goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
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What is old? Can it be new again? And what goes out? Does it come back in?
every day i think abt the rp community–
inspired by a thread by @percival-queen, @sundialhunter, and @goldbricker-ramsey! c:
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
((Alright, so. Announcement time!
So as all of you have probably noticed, I’ve been very, very inactive for... probably over two months now? And for that, I deeply apologize. Between moving to a different job (one that doesn’t burn me out on 50-60 hours a week unlike the other two), applying for school for the first time in almost two years, getting caught up in Ace Attorney hyperobsession, helping my parents around the house, and figuring out how to deal with having free time for the first time in over a year, it’s... been very hard to squeeze anything else in.
However, now that I’m finally settling into this new job (and I finally finished binge-playing every main game in the AA series oops), I’ve started to work up more free time so that I’ll be able to actually come back here and RP and answer asks without dealing with severe burnout.
I’m honestly so, so very grateful to all of you who stuck around, as well as those who recently followed— thank you for your patience and words of encouragement over these past couple of months. <3
See ya around, y’all.~))
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
suplex candaru.
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
{With the confirmation of a season two, the Redwood Trio consisting of myself, @goldbricker-ramsey, and @sundialhunter will be splitting the current timeline off from the new canon as an AU titled the Soulbond AU! This way, future blog threads and asks can be sent to be compliant with season two and all future seasons.}
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
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“You can be as MUNDANE as you like…”
9 Years of RP Experience
OC/Canon Friendly
One-liners, Para, and Novella
Mostly SFW, Mun is 18+
Discord upon request
“…when you know how to do your GODDAMN job.”
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
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so i found some old rp doodles
i think this was from around circle game if i had to guess–
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
Mfw @percival-queen gives the best spine-breakers I’d always wanted uwu))
{*clears throat*}
{@goldbricker-ramsey GIVES REALLY GOOD HUGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!}
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
2. What is the last thing your muse smiled about?
There’s something about her approval that sends a wave of relief and gratitude coursing through his system.
Ramsey hums even as he follows her into the apartment, a small smile settling on his face.
((He’s always happy to see a friend. :’) ))
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
Percy’s tone is sharp out of surprise.
And suddenly— suddenly both her hands are on his face, but holding it still, forcing him to look her in the eye as her blue eyes turn to an icy glare. It softens just a little after the initial shock, but—
“You think this is your fault?! What did you tell me when I lost Parapet?!”
(She means what almost happened when she lost Parapet, but she’s sure he knows that.)
She doesn’t wait for a response. “You told me not to apologize. And that was when I’d made a poor decision knowing that my epithet would return to me. You—”
Percy shakes her head, realizing they really didn’t understand how deep this went. There was so much to it even SHE didn’t understand, she wasn’t like her mother, but—
“You soulbonded with two people in one day. Well— technically we’d already bonded, but Zora and I bonded as well and since you’re bonded with both of usit’s essentially as if you formed another bond yourself— anyhow! Immediately afterwards, both of us LEFT you. Two parts of your SOUL were removed, you were left with foreign pieces of ours— Zora, she didn’t know what was happening, I can’t blame her for bailing, but at least I should’ve known better.” She doesn’t realize how hard she’s gripping him now, her hands moved down to his shoulders and clenching them in self-imposed anger.
“I shouldn’t have left you. I’m supposed to protect others, and now especially you, but I walked out. Because I was AFRAID.” A laugh escapes her, and it’s a bitter, jaded laugh that doesn’t at all fit into her corner of the triangle.
“Ramsey, I know you’re a good liar. But don’t lie to yourself about this. The blame lies mostly with me, and I apologize for it. That’s why I’m here.”
[ @percival-queen ]
Something catches in his throat as she grips him by the face. He swallows thickly, his breaths coming at a faster pace.
“You think this is your fault?! What did you tell me when I lost Parapet?!”
“I shouldn’t have left you. I’m supposed to protect others, and now especially you, but I walked out. Because I was AFRAID.”
Ramsey shakily exhales, trying to fight back the sudden stinging at the corners of his eyes.
“Ramsey, I know you’re a good liar. But don’t lie to yourself about this. The blame lies mostly with me, and I apologize for it. That’s why I’m here.”
“Perc’, I... yeah I was left alone, but that didn’t... that didn’t mean I had to leave them alone, too.”
He bites at the inside of his lip, something so horribly sad flickering through his gaze. The single, golden crack through his iris ever-so-briefly seems to flicker.
“I fucked up, too. As much as you don’t want me to put the blame on myself... you can’t take all of it, y’know? Not for me, not for Zora.”
Ramsey pauses, his shoulders slumping even as he brings his hands up, resting them on the back of her own. 
“And Perc’, I appreciate the apology, but... I’m sorry, too. We both fucked up on how we handled... all of this. Not just you.”
He sighs before leaning his head into the palm of her right hand. Exhausted. He’s so exhausted. But she doesn’t deserve to completely push the blame onto herself after everything that had happened.
“...But we’ll figure this out. Or, at least... we’ll handle this together.”
Another soft exhale. It’s steadier, now.
“That’s what friends’re for, yeah...?”
>Ramsey Murdoch>txt: I’m about to head home from work. Would you mind if I dropped by your apartment for a few minutes? I have something I need to give you, although the timing isn’t urgent.
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
[ @percival-queen ]
“Yes. You, ah... actually remind me of one of them.”
He quirks a brow but continues to listen as she continues to speak.
And it isn’t hard to put the pieces together— that she worries when she sees him sad, the way she trails off...
And really, is she not justified in worrying about that? After what he nearly...?
Ramsey sighs and leans into her touch, a comfortable, familiar chill running up his spine as she rubs her hand along his jawline. He melts ever so slightly, the feeling already soothing away some of his more troubled thoughts, though... well.
“You have Goldbricker to help you.”
There it is.
The guilt.
He swallows thickly, unable to bring himself to respond for a solid minute.
Stronger, huh...?
(The presence in his chest is apologetic. It shouldn’t be. He doesn’t deserve that and they didn’t deserve any of this bullshit, either.)
Ramsey lets out a shaky huff, even as his fingers loosely twine through Percy’s hair.
“...I’m sorry,” he manages quietly, before letting out a feeble, half-hearted attempt at a laugh. There’s no joy in it.
“I... after what I did to you, to Goldbricker... Perc’, I...”
The words catch in his throat. Why is it so hard to say what’s been on his mind these past few weeks? Yeah he’s not alone anymore, but it’s suddenly so hard to talk, to breathe...
“I don’t... deserve...”
Either of you. I really don’t. Not after I fucked up so hard that I nearly...
[ That’s not true. ]
>Ramsey Murdoch>txt: I’m about to head home from work. Would you mind if I dropped by your apartment for a few minutes? I have something I need to give you, although the timing isn’t urgent.
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
Percy begins to rub Ramsey’s back gently, sensing the absolute exhaustion that even her normally-oblivious, non-soulbonded self couldn’t have missed. She listens with curiosity, when—
“Seven. Not all of ‘em were… outstanding, really, but. I think you’d’ve liked a few of ‘em. You?”
Her eyebrows shoot up at. She’s possibly more shocked at this factoid than the confirmation that Australia exists.
“Seven? That’s…. my. I knew there were such large families, but I wouldn’t have pinned you as belonging to one. You’re quite the…” She pauses, looking for the right words. “Free spirit, so to speak.”
“As for me— I was an only child.” After a moment, she adds with a slight smile, “I had nine adults, though. Does that mean I ‘beat you’ where large families are concerned? —Although, I suppose if you count your parents and Nana, that’d be eleven.”
[ @percival-queen ]
Hm, she was an only child-- it made sense, really.
“Seven? That’s…. my. I knew there were such large families, but I wouldn’t have pinned you as belonging to one. You’re quite the… free spirit, so to speak.”
Ramsey pauses to chew on his lip, letting out a small, weak laugh.
“Hah... yyyyeah, we were kinda all just... left to our own devices, for the most part, so. Not super tight. My parents didn’t. Uh. Get what they wanted outta the first two kids, so. Thhhhey had more.”
Something bitter briefly flickers through his gaze before he shoots her an apologetic smile. “Nana was... she was great, though. Kept all of us in line, but made sure we had fun after whatever fancy bullshit parties our parents dragged us off to... also damn, nine adults?”
He pauses again, a hint of something familiar lingering at the back of his mind. “...Lots of aunts and uncles, huh?”
>Ramsey Murdoch>txt: I’m about to head home from work. Would you mind if I dropped by your apartment for a few minutes? I have something I need to give you, although the timing isn’t urgent.
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
[an anon takes Ramsey's hand and gives him a single salami]
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[Rat can have little a salami. As a treat.]
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
{1, 13! Let the rat be happy!!}
1. Name three things that make your muse happy.
(( :)
1. Friends! coughPercycough He hates feeling alone, even if one of his bad coping mechanisms is. Pushing people away. Oof. But yeah, he cares very deeply about friends and he’s very much touch-starved. Trust issues are what have kept him alive all these years, but it also kinda leads to a general lack of friendships.
2. Art! He really likes drawing as a way to relax and unwind, or let out pent-up stress, and he likes looking at art due to his background in art history. He’ll look at a piece in a museum and make fun of it, and if someone scolds him for it, he’ll probably say something along the lines of ‘yeah but have you considered that [insert old artist name] is a little bitch and has shitty technique’
3. Cartoons and anime! Yeah he’s a fuckin weeb dfjfg he mostly watches really garbage anime and hent^i for shits and giggles (he’s of the mindset that “so bad it’s good” is the BEST genre). Though, he gets surprisingly emotional over actually-good cartoons and anime, especially when he watches very ‘chick-flick’ shows. Your Lie In April and Made In Abyss made him cry profusely and he loves them both dearly. He’s also a fan of classic anime like Akira and Cowboy Bebop.))
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
3 for the happiness headcanons?
3. Are there any scents that tie to a specific happy memory for them?
((Oh definitely! Ramsey’s sense of smell is actually really keen, so scents are one of the first things he picks up on when meeting new people or visiting new places. 
The scent of fresh, warm laundry out of the dryer soothes him because it reminds him of helping his Nana with laundry when he was little, and in more recent years, he’s become preeeetty fond of the scent of tea (Earl Grey in particular), vanilla, and the scent of rainstorms. :)
(Still isn’t a fan of what the rain itself brings, though.)
He’s also grudgingly familiar with and somewhat fond of the scent of cinnamon, burnt wood, dust, and dried grasses, these days. You won’t catch him saying that out loud, though.))
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
14?? >:3c
14. Describe your muses laugh.
((A lot of Ramsey’s laughs are just. Smirking and chuckling at stuff he thinks is entertaining (i.e. memes, pranks, etc.) or nervously chuckling in a “oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck” kind of way.
Also, something I noticed while watching EE? He keeps his golden tooth covered up a lot by his lip. The only times he doesn’t bother to hide it are when he’s either scared shitless or he’s mad-- any strong emotion, really.
So when he’s GENUINELY laughing, he doesn’t bother covering up his tooth and it makes his entire (noodle) body tremble. It’s actually a really lovely sound. Very contagious.))
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
Can you cook? What's your favourite dish?
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“I caaaaannnn, uh... Cook a little bit. I don’t exactly do it often, but I have a few recipes pretty much nailed. Like... spaghetti. Made that a lot in college, since it was cheap and I could make it last for about a week or so.”
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“Couldn’t stand looking at spaghetti or instant ramen for a solid couple months after college, not gonna lie.”
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goldbricker-ramsey · 4 years
Happiness Headcanons
1. Name three things that make your muse happy.
2. What is the last thing your muse smiled about?
3. Are there any scents that tie to a specific happy memory for them?
4. How do they show their happiness?
5. Write a drabble of one of their happiest memories.
6. How often are they happy?
7. What will usually put them in a good mood?
8. What would make them happier? Winning a ton of money or meeting their potential soul mate?
9. Are they effected by other peoples good moods?
10. Describe something they have done for someone else that made them happy?
11. How optimistic is your muse?
12. Is there anything that can instantly break their good mood?
13. How does your muse smile when they are happy?
14. Describe your muses laugh.
15. Your muse just got good news! How do they celebrate?
16. Does your muse have smile lines?
17. Are there any seasonal things that your muse is always happy to see?
18. Did they have a happy childhood?
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