goldencopper Β· 9 months
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Orion shrugged. His brother seemed off lately and there was definitely hints of it here at the mansion. The drinks. The stumbling. He adjusted his jacket and cleared his throat as he followed his brother into the backyard.
"Well... I was enjoying myself." He stated with a serious tone. "What are you doing, Oslo?" Orion asked his brother. He hated seeing him like this and while he didn't want to control his brother, he was worried about him.
"If uncle sees you like this, you know he's going to be upset." Orion said instead. He didn't want to say that he would be disappointed in him, Orion didn't want Oslo to think he didn't support him and his lifestyle.
"Do you need me to take you home?" He asked in a more comforting tone.
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π–π‡πŽ: oslo copperhead & open 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓: obliterated giant at a party 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: uncy's mansion!!!
something about the tribute gala felt so sickening. like they were plumping up livestock for the slaughter. oslo was unable to escape the reality that in a few short weeks, most of the fresh faces around him would be airlifted from the arena. throughout the night, he nursed at least one drink, sometimes two. the only way he was going to survive this evening was to cave into absolute belligerence.
the clock ticked past twelve and the gala was still raging as oslo stumbled into the backyard, stomach gurgling as he gripped the railing of the extravagant staircase as he emptied his stomach into the bushes. sweating and gasping for air, he turned around to feel the cool night on his face. he swiped the hair from his forehead and apologized to the figure that was stepping down beside him, "my apologies, how unbecoming." oslo recovered quickly, rising away from the banister and approaching, "are you enjoying the event or trying to make a quick getaway"
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goldencopper Β· 9 months
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Orion chuckled and glanced over at her. He recognized her from the reaping, she was from district four. He nodded. "Sure, I'll take a bite." He said as he leaned closer, hoping he didn't actually have to touch the cake himself.
He had just gotten a new suit and if he got it dirty, he would have to get it cleaned or re-done. He just didn't want to deal with that. "Come on, I don't think I can get anything on this suit." Orion said in a flirtatious tone.
The gamemaker smirked at her and pulled away afterwards. "So, you're from four, right?" He asked her. He already knew the answer but he wanted to hear her say it.
Orion nodded and took a sip of a drink he picked up from the table. "What do you thin of this party?" He asked, motioning to the mansion. "It's pretty spectacular, huh?" Orion stated.
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π–π‡πŽ: aphrodite saltshore & open 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓: networking girlpower at the tribute gala 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: president's mansion
by no means was aphrodite thrilled about plummeting, warp speed, on a train, to her death. amoreena had trained all her life and didn't make it, such was the case with many other career tributes. but aphrodite wasn't planning on taking this laying down. she didn't know if she could win, but she knew she was going to try, and she knew the power a smile and a carefully calculated touch. some capitol soiree was the perfect chance to assert herself and do what she did best with a touch of charm.
aphrodite paused in a chrome type of pillar where she could see her reflection. she adjusted her hair, rolled her shoulders back, and headed in the direction of refreshments. she could see drinks and all sorts of snacks unfamiliar to her. taking advantage of her own ignorance, aphrodite walked up to the table, walking her fingers across the edge, grabbing the foreign hors d'oeuvres and examining it for a brief moment. "it's beautiful." she stated plainly, turning to the person beside her and immediately making intense eye contact. her own sort of siren song. she broke eye contact to look at the floral cake in her hands, "i have to admit, i'm not sure i want to sink my teeth into this just yet." aphrodite's gaze flicked back to the other as she curiously inquired, "want a bite?" of her, or the treat, would both be fine.
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goldencopper Β· 9 months
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Orion smiled as Asena approached him. He was excited to be here but when he knew she would be attending, his excitement died. She was always trying to get inside his head and he disliked that.
"Yes, you too." He said with a tight smile. "Did you get yourself a drink?" He asked. "They've got some good ones here." Orion said, attempting small talk. When she said the mansion looked lovely, he nodded. "It does." He said as he finally took a sip of his drink.
He cleared his throat and adjusted his jacket. "So, are you excited for the games or are you just over here to grill me about my uncle again?" Orion asked, raising his brows at her.
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π–π‡πŽ: asena mavi & orion copperhead @goldencopper 𝐖𝐇𝐀𝐓: the tribute gala 𝐖𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐄: president's mansion
orion was perhaps one of the last people asena enjoyed seeing, and even less speaking with but it was unavoidable as the man was poised to become the next president, or so the whispers said. for a long time she'd debated with herself over her thoughts and feelings regarding orion but she still hadn't come to a final conclusion about him, and that in and of itself was unpleasant. at the very least she knew she shouldn't trust him, no one poised to receive that much power with or without earning it, should be trusted. and orion even less so considering his current occupation, though that felt a little more hypocritical than it probably should. it would have been too obvious to run away when she lost her window to slip out unnoticed and caught his eye. all she could really do was toss him a smile and walk over to say hello, it was expected and snubbing him wouldn't be wise.
"orion, a pleasure to see you." they both knew that was a lie, she was sure because even though she wasn't fond of him for the most part she could recognize the intelligence that glittered in his eyes. maybe that made him more of a threat, but she didn't feel personally threatened only that she meant most people needed to be careful with the copperhead heir apparent. "the mansion looks lovely tonight." a less than enthusiastic acknowledgement for certain, the mansion was a spectacle and she was underselling it on purpose.
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goldencopper Β· 9 months
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PATRICK SCHWARZENEGGER, CIS MAN, HE/HIM β€” The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes ORION COPPERHEAD, a GAMEMAKER. Word around The Capitol is that they’re ADROIT & DUTIFUL but can also be EGOCENTRIC & POSSESSIVE. According to sources, they’re TWENTY-FOUR and were once described as ICARUS FLYING DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE SUN, SEEMINGLY PERFECT AND READY TO UNRAVEL, THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS, THE CHOICE BETWEEN CONTENTMENT AND ENDLESS AMBITION. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
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ππ€π’πˆπ‚. full name: orion lukas copperhead gender & pronouns: cis man (he/him) orientation: heterosexual & heteromantic age: twenty-four d.o.b: april 4th zodiac sign: aries sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising traits: adroit, dutiful, egocentric, possessive alignment: chaotic evil cabin number: thirteen (hades) character inspiration: young president snow (songbirds and snakes), effie trinket (hunger games), sejanus (songbirds and snakes)
Deceive 3
Fight 2
Lore (knowledge) 3
Notice 2
Physique 3
Provoke 1
Rapport 2
Resourcefulness 1
Stealth 1
Will 2
Orion’s whole life revolved around a strategic yet simple plan. He had to be the best. No matter the cost. He was the first born to parents he never got to know. Although, that didn’t stop them from putting all their expectations on his shoulders. His uncle worked hard for his place in Panem and Orion wanted to do the same. He held a small amount of detestation for his own father, who seemed to not only enjoy the easy life but who believed his sons should do the same. This only caused the eldest Copperhead to want to work harder. He would be the one to rebuild the name his father wasted. This meant pushing himself beyond what he thought was capable. No one knew about Orion’s internal struggle, nor did they care if they knew. Orion smiled and attended event after event while he trailed behind his uncle with an undeniable loyalty. That’s what they cared about. His image Orion heard it everywhere he went. β€œHe’s just like his uncle… He’ll be the President one day… That Copperhead will go far!” He usually shook it off but one thing was sure, Orion knew what the public wanted. For him to succeed. In private, Orion journaled about what he was sacrificing for this life. His morals? His sanity? Other lives that were thrown away so easily while he always got a seat at the table. He sometimes thought that this was a nightmare. His entire life was some big game and one day, he would wake up in another district where he was forced to go back to reality. He almost dreamt of it sometimes, the people he saw from the other districts. He started to wonder what might be outside the Capitol and how different his life truly was. At eighteen, he graduated top of his class and was offered a position as a gamemaker. Of course having your uncle as the President had its perks in this case. Instead of accepting, Orion wanted to finally understand how the other districts operated. He joined the Peacemakers and for two years he was stationed in District 6, Transportation. The entirety of Panem was confused by the eldests choice but Orion knew he could never be President one day if he had never set foot out of the Capitol. His uncle was disappointed but when Orion explained his reasoning, the golden boy finally got what he always wanted. Approval from the President himself. When Orion returned to the Capitol, he became a Gamemaker. Just like his time in District 6, he took to his role quickly and became well-loved amongst the others. Orion enjoyed the planning, the strategy and the overall excitement of the games but what he didn’t think about was the deaths. Watching the games as a child and a teen had a different tone now. Especially after living outside the Capitol. Orion’s days started to bleed together and while he knew the games meant death, it also meant he was another step closer to becoming President. The pressure and desire to be perfect returned, stronger than ever before. He started speaking up more, offering more plans for the following games and even asking to shadow Head Gamemakers as the years went on. This year, Orion’s strategy is the same as always. Be perfect. Be the best and he will come out on top, just as he always does.
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goldencopper Β· 10 months
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Patrick Schwarzenegger
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