
One of her songs that she did alongside another artist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9AYNM9ZGtcM
  After laying down several heavy hitting tracks she released the video for her hit song “Duffle Bag” back in January. Spice is highlighting her talent for verse and celebrating a taste for finer things with the lyrical side of recent projects. Duffle Bag Official Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fHj3IMpy3Co
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Have you noticed the difference between the two videos? One has the Caribbean look and the other is the international. She switched it up, to show her fans and supporters that she is not only versatile but also ready to grow bigger and better than how she already is as Jamaica is a small country and they are not many opportunities in that country so I think taking it internationally was a good idea but some other Jamaicans do not think that.
Click link below to see video for her introduction to love and hip hop and her goals for herself and her career:
Above I mentioned that some of her fellow Jamaicans are “bashing” her because of some of the things said in her video (The one above #HerIntro). I do not think these persons who are saying the negative things about her, like (she should not elevate etc), they do not understand that she is not only representing herself but Jamaica as well. This is a landing opportunity for the artist Spice. Why cannot these people just be happy for her? It is important that she continue focusing on global appeal and connect with all people especially those that have Caribbean roots like myself. Spice is doing a huge thing.
She made a post two days ago on Instagram “I’m all about making the money this year”
She was even featured in the Caribbean life paper and that paper was all over New York City, Spice told the media.
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She’s already taken over Jamaica and is ready to keep pushing forward, and what better place to do that than on Love & Hip Hop Atlanta.
Jamaicans are everywhere!
And, wherever we are found, best believe we are creating change and making a positive impact.
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Okay Ladies Now Let’s Get in Formation- Beyoncé- Formation
Beyoncé is the “Queen Bey” of pop culture and black femininity. She is vital to our culture because “she represents the production of celebrity, gender politics presently defined by hip hop, and the complex negotiations of self-image and sexuality for young women coming of age during post feminism.” (Dunham).
I chose this topic for one of my blog post because it has always spoke volume and I always enjoyed reading other blogs etc about it also. Formation is used to empower all women to slay irrespective of their sexual identity; we are all equal and should be treated as such.
She has always embraces her femininity and her sexuality in her videos and performances. She uses her art to showcase that it is okay for racialize woman to be strong, bold, independent, sexualize, powerful and not to conform to this patriarchal society. She creates personal and meaningful songs that empower women to stay true to themselves and fight for what they believe in. The use of Beyoncé images in the media shows that there are changes being made in achieving equality for marginalize woman. Beyoncé uses songs like Formation to promote the gender issues the world faces.
Beyoncé used her voice in Formation, to fight for equality among all sexes and owned her blackness to the full extend.  As a result, the song received a lot of controversy from the mainstream media. She also encourages black people to love their black physical features, such as Afros and big noses and not looks up to today’s beauty standards.  Beyoncé encourages us to slay haters, slay patriarchy, slay white supremacy, slay gender binary and inequality.
She encourages all black females to join the formation by dreaming, working hard, ignoring the haters, remain humble, earn your money, stay true to yourself and own your blackness, so we can all slay together. Okay ladies, now let’s get into formation! 😊
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Facts About Social Media
Social media is beneficial for businesses. Businesses use these tools for marketing and sales tactics. A business can post an opening of a business on many different sites simultaneously and repeatedly to let the public aware of their new business.  This is also the most popular way of communicating sales, change of locations or temporary closures. People are able to share and repost their favorite businesses to help boost their customers.
As mentioned in my previous post, social media can be harmful for personal lives, as even though it is supposed to be used for you to use it is an outlet or to share exciting things in your lives, it is not always used for this. People have used social media as a way to announce or show terrorist acts.
Just like anything in life there are positives and negatives to any situation or tool. I have taught myself to only acknowledge the positive aspects of social media and have greatly appreciated the settings that allow us to block people, delete and report negative posts as well as removing things that tarnish our names.
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Social Media does have its positive and negatives . .
For me personally, going on either Facebook etc, makes me so happy while some other times, there are some posts that are made, that just breaks downs my spirit. . Like whyyyy ?
On the other hand though, it is kind of my happy place anyways . . #SocialMediaEffects #Haha
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My thoughts on social media:
It can be harmful for personal lives. People use it to slander people, catfish single people looking for love and even bullying in schools starting from as young as adolescents to grown adults.
#MyThoughts #MyOpinions #SocialMedia #FactsOrNah ? #Lol
Let's see what more I can learn from this class . .  #Excitedddd :)
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