godrent · 8 months
tbd. manifesting from the shadows to write? no. manifesting from the shadows to join the bandwagon of a trendy dashboard quiz? yes. will i be leaving again? also yes.
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godrent · 8 months
TAGGED BY: *wiggles my lil thief fingers* TAGGING: @aoiinome, @apricotheart.
love as a flaw.
cowering, your love hides in the dark. in shadows and under cover of night, your love runs from corner to corner, afraid to linger, afraid to be caught. afraid, afraid, afraid of everything. when you fall in love, it is with alarm bells ringing. your love is a mistake, a flaw in the code, a purchase you don’t remember making and desperately want to return. you didn’t ask for this. you didn’t want this. it’s a problem —  your problem — and you would do anything to pass it off, burn it away, scoop it out of you with bare hands, or carved out with hooked knives before it can destroy you. get it out, just get it out now. you don’t care who you hurt in the process, only that you can’t afford to be hurt first. being loved by you is to be loved by a figment of the imagination. it is to be loved in halves, or not at all.
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godrent · 1 year
no mourners, no funerals. / yami bakura playlist.
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godrent · 1 year
THE LOW RUMBLE OF A GROWL builds in his throat following the sound of malik's laugh and snarky remarks. and although bakura considers himself to be incredibly versatile, even he couldn't play his role quite as effectively when given little to no information about a situation that he's abruptly forced into — especially when concerning the pharaoh's party. they were tightknit and even with the advantage of using his landlord as a guise, they were always on their toes around him.
the millennium rod and the secrets carved into malik's back ——— everything he wants hinges on their partnership being a success. so when his utmost desires are put to risk because the boy wants to play games with him, with bakura already willing to be a dark horse for malik, it causes the blood in his veins to boil something fierce.
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he approaches then and grabs malik by the collar of his hoodie, tugging him down to size. ❛ when your stupid plans concern my landlord or myself —— then yes. ❜ bakura hisses through teeth, ❛ don't toy with me, malik. ❜ bastard.
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𝐒𝐄𝐓𝐓𝐋𝐈𝐍𝐆  𝐃𝐔𝐒𝐓  𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓      ➸      [    accepting    ]
❛          you  knew  and  you  didn’t  tell  me?!          ❜
malik  met  the  others  gaze  with  a  sudden  and  intense  interest.  since  abandoning  the  tombs  and  rising  to  the  surface  malik  had  learned  all  he  could  about  the  world  he  had  been  denied.  the  sights,  the  sounds,  the  histories  and  the  cultures.  it  had  all  been  so  fascinating,  so  intriguing  and  the  people  had  elicited  the  same  interest.  humans,  mortals,  they  were  all  so  predictable.  shatter  one  mind  and  one  had  shattered  them  all.  everyone's  thoughts,  desires,  emotions,  memories,  malik  had  grown  to  know  them  all.  recognizing  the  marks  of  trauma,  the  fogs  of  disinterest.  there  were  memories  that  malik  had  seen  clearer  and  more  vivid  than  even  their  beholders.
          but  bakura  was  different.  malik  didn't  need  to  touch  his  mind  to  know  that  the  spirit  of  the  millennium  ring  was  different  to  any  others.  and  yet  at  times  he  was  just  as  predictable  as  the  mortals.
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          malik  laughed.  a  sharp  and  singular  sound  that  seemed  to  make  his  boyish  features  age  and  distort,  ❝  i  wasn't  aware  that  i  was  supposed  to  tell  you  anything,  ❞  malik  said,  his  amusement  lacing  itself  into  every  word.  a  condescending  arrogance  spilling  from  his  lips  as  he  leaned  back  and  folded  his  arms  across  his  stomach.
          ❝  did you think our deal meant you were entitled to my plans? hm? that i would tell you my every move?  ❞ malik's scoffed, ❝ surely you know better than that, ❞ // @godrent
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godrent · 1 year
TAGGED BY:  *wiggles my lil thief fingers* thanks, fae. TAGGING:  @aoiinome, @takhalaa, @puzzlefated, @tanabaa and whoever sees this. BOLD: always applies. —  ITALICIZE: sometimes applies. —  CROSSED OUT: never. REPOST, DO NOT REBLOG.
submissive.  -  dominant.  -  prefers to top.  -  prefers to bottom.  -  likes to switch.  -  identifies as heterosexual.  -  identifies as homosexual.  -  identifies as bisexual.  -  identifies as pansexual.  -  identifies as demisexual.  -  identifies as asexual.  -  enjoys sex with men.  -  enjoys sex with women.  -  enjoys sex with multiple people at one time.  -  initiates.  -  waits for partner to initiate.  -  spits.  -  swallows.  -  prefers sex in the morning.  -  prefers sex at night.  -  prefers sex any time.  -  no sex drive.  -  low sex drive.  -  average sex drive.  -  high sex drive.  -  hypersexual.
silent / makes little to no sounds.  -  very quiet.  -  very loud.  -  grows in volume over time.  -  bites hand / partner.  -  pillow to muffle themselves.  -  calls out partner’s name.  -  curses.  -  fakes / exaggerates.  -  prefers a quiet partner.  -  prefers a loud partner.  -  prefers a responsive partner.  -  turned on by dirty talk.  -  turned off by dirty talk.
having their hands pinned.  -  pinning their partner’s hands.  -  having their hair pulled.  -  pulling their partner’s hair.  -  being watched (by their partner).  -  being watched (by a third party).  -  watching their partner.  -  receiving oral.  -  giving oral.  -  calling their partner  “daddy”.  -  being called “daddy”.  -  giving praise.  -  receiving praise.  -  biting / marking.  -  being bitten / marked.  -  spanking.  -  being spanked.  -  teasing.  -  being teased.  -  having toys used on them.  -  using toys on their partner.  -  giving anal.  -  receiving anal.  -  choking.  -  being choked.  -  dirty talk.  -  being tied up.  -  tying their partner up.  -  being worshipped.  -  worshipping their partner.  -  humiliating.  -   being humiliated.  -  degrading.  -  being degraded.  -  knife play.  -  blood play.  -  being pegged.  -  pegging.
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godrent · 1 year
tbd.  in true character fashion, i’m being a feral demon while @soulconductor​ pays me no mind.
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godrent · 1 year
I will storm the gods, and shake the universe.
Seneca, Medea
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godrent · 1 year
TAGGED BY:  @takhalaa​. i blow a kiss, mwah! TAGGING:  @aoiinome and whoever sees this.
THE DEVIL:  the devil arcana represents the urge to do selfish, impulsive, violent things, and being a slave to ones' own impulse and feelings.  occasionally, it is also portrayed as a symbol of temptation.  the positive aspect, however, represents a healthy bond or commitment.     often  "devilish"  —  you tend to be greedy, proud, lustful, or otherwise of poor character.  you are most likely to go for an antisocial tendency, often not caring much for the needs or well-being of others.
THE EMPEROR:  the emperor arcana symbolizes the desire to control one's surroundings, and its appearance could suggest that one is trying too hard to achieve this, possibly causing trouble for others  —  some elements in life are just not controllable.     often times, you are troubled by something very personal and don't know how to deal with it.
THE TOWER:  the tower arcana is commonly associated to overly arrogant, prejudiced and authoritarian organization  —   which walk to their own ironic demise.  furthermore, it is also more generically used as an omen of doom and disaster.     you can be arrogant and typically find yourself in bad situations.
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godrent · 1 year
tbd.  rereading yu-gi-oh! is so interesting.  in the introductory chapter,  yu-gi-oh!, volume 1: chapter 1,  grandpa muto explains how in the beginning of the 20th century  (1921),  the archaeology team that discovered the millennium puzzle and tried to take it from the nameless pharaoh’s tomb died mysterious deaths.
then later during yu-gi-oh!, volume 2: chapter 13,  domino university’s archaeology team discover a tomb from egypt’s new kingdom era  (1580-1314 B.C.)  and everything found inside the tomb is then placed on display in the domino city museum.  during the chapter,  “tutankhamun” is finally mentioned by professor yoshimori and he goes on to explain to jonouchi that the archaeologist who discovered tutankhamun’s treasury by 1921 didn’t have any ownership rights to anything discovered during the excavation.
and even more importantly,  we see that yugi encounters shadi “crying” in front of the newly discovered mummy that’s been put out on display in the museum and yugi asks “why are you crying”,  to which shadi replies:  “these tears are not mine...  this shriveled form...  he has become a doll of dust...  but still,  he is the eternal pharaoh...  his spirit lives on with his name.  even the eternal sleep is denied him...  the cry of his soul becomes tears and flows down my cheeks.”  are you then telling me that the mummy on display belongs to tutankhamun,  aka,  pharaoh atem?  why else would shadi take on the spiritual grief of the pharaoh to whom that mummy belongs while also giving such high praising description of said pharaoh?
so then,  by this timeframe,  1921 is the year that the millennium puzzle and pharaoh atem’s treasury are found,  and it isn’t until modern day  (technically 1990s for yu-gi-oh!,  extended to 2000s for myself)  that pharaoh atem’s actual tomb and the sarcophagus containing his physical body are found.  it could very well be another pharaoh that shadi is referring to in this chapter,  but that wouldn’t make sense either as there’s only one pharaoh within the series that is of the greatest importance,  and that is pharaoh atem.  so it wouldn’t be too-far fetched to say that,  yes,  the mummy put so rudely on display within domino city’s museum is pharaoh atem’s physical body.  it also wouldn’t surprise me if it took so long for his actual sarcophagus to be found,  considering pharaoh atem’s tomb was specifically built to be large  (contrary to real life tutankhamun’s tomb)  and possibly maze-like with countless traps and countless ka tablets meant to protect him.
another interesting point worth noting during this chapter is the timeline estimate of the tomb  —  1341 B.C. is the year pharaoh atem and thief king bakura were born and 1325 B.C. is the year they both died,  whereas 1314 B.C. is the year i have set for when the millennium items were finally sealed away by order of pharaoh set.
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godrent · 1 year
tbd.  i have been ruthlessly murdered in cold blood by @puzzlefated’s hands.
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godrent · 1 year
tbd.  i’m not surprised  (being trapped in an ancient artifact for 3,300+ years will do that).
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godrent · 2 years
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they say my heart is almost black / well, baby, who’s to blame for that?  ― (original post)
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godrent · 2 years
TAGGED BY:  *wiggles my lil thief fingers* TAGGING:  @aoiinome.
molten lava and charred flesh.
your heart burned so fiercely that it burnt itself out,  leaving horrible scars in its wake;  scars inside your chest and on the hands of those who touched you  —  the hearts of anyone who got close enough to connect to yours.  the person you are now is no longer recognizable,  burnt up by your own anger and passion and love.  the injuries can never be fully erased,  but they can be soothed with time and trust and forgiveness.
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godrent · 2 years
aoiinome     /     kisara .
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           ❛   Eventually,  you have to learn to let go of the past.  It will always hurt, but you can choose when to start focusing on something other than the pain.   ❜
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BAKURA FREEZES AT HER WORDS  before casting her a look of bewilderment  ———  did kisara really just say that to him?     ❛     what is this?  you know i can't do that,  this is about more than just my pain.     ❜     she knows this,  so why?
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godrent · 2 years
millenniumpharaoh     /    atem .
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Atem stood there for what felt like an eternitybut was only a few seconds, staring down at a hound as dark as the night itself.Its eyes were a delicate amber that had too much intelligence than any animalshould have, no matter how tame. Nor should they have such an oppressing presenceabout them. Just being a good handful of feet away, he could feel the powerrolling off it as though the very breath from his renewed lungs were beingtaken from Atem. Pharaoh blinks slowly and the dog turned, its large earsflickering before it began to walk down an alleyway.
He could have turned away. Left it alone foranother day, but there was a feeling pressing against his mind. A soft tug.Gentle but persistent, that told him to follow the creature even if a part ofhim didn’t trust it. The human part of Atem felt so small compared to that ofhis godhood enough that he ignored it with a soft curse that left his lips and thenfollowed the canine into the dark.
Atem couldn’t tell what dog it was at first,far too unfamiliar with the breeds of the time however as he watched it walkahead of him with a smooth gait, Atem realized. It was a jackal, though not onefrom reality as those canines were scruffier and had mixed resemblances tofoxes and wolves. But jackals that appeared on the walls of temples, the masksthat the funerary men wore, and the statues of smooth basalt that were buriedwith his ancestors. Its fur was a smooth inky blackness that shimmered undereach light they passed, its tail began thin from its rump and began to thickenslightly with fur before becoming thin again at its end. He walked on thin longlegs, HE because Atem suspected exactly who his guide might be as theyturned another corner and Atem could see the faint gold that lined his amberhues.
There was a little more to this alleyway. Atemhad to walk around bags of trash, the occasional discarded unmentionables, andbottles of glass. Thankfully there was no one else, just them in betweenbuildings with the soft light of the moon and the occasional yellow light of adistant streetlamp. The silence didn’t bother him, it was that weighty presencethat got thicker and heavier the closer Atem got to wherever this jackal wastaking him.
The canine then stopped, lifted its head up to theair, and took a few delicate sniffs, then it turned again into another smallerstreet. If one could even call it a street. The two buildings were so close toeach other that Atem was sure there was no way through it, but the jackal wasable to squeeze through the gap with ease. Brows knit themselves together asteeth bite down on his lower lip. Atem didn’t like this at all. He didn’t likeit, but he willed himself to move, and his body did as it was told. The monarchsqueezed himself into the gap, hissing at the scraping of uneven concrete that passedover him. It was worst on the exposed skin, but Atem hoped with his darkercomplexion it wouldn’t be too noticeable. It wasn’t long till he reached the endand was able to stretch his arms and legs of the aches that developed. Therewere a few scrapes on his forearms, a bit of dirt on his hands, and a fewcobwebs that he brushed away, but overall, he was fine.
Atem expected to find the jackal at the end,and he did in a way see him, but it was different. Vastly so. Anpu stood on histwo feet suddenly larger and looking like what one may call a werewolf (thoughAtem didn’t believe in such things). He wore a shendyt that fell just above hisknees, turquoise bracelets with matching armlets, and the headdress that lookedmore like a part of him than an article of clothing was a midnight blue. Theamber hues were much the same as Anpu regarded Atem with a look of indifference,though the Pharaoh could tell that the gold that decorated his eyes like kohl wasa few shades brighter.
A noticeable growl made Atem almost jump if hehadn’t caught himself on time. Taking a step to the side and looking beyond Anpu, Atemcaught the eyes of the very man he had been searching for the last two weeks.He was hissing, looking ready to strike at them like a cobra, but Anpu didn’tseem bothered by it at all. As though the god was used to it which he mostlikely was as the jackal-headed god was the one who watched over the thief’simprisonment in the duat.
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“I—” Atem starts but his words are caught inhis throat. His tongue felt lost to him as his mind raced. The pharaoh hadn’texpected this scenario to happen. Well, he did, just not finding Bakura becauseof the interference of the very heavens. Bakura approached him swiftly, faster than Atem could track and yanked his form against his own. The thief’s nails dug into parts of the skin already irritated and they stung with renewed vigor, causing Atem to hiss in pain.  “Truthfully, I’m not sure. This is as much as a surpriseto me as it is to you.” His ruby gaze strayed from the thief’s for a moment to Anpu whostill stayed quiet but observant, then quickly returned to those murderous eyes. Distractions would prove deadly after all. 
❛     YOU EXPECT ME TO BELIEVE THAT?     ❜     bakura questions with a scowl,  eyes darkening as he turns his head to follow atem's focus of attention.  the mere sight of anpu causes tension to rise in his body once again and the grip he has on atem tightens,  threatening to draw blood.  if anpu was here manifesting before him with the god-king hot on his trail,  it could mean one of three things:  anpu’s patience has finally worn thin and he wished to rip out the scraps of his heart  (if he even had one to begin with),  or they were here to drag bakura back to that godforsaken tomb-prison within the duat,  or...  they were plotting something,  bakura speculates.     ❛     don't lie to me,  pharaoh!  you're up to something,  aren't you?     ❜     he snarls and pushes atem away,  nails angrily and intentionally bleeding him for the accused transgression.     ❛     why else would anpu lead you here,  to me?     ❜
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❛     you and your gods  ——     ❜     bakura starts and dares to challenge the intense gaze of the jackal-headed god before them,  fists clenching at his side  ————  his mind is racing and bakura fucking despises it.     ❛     ——  can't contain me any longer.     ❜     the words leave his tongue with a sour aftertaste and the suffocating weight that encapsulates him at the thought of having his freedom taken from him yet again,  too soon,  causes bakura to subconsciously shift backwards in retreat.
❛     there are things i need to do,  and none of them concern you!     ❜     bakura proclaims to anpu and he regains himself,  the defiance of the thief king burning hot within the core of his soul.     ❛     they only concern the pharaoh,  he and i have some unfinished business.     ❜     unlike atem,  bakura cares not for the gods,  he doesn't hold the teachings of the thief king's mortal mother or those of their religion...  no,  bakura's belief died with him three thousand years ago  ———  during the seven nights of fire,  sacrifice,  and gold.
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godrent · 2 years
TAGGED BY:  *wiggles my lil thief fingers* TAGGING:  @millenniumpharaoh / @puzzlefated / @drakoae / @shacchou / @dcrknessking​. let’s hear it, babes! BOLD  what applies to your muse. ITALICIZE  what sometimes applies to your muse.
fights honourably.  /  fights dirty.
prefers close quarters.  /  prefers range.
chats during the fight.  /  goes silent.
low pain tolerance.  /  high pain tolerance.
attacks in bursts.  /  attacks steadily.
goes for the kill.  /  aims to disarm.  /  fights defensively.  /  strikes first.
is provoked easily.  /  provokes their opponent.  /  teases.
gets visibly frustrated.  /  shouts while attacking.
uses strategy.  /  focuses on the battle.  /  experiences conflicting thoughts during battle.
rushes in recklessly.  /  tries to read their opponent before engaging.
fights wildly.  /  fights calmly.  /  fights apathetically.  /  fights with anger.  /  fights with excitement.
fights because they have to.  /  fights because they want to.
fights without regard to wounds.  /  runs away when wounded.  /  hides wounds.  /  takes a blow to protect another.
prefers a blade.  /  prefers a gun.  /  prefers hand to hand combat.  /  prefers a bow.  /  prefers a shield.  /  prefers a personalized weapon.  /  prefers magic, alchemy or spells.
their greatest weakness is physical.  /  their greatest weakness is mental.  /  their greatest weakness is emotional.
transforms for battle.  /  fights as they appear.
relies on strength.  /  doubts their strength.  /  relies on speed.
uses everything they have.  /  proceeds with caution.  /  hides their full potential.
exhausts quickly.  /  has high stamina.
behaves arrogantly.  /  brags after landing a hit.  /  belittles their abilities.
uses psychological tactics.  /  uses brute strength.
avoids civilians.  /  strikes down civilians.
damages surroundings.  /  avoids damaging surroundings.
signature fighting style.  /  makes it up as they go.
mastered skillset.  /  learning their skillset.
fancy footwork.  /  sloppy footwork.
messy fighter.  /  elegant fighter.
accepts defeat.  /  refuses defeat.  /  begs for mercy.
compliments their opponent.  /  insults their opponent.
uses unnecessary movements.  /  moves efficiently.  /  barely moves.
prefers to dodge.  /  prefers to block.
defends their blindside.  /  has no blindside.  /  leaves blindsides vulnerable.
uses all available advantages.  /  strictly uses one main method.
plays around.  /  holds back.  /  fights ruthlessly.  /  shows mercy.
waits for an opponent to be ready.  /  strikes when opponent isn’t ready.
fears death.  /  fears pain.  /  fears killing.
has ptsd.  /  avoids fighting.
has lost a fight.  /  has won a fight.
has killed.  /  refuses to kill.
wants to die standing.  /  would succumb slowly.
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godrent · 2 years
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BAKURA IS FURIOUS AND BRISTLING,  standing in the shadow of a towering,  jackal-headed god.     ❛     anpu,     ❜     he growls between the press of his teeth  —  because,  of course,  the gods choose to so graciously bless him with their presence...  three thousand years too late.     ❛     are  ———  you!     ❜     a question forms on the tip of his tongue,  but dies when bakura spots him.     ❛     care to explain this,  pharaoh?     ❜     he hisses,  nails piercing skin when he yanks their god-king into himself.
    @millenniumpharaoh     /     gods, have mercy on me.
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