goddess-of-sleep · 2 years
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
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Heehoo Shadow jacket >:)
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
Werewolf songs about actual werewolves, not just metaphorical ones:
1. Werewolf’s Eyes by Birch Book
By far my favourite on the list, possibly my favourite song ever. This is a deeply poetic tale of werewolf torn between his lover and the call of the wilds. The instrumentals are simple (acoustic guitar and a bit of flute), and the singer has an amazing vocal range. I literally just want to write out these lyrics on everything, they’re so beautiful
Keep reading
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
Here is a free pdf of the players handbook
Here is a free pdf of xanathars guide to everything
Here is a free pdf to monsters manual
Here is a free pdf to tashas cauldron of everything
Here is a free pdf to dungeon master’s guide
Here is a free pdf to volo’s guide to monsters
Here is a free pdf of mordenkainen’s tomb of foes
For all your dnd purposes
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
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she’s a fungal!
>reblogs are appreciated<
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
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My mom got tired of me making fun of her “Live Laugh Love” sign and modified it.
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
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Happy new year
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
What really pains me about how morally fucked up and bluntly racist the Wonder Woman movies are, is that they still go on to be successful and make a lot of money. Aside from a few Muslims on social media (and even fewer non-Muslim who would like our posts/tweets for brownie points, but still go to watch the movie afterwards) almost no one is really participating in the conversation about the pro-IDF propaganda and racist portrayal of Arabs in these movies, even though people have out-right boycotted movies in the past that weren’t as offensive as the WW movies, but for some reason that same energy isn’t present right now, even the most woke “SJW” are ignoring all the controversy around these movies and instead choose to drool over how hot this white actress with mediocre acting skills is and how female-empowering her movies are. 
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goddess-of-sleep · 3 years
I feel like I want to make some people SHOOK today, so here is a free mini-lesson for everyone (P.S: If you’re American then please pay close attention):
-There isn’t a single country in the Middle-East that has the word “stan” in it. Not a single one.
-And yes, that includes Pakistan & Afghanistan.
-Yes you heard me correctly, both of Pakistan & Afghanistan are not in the Middle-East, but instead they’re in South & Central Asia.
-Muslims don’t wear turbans, at all.
-Arabs/Middle-Eastern people also don’t wear turbans either, at all (in some Arabic countries there ARE types of traditional headwraps, but they’re not called turbans, they’re either called “Emamah” or some other name and you can easily tell the difference between how they look and how turbans looks if you bother learning).
-The only Religion/Culture whose people do wear turbans are called Sikhs, follower of the Sikhism religion, and no, Sikhs are not from the Middle-East either, but are primely from India.
-There are over three Muslim majority countries in Europe (Albania, Bosnia and Kosovo) and no, the Muslims there aren’t immigrants, but are in fact native white Europeans who are also Muslims (Yes white European Muslims exists, since you know, Islam is a universal religion not an ethnicity or a race)
-There’s over 50 Muslim countries in this world and aside from Iran there isn’t a single Muslim country in this globe that forces women to wear Hijab (Headscarf) by law. Let me repeat, 49 out of 50 muslim countries don’t have laws forcing women to wear Hijab or face veils.
-A Muslim woman wearing a Burqa is an extremely rare thing that can hardly be found in any Muslim countries, so if you see a Muslim woman covering her face with a type of cloth then that piece of cloth is most likely a Niqab NOT a Burqa (Seriously don’t bother saying Burqa cuz 99.9% of the time the thing you want to describe is probably not a Burqa)
-Only 23% of the world’s Muslims population are from Middle-Eastern countries. Yes, there are more non-Middle-Eastern Muslims in this world than there are Middle-Eastern Muslims.
-Prophet Muhammad’s wife Aisha wasn’t 7 or 9 when she married him, but was actually 19 at the time of the wedding (and this have been debunked for centuries now, yet it’s still used by Islamophobics till this day).
-Almost everything I have said in this post have been true for centuries actually, so if you didn’t already know at least one of the things from this list then you really have no excuse to be this deep in the dark when it comes to basic trivia of a Religion whose followers make ¼ of humans in this world.
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
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The drawing of Rina, I spent around 7-8 hours on it %) Tried some new techniques
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
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Zora hit her with “The Smolder” 
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
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hello, lovely people! i recently hit 600 followers and wanted to do something to celebrate this milestone (and a belated 500 milestone). i am so grateful for each and every one of you and am so glad you enjoy my blog! 💖💕
must be following me
reblog this post
send me asks with the following requests
you may request more than one, but please do so in separate asks!
to participate:
⭐ + "edit" or "moodboard" for an edit/moodboard inspired by your url (example)
🖌 + a character and a description for a fake screenshot edit in the style of spop/su/atla (example)
🖍 + your selfies tag for a fake screenshot edit with you in it in the style of spop/su/atla (example)
✍ + a fandom/characters + a prompt for a drabble
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tagging some mutuals so this doesn't flop! 😊 @beastboicrank @anuninspiredpoet @miamor-siempre @goddess-of-sleep @enchantingwlw
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
Basic Homesteading Skills
Cooking and Baking
homemade bread
homemade butter
homemade extracts
dandelion jelly
26 canning recipes
canning jars 101
60 canning recipes
edible trees to plant
what to plant to save the bees
cure and braid garlic
save seeds for next year
braid onions for long term storage
build a greenhouse
homemade chicken feed
raising mealworms for chickens
why to raise nigerian dwarf goats
starting a fire with sticks
trail signs
find true north without a compass
homemade neosporin
all purpose healing salve
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
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hello again, it seems I’m not done with those two yet :D (actually I kinda- sorta..have next part planned  already ;) 
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
HEY ARE YOU INTO COSPLAY? of course you are!!!!
right now Humble Bundle is selling a super cheap cosplay resources bundle with everything you need to know about upping your cosplay game, or even just starting out for the first time, with books about how to sew better/more efficiently, makeup tutorial books & books on how to make foam armour (and much more)!!! it’s up to 39 books at a pay what you want price so even if you’ve only got a dollar to spare you can get some really good guides/tutorials on how to improve your cosplays!!!! if you’re a total pro or just a beginner i promise there’ll be something interesting in this bundle for you
also, a portion of each sale will help your local humble partner (me!!!!) as well as support charity <3 it’s only available until until June 16th so signal boost it so all your cosplaying followers can get in on the sick deal!!!!
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goddess-of-sleep · 4 years
Thanks girl!!!! About to expose my weird ass music taste babie!!!!! g - ghost by mystery skull
o - ophelia by the lumineers
d - dive in by treyz song
d - dead mom by beetlejuice the musical e - emperor’s new clothes by panic! at the disco s - soldier, poet, king by the oh hellos s - stressed out by twenty one pilots o - open your heart by crush 40 f - feels like summer by childish gambino s - start a riot by spiderverse l - lost boy by ruth b. e - escapism by steven universe e - everything stays by adventure time p - put your records on by corinne bailey rae Anyone who wanna join in can!
tag game?!?!
alright, i’ve been tagged by @aegir-emblem to do a thing!!
rules: spell out your url with song titles, then tag as many people as there are letters in your url!!
so, let’s get on with it, shall we???
S ong For A Friend - Jason Mraz
T ake Me Or Leave Me - RENT
A aron Burr, Sir - Hamilton
G enghis Khan - Miike Snow
O ne - Sleeping At Last
F eelings - Lauv
A frica - Toto
L iability - Lorde
M eant To Be Yours - Heathers
Y ou Are Enough - Sleeping At Last
R ubik’s Cube - Athlete
A goraphobia - Autoheart
aaand i’m not sure if i can think of twelve people to tag, so i’ll just tag a few: @princessazuraofnohr, @nannexrunner, @the-chaotic-lesbian, @duskwitch, @hopeful-blue-wanderer, and @arlithenerd!!  and please don’t feel like you have to do it; some of you have insanely long urls, and one of you has the letter “x” to work with, so i understand if you don’t want to :)
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