goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
Hello. I am very sorry that it has come to this, but I have to quit. This roleplay is getting nowhere and I am a part of other groups. I am very sorry again, but I quit. Bye, everyone, you were real sweethearts. <3
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
Myrcella stared at Arya for a while. "Wow, you actually really love it," she said with a certain sadness that she'll probably never find a hobby she'd love so much. Sure, she liked clothes, manicure and make-up, she loved her music and things like that, but she never actually felt anything what Arya described. 
She sighed. "Do as you think Arya, but bear in mind that bastards are not to be trusted. My mother is not always right, but she was right at this," she nodded.
Dorm room
she laughed for a moment and smiled ” My sister can not wait to come here, she has been talking about this place for a while, but i dont see why she would want to” she rolled her eyes for a moment and smiled ” that is good to hear, that she wont be a bad roommate” she smiled again softly ” there are things that most people will never understand” she grinned ” i dont know what it is, when i hold a blade, its like when most girls hold a sewing needle or a shopping bag, it just feels….Right” 
” my mother was always against me training of any kind, and she still is, she wanted me to be that girl like sansa, it was my father that understood that i needed to train and Gendry may be a bastard, but he is nice and i am sure that i can learn a lot from him” she shrugged slightly and smiled taking another bite of the chocolate  
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
The Campus is so empty...
Where is everyone? At some party I wasn't invited to?
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
"Well, we all have our interests. Even though I will never understand yours," Myrcella grinned. "But no worries, I've heard that Shireen is a good, nice girl, so she won't be a terrible roommate. And I can't wait to meet your sister!" She heard about Sansa Stark a lot. She knew her brother Joff had a crush on her, because she was extremely beautiful. She also heard that she is kind and smart. That's the kind of roommate Myrcella could enjoy.
"Okay, train with Gendry, it's your business..." Myrcella shrugged. "I'm sure that if you talked to her nicely, she'd allow it."
Dorm room
she smiled slightly ” yeah her, i am to room with her” she nodded her head as she listened to what she was saying ” i also was told that she was always into her books, and well i am always in the training yards so i dont think i will get to know her much” she chewed her lip for a moment as she smiled slightly again ” i am sure that my sister Sansa will get along great with her though” she laughed slightly. 
” yes that is him, and no i dont think so, no one around with his training and he is willing to do it” she bit her lip slightly again ” Syrio you mean?” she tilted her head a little ” the famous dancing master that i have heard so much about ” my mother would never allow it”  
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
"Shireen! That's my cousin," Myrcella grinned. "But I don't know her very much, like I said, we're not seeing uncle Stannis very often." She hesistated for a while and then sighed. "I've heard she has something on her face that makes her... ugly," Myrcella bit her lip. Her mother always told her to be happy about being so beautiful and she always used Shireen as an example of an ugly person. Myrcella always thought that her mother is being mean about poor Shireen.
"Gendry? That's the bastard, right?" Myrcella wrinkled her nose. "Isn't there anybody else who can teach you that? How about the famous sword master... what's his name? Syrius or something like that," Myrcella shrugged. "Your father could pay him."
Dorm room
she laughed softly, the only uncle that she knew was her uncle benjen who was a sworn brother of the nights watch and she did not see him very often, her other uncles were in riverrun and her mother never traveled there often so she did not know them very well. ” i am sure that they will in time Myrcella” she smiled softly. 
” well my room mate is Shareen Barathon” she muttered softly not sure how she was going to react ” i dont know much about her, but other then that, i am sure that i will be in the training yards trying to get better then i am with a sword, Gendry already promised me that he would help me” 
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
Myrcella nodded. "Well, what uncles should be for. My nuncles Renly and Stannis didn't send anything yet," she shrugged. She didn't see uncle Stannis many times in her life and she didn't like him anyway. He was grumpy and serious. She rather enjoyed Renly's company though. He was closer to her age and he was fun.
"Oh? Why is that so?" she raised an eyebrow. "I honestly spent most of the time on my room so far." She didn't go out very often, because she felt lonely and looking at already-made-friends people was making her sad. She was usually sitting in her couch, listening to music and dreaming about Loras.
Dorm room
she laughed softly as she sat there on the edge of her bed ” that is what uncles are for” she grinned as she caught one of the bars and opened it with skilled hands and took a bite ” seven hells, this hit the spot”
she nodded and smiled softly ” Thank you Myrcella, and i am sure that it is, i wanted to remember winterfell as much as i could, and this is what i came up with” she smiled nodding her head ” i am sure that your room is amazing, i have a feeling that i will not be here much anyway” she rolled her eyes for a moment as she took another bite.
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
ooc: Nah, it's okay. I might attack his inbox or something and he probably wouldn't like that lol. 
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
BlackBerry Messenger: To Nuncle Tyr
Myrcella: Hi there, nuncle! Thanks for the sweets, I love it.
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
ooc: Holy damn, I forgot about the Skins' one! But I don't remember the url anyway... 
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
Myrcella fell on the chair with a grin and threw one of the chocolate bars at Arya. "My uncle wants to make me even fatter than I am now," she said as she opened the second chocolate. "Well, he is quite successful and I don't complain," Myrcella giggled, putting a piece of chocolate into her mouth.
She looked around the room, nodding her head. "Nice room, Arya. Even though mine is better," she smirked. She was actually surprised that Arya's room is not so bad as she expected. Arya was quite different from Myrcella and she didn't see her as a decorative kind of girl. 
Dorm room
Arya was still looking up at the ceiling for a few moments when she heard the knock at her door, she glanced toward the door as she yelled ” come in” sitting up on the edge of her bed she watched as Myrcella walked in. she smiled softly before she spoke ” Hello Myrcella” she said keeping her voice as soft as she could 
she noticed the Chocolate bars and marshmallows and laughed to herself ” is someone going to make smores”  she giggled slightly as her gray eyes watched her closely ” come take a seat” she nodded her head to some of the bag chairs that were scatted around the room.  
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
arrystarkofwinterfell25 replied to your post: .
I want to know the same thing D: and for him to come back as well.
ooc: He at least could have say something. I'm worried... :/
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
Myrcella opened the box that the messenger brought her in the morning. It was a large, wooden box and it was so heavy she couldn't lift it. It was full of chocolate, cookies, marshmallows and all the delicious stuff Myrcella loved. There was a letter that came with the box. For you, dear niece. Share it with your friends and have fun! Love, uncle Tyrion. Myrcella smiled to herself. She loved her uncle, he was always so kind to her. But how am I supposed to eat all of this? Share it with your friends, there was written. She thought of Loras Tyrell, but she felt that he didn't like her very much, so she decided to share her sweets with the Stark girl, for she was the only one she knew around here.
She left her room with packs of marshmallows and two big chocolate bars and headed to Arya's room. There was no sound coming from her room, so she knocked twice and came in. 
"Hi there! Look what I have!" she smiled at her. 
Dorm room
“why is this place so boring?” arya wondered to herself as she flopped back on her bed looking up at the ceiling of her dorm room, she wondered when her brothers would come, and when sansa would come, she sighed lightly for a moment as she thought of Jon being roomed with Gendry, her cheeks heating up a little as she thought of him for a moment, she ran a hand lazily threw her chocolate brown hair as she laid there thinking. 
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
"Umm... yes," Myrcella smiled.
Good morning
If there is anyone at all!!!
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
"Oh well, if he's a bastard, he's not your hundred percent brother, right? My mother always said that it's for the best to stay away from bastards," Myrcella nodded. "I'm sure you could do better."
"my brother Jon is a bastard as well" she bit her lip again and glanced at her for a moment " I never wanted to be a lady or anything like that and he is sweet"
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goldenmyrcella-blog · 12 years
"Oh, me too. I wanted to go to the Crossroad's Cafe, but there's no one who'd keep me comapny," Myrcella shifted. 
Good morning
If there is anyone at all!!!
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