goldensocietyfm · 9 months
will you still be posting an example app?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Oops. I forgot to link it! I'm currently on mobile, but I'll link it once I'm out of bed tomorrow. Thanks for letting me know!
For now, here’s an example Bio in form of a NPC Bio. If you click the "accepted NPC" tag below the post, you will see one more! That may help already.
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goldensocietyfm · 9 months
hello, besides using beta editor, what are your rules on text and gifs? i.e. medium gifs only, small text, etc
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
There are no rules besides using the Beta editor!
Using gifs of this size would be great (is that medium? I don't know haha), but is not required. You do not need to use gifs at all, and feel free to make your text whatever size!
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goldensocietyfm · 9 months
hello again! do you mind telling me which skeletons/characters are in the golden circle, if any? and are the rebels against just the golden circle, the golden society, or both?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
These skeletons have to be a Golden Circle member:
The Grapevine
The Victor
This skeleton is a member of the Closed Circle, the Council of the Rebels:
The Bonesmith
And to answer your second question: The Rebels are against the Golden Society as a whole, but mostly against the Golden Circle. Their Rebellion goes against their established rules, especially against those that banish dark magic.
In addition to the skeletons: if none of these spark your interest, feel free to send in your discord / a dm to the main and I'm sure I can help you figure a fitting Golden Circle character out!
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goldensocietyfm · 9 months
what is the difference between the golden circle and the golden society?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
The Golden Society is the world's largest magician society known. The Golden Circle is the Golden Society's politicians, their magical council - currently consisting out of eleven members.
Does that answer your question? If not, feel free to ask again!
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
heyho! i was looking into applying. could you tell us what types of characters the current apps are so we get an idea of what could be cool to add?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Of course I can do that, I'd love to!
Darina Axford (Elizabeth Debicki Fc) alias "The Count" is an 114 years old High Class Illusionist, that works as a member of the Golden Circle.
Hunter Cowen (Mahershala Ali) alias "The Mayor" is a 60 year old Middle Class Physicalist (Light), that works as the Mayor of London.
Kaiden Keason (Rudy Pankow) alias "The Sigil" is a 25 year old Middle Class Healer, that is a student at the Academy (Year 10).
Arthur Henry Hammet (Tom Hiddleston) aka "The Icer" is a 52 year old Lower Class Physicalist (Ice), that works as Physicalist instructor at the Academy.
What do you feel like adding? I'd love to see your ideas in form of an app (especially diverse FC's!)
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
hi! do you have any wanted faceclaims rn?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Wanted FC's include, but are not limited to:
Steven Yeun
Lindsay Morgan
Oscar Isaac
Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Michelle Yeoh
Aldis Hodge
Idris Elba
Anthony Mackie
Emily Blunt
Drew Starkey
Theo Germaine
Laura Harrier
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
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Rudy Pankow (Actor) as KAID KEASON (The Sigil)
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
Is this a discord rp or a tumblr rp?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Goldensocietyfm is a Tumblr RP, but while Tumblr threads count towards activity, Discord threads definitely aren't forbidden! Most of the plotting and planning will be done on Discord, so it's safe to say that having a Discord before joining would be better - which doesn't mean that writers without a discord will be excluded!!
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
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Callum Turner (Actor) is now open to be used again. Tom Hiddleston (Actor) is taken by ARTHUR HENRY HAMMMET.
Idris Elba (Actor) is now open to be used again. Mahershala Ali (Actor) is taken by HUNTER COWEN ii.
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
what sort of things do people learn at the academy vs what they learn as rebels?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Here's a rundown on the education at the Academy. If you have more questions on that, make sure to send in another ask!
The rebels often learn about other topics outside of the Academy. They learn about dark magic, which goes from poison potions to killing spells.
Here's an example list on what Rebels might learn about:
Dark Magic (such as love spells, killing spells, spying spells, cursing spells (more on that below).
Cursing spells (usually designed to harm and twist, require more energy and more attention, as well as more time and power; usually spells that last longer (depending on how powerful the Magician is, the range goes from a few days to many years)
Poison Potions (killing/sick-making/cursing)
Close combat (more intense, purpose not defeating but killing)
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
Can you possibly share the approximate/average number of paragraphs current members’ bios are? I want to make sure mine isn’t too short.
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Of course I can give you a rundown, but don't worry about it being too short! If it gives us a brief idea of where your character has been and what they have gone through in life, it's completely fine!
The current member's bio range goes from 8-10 paragraphs! But again, don't feel pressured to match!
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
hello! do you follow the 5+/5- rule?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Since Magicians can perform age spells, the 5+/5- rule doesn't apply to those who performed the spells. Example: Their FC can be 45, but they are 90!
For muses that haven't performed their age spells yet or are human, the 3+/3- rule applies.
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
do you mind giving some examples of ways the magical world would reach out to an individual after the discover they have abilities?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Of course I don’t mind! I already answered this question here (kind of), but I’ll go more into detail this time to give you more ideas. Let me know if this is enough or if you want to hear more, I don’t mind giving you more information!
maps in the mail showing a way into the Burrows / the Academy / a made up meeting point where a Magician awaits them
Family members of Magic being notified to guard the New Magicians into the world; this could also be friends, and the process is discussed with the older Magicians beforehand.
through MILE officers, if the Magicians accidentally used their magic for crimes / humans witnessed magic
A magical card with a phone number / address
A random Magical recruiter showing up to inform and guide them (usually strong and well-educated). They can show up at the New Magicians work, home, etc. (Fun ideas: Showed up at a Wedding, a Birthday, job interview, on an airplane in the seat next to the New Magician, etc)
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
how would rebels be taught at home?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
It is rare for Rebels to be taught at home, as every Magician is monitored by the Golden Society once their abilities show themselves. Them growing stronger would raise high suspicions if they don't undergo education - so most of them typically join the Academy "undercover".
Though in the Rebel Union, they do teach their new Magicians the use of dark Magic, poison potions and other things the Academy definitely would never teach.
In rare cases, especially if a family member is a qualified academic, new Magicians can be taught at home, but they still get assigned a Mentor that visits and teaches them regularly, so most Rebels avoid teaching them in private and rather have them learn proper magic and everything else at the Academy, adding their own spices and jinxes into their education later on.
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
are there side-effects to not using your magic for a long time after discovering your abilities?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Yes, there might be! Magic can freeze and disappear if not used (not forever, but for shorter or longer periods of time). This typically happens when Magicians suffer through grief.
If Magicians stop using their magic or never start after discovering their abilities altogether, they are very likely to suffer from magic outbursts once set under pressure or while going through intense emotions, or even miniature emotional outbreaks - these outbursts can be very dangerous, depending on the natural strength and capacity of the Magician, and can even lead to the death of the Magician or their surrounding company.
Magical capacities can be trained and expanded, though this takes time. But you can remember for yourself - Magic wants out, and it will find it's way out, no matter what it takes.
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
Can people take classes after graduating?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Yes, Magicians are encouraged and happily welcomed back after their graduation! They can take training courses, further education, intensified studies and more. Sometimes research groups form, or students stick with their mentor for more than 10+ years of their mandatory education.
It is also not uncommon for young Magicians who have just finished their education to search for a new, older and more experienced mentor than their current one, to take a look at new forms of knowledge.
Magicians also have access to the Academy library even after they finished their education, and are free to access magical libraries all over the world to study on their own.
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goldensocietyfm · 10 months
do you mind elaborating on what physicalist of sound, energy, shadow and crystal can do?
Hello Anon and thanks for your interest in the Golden Society!
Of course I don't mind! Feel free to let me know if you have any more questions. Here you go:
SOUND: In my opinion, these Physicalists can be really fun to write. They can generate and mute noises (such as silencing a room to everyone outside of it or enhancing their voice or someone else's voice to speak to a mass of people), can shape and morph sounds into sounding different.
High and low pitched as well as shattering noises are commonly used as defense and during war, as they're very efficient and cannot be stopped by walls.
Very well skilled Sound Physicalists can imitate voices and sounds, which is commonly used to mock. With focus, they can enhance their own hearing or use a sonic scream.
ENERGY: These Physicalists can create, shape and manipulate energy. This goes from energy blasts to protecting force fields. They can also emit energy from their bodies, blocking out Mentalists from reading their thoughts or scanning their emotions. Using energy for pressure fights, destroying walls, changing the energy level in a room to make others feel uncomfortable or under pressure and enhanced strength are quite commonly used as well.
In rare cases, they can share their energy with someone else as well - e.g. if someone is bleeding out and loosing all their life energy, Energy Physicalists can pass some of their own onto the dying person, but it leads to a long way of recovery for themselves as well.
Energy draining is strongly forbidden by Magical Law and only allowed to be used in cases of emergency. It is not trained during official Academy classes.
SHADOW: Those who are able to wield shadows, can gather, manipulate and summon darkness. This includes flooding a room with the dark, clouding the lights in a room, spreading shadow tendrils across a place.
Well experienced Shadow Physicalists can also materialize shadows and use them to cut and hold.
Very well experience Shadow Physicalists can use their shadows to spy and listen, though this takes 100+ years of experience and requires specifically learned and highly draining spells.
Popular media characters to give you more ideas are Xaden Riorson from Fourth Wing and the Darkling from Shadow and Bone!
CRYSTAL: Crystal wielders are very similar to Earth and Metal wielders, just that they wield, well, Crystals! This element is highly dangerous when untrained as the manifested crystals can get quite sharp. They can shoot spikes of crystals, build a wall out of them and use them to injure severely during fights.
Crystal Physicalists also commonly work as jewelers. While the crystals they create are highly breakable and easy to destroy, they can shape real crystals into beautiful shapes.
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