#orion — biography
mr-orion · 1 year
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Mzamaki is a merperson from the warm lake Kellasew. He is best equipped for warm freshwater and will dehydrate in prolonged exposure to saltwater. They are a master of the alteration class of Magic. They use their power to shift between a legged form and tailed one.
While being rather extroverted Mzamaki is a social outcast in his pod. Even showing so in his clay house, which situates half on the shore and half in the water. As oppesed to the rocky underwater caves his species tends to prefer. Occasionally one of his 15 siblings will slither up the shore to visit.
He is a child of an affair. He is most certainly not his fathers son and it is easy to see. He is bright pink while his father is blue and mother purple. Additionally he looks extremely similar to a deadbeat that has fathered plenty of other neon pink children. Mzamaki is relatively sure 3 people in his pod are definitely his half siblings out of the 6 he suspects. There are probably a few he doesn't suspect.
Mzamaki heavily enjoys human towns, especially the inns. He also enjoys being the center of attention and flirting with the locals. But, when it comes time to act on flirting. He's a mess. He once threw himself in a lake after a lovely lady asked to hold his hand romantically. He has kissed anyone, nor has he held their hands.
Currently there is a boy in his village that has piqued his interest. An elven medium with a jolted disposition. While they had previously talked during Mzamaki's drunken nights stumbling up to his door to slur questions about spirits at 3am, Mzamaki never had a proper conversation witb the other. At least until he screws up and discovers an evil power in their world and turns to the other for help. Unfortunately the timing is awful, and now is not the time for feelings, as Mzamaki is on a quest with the other to defeat a great evil lingering in their world.
For now, Mzamaki knows he must not doddle on his crush but instead be a good friend to the other. So they can support each other through the work and to the end. If they win... will Mzamaki even be able to address the feelings or will they make him into a flustered mess that makes an ass of himself?
Due to the dangers and exertion of underwater life along with surviving it, the surface does not seem like much. Mzamaki is heavily overconfident with no regard for their own safety. They put themselves in suicidal situations for fun.
He's really lucky, always dodging death. Against all odds he's somehow always finding a way. A path. A reason to live.
His friendship with the medium of his village has began to give him insight. After all, who knows the dead better than someone who talks to them? Souls of those just as scared and hopeless in death as they were in life. The souls that thought it would bring them piece to find their rest byt only found themselves the same.
Mzamaki is a sapling. Already filled with so much potential and power. He is fragile against the wind and the soes of passerbys, but if he doesn't let himself falter to a sense of worthlessness he will one day be a grand tree. His leaves reaching out for new opportunity while his roots dig into the grounds of his past. Coming to terms with the ebb and flow of life.
Feel free to ask questions about them, I'll answer vuujjbkysuvibifidib
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goldencopper · 9 months
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PATRICK SCHWARZENEGGER, CIS MAN, HE/HIM — The 74th Annual Hunger Games are upon us and here comes ORION COPPERHEAD, a GAMEMAKER. Word around The Capitol is that they’re ADROIT & DUTIFUL but can also be EGOCENTRIC & POSSESSIVE. According to sources, they’re TWENTY-FOUR and were once described as ICARUS FLYING DANGEROUSLY CLOSE TO THE SUN, SEEMINGLY PERFECT AND READY TO UNRAVEL, THE WEIGHT OF THE WORLD ON YOUR SHOULDERS, THE CHOICE BETWEEN CONTENTMENT AND ENDLESS AMBITION. What a character! As we always say, may the odds be ever in their favor!
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𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂. full name: orion lukas copperhead gender & pronouns: cis man (he/him) orientation: heterosexual & heteromantic age: twenty-four d.o.b: april 4th zodiac sign: aries sun, scorpio moon, gemini rising traits: adroit, dutiful, egocentric, possessive alignment: chaotic evil cabin number: thirteen (hades) character inspiration: young president snow (songbirds and snakes), effie trinket (hunger games), sejanus (songbirds and snakes)
Deceive 3
Fight 2
Lore (knowledge) 3
Notice 2
Physique 3
Provoke 1
Rapport 2
Resourcefulness 1
Stealth 1
Will 2
Orion’s whole life revolved around a strategic yet simple plan. He had to be the best. No matter the cost. He was the first born to parents he never got to know. Although, that didn’t stop them from putting all their expectations on his shoulders. His uncle worked hard for his place in Panem and Orion wanted to do the same. He held a small amount of detestation for his own father, who seemed to not only enjoy the easy life but who believed his sons should do the same. This only caused the eldest Copperhead to want to work harder. He would be the one to rebuild the name his father wasted. This meant pushing himself beyond what he thought was capable. No one knew about Orion’s internal struggle, nor did they care if they knew. Orion smiled and attended event after event while he trailed behind his uncle with an undeniable loyalty. That’s what they cared about. His image Orion heard it everywhere he went. “He’s just like his uncle… He’ll be the President one day… That Copperhead will go far!” He usually shook it off but one thing was sure, Orion knew what the public wanted. For him to succeed. In private, Orion journaled about what he was sacrificing for this life. His morals? His sanity? Other lives that were thrown away so easily while he always got a seat at the table. He sometimes thought that this was a nightmare. His entire life was some big game and one day, he would wake up in another district where he was forced to go back to reality. He almost dreamt of it sometimes, the people he saw from the other districts. He started to wonder what might be outside the Capitol and how different his life truly was. At eighteen, he graduated top of his class and was offered a position as a gamemaker. Of course having your uncle as the President had its perks in this case. Instead of accepting, Orion wanted to finally understand how the other districts operated. He joined the Peacemakers and for two years he was stationed in District 6, Transportation. The entirety of Panem was confused by the eldests choice but Orion knew he could never be President one day if he had never set foot out of the Capitol. His uncle was disappointed but when Orion explained his reasoning, the golden boy finally got what he always wanted. Approval from the President himself. When Orion returned to the Capitol, he became a Gamemaker. Just like his time in District 6, he took to his role quickly and became well-loved amongst the others. Orion enjoyed the planning, the strategy and the overall excitement of the games but what he didn’t think about was the deaths. Watching the games as a child and a teen had a different tone now. Especially after living outside the Capitol. Orion’s days started to bleed together and while he knew the games meant death, it also meant he was another step closer to becoming President. The pressure and desire to be perfect returned, stronger than ever before. He started speaking up more, offering more plans for the following games and even asking to shadow Head Gamemakers as the years went on. This year, Orion’s strategy is the same as always. Be perfect. Be the best and he will come out on top, just as he always does.
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nghubs1 · 1 month
Orion Taraban, Psy.D., is a clinical psychologist, educator, and content creator who has made significant contributions to the field of psychology. He is best known for his podcast, PsycHacks, which has garnered a wide following for its engaging and practical approach to mental health and self-improvement. ORION TARABAN PROFILE NameOrion Taraban Real NameOrion Taraban Date of Birth 1 October…
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what do you think sirius’s relationship with his father was like
(i wrote a whole fucking biography, but there's a tldr at the bottom w some notes! also. i am so sorry. this ended up being orion's relationship with his eldest son instead. its pov orion forgive me please.)
sirius and orion ..... there's not much in canon about them, i think, right? he mentions him a whopping one time, when he said his father was the one who made Number Twelve unplottable and that's it, so i think orion was just. so very absent. and neglectful. especially considering how much walburga is mentioned and how big of a part she played in sirius' life.
that's all for canon, i think. now for the fun hc time !!
i imagine orion to be fairly quiet, more like regulus. i imagine he dealt with walburga's anger and mood swings (i hc her (and sirius) with bipolar ii disorder which was obv untreated her whole life bc a) fifties b) ew muggles im perfectly fine) ever since they met (with orion being younger and more complacent, too) so it wasn't a marriage where they were both equals, and orion resented walburga for it.
enter sirius black.
when sirius was born, walburga was completely focused on him. she had her son, her everything, her precious little child and orion was free. i think he loved sirius for it - for how walburga didn't notice when orion left the room or entered it, for how much walburga loved her son.
the first few years was good, sirius was charming, regulus was obedient, walburga was happy and orion was distant from the woman who'd ruined his life. plus, he liked his kids!
sure, sirius was too headstrong and aggressive and had mood swings and sure that reminded him a little bit of walburga and so he usually treasured his precious regulus, and yeah, sirius had cried more than once that dad doesnt love me! but it was all just fine, because he loved his son! he did, really! at least one of them, anyway.
by the time sirius was ten, orion was hoping his hogwarts letter would come early.
it was sirius' first big rebellion, and walburga had (after punishing sirius as she saw fit - orion didn't bother asking, the boy was more comfortable with his mother anyway) locked herself in her room for more than a week, but that was fine, he was used to it. no, the problem was that sirius also stayed in his room for a week, and orion was connecting dots.
from then to dropping sirius off at the train, orion withdrew himself. he noticed. he observed. he busied himself. sirius talked to him, and he didn't ignore him completely, he was still a good father (right?) so he played chess and taught potions and told him who to and not to talk to like he was supposed to.
(he hated the noise the mother and son caused. he hated them, too.)
he pretended to sympathize when walburga said she missed him already when they saw the bus go off.
when sirius came back for christmas, he steered clear for the first two days. walburga handled the punishments: sorting, his friendships, his misdemeanors. orion nodded along.
i am a good father. it's his fault for not being a good son.
regulus was so good, and for all the time the boys spent together, regulus never rubbed off on him.
oh god. what if sirius infects him, too? the only normal one there - what if sirius takes regulus in his madness?
so he separates regulus, too.
by then, he doesn't know what's going on with sirius. regulus told him, time to time, but orion's dislike of his son was becoming clear, so regulus steered clear of the sirius' name. sirius learnt to be away from his father's study. walburga yelled at him more for his negligence but he took it and continued his one sided resentment to his son. (was it one sided anymore? orion didn't know.)
summer vacation is spent in his study and in his bedroom. the two places sirius never was. he didn't know where sirius was, but he heard the occasional screaming and then he had the pleasure of not seeing sirius for a few days.
when, the next year, regulus has to go with sirius, he resents walburga for not saying she missed him already. but she had missed sirius. cursed mother, cursed child.
in third year, walburga signs sirius' hogsmeade permission slip. whatever. he didn't even know it had been signed till the following year, when regulus came to him and they had a few moments of small talk.
regulus mentioned sirius idolized andromeda. he couldn't imagine why, and he couldn't imagine why regulus told him.
by the summer before fourth year, sirius and orion didn't talk. orion scolded him for one thing or another ('posture!' , 'you're late' , 'you're friends with a pettrigrew?' , 'your hair is unkept'), he gave scoffed when sirius made a pronunciation error with his words (regulus wouldn't've. stupid boy, sirius didn't deserve the title of heir.), he punished sirius and then he went back to his study (*sanctuary).
walburga tells him sirius has been sneaking out to muggle london, he has indecent pictures spelled to his walls, he's changed, orion, he's different now. orion doesn't tell her that sirius had always been different, and never in a good way. (he doesn't tell her that she is the same.)
sirius didn't come back for christmas that year. he doesn't notice till walburga screamed at him. he was more focused on how walburga clung to his regulus closer that year.
by the summer before sirius' fifth year, sirius' fights were no longer contained for his mother. he yelled at anyone who would give him time of day.
bellatrix, portraits, kreacher, walurga of course, regulus even.
not his father.
if he saw his father, he would simply walk away.
sirius never walked away from anyone, but orion was grateful nonetheless. he'd hexed sirius a few times, naturally, but he didn't want it to become something regular.
(he was grateful for the days sirius spent holed up into his room.)
by the end of summer, sirius and him had barely exchanged a word that wasn't orion chastising him and sirius replying with a curt yes father.
(it felt like an insult. father. no, orion wasn't a father to that vile thing. sirius was his mother's son. orion had nothing to do with him. and he knew sirius didn't feel differently - he heard sirius refer to him by name when he conversed with regulus.)
when that year ended, and summer began, sirius didn't grant his father the gift of silence. he yelled at him too. every word orion spoke, sirius gave three in return, every hex orion performed sirius laughed at ('is that it? i've been done worse by kids my year.'). he hates him, now. he doesn't hate walburga as much, walburga stayed in her room more, she came out to scream for a few hours and went back.
he blocks that whole summer out. he hates yelling. he hates being yelled at. sirius was walburga, but worse. infinitely worse. he's so relieved when he wakes up to find sirius gone that he can barely hear walburga's shrieks, or bother trying to undo the careful expression regulus wears.
sirius visits him through walburga regardless. (how funny, at first it had been the other way around). sirius had never been one for letting go of things. he haunts orion's dreams and when he hears certain phrases he thinks of his fallen star.
tldr : orion is reminded of walburga (abuser?) when he looks at sirius and distances himself till he finds himself no longer seeing himself as a father for sirius
stuff i didn't mention : walburga uses regulus as sirius' replacement when he runs away and orion hates her for it even though he does the same , he does 100% despise sirius' muggle/gryfindor/blood traitors esque etc stand points, i just feel like that's a given though soo i didnt include it (sorry!!). he just lets walburga handle it, for the most part.
tysm for the ask @albi-bumblebee <3
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corvidmasters · 1 year
i finished my first run of FSR. i love arjuna's depiction so god damn much. spoilers under the cut.
there's no karna. he is karnaless throughout the entire story. he isn't even mentioned in arjuna's fully unlocked biography. rather what's mentioned is the fact that he's from an era of war and that he was rewarded gandiva through his own achievements.
the first time you meet him he fights you because he thinks iori and saber are responsible for the attacks on kanagawa port. he's trying to do the right thing and protect the people of the land he's anchored to, in classic arjuna fashion. when he admitted he rushed to conclusions about iori & saber i immediately thought of orion's observation in aeaea and laughed. truly a man who thinks he has everything under control but he actually throws gasoline on the fire and he doesn't even realize he's doing it.
but he's not just kind and gentle and perfect and putting on his distant polite prince facade. he gets to have fun! he gets to fight iori, he calls iori his one and only friend in the world after their second battle, he says he likes to hang out with iori and saber with the sweetest laugh when you unlock enough of his skill tree.
he even feels like one of the more important rogues. if you recapture kanagawa port during the final battle he goes so far as to free the surrounding spirit fonts from enemy control as thanks, then tells iori to push on with a smile, this will be his final battle, good luck.
compared to all his story content in fgo, it doesn't seem like much. but i'm happy.
also all of his attacks are pretty and elegant and there was a certain power i felt having him stop enemies before they could hurt iori with a big attack. and i got to pashupata gil's ass into oblivion.
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carewyncromwell · 2 months
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Day 3 (Stargazing) for @hphm-ship-week
"A look in somebody's eyes To light up the skies, To open the world and send it reeling... A voice that says, "I'll be here And you'll be alright." I don't care if I know Just where I will go 'Cause all that I need's this crazy feeling -- A rat-tat-tat on my heart -- Think I want it to stay..."
~"City of Stars (cover)" by Kenzie Nimmo and Harris Heller
2007 was an exciting year in Wizarding Britain. The Boy Who Lived, Harry Potter, was named the new Head of the Auror Department; a biography about war hero Alastor "Mad-Eye" Moody was published in time for the tenth anniversary of his death; and in the Quidditch world, the Chudley Cannons made it to the League Finals for the first time in over a century, though they did still end up losing to League favorite the Montrose Magpies.
For the Magpies' Star Chaser and Captain Orion Amari specifically, however, 2007 was also an emotional year -- for it was the year that his daughter Eos was set to start her Hogwarts education.
When Eos received her letter from Deputy Headmaster Neville Longbottom, she tried to hold in her excitement. She had always been rather soft-spoken, and her hands were shaking with nerves, but she also couldn't stop herself from showering her father with eager questions. Even as she and her father sat out on the roof that night, looking up at the stars like they always did before bed, she couldn't stop talking about the letter still clutched in her hands.
"Right here they say no broomsticks..." Eos mumbled, pointing out the postscript on her school supply list as she looked up at Orion imploringly, "...but they still have brooms at school I can borrow, right? I can still fly if I want to...right, Dad?"
"Of course," said Orion serenely. "Their thought is to protect those students without the flying education you've had. It would be silly and pointless to ask a bird not to use her wings."
This calmed Eos down significantly. "Oh, good. I really hoped they wouldn't stop me from trying out for my house team..."
"They would not. But be aware that Hogwarts's house teams rarely consider first years for their roster, Mooncalf. Even Skye and I had to wait until our second year to be considered."
Eos visibly deflated. Orion brought his hand down onto his daughter's head.
"Do not take my caution as discouragement," he said gently. "I merely wish to set expectations for you. I would be delighted if you defied the odds and earned a spot on your house team in your first year -- but I would be just as proud, just knowing that you chose to fight those odds to your utmost...or that you wanted to train up before trying out next year. Even if you ultimately chose not to try out at all."
Eos looked appalled. "Not play Quidditch? Why would I do that?"
"However like Nifflers we both are, Carewyn had a different kind of gold to chase at school than I did, and I never resented that," Orion said in amusement.
Eos bit back a grin at the mention of her father's romantic partner.
"I thought Carewyn was your Abraxan, Dad, not a Niffler."
"We are all akin to Nifflers in a way, so long as we have a goal we pursue fearlessly, little Mooncalf."
"Well, my goal is to play Quidditch! Just like you."
Orion chuckled as he lightly ruffled her dark hair.
"If that is what your heart desires, then don't let that go, for an instant. Listen to your heart...and I will always be proud of you."
Eos's face lit up like a silent sunbeam. Beaming from ear to ear, the skinny dark-haired preteen threw her arms around her father's chest and gave him a big hug. Orion cradled her for a moment, looking up at the sky. It was only when he was sure his daughter wasn't looking at him that he took that breath he'd been holding, but truly hadn't wanted her to see him take.
The two hugged once again, just that tightly, on Platform 9 3/4 that September 1st. Eos then turned to Carewyn and silently swept over to give her just as big of a hug. At age 11, Eos was quickly catching up with Carewyn height-wise, so her face landed right beside her honorary "stepmother's" chest.
"Write to your father or me if you need anything," Carewyn told her quietly.
Eos nodded. Carewyn's twenty-two-year-old son ward Erik Apollo brought a hand onto Eos's shoulder from behind.
"Don't worry so much," he said with a smirk. "I'll see Doe-Eyes in the halls almost every day -- I'll keep an eye on her."
"Don't think I don't notice you're not promising to keep her out of trouble like I asked you to," Carewyn said very coolly.
Erik gave a bark of laughter. "Hey, I'm a TA, not a fuckin' babysitter."
Carewyn whacked Erik on the arm with her purse while Eos burst into stifled, girlish giggles. The group's banter was cut short, though, when Hogwarts Express gave a loud toot.
"That's our cue, Doe-Eyes," Erik said stridently. "We'd better get moving."
Picking up Eos's trunk, he hoisted it up onto the train, climbed up, and then helped Eos up onto the train as well.
Eos turned around, back toward Orion. Her father gave her a small smile.
"Look up at the stars tonight, Mooncalf," he reminded her.
Eos bit her lip. Swallowing back the lump in her throat, she gave the bravest nod she could. "Mm-hmm..."
The train gave a lurch and Eos had to grab onto the railing on the edge of the door frame to keep from falling over. Erik brought an arm around to support her as the Hogwarts Express began to inch out of the station -- Orion raised a hand in a static wave goodbye, and Eos waved back more actively, even as her big black eyes began to flood with tears.
It was only after the train finally left the station that Orion very slowly lowered his arm and his smile faded. He stared at the opening the train had left through for a very, very long time in silence. Carewyn stood beside him, her shoulder resting beside his before her fingers enclosed gently around his wrist.
Orion looked at her. The red-haired lawyer was likewise looking out at where the Hogwarts Express had vanished rather than at him, but her hand on his wrist was warm and reassuring. She even tried to match his breathing -- as if she was trying to quietly take the heavy weight on Orion's shoulders partially onto hers as well.
Orion's face softened as he exhaled. He leaned in to place a kiss to the top of Carewyn's head, grateful for her support. Carewyn looked up at him.
"Are you ready to go?" she asked softly.
"Yes," Orion said with another heavy sigh. "Yes, I believe so."
Carewyn turned to him. Bringing a hand up to run over his cheek, she held it in place so she could place a soft peck to the side of his chin. Then, securing her arm around her partner's, she walked with him out of the train station.
Carewyn and Orion walked through London that afternoon, stopping by Diagon Alley to pick up a new Broom Compass at Quality Quidditch Supplies and some flavor-changing mood tea at Rosa Lee Teabag. They then stopped into Weasley's Wizarding Wheezes briefly to visit Carewyn's old friend George Weasley. Orion ended up taking to the one lone black Pygmy Puff in the cage by the front desk, though once he'd gently scooped it up, he somehow attracted all of the remaining pink and purple Puffs up onto his arms, shoulder, head and clothes, and Carewyn and George couldn't fight back laughter as they worked together to "rescue" Orion from the overly affectionate bundles of fluff.
"Pygmy Puffs are supposed to be very good pets," Carewyn said later, as they strolled back through London together. "Maybe we could surprise Eos with one for Christmas."
Orion glanced away. "...Yes. Hopefully our new furry friend would like our woods as much as we do..."
Carewyn could sense slight melancholy coming off her partner. She knew how close Orion and Eos had always been -- she figured Christmastime had to feel so very, very far away, in that moment.
"...I'm sure they will," she said gently.
She unlocked the door to her flat and headed on inside. Once Orion closed the door behind them, she took his hand.
"Come on," said Carewyn. "There's one more thing I have planned, before we settle in for dinner."
Orion cocked his eyebrows. "Oh?"
Carewyn avoided his eyes as she led him into the center of the room with both hands. Their matching gold partnership bands glinted in the light of the side lamp.
"I'll have to use Side-Along Apparition," Carewyn said bracingly.
Orion ran his thumbs along the back of her hands. "I shall go where you go, my Abraxan."
Carewyn's red lips curled up in a comforted smile as she gave his hands a light squeeze.
In seconds, Orion had been yanked through space after Carewyn, and suddenly the two of them were on a hill just outside of London.
Orion looked around. The view was impressive -- London by night glittered with thousands and thousands of tiny lights, akin to stars...and just above them, twinkling down from above, were the actual stars, blending in with the city below.
When Orion looked at Carewyn, she was smiling self-consciously as she looked out at the view too.
"You always have such a beautiful view of the stars, back in Montrose," she muttered. "I knew I couldn't give you that in London, but...well, I thought at least this way, it'd be easier for us to look at the stars together. ...To tell Eos that we saw the same stars she did."
Orion watched Carewyn as she stared out at the night sky rather than him.
"I missed Erik so much, when he first left for school. I missed him even more when he moved out, remember? And you were there for me then. ...I want to be here for you now. Even if I'm happy for Eos, and I know you are too...that doesn't mean I don't understand how hard it is...knowing that she's growing up. That soon she's going to be her own person, separate from you...and she won't need you so much anymore. ...That's why I want to be there. Because I know it's a happy time, and it will only be happier as time goes by...but that doesn't mean it isn't also scary."
Little by little, Orion's expression melted.
He brought up his hand to rest under her chin. With his pointer finger and thumb, he gently coaxed her to look at him -- then, swooping in, he kissed her fully. When he broke the kiss, he remained right beside her, their foreheads and noses touching.
"My dear Abraxan...your presence will never fail to give me courage."
Carewyn smiled. Leaning in to peck his lips again briefly, she then brought her head down beside his shoulder as she looked above them.
"Your constellation wouldn't be out tonight, would it?" she asked.
"No," said Orion. "Orion appears in the spring. But Cygnus is very bright tonight -- see? Those are his wings."
"Oh! Right, Cygnus is a swan," recalled Carewyn. "I see him. That really bright star is his tail, right?"
"Yes. That is Deneb. His name is even derived from the Arabic for 'tail.'"
Carewyn looked up at the constellation thoughtfully. Orion raised his eyebrows at her.
"Does Cygnus trouble you?"
Carewyn shook her head. "No...just a bit disappointed I can't think of any songs about swans right now."
Orion's black eyes softened. "Ah."
He brought an arm around her as they looked up at the sky together.
"Well...if you think of any, we can enclose the lyrics in our letter to Eos."
Carewyn smiled up at him and nodded. She looked back up at the sky, resting her head back on his shoulder. Orion leaned his head gently beside hers in return.
"I could reach out to my old friend Pitts," Carewyn suggested. "He's a house elf who works in the Hogwarts kitchens. He's Disapparated in and out of the school before...he might leave our letter on Eos's pillow in her new dorm tonight, if I ask him nicely. And reassure him that Eos is a good girl who never gets into trouble and loves sandwiches more than anything in the world."
Orion chuckled. He loved that idea.
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ltwilliammowett · 2 years
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Admiral George Perceval's Naval General Service Medal 1847 with clasp for the Battle of Trafalgar on 21 October 1805, left his portrait showing him in his Midshipman uniform.
Excitingly, he is often credited as the commissioned Powder Monkey who served on HMS Orion, 74 guns, during the Battle of Trafalgar. Now there is only one thing, firstly the portrait shows him in Midshipman uniform and secondly there are no commissioned Powder Monkeys. In the Trafalgar Roll he is listed as a Volunteer first class, i.e. a Midshipman candidate. Some biographies also see him as a Midshipman. I suspect he started as a Volunteer because at that time he was 11 years old, there are also very young Midshipman, but as he had been at Harrow School, a public school, I suspect the former.
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seriowan · 2 years
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here is a more in-depth introduction post with monthly themes/submission rules/ and more!
purpose: to provide a safe & positive platform for star wars oc creators. this gallery is here to encourage others to be creative and confident in their ocs & to also provide community. remember, every oc is different. every oc is unique. every oc is special. every oc is valued.
! spreading positivity is appreciated; reblogging is encouraged !
note: while there aren't many submissions this first time around, my hope is that this event will gain a bit more traction so that more oc creators fill out the submission form for next month's theme! — also, to those who submitted but do not see your submissions up in this exhibit, your ocs didn't quite fit the theme of the month but don't worry! they've been saved so that they can be added to the proper upcoming themes ☺️
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Bel-Eliel Jensei (@elismor) None of Us Perfect (fic)
Sa’dyra Secla (@echos-girlfriend) General info link Latest info dump
Orion Tenebris (@moonlight-sonata99) Orion (art)
Rina Caska (@l-lend) Meditation (oc x wrecker fic) Days Like This (oc x wrecker fic) Playing House (oc x wrecker fic)
Talia Riva (@baba-fett) Illicit Affairs (oc x rex fic)
Kiana and Kiho Umaki (@seriowan) Art and drabble info dump
Kei'Ara Agri (@get-wr3ckered) Biography
Zaiya Valessa (@kimageddon) A Prince of Dathomir (oc x darth maul fic)
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Agent Eliix (@agenteliix) (old republic chiss oc) A Kept Secret: Prologue (fic) Break the Ice (fic) Agent Ellix (art)
Lt. Kaeso Blithe (@blithe-imperial-underling) Biography/Info Post
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exhibit masterpost taglist: @kimageddon @elismor @dnxgma @wizardofrozz @fives-lover @lucyysthings @babygirlrex0504 @starborncyare
(join the taglist to be added to the monthly exhibit posts where everyone's ocs will be on display! — please reblog to signal boost and get this event out there!)
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cosmicslcves · 2 months
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(oscar isaac, cis man, he/him) here lies the story of ORION DE LA LUNA, the 45 year old CHILD OF THE MOON. if you’ve seen them around forks for the past SIX YEARS don’t be alarmed, they’re only here because FORKS IS HOME. they’ve gathered quite the reputation for being FRIENDLY and CLOSED OFF. that’s probably due to their loyalties lying with THE LUNA PACK.
full name: orion augustus de la luna
birthday: march 9th, 1979
age: 465
place of birth: forks, washington
sexuality: bisexual biromantic
zodiac: pisces
species: child of the moon
3 positive traits: friendly, generous, and intelligent
3 negative traits: closed off, calculating, and tempermental
moral alignment: true neutral
hobbies: tbd
love language: touch (will always be touching you if he likes you, he's like a dog just LOVE HIM)
additional information:
occupation: dilf unemployed
languages: english & spanish
family: augustus de la luna (father), artemis de la luna (mother), ____ de la luna (twin brother)
education: high school dipolma, some college
biography :
orion augustus is born at midnight, when the moon is highest. his twin brother shortly follows and orion makes it his mission to protect his brother from everything and anything. the brothers are close, growing up with only the other for the longest time.
his mother tells him stories of the moon and things that go bump in the night, but orion barely listens to them. folklore, bedtime stories his mother makes up to keep the brothers in line.
and then comes school, which proves easy for orion. the classes are easy and school work is a breeze, which leaves time for orion to observe the people around him.
there he meets a boy that will forever change orion's life. a best friend turned crush and then later orion's greatest heartbreak. but orion keeps those feelings to himself, knowing that being charlie's friend is better than anything else.
and then comes the first and worst heartbreak of orion's life. charlie gets married and orion decides to leave forks behind. there he travels the world, settling down for short periods of time before moving on. he makes friends, dates often, but leaves before it becomes something more.
orion eventually tries college, going for social work as a major, but doesn't fall in love with it so he drops out. it's another failure in orion's life.
but then the unimaginable happens, the folklore his mother warns him about catches up to him one full moon. he gets scratched by something, waking up the next full moon with a destroyed room and no memory of what happened. he spends the next decade of his life learning how to control his transformations, eventually finding a witch that gives him the ability to semi-control what is happening to him.
he then settles back somewhere in the midwest, helping others like him that have been turned and want to learn to control it. with the rumors of the supernatural creeping into forks, he packs up everything in hopes charlie has made it out.
moving back to forks proves to be the best thing to happen to orion, he marries charlie and develops a small pack of his own.
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mr-camhed · 9 days
Name: Maspectra
Age: 4.77 million years
Gender: none(formerly male, modified out)
Faction: Decepticon(formerly)
Assigned Forces: Decepticon military command(formerly)
Role: Strategist and analyst
Motto: "everything is connected, you just need to find The right string. "
Personality: Maspectra is a Machine of logic. Not to The level of obsession and stoicism like Shockwave, but to an obsessive compulsive and uptightness that some(many) cons would find annoying as it tries to dig into the very root of anything no matter It's a lighthearted joke, something requiring urgent decision or actually needs to dig deep. But at The same time, Maspectra can be the only one to sniff out anything ulterior behind everything, even if it might be late for it.
Alternate mode: a black full size sedan similar to The Willard Elegant in GTA San Andreas
Appearance: Maspectra is around 6 meters tall and has a transformation scheme similar to that of TFP Vehicons, and his head and chestpiece resembles that of the Super Tactical Droids of star Wars series, including The three photoreceptors, but Maspectra's head is more squared with a proper neck, and its third eye blinks as he speaks. Maspectra's robot mode has a main color scheme of black and gray with gold accent on The face and silver stripes on The body, and a damaged Decepticon badge on his left shoulder.
Weaponry: Maspectra has average strength but superior intelligence. In vehicle mode, Maspectra can achieve a top speed of 150mph, and has a surprisingly nimble handling and 500kg of cargo capacity. In robot mode, Maspectra's photoreceptors are Capable of many functions such as heat vision, X Ray vision, ballistic calculation, action predictions, etc. He can also use his third photoreceptor to project small hologram pictures and speaks using both his own voice module and pieces of voice recordings from others. Maspectra is also equipped with a repeating energy blaster pistol for self defenses.
Character Biography: Maspectra of Helex was a cold constructed that was built for accounting in governmental departments. However, he was rendered obsolete soon afterwards and was rendered unemployed. However, using his connections, he quickly joined The criminal underworld and began working for prominent crime families and corrupted Senators. However, he was captured when one of his connection named Algorithmaster was caught by his colleague which escalated into a massive sting operation led by Orion pax which ended up with him being one of The fall bots for The crime lords and Senators involved and behind the Institute Conspiracy and sent to prison where he was given a chance of reduced sentencing by getting bodily modifications which are experimental and might be dangerous, which he accepted. And by The time of The Kaon riots, Maspectra has became unrecognizable from his original Appearances. Around The same time, he has been secretly working for the burgeoning Decepticon movement, which he would join soon after and be a member of until The Nemesis' disastrous pursuit of The Ark and The subsequent Decepticon warlords' power struggle during which he finally became disillusioned of the organization.
Weakness: Maspectra's calculation is very energy consuming, and prone to overheat which can hamper his efficiency of calculation which his obsessive compulsion was unfortunately a massive factor and problem for it.
Commentary: I originally wrote this Character for someone else's story of a ship of wacky Characters going on fun adventures(yes, it was during The early days of MTMTE) and i thought it would be funnier if an extremely uptight and tense Character was roped into it more or less against its will.
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doomdvys · 25 days
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[ yim siwan, demi-man, he/they ] Look who just landed! DAESUNG SHIN (SH-1N V4.5), I sure hope you packed all you need. Perhaps you’re not worried as SCIENTIST of X ACADEMY. The city has plenty of spots for a 32 year old ANDROID like you. You’ll be known in the city soon enough as THE DOUBLE EDGED SWORD, being AFFABLE and ABSENTMINDED. ( anna, 26, gmt+7, removed for discretion )
FULL NAME: daesung shin. NICKNAME: dae, sh-1n v4.5. DATE OF BIRTH: x 2405. GENDER: demi man. PRONOUNS: he / they. SEXUAL ORIENTATION: demisexual. ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: panromantic. CURRENT AGE: thirty two. MODIFICATION: android ( unaware ). AFFILIATION: x academy. BIRTHPLACE: new jakarta, mars. CURRENT NEIGHBOURHOOD: mawar district. OCCUPATION: scientist of x academy. KNOWN LANGUAGES: english ( native ), korean ( fluent ), japanese ( conversational ), indonesian ( conversational ).
FACECLAIM: yim siwan HEIGHT: 5'6" EYE COLOUR: dark brown. HAIR COLOUR: black. CLOTHING STYLE: their style tends to lean towards dark academia. you'd often find him with in layers with dark and/or muted earth colors. JEWELLERY: daesung tends to stay away from jewellery, though they're rarely seen without their stainless steel watch. TATTOOS: daesung doesn't have any tattoos. MARKS/SCARS: daesung has no scars on their body, mostly thanks to the artificial skin. there is a small panel on their left shoulder blade, perfectly and seamlessly hidden unless you're purposefully look for it. access to it will allow you to review and modify his programming. MODIFICATIONS: daesung suffered from an artificial skin grafted due to burns he suffered in their youth. the artificial skin is thicker for constitution, their eyes glows yellow when certain protocol is of their programming is engaged. SCENT/FRAGANCE: daesung smells of amber wood, with a hint of spice.
STR - 12 | DEX - 11 | CON - 13 | WIS - 9 | INT - 14 | CHA - 14
POSITIVE TRAITS: affable, intelligent, focused, professional. NEUTRAL TRAITS: enigmatic, reserved, idiosyncratic, structured. NEGATIVE TRAITS: absentminded, naive, malleable, erratic. PEEVES: messy surroundings, not being able to solve a problem. FEARS: fire, finding his memory retention worsening. SKILLS: an expert in biochemistry, decently knowledgeable in engineering, approachable and rather dependable. when hyde protocol is activated, they have greater strength and reflexes. GOALS: working his way up x academy and exacting his creator's revenge continue making innovative tech, hopefully finding something to help him restore his memory of his past.
QUOTE: the moral of this story is: don't trust people. trust the circumstances. LABEL/ARCHETYPE: the double-edged sword. TROPES: ditzy genius, jekyll & hyde, transferable memory, was it all a lie? MEDIA PARALLELS: bucky barnes ( marvel cinematic universe ), orion hong ( secret shanghai series ), rachael ( blade runner ). THEME SONG: young and menace - fall out boy.
to be expanded.
graphic credit: character template by enchanthings
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orionxyu · 2 months
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(  chase sui wonders,  cis woman,  she/her,  muse  29  )  was  that  ORION YU  i  saw  heading  towards  the  water?  you  know  the  TWENTY-SIX  year  old  from  KAUAI CREST?  can  you  believe  they've  only  lived  in  manoa  bay  for  HER WHOLE LIFE,  it  seems  like  so  much  longer.  last  i  checked  they  were  known  around  town  as  the  PURITANICAL because  of  their  tendency  to  be  COMPASSIONATE  and  PRIGGISH,  but  what  else  did  you  expect  from  a  CANCER  who  reminds  you  of  PAINT-SPLATTERED JEANS, SINGING ALONG TO YOUR FAVORITE SONG, AND THE FEELING OF THE SUN KISSING YOUR SKIN  …  since  hayden's  disappearance  they  have  been  happily  working  as  a/an  SURFBOARD ARTIST  at  ISLAND SURF CO,  but  that's  all  about  to  change  because  the  eye  HAS  set  their  sights  on  exposing  all  of  their  lies,  as  well  as  {REDACTED} .  i  really  hope  they  don't  incriminate  themself. 
NAME: Orion Isabel Yu
AGE: 26
BIRTHDAY: June 27, 1998
ZODIAC: Cancer Sun, Pisces Rising, Leo Moon
FACE CLAIM: Chase Sui Wonders
OCCUPATION: Surfboard Artist @ Island Surf Co.
It was raining when Orion was born. Being a rainbow baby only meant there'd be tears all around the hospital room. Her mother swore that the rain was just the world crying too. 'Til this day, Orion loves the rain. In fact, one can catch her dancing in the rain or dawning her swimsuit and swimming in the rain. Storms never scare her - nor does any darkness.
The Yu home is and always have been filled with love. It's a compliment most recieved by guests; How warm the house is - that it's definitely a home not just a house. Orion and her family feel it through and through. One of Orion's most cherished memories being the time they painted the kitchen yellow, singing The Beatles out loud and not at all in harmony. Though, to them it felt like a perfect harmony in the moment.
With her mother being a hippie and her father being a noble Christian man, how compassion-filled Orion was just made sense. From helping the church's choir out to braking for small birds - the girl was known to over water plants from such a young age. This pooled over into her personal life: her friends, those who don't deserve it, and strangers. She always gave, and never expected anything in return. This easily made her well liked in the community, but also made her a target.
Throughout her schooling career, the girl was always surrounded by friends. She never truly understood why. This being because she always had a nose in a book, or took up extra time in the art studio. She never complained, instead welcoming everyone who came up to her for what they were. This made her a sort of oddity yet a sanctuary of a person through the personal hell of high school. A breath of fresh air when all that seemed to matter was your socioeconomic status and who you were friends with.
Painting her father's car was one of her gifts for Christmas and she was elated. Getting to paint the bathrooms was a birthday present. For graduation, she got to paint the garage. Notoriously known for having paint dried under her fingertips, the Yu girl poured her heart out into her artwork. Her room was well known in her friend group for being a work in progress that would never fully be done, due to Orion constantly painting and repainting over the walls. When she officially moved out, the first thing she did was paint the walls of her apartment. Is she done with it? No - it's just a work in progress.
Whilst her mother and her would fill water balloons with paint and throw them at canvases, her father and her would take to the waves. Surfing has always been a love of hers, thanks to her dad. Being on the water is one of her happy places, and one of the only places she feels truly serene. She went wild customizing her board one day, and now it's a career for her. Go Orion, go! Turning fun hobbies into a hustle was just a magical click for her, and she's very humble about it.
What brought a rift between her and her family wasn't only because she decided not to go to college. It was also religious reasons. As she grew, she started to realize that not all Christian beliefs settled well with her. Dinners became debates about the Bible, and soon her father and her were at odds. She still hasn't fully dedicated herself to fixing the relationship, but she also feels that her father should be trying to put in effort as well. Her mother has been begging for them to talk again, and Orion is close to cracking cause it's Orion.
Recently, Orion has been thriving. She's just trying to live everyday to the fullest, honestly, as well as spread some positivity wherever she goes.
Orion loves a good debate. She's not malicious about anything, but she does love to play Devil's advocate for the sake of learning another's perspective. This sometimes makes her look like she's being condescending or like she believes her own beliefs are better - but, that's simply not the case. Orion isn't a judgemental person. She's the complete opposite. Always willing to accept people at face value, the girl is known to be a good friend to various individuals in the community. She's always willing to lend a hand to whoever is in need, even those who might not deserve it. This often leads her into trouble, but she expertly cleans up messes seeing that she's been cleaning up everyone's messes since she was younger. Orion was the popular girl in school who made all the other popular kids be nice to individuals. She takes pride in being nice, it's her philosophy, and doesn't understand why people can't just let others live their lives. She's a bit guarded. This comes from the fact that some people saw her as a trophy as opposed to a girlfriend during her high school years. But, when she does love, it's with her whole heart. One can easily find her surfing the waves or skateboarding at the skatepark, if she isn't working on her art. She's athletic and loves sports; she can easily learn a new sport without much effort being put in. Very much a person you can get high with in the early AMs and discuss conspiracies with. She's accidentally comedic with her words. She's all about staying out of people's business, and only asks questions when someone is opening up. She's a great advice-giver but doesn't follow her own advice, sadly. All around, she's positive vibes and loves to have fun in life. It's about the simple things with her.
+ Compassionate, Free-Spirited, and Comedic
- Priggish, Intangible, and Self-Critical
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chaoticrebels · 4 months
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NAME : Regulus Arcturus Black NICKNAME : Reg, Reggie, RAB AGE : 17 - 18 BIRTH DATE : June 25, 1961 GENDER : Male ORIENTATION : Biromantic, Demisexual LOCATION : Grimmauld Place, London, England, Great Britain, Hogwarts PROFESSION : Student, Professional Quidditch Player BLOOD STATUS : Pureblood SPECIES : Human ❪ Wizard ❫ HOUSE : Slytherin WAND : 12.5″, Cypress, Phoenix Feather PATRONUS : Fox HEIGHT : 5'10" WEIGHT : 154 lbs HAIR : Black, Dark Brunette EYES : Blue-Green TATTOOS : None PIERCINGS : None SCARS : Dark Mark FACE CLAIM : Timothée Chalamet
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Regulus was born in 1961 into the wealthy, pureblooded Black family, as the youngest son of Orion and Walburga Black and younger brother of Sirius Black. Regulus's parents considered him to be much different from his older brother Sirius Black. Although Sirius was the older son and heir, he didn't in any way whatsoever follow the Black family traditions, unlike Regulus. Their parents disapproved of this, and Sirius was later sorted into Gryffindor house when he attended Hogwarts, causing an even bigger strain on his relationship with the rest of the family. Following this, Sirius left home at the age of sixteen and was subsequently disowned and burned from the family tapestry by his parents. Regulus, on the other hand, was admired by his parents for his loyalty towards his family and upholding their traditions. And unlike Sirius, Regulus was sorted into Slytherin and became seeker of his house Quidditch team. He attended Hogwarts from about 1972 to 1979.
From a young age, Regulus admired Lord Voldemort and had an ambition to become a Death Eater later on in his life. Regulus had photos and articles about the Dark Lord and his followers cut from the Daily Prophet, which were hung in his bedroom near a painting of his family crest. Regulus received his Dark Mark around the age of sixteen, which his family approved of as Voldemort was seen as striving to achieve pureblood supremacy over other wizards and Muggles. Even though his parents were never Death Eaters themselves, they agreed with many of Lord Voldemort's own beliefs.
By 1979, Regulus had begun to have doubts about serving as a Death Eater, but was reluctant to act against the Death Eaters and Voldemort. One day, Voldemort asked Regulus for the use of his house-elf, Kreacher and Regulus eagerly accepted as he wanted to please his master. Voldemort used Kreacher to test the defenses around his locket Horcrux, leaving him to die afterwards. Kreacher was able to escape using house-elf magic and told Regulus of what had happened. Regulus worked out that the locket was a Horcrux and was the reason behind Voldemort's immortality.
This was the deciding factor in Regulus's defection. He created a duplicate of the locket and placed a note inside for Voldemort to find, expecting him to check on the Horcrux in the future, and then ordered Kreacher to take him to where the real locket was hidden. Kreacher guided Regulus past the cave's defenses. At the island with the basin of potion containing the locket, Regulus ordered Kreacher to take the locket once the potion was gone and replace it with the fake one, then escape without him and find a way to destroy the Horcrux. Regulus drank the potion himself, and when he tried to get water from the lake to quench his thirst, he was dragged to his death by the Inferi. Kreacher obeyed his master's final order and switched the lockets before escaping. However he was unable to destroy the Horcrux.
Orion Black - Father † Walburga Black - Mother † Sirius Black - Older brother † Lucretia Prewett (née Black) - Paternal aunt † Alphard Black - Maternal uncle † Cygnus Black III - Maternal uncle † Ignatius Prewett - Paternal uncle by marriage Druella Black (née Rosier) - Maternal aunt by marriage Bellatrix Lestrange (née Black) - Maternal first cousin † Andromeda Tonks (née Black) - Maternal first cousin Narcissa Malfoy (née Black) - Maternal first cousin Draco Malfoy - Maternal second cousin Rodolphus Lestrange - Maternal first cousin-in-law Ted Tonks - Maternal first cousin-in-law † Lucius Malfoy - Maternal first cousin-in-law Arcturus Black III - Paternal grandfather † Melania Black (née Macmillan) - Paternal grandmother Pollux Black - Maternal grandfather † Irma Black (née Crabbe) - Maternal grandmother † House of Black (paternal/maternal family)
Nyxia Kalea Atreides-Nightstar - Best Friend / In Love With Rosalie Leonie Rosier - Frenemies / Crush Pandora Lovegood - Best Friend Bartemius Crouch Jr - Best Friend Evan Rosier - Best Friend Caius Avery - Friend Balfour Greengrass - Friend Icarus Nott - Friend Enoch Wilkes - Friend
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ofandrcmedas · 4 months
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Full name :  Andromeda Cassiopeia Black Tonks.
Nicknames :  Andi, Drom, Drommie, Meda .
Age & DoB :  24 & November 12 .
Gender & Pronouns :  Cis woman & she/her .
Orientation : Heterosexual .
Occupation :  Healer .
Blood status :  Pureblood .
Alliance :  Neutral .
Father :  Cygnus Black III .
Mother :  Druella Black née Rosier .
Siblings :  Bellatrix Black, Narcissa Black .
Spouse : Ted Tonks .
Issue: Nymphadora Tonks .
Others :  Orion Black (uncle), Walburga Black (aunt), Alphard Black (uncle), Sirius Black (cousin), Regulus Black (cousin) .
MBTI :  isfj (the defender) .
Enneagram :  1 (the reformer) .
Alignment :  Lawful neutral . 
Positive traits :  Loyal, kind, clever, resourceful, determined .
Negative traits :  Obstinate, entitled, paranoid, resentful, secretive .
Hogwarts house :  Slytherin .
Wand :  Willow wood, dragon heartstring core, 9 inches, slightly flexible .
Patronus : Fox.
Amortentia : Earl grey lavender tea, burning wood, Ted’s cologne .
Boggart :  tbd .
Mirror of Erised :  tbd .
Born on a cold morning and named in the Black tradition of myth and stars, Andromeda's very first breaths resounded loudly through the walls of her ancestral home –eerily similar to those of her namesake, desperate and pained while bound to that infernal stone, and in a way, she was trapped too. The secondborn daughter to an heirless father, another disappointment, she should have been, yet she still somehow managed to win his favor. Cygnus Black was quickly enamoured by his newborn daughter's blue eyes and toothless smile. Having at least one loving parent out of two was already a victory.
Proper, spoiled, educated, entitled. Those were just some of the words Andromeda slowly but surely grew up to be. Mother always said she would expect only the best from her, Father always said she should always expect only the best from the world, and both gave the same answer when she asked why. Because you are a Black. But, if she had to be honest, 6 year old Andromeda didn't truly understand what her name had to do with anything.
She learned, though, in the following years. Along with her sisters, she learned what it meant to be a daughter of her house. What it meant to bear the name Black and what was expected of her by her noble, ancient, and, most importantly, pure lineage. And even if she wasn't as strong, as skilled, or as beautiful, she was enough. She was a Black.
When time came she arrived to Hogwarts, fully aware of her worth, both giving and expecting only the best, just as she had been told she should. And though there was little of the respect and reverence she was told she deserved only by virtue of her name –most Slytherins sure did stare in awe at yet another member of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Black, but there were three other houses that turn their eyes and sneer at her and her housemates–, she still kept her head high with the pride her father had ingrained in her mind and did her best to pay them no mind.
Still, one can only ignore the whispers behind one's back for so long. Mother always said that, while a lady did her best while in silence, she should never stop listening. Andromeda kept that in mind when she started paying attention to the words people said about her and her family when they though she was not around. It did hurt, everything they said and the words they used to describe her kin. But it was the fact that, after hearing past the not so hidden insults, Andromeda was starting to find truth in their words, ended up hurting more.
Standing behind one's ideals required courage, Andromeda found out when she finally made her mind that all she had been taught about worthiness and purity could not be true. But she had never been particularly brave, maybe that was why she too sported the green and silver of her sisters and parents rather than the red and gold of her little cousin. So, yet again, she kept silent. She gripped her cup tighter during family reunions when aunt Walburga spewed out her bigotry, bit her cheek when Mother reminded her of her duty to marry a respectable pureblood man, lowered her head when Father declared their superiority over others. No, Andromeda had never been the brave kind.
School ended and the next she was expected to do was to follow in her mother's footsteps. Marry a proper pureblood husband, be a proper pureblood wife, and have proper pureblood children. It was just what was done, and Andromeda had her first surge of courage when she defied it. Ambition was a big part of who she was, and she had the ambition to do more. It wasn’t easy, but she convinced her parents to allow her to become a healer, all on the condition that once her training was done she would accept aarranged betrothal. Andromeda knew a compromise was better than nothing, so she said yes.
Life, however, seldom cares for the plans one makes, and not long after she initially started her training she became reacquainted with someone she had thought she had left in the past. Ted walked into her life again and there was nothing she could do to ignore him or walk away.
Love is a woman's downfall, Mother used to say, and though Andromeda didn't like it, it seemed she had been right. It was love that put her in an impossible position; bound to the stone of the only life she had ever known by the chains of her love to her family, and desperately struggling to free herself despite the pain and fear that came with it. Andromeda was no hero, she was not brave, but the life growing inside her demanded for her to be. This time, Andromeda didn't wait for Perseus to free her. She pulled on her chains and left the stone, broken and hurting, and ran to him.
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naviculariis · 6 months
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Guess who finally finished Vasille's biography? you can find it in this nifty link here, and if that doesn't work, the important bits can be found below the cut.
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[ art by charrtastrophe on twt ]
NAME: Vasille Albescu
NICKNAME / ALIAS: Vas, Vassy; Necromancer
AGE: 28 [ Debut ]; 30 [ Timeskip ]
DATE OF BIRTH: September 25th
GENDER & PRONOUNS: Male, he/him
ORIENTATION: homosexual / demiromantic
RACE / ETHNICITY: Human / Devil Fruit User / White
NATIONALITY: Crescent Moon Island, South Blue
HEIGHT:  6’1” ( 185.42 cm )
WEIGHT170 lbs. ( 77.11 kg )
HAIR: Blonde
EYES: Hazel
SCARS: Numerous; distinctly, his fingers are black from the tip down to the first knuckle. This isn’t paint; it’s an effect of his Devil Fruit.
PIERCINGS: Both ears twice in the lobe
TATTOOS: A black band that wraps around his right forearm with “As Above” above the band, rightside up, and a matching black band around his left forearm with “So Below” beneath it, upside down. This references the belief that there will always be some sort of correspondence between the laws of life and death. This also references the practice within Paganism ( and various other religions ) that in order to take something, something must be given ( a sacrifice of some sort, an offering, etc. ). This correlates with how his Devil Fruit works: in order to use it, he must give something up. Balance.
Vasille is a tall, lightly muscled man in his early thirties. His hair is a natural silvery blonde tone, which he typically wears long and free; though on occasion, he will braid it back, in which it falls to the small of his back. His eyes are a clear hazel tone. He holds scars along his biceps resembling ropes from an accident a few years back, as well as a large burn scar on left shoulder blade from a work-related injury. The tips of his fingers are gray- it isn’t noticeable unless one really studies it. It’s a side effect of his ability; the beginning stages of decay. It will continue to progress as he uses his ability unless he can find a way to cease the growth. Due to this, he has begun to lose feeling down to the first knuckle on each finger.
BODY TYPE: Endomorph
COMPLEXION: Clear; scarred
SKIN TONE: Limestone / Beige with grey undertones
Vasille tends to wear black or dark red “pirate” / poet laurent shirts paired with black cargo-esque trousers, and black leather boots that end slightly above the ankle. These boots are reinforced in the toes with steel, and have specialized grip on the soles to allow him traction when on a wet deck. Around his neck, he wears a golden crow skull on a gold chain; his right ring finger has braided gold band with an onyx gemstone sitting in the center, which belonged to his mother. Both ears are pierced twice in the lobe.His sword belts hold one bag of cut up cloth that is used to staunch bleeding when he needs to cut into his palm for his ability to activate, two daggers ( one short, one long ), a flintlock, and a coin purse.If the weather trends colder, he pulls out a heavy coat that dusts the floor. Black in color, with black wolf fur lining the interior. Embroidered with a golden filigree along the edges of the cuffs, only. High collared. On the back holds his personal Jolly Roger: A hand holding a skull upon the palm, fingers gripping the jaw.
Vladimir Albescu ( Father )
Maria Albescu ( Mother, Deceased )
*Captain Iris “TOMBSTONE” Karim
*Second Mate: John C.
*Navigator: Orion Karim
*Gunner / Carpenter: Roy H.
*Sails Master: Nemeria “GRAVEDIGGER” Karim
*Doctor: Ronan O'Byrne
*Crew: Raven, Dream
OCCUPATION: First Mate, Pirate, Tarot Reader, Fortune Teller, LYING THIEVING SCUM.
HOMETOWN: Crescent Moon Island, South Blue
LANGUAGES: French, English, Spanish, Arabic
ACCENT: Southern with Cajun influences
Polite ( well, as polite as a pirate can be… )
Mildly hotheaded
Power driven
Good at lying
ASTROLOGY: Libra Sun, Aquarius Moon, Gemini Rising
TEMPERAMENT: Vasille is a quiet individual, preferring to keep to himself more than speaking openly, freely. He’s been described as being a cold individual, outright walking away mid-conversation at times. He avoids talking about his past, outright avoiding speaking of the events that lead him on the path he’s chosen to follow.Despite this, if one were to stick around enough to cause him to break (which is relatively easy, really), he’s quite the chatter box- especially about the arcane magics. He also keeps an ear out for Marines- after all, being the son of a former Captain means you know a thing or two.He is quite the charmer when he wants to be- especially if he knows it will get him information- or into a place he knows he shouldn’t be. But that’s why he lays on the sugary sweet words and plays into the “dumb blonde” trope. Works like a charm.
Men are weak creatures.
-He was gradually losing feeling in his fingers until Nemeria “Gravedigger” Karim brought him back to life, after he was pierced through the abdomen by Commodore Fujihara. Since then, he has regained sensation in his hands, but the black, necrosis-esque pigmentation continues to spread.
Shinda Shinda Fruit — A Logia type devil fruit that allows the user to to raise the dead and use them as both offensive and defensive ‘puppets’, bending their will to the user’s own.
TYPE: Ranged combat
Vasille is a unique case. Coming from Crescent Moon Island, which has a nickname for being the City of the Dead, Vasille had already been well aware of the Shinda Shinda fruit. However, he hadn’t been on the lookout for it; rather, the fruit seems to choose its user. Prior to eating the fruit, he had already been dabbling in the arcane arts, researching dark magics and relatively banned practices. He has himself a form of an infamous book, one that he had created and continues to write.
With this ability, he is able to raise up to 6 bodies at once, though it is dangerous for him to attempt this. As with all things tied to the balance between life and death, it is give and take: he must first offer a blood sacrifice via his own blood before the bodies can rise. Due to this, his palms and forearms are covered in scars from doing this. More often than not, it is humans who rise, though occasionally, an animal will join the ranks.
Mild Telekinesis — Once the dead are above ground, a telekinetic connection is formed, and Vasille is able to control them with his mind alone, giving directions on where to move, how to move, and what actions to take.
Binding (Blood Variation): Caging: surrounding an object with barriers or otherwise restricting their actions, so they can move inside but have no way of getting out.
Entombing: Surrounding an object completely by a substance or another medium, so they can't move at all, or at best wiggle slightly. In this case, Vasille’s coffins that he creates, using a mixture of a wood stain and his own blood to create the bind rune needed.
Enhanced Strength: Vasille is stronger than the average human. Having to, occasionally, not only lift but carry deceased bodies requires strength.
Enhanced Agility: He is flexible, having always been so and continuing to train with his flexibility. It aids in his line of work, having to squeeze into awkward places at times.
Skilled in Hand-to-Hand Combat: He trained in hand-to-hand combat, specifically in aikido, mainly in the event that his devil fruit is rendered useless. However, he is also adept at boxing.
Knife: He carries a pocket knife with him in the event of needing to raise the dead.- Gauze: He carries a roll of gauze with him to staunch his bleeding when he performs a blood sacrifice.- Clawed Ring: he wears a ring that doubles as a claw on his left middle finger. This is both a fashion statement as well as a weapon; he keeps it sharp enough to cut through skin, whether that be his own or someone else's.- Gun: He carries a flintlock as a last-ditch effort.
Sensitivity to Light: His mutation causes his skin to be more sensitive to sunlight. While he won't burst into flames while in direct sunlight, after spending an hour in the sun, his skin will start to get a rash. He carries sunblock on him at all times due to this.
Sea Water: As with any Devil Fruit user, Vasille’s Devil Fruit ability will be rendered useless when doused in sea water.
Sea Stone Prism: As with any Devil Fruit user, Vasille’s Devil Fruit ability will be rendered useless when touched by Sea Stone Prism.
Body Count: He can only raise six bodies at once, though this is dangerous. His body will start to overexert itself, pushing itself to the limits to keep the reanimated bodies upright and in control, even if it means breaking down its own muscles and tissues. This causes his nose to bleed, as well as coughing up blood.
POWER: 3/5 C
SPEED: 3/5 C
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orionvtuber · 1 year
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I am ORiON, a Cyberpunk-themed Android VTuber from the future. What I do on stream? 🎮 Scifi / Horror / RPG 🎹 Piano / Keyboards Links & Socials Twitch x YouTube x VStream x TikTok x Biography (VTubie)
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