gokheilah20-blog Ā· 5 years
Social Media Metrics and ROI Mastery Journal
This month, the course that I studied was Social Media Metrics and ROI. Throughout this month, I learned how to analyze the audience of my social media channels, as well as my website. We learned why it is important to compare our social media analytics to our website analytics, about how to evaluate our social media metrics, about audience participation and more.
Before this course, I had many expectations about what would happen. Being as though this is my second time in this course, I kind of had an idea of what the class would be about, but I was also expecting to not so as well in the course, but I found it to be a better experience. The difference between this time and the first time I took this course, is the way the information was explained through the videos and course readings. The information seemed easier to grasp and it allowed me to perform a little better in the course than the first time.
One thing I learned in this class is that it is always important to compare your web analytics and social media analytics because the both coincide with one another. You can compare the engagement of your social media, to the clicks and engagement on your website. For example, consumers can access your website through their social media pages, and vice versa. Another thing I learned was the 6-step metric process to gain and maintain influencers and an audience. This is important because gaining following is important, but keeping the followers are just as, if not more important because it builds and maintains relations. I also learned about KPIā€™s and how to measure your social media. Within this, you must create measurable goals in order for your social media channels to grow over time. You also can use KPIā€™s to see where your social media channels need to improve.
As a rising PR professional, this may be have been one of the most important classes to take. In this world, you have to know how to analyze and interpret what you have put into your work. You have to know what techniques to use when doing a social media campaign in order to know if the work you have put in has been beneficial for your brand or not. You should know what your audience is, and how they are responding to your content. This is important for any PR professional.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
Social Media Metrics and ROI!
For this past month, my classmates and I learned how to set real marketing goals and view our return on our investments. We learned how to read and interpret our website and social media analytics in many ways. First, were able to view how our brand websites are doing by using multiple mediums to view our analytics. I found that my current branding website had majority of the things it needed, but it lacked keywords. We learned that this is important for the success of our website because it uses SEOā€™s to make the brand popular. By using these things, we can view our return on our investment by checking out our analytics. We also found that by searching our competitor websites, that we can use some of their techniques they used to promote their websites to help the success of our own websites.
Next, we were able to start working on the first phase of our final project by choosing a local brand for us to promote. I was able to choose a brand that is close to me, as well as a brand that wanted to work with me, even before I started attending Full Sail University Online. I found this first portion of my project to be quite tedious, being as though I had to know what the brand stood for, as well as coming up with goals, and finding ways to achieve them. I learned more about making tangible goals as well. I briefly learned about this in my undergraduate studies, but I was introduced to it in a new light at FSO. I liked this because I was able to have goals with numbers attached to them. It encouraged me to meet them because they were so specific.
One challenge I faced in the class was towards the start of the class. I knew about analytics and return on investment, but it is different when you are evaluating your own brand. I never knew how SEOā€™s and keywords would shape my website and how it would make it grow. I also faced a challenge when understanding how to calculate my ROIā€™s. This class showed me that no matter what your brand is, you should always have tangible goals and specificity when you plan out your social media pages and websites.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
Innovative PR!
Innovative PR Tools was a course full of challenges, but in all, it helped me gain insight on how to properly use my newer technologies to help my brand. In this newer day in age. It is important to have these tools because as generations change, and younger generations take over the workforce, branding and marketing change along with them. Through this course, I experienced a few challenges. I noticed that I havenā€™t been fully using my social media and networking pages to my best ability. I had to learn the difference between using social media for business, versus using it for personal usage. Before this class, I was using my personal page as a way to attract new customers to my business, but I learned quickly that I should separate the two. I made sure I created more social media pages for my brand and business. Through doing these things, it taught me what my brand represents and how it is used. Doing this helped me create my branding video, and it allowed me to gain more knowledge on what I want to do with my brand. In terms of the branding video, I found that it was kind of difficult to make because I have never done this type of editing of a video. I learned this skill, and I am still working on it today.
When it comes to social media, the discussion post in week 2 allowed me to gain a lot of knowledge when it came to getting my audienceā€™s attention, and keeping it. I also liked how the speaker explained how I have to use different styles of posts for different networks. I did not fully understand why in the beginning, but now it is clear. There are many different types of audiences, and I have to adjust my posts based from the style of audience. Overall, this class have taught me how to work smarter when it comes to my branding and social media. I was also able to gain multiple tips on how to maintain goo publicity through my classmates posting links to tips and tricks. Although I had a slightly hard time, I felt extremely supported by my professor and fellow classmates.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
Although Legal Aspects of Media was a quite difficult class for me, I will have to say that It was one of my favorite classes Iā€™ve taken at Full Sail yet. I love the law, and I know that as a PR professional, I have to be aware of the things I can and cannot say in the media. I think my favorite assignment I had was the discussion post for week four. I liked that assignment because I know some companies that falsely advertise their products, so I was able to learn how to handle a situation like this. Also, I liked the assignment about defamation as well because it is always important to know that you are telling the audience because they believe the media before anything, especially online media.
I think the most important topics we discussed in the class were copyright, and deception. Copyright is extremely important when cover stories and profiles on people because we have to have the rights to publish those works. It is important because it is illegal to post artistsā€™ work without their consent. Deception is important for me as well because as a consumer, I would not want to be falsely misled to believe that a product will benefit me, when in fact, it wonā€™t. It is also important because it can affect the health and my credibility.
This knowledge will help in the future because it gives me more of. An excuse to be factual about my work. The scenario I thought was most impactful to my growth in PR is the one about deception. I donā€™t expect to work for a sales company, but I do at the moment. I have actually seen an advertisement made by them (before I arrived) that did not give out the full details of their product, which included fees. This caused a great drop in sales for the company because it misled the consumer to think that the product did not have fees when in fact it did. This was a real world scenario that I learned from and this class taught me how we should better our advertisements for the future.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
Kheilahā€™s Mastery Journal !
This month in Writing for Interactive Media, I was introduced to many tips and tricks when it came to writing stories online. First, my class and I were introduced to ā€œAbout Meā€ pages. ā€œAbout Meā€ pages are the nooks and crannies to introducing yourself to your audience. Your about me page shows your passion, expertise, and unique value to your brand. In most cases, your about me page should show a proper reflection of who are, where you came from, and what you do in service of others. I loved the assignment of creating my About Me page because it allows me to sit and reflect on my passions, and what I want to do to brand myself. It also allowed me to show my creativity, as well as play with the dynamics of my website. I was able to learn how to use my website software a little better than before, which is a plus. I liked the way that the assignment had me explore my passions because I have never actually sat back and reflected on my goals and passions that much.
Along with the About me page, we were also assigned to write two stories either highlighting an event or individual. Honestly, writing stories isnā€™t my strongest suit. It is often hard for me to come up with stories that are relevant and creative. Nowadays, it seems as though many people are writing, so it can be easy to repeat story ideas, which is one thing that I noticed happened with another student and I in our discussion boards. I honestly do not like that because when I write a story, I would prefer to be original when it comes to my ideas. I love writing, itā€™s just I like more of an academic form of writing, more than a journalistic style of writing. But since I have to take journalism as a PR specialist, I am used to having to write this way, I just need more practice when it comes to journalistic writing.
Overall, I truly enjoyed the class because it allowed me to explore my creativity while reflecting on what I love to do.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
What I loved about Public Relations in a Digital World
Through taking Public Relations in a Digital World, I learn about the media and how you can influence an entire audience just by the content you out online. Through this course, we were giving an ample amount of assignments for us to learn about the topic. But, my personal favorite assignment was creating my PSA. I think PSAs have a lot of influence because we can actually take a vision that we have and influence the world with it. I was able to be creative, and use my own talent to create something spectacular. I enjoyed the entire process of making the video, and editing it to my own liking. I was able to add my own creative touch to it.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Through this course, we were able to learn many topics about PR in the digital world. My favorite topic to talk about was talking about persuasion and conformity. I really enjoyed the video about conformity because it shows how easily a personā€™s opinion can be swayed just based from the majority having a different opinion. I also liked talking about the Hierarchy of needs because I learned about this during my undergraduate psychology studies, and it was always interesting to me, but I never out it in the PR world or even saw it in that spectrum. So, it brought a new found understanding to me, which I really enjoyed.
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā Through learning the different topics of the class, I think the topic that will help me the most in the professional world, is branding. I think no matter who you are, your branding is higly important. You have to represent your brands at all times. If I were to run a business, I have to uphold my branding and make sure I handle it all properly. I have to always be on my Pā€™s and Qā€™s because the slightest thing can mess up your brand in a big way. I think that this is vital regardless of what field of work I decide to go into. Overall, I can say I truly enjoyed the class and I learned a lot from it.
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Hereā€™s my timeline to success!
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Hereā€™s My Timeline to success!
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Do you all like my logo? The start of a Public Relations career is to brand myself! Why not start now?!
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Iā€™m so proud to say that Iā€™m a woman! Hopefully I will do things that no one else has done!
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Connect with me on LinkedIn! This professional social site will give you many employment opportunities and connect you to employers!Ā https://www.linkedin.com/in/kheilah-short-423293102/
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gokheilah20-blog Ā· 6 years
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Hereā€™s who Iā€™m following on Feedly.com! Follow what you love! Do what you love!
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