goddessseraphi · 3 months
I love this so much 🥰 Sincerely.
Seeing something so awesome and thought-provoking come out of my silly (and wholly unserious) edible-induced meme makes me so happy.
I fully agree. Sephiroth is one of my favorite characters of all time. It's that humanity (and subsequent loss of it) that makes me always hold a lot of sympathy for him.
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I'm gonna release this into the wild and see what happens
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goddessseraphi · 3 months
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I'm gonna release this into the wild and see what happens
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goddessseraphi · 3 months
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goddessseraphi · 5 months
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goddessseraphi · 9 months
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this manatee looks like it’s in a skyrim loading screen
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goddessseraphi · 10 months
Jill: *does literally anything *
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goddessseraphi · 10 months
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goddessseraphi · 11 months
“How’s your WIP going?”
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"Have you made any progress?”
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“How close are you to being done?”
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goddessseraphi · 11 months
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May I present: Leda and the Swan Princess! It's based on this post about a swan princess who refuses to go quietly in obscurity when cursed. (If you liked this one you will probably also like my other comics which you can find on my pinned post).
If you enjoyed and want to support a queer art student, you can tip me over on my Ko-fi! Tips help me out dramatically while I'm still in school!
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goddessseraphi · 11 months
So proud 🫶🫶🫶🫶
can someone please be proud of me like fuck I’m trying
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goddessseraphi · 11 months
Read this. Even if you hate eggs and perky diet blogs. Read through Wednesday at the very least. My bet is if you get to Wednesday, you’ll want to read the rest. 
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goddessseraphi · 11 months
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goddessseraphi · 1 year
Trigger warning: CP
I don't know how far this will get, but I really need help getting attention on this. I like using AI generators for various reasons, one being inspiration for painting. I found this app and honestly thought it was great for conceptualizing characters
Then, I went browsing through the user-created models and found one labeled "loli". I think you know where this is going.
People are using this app to create CP. And I don't mean just anime girls that look young. One of the pictures created is literally labeled "7 year old" and it's vile. I've reported the model and pics, left a review pointing it out in Goodle Play, and went so far as to email the app's support. Having gotten NOWHERE, I've Uninstalled it but I fucking DESPISE that this is available for p3dos to use.
This is their support email. I don't know when or if they will ever address this, but nothing will be done if it's ignored. And I'll be DAMNED if I let p3dos have even ONE place to get material.
Please share this, email, do anything to get attention on this. I'm a survivor of childhood sexual abuse, and knowing this is out there makes me feel sick.
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goddessseraphi · 1 year
Heart is SO much better today. The situation is resolved and things are getting back on track for the better!
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goddessseraphi · 1 year
Wife here to add more context. This is gonna be long, so all information in the timeline is below the cut.
So on August 14th we were pulled into the office and told another employee saw us crying on the way out the day before. It had been an awful day that caused us both to spiral, but we pulled together and finished the day.
The meeting basically boiled down to this: no customers complained, our work performance is great, and there are no actual issues other than the fact that the symptoms of our mental illness make the store (and specifically the store manager) look bad.
The manager went on to them say that our condition is something we are doing to ourselves, that it's all self-absorbed, and that we just need to find something we love to do, even if it's "going out in the yard and picking up sticks".
Heart and I both suffer from documented major depressive disorder, anxiety, and I'm not sure for him, but I have CPTSD from childhood sexual trauma and emotional neglect. For one reason or another, our fear and stress response goes off the charts. We are on medication and we are in therapy.
When trying to explain this, we were told that what happened in the past doesn't matter or affect us now. He then went on to completely diminish our mental illness to us just "sitting around being depressed all the time".
Edited to include that I recorded the meeting, and as we live in a one party consent state, I don't have to worry about his consent as I am in the recording too.
I ended up catching some kind of stomach bug that had me laid up a few days, and heart messaged me with a revised schedule. This is the relevant texts.
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The names to look for are April and Nate. You can see that he was told the schedule was only for that week, which was frustrating but I was willing to go with it if true. But then this next week's schedule is roughly the same
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Keep in mind that this sudden change from "just this week" to "permanent" happened right after I contacted HR.
Of course I know HR is not on my side, no HR is. But I knew I had to start a trail. This is what our schedule looked like before
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And has been this way since I started working there around early feb. 2022. No problems were ever brought up about the scheduling. Now, suddenly, it's a huge deal. When I tried to bring up that this schedule wasn't going to work, I was told that we never should have had the same schedule in the first place.
I wrote out a formal request for reasonable accommodation and left it on his desk, after taking pictures of the letter and its placement on his desk, so that he couldn't claim it was never there. I also asked a coworker, who saw it there and read it, to take a picture as well so that I had a witness that could vouch for its placement and contents.
Roughly, that's where we are now.
So I'm in the middle of a situation at work thats driving my anxiety off the walls. My wife works with me and since we only have one car, our schedules have thankfully been parallel.
Now my boss' boss has taken over the schedule and he's placing us 3-4 hours apart, knowing A) we both have anxiety and depression and B) ride with one another. This can put us both at work until 7 or 8 at night depending.
We've had panic attacks at work, sometimes together, but for the most part, we've worked well together. But now, every day is a struggle just to keep calm.
It feels like retaliation for reporting the situation to HR after we were told our depression is our fault, that we're self absorbed and we just need to get over it and my wife is treating it as such, going so far as to document the situation and prepare legal aide if necessary. I'm afraid we're both gonna be fired.
If anyone seeing this can offer advice or point me towards someone who can, I'd love you forever.
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goddessseraphi · 1 year
So I'm in the middle of a situation at work thats driving my anxiety off the walls. My wife works with me and since we only have one car, our schedules have thankfully been parallel.
Now my boss' boss has taken over the schedule and he's placing us 3-4 hours apart, knowing A) we both have anxiety and depression and B) ride with one another. This can put us both at work until 7 or 8 at night depending.
We've had panic attacks at work, sometimes together, but for the most part, we've worked well together. But now, every day is a struggle just to keep calm.
It feels like retaliation for reporting the situation to HR after we were told our depression is our fault, that we're self absorbed and we just need to get over it and my wife is treating it as such, going so far as to document the situation and prepare legal aide if necessary. I'm afraid we're both gonna be fired.
If anyone seeing this can offer advice or point me towards someone who can, I'd love you forever.
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goddessseraphi · 1 year
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