goldticket · 4 months
wilkinson is wonka's lawyer on retainer.
wonka pays him handsomely to be his only client. wonka is too paranoid to have his lawyer work on other cases--the files could get crossed and suddenly some chum whose car brake broke and ran a red light has his hands on wonka's classified information. worse, ficklegruber or any of the other competitors may pose as a client just to get close to wonka's lawyer's files. best to keep it all exclusively in house.
anyway, part of that handsome pay entails wilkinson masquerading as slugworth. wonka only has wilkinson do this to people who've been granted access to his factory as a test to see if they're a spy or would easily flake for a nice check. wilkinson being a lawyer also allows this to immediately turn into damning evidence for a future court case should they illegally share classified recipe/IP with "slugworth".
wonka has constant inventions and patents he's creating. having a lawyer who is always with/for him makes that patenting process go much smoother.
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goldticket · 4 months
now, what if i posted a starter call on my mostly deserted wonka account half past midnight? (i am posting a starter call on my mostly deserted wonka account half past midnight)
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goldticket · 9 months
please have you seen the movie yet i'm going insane and keep going back but also helpppp. if you've talked about it on another blog of yours i'll take that but i'm losing my mind reading reviews of people who don't seem to know even a spec of wonka lore
oh, my dear comrade... for you... i will endure it. i'll try to go see it christmas weekend.
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goldticket · 1 year
I actually RPed with you several years back and would still have some interest in continuing to do so if you did!
of course, that's what this account is here for! i'd be happy to get things going again with prev or new partners/muses!
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goldticket · 1 year
Hi hi! Just wanted to drop in and ask, do you do much RP on this account anymore or not so much?
hello! theoretically, yes! most of my active partners here have left the community or aren't nearly as active. my activity has taken a great toll because of this. if i had more/any interested parties and threads going i could frequent this account much more often! but it's been difficult garnering interest/attention, unfortunately. wonka is a larger than life, whimsical, gravity pulling character. many people i write with on other accounts, i imagine, have a hard time fitting him into their muse's world without it feeling... incongruous or too warping or disruptive of the atmosphere of their muse's world.
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goldticket · 1 year
alright. it's time. the new wonka movie trailer.
it's interesting that they're going for a direct prequel to the original wonka movie. i thought it was perhaps going to be a prequel without any direct reference to or building off of (or, rather, building up to) any of the adaptions. but it's clearly the original they're referencing (e.g. the oompa loompa looks identical to the original wwatcf oompa loompas, young wonka's word mix up ("quiet up and listen down") with the iconic scratch that reverse it, timothy putting on a softer voice to try to match wilder's naturally soft, disarming tone which i find to be both oddly endearing and quite silly).
i must be honest... i expected it to be worse. based on this first trailer it doesn't seem terrible. in no way does it feel of the same essence or world as wwatcf but as a movie/adaption of its own, it seems like it'll be enjoyable.
it seems far more silly and on the nose (the no day dreaming penalty sign... come on; a little too silly and lazy, frankly, and missing the point) than wwatcf. but i know if i were a kid, i'd very much love this movie.
this new movie certainly isn't apart of my canon. i feel a prequel for wonka is antithetical to his character. but this movie does look like a whimsical time. i'll definitely go see it. which i wasn't intending prior to the release of this first trailor.
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goldticket · 1 year
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goldticket · 1 year
my intention was not to make anyone feel bad and this post wasn't directed at any sole individual. in fact, on an individual, person by person basis, someone reblogging from me doesn't bother me. but lately, all my blog notifications are solely people using me to reblog wonka graphics without any care or interest in the primary purpose/focus of my blog (which has made it difficult to find any interest in writing here) and that mass/constant disinterest is what bothers me. i'm not doing anything remarkable wonka content wise. nearly all things i reblog i find by combing through the willy wonka tag or the willy wonka and the chocolate factory tag. if you need a resource, that's it! that's my source! go wild!
i don't mind personal accounts following me. i don't even necessarily mind you reblogging or liking things. however, i don't greatly appreciate being solely used as a wonka resource blog. if you are going to (against my wishes) continue to use me as a resource blog, could you at least have the decency to hide your intent and reblog from the source.
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goldticket · 1 year
i don't mind personal accounts following me. i don't even necessarily mind you reblogging or liking things. however, i don't greatly appreciate being solely used as a wonka resource blog. if you are going to (against my wishes) continue to use me as a resource blog, could you at least have the decency to hide your intent and reblog from the source.
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goldticket · 2 years
wonka: i’m chill
wonka: [is chill in the sense that he is withholding cataclysmic rage in regard to some minute thing you did or said which incited intense emotion within him that he with greatly strained leniency will not let effect his interpersonal relationship with you] :)
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goldticket · 2 years
request for you to not be a bitch
request denied
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goldticket · 2 years
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goldticket · 2 years
We all got that homie whose air of silliness doesnt hide the haunted look in their eyes😂👆
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goldticket · 2 years
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Salmon Sculpture, Portland, Oregon
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goldticket · 2 years
today we listen to rock all day
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goldticket · 2 years
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Hertella Auto Kaffeemachine. This Dash-Mounted Coffee Maker Is Likely the Rarest Volkswagen Accessory.
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goldticket · 2 years
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inspired by @transforms​ and took the personality test as wonka. not bad. this list is hilarious and illuminating in the parallels between these characters.
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