godstoryforme · 9 months
To the woman at the Vietnamese restaurant
6/12/23 To the woman at the Vietnamese restaurant last night: You were struggling to open the door to get to your car, and when my friend helped you asking “do you need help?”, you said something very unexpected. “Life is hard right now, mum is going through chemo.” I’m not sure why you said that but I felt that tug in my heart to want to pray for you; and, immediately within the next few…
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godstoryforme · 3 years
feeling lonely
sometimes, it’s a lonely journey, carrying this God-given burden to one day leave this country to live a life dedicated to ministry and sharing the Gospel. such an honour and privilege but today is one of those days where i don’t feel the joy as much as the lack of belongingness. perhaps it’s because: i have not been spending enough time with God, in prayer, in worship, in thought and in…
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godstoryforme · 4 years
it took less than a second.
it took less than a second.
the moment i saw the numbers my heart dropped. the thoughts came. my body was overcome with numbness. “why do you always make mistakes?” “you’re just not good enough are you?” “i bet no one else made that mistake!!” “and you actually thought you would do well”
i feel silly and ridiculous typing this out, and some may laugh (i do sometimes) but this is the reality of me. it’s painfully true. and…
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godstoryforme · 4 years
why study.
Every time someone talks about uni, or study, or work, most responses are always negative like urghhhh or whyyyyyy …
There are so many tips on how to study but maybe not enough on WHY do we even study? 
S EE THE BIGGER PICTURE. Your life isn’t studying. Uni is only a small chapter of the story God has written for you, which btw goes on foreveeeeer
Even if you fail, life moves on. Even if…
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godstoryforme · 4 years
why study?
Every time someone talks about uni, or study, or work, most our responses are always negative like urghhhh it’s Monday again, or, whyyyyyy, or can’t wait till uni/work is over…
There are so many tips on how to study but maybe not enough on WHY do we even study?
S: See the bigger picture. Your life isn’t studying. Uni is only a small chapter of the story God has written for you, which btw goes on foreveeeeer~~
Even if you fail, life moves on. Even if you excel, life moves on. Don’t be attached~
1 Corinthians 7:13 Those who use the things of the world should not become attached to them. For this world as we know it will soon pass away.
T: Thank God for the opportunity to study. There are so many in the world who would do anything to study/learn, but God graciously chose you and I for this privilege to study.
Be so honoured to study God’s creation - Math, Chemistry, Biology, Language, History… God created ALL this :O
Colossians 1:16 For by him all things were created, in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or dominions or rulers or authorities—all things were created through him and for him.
U: Understand why. Why do you study? Why don’t you study? Why do you aim for distinctions? Why don’t you aim for distinctions?
Ask yourself; when people look at the way I study, can I confidently declare “this is all for the glory of God!!” IF…
1) I’m sooo stressed out aiming for HDs that I don’t even spend time with God or,
2) I’m sooo chill that I put in minimal effort to aim for a pass
1 Corinthians 10:31 So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.
D: Do it for God to please God (lasting purpose) and not for the world to please man (fading purpose)
Don’t let academic excellence or failure define you. Let the God who created you define you. So whether pass or fail, man will not be glorified but God will be glorified through you.
Galatians 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ.
Y: You won’t be in control of uni all the time, but that’s okay because GOD’s got your whole life under control and ultimately, He will use success and failures for good purposes.
Isaiah 14:24 The LORD of hosts has sworn: “As I have planned,
so shall it be,
and as I have purposed,
so shall it stand,
Colossians 1:17 And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together.
Ok fineee, for some HOWs (ABCDEEE):
A: Away from distractions - i.e. your phone.
B: Breaks, include short & regular time away from studies - take a nap, go for a walk, play a board game, worship, PRAY…
C: Creativity - teach it to someone else, rap it, say it out loud in a different accent, draw diagrams, watch Youtube videos on it
D: Don’t do it alone all the time - zoom your friends, group study
E: Early - wake up early, sleep early, get studies done first before chilling
E: Eat well - nourish that temple of God guyssss
E: Exercise - it’ll only get harder if you put it off now
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godstoryforme · 4 years
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godstoryforme · 4 years
“It’s one thing to come to God because you have a need. It’s another thing to know that your real need is knowing Him.”
— Todd White
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godstoryforme · 4 years
who knew?
who knew that a life surrendered meant a life with unimaginable freedom?
definitely not me four years ago.
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godstoryforme · 4 years
being a Christian means i may not have my life together, but GOD's always got my life together.
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godstoryforme · 4 years
Your worth doesn't stem from others' acceptance of you, or even your own acceptance of yourself. Your worth stems from God's acceptance of you.
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godstoryforme · 4 years
i shouldn't and couldn't proclaim that God is the king of my life if i keep fighting to be in control of my life.
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godstoryforme · 4 years
what if my best is still a fail?
as a uni student, i'm surrounded by a culture that constantly fattens this belief that to succeed is to achieve a higher grade, to be recognised is to excel academically. but, what if my best is still a fail?
i’ve forgotten again...
that it was never about my best, because my best will always fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23) my constant prayer: Lord, help me focus on You. help me live like recognition from You alone is all i need.
Romans 3:23 for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God,
- Godstoryforme
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godstoryforme · 4 years
You're not fat, You're not skinny, You're not a failure, You're not a success, You're not ugly, You're not beautiful, You're a child of God. That's the word that best describes you. :)
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godstoryforme · 4 years
As Christians, we don't need more self-help/self-love books, tips and thoughts. We really don't need more things to add to our self-centredness. We need Christ-centredness. We need God's help. We need Jesus Christ.
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godstoryforme · 4 years
a global pandemic
Hi post-2020/future me,
It’s March 2020 today. I’m not sure what’s happening for you right now, but the world right now, is going crazy these past months. This virus (not sure if you’d even remember, probably not.) is generating so much fear and segregation internationally. Everywhere I go, the news, uni, church, cafes…everybody is talking about this. Things seem kind of dramatic to the point…
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godstoryforme · 4 years
what is God showing me through covid-19?
When confronted with fear, in what do I seek comfort? When confronted with change, in what do I find confidence?
God’s showing me, my treasures are not in heaven, but are actually on earth. God’s showing me, I’m still chasing after so many things that are not Jesus alone. Some of these things are stability, status, studies, socialising…
It’s so evident.
God’s showing me that I’m selfish. I…
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godstoryforme · 5 years
a god-sized hole.
December 2019
What does this even mean? To me this means that I can have everything I want in the world but still feel like I’m lacking something. I can have all the friends in the world but still feel alone. I can have success, health, and happiness but still feel like something is missing.
This has never been more evident to me than moments like now. I’m in Japan right now. I’ll be here for a…
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