goldtinged · 4 years
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MOONSWOVE.    an  independent  multi-muse  featuring  characters  from  harry potter,  various  literature,  avatar:  the  last  airbender,  original  characters  +  more.      carrd  .  
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goldtinged · 4 years
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emma carstairs edits .  1 /  ?
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goldtinged · 4 years
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goldtinged · 4 years
trjnhealed​  /  jean
             “ You’re not very good with threats. ”          He set his new red and gold racquet against the ground, opening himself up and taking a stance as if to egg her in to making good on her veiled promises of harm.          “ I didn’t say thank you at first, but I doubt your or our captain would like me to repeat what I did say. I thought we were brought here to practice, not banter. ”           Grey eyes met her brown ones for only a moment before he looked away, hating his inability to maintain eye contact. He listened to Jeremy list their warm up drills, and gave Emma a wide birth before he broke in to an easy jog to start his laps. 
she  stares  at  him  .  arms  folded,  a  stormy  expression gathering  across· her features .    jean  was  wrong  if  he  thought  emma· was· above· lashing· out .· ·she’d· learned· how· to· fight· ·young,· and· to· fight· well   she· just· wasn’t· game· to· try· it· in· front· of· jeremy· and· see· where· it· landed· her   so  as  badly· as· she· wants· to· say· more,· she· instead· spits· out· a     ❝· fine  !   we’ll· train· then·   ❞  and· then,· under· her· breath·   ❝  not  good  at  threats  ... I  am  so  ❞
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training  is  not· too· difficult .   presumably,· they’re· starting· off· light· with· the· new· team· members .· but· emma· is· sure· to· keep· her· eye· on· jean,· to· push· herself· to· run· each· sprint· faster,· to· finish· each· drill· quicker .· and when jeremy announces they need to pair up she turns to him with a grin thats all razor edge   ❝  ·partners ?   ❞ 
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goldtinged · 4 years
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“She wept for herself and the changes that had been wrought in her, because sometimes even change for the better felt like a little death.”
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goldtinged · 4 years
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emma carstairs would wear the strawberry dress </3
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goldtinged · 4 years
i’m thinking abt it bc I’m writing a reply but: emma realising she doesn’t want to throw her life away, actually. the way she threw her heart and soul into the shadowhunter life because it offered her redemption and revenge but it also blinded her to everything she had then. she had to learn that she didn’t need redemption because she was a child when what happened to her happened, and it wasn’t their fault or their job to fix it. and that revenge didn’t have anything to offer her because it wouldn’t bring her family back. and that the expectation any of the children were at blame for anything that happened to them was cruel and wrong. 
she always distanced herself from the blackthorn family just a little, always thinking they were julian’s family not truly hers until the siblings show she is their sister too. and her cutting herself off emotionally from julian when she needed him most (and he needed her), because she was so caught up in the blood relation politics/the law is hard but it is the law/revenge as a value underpinning shadowhunter relations.
I think a lot about her emulating herself after jace and clary as a hero/martyr in LM before switching her modelling, thinking of them (and also izzy and alec) as friends and modelling her relationships after theirs and their campaign for change.
shadowhunter society values coldness, but her arc and the role of her friends is to show everyone that coldness does not serve you well (something diana literally says to emma at one point, i think)
emma leaves the shadowhunter world to go travel the world with julian because she gave everything, quite literally everything, to that world and they didn’t love her back (as an institution) and because despite that she was literally the model shadowhunter, the system failed her and her family again and again until the very end
#obsessed with the fact qoaad has a happy ending but not really  #YES they needed to burn down the whole thing so its happy but  #they only realise this after it fails them all  #and livvy dies#its after midnight and im rambling AOIFJSSKSK  #THIS IS INCOHERENT BUT I KNOW WHAT I MEAN  #anyways idk if cc intended this but emma post qoaad  #she said FUCK shadowhunters aside from whatever alec is brewing up over there  #o wait how much do u think them associating more w the mundane world  #has an effect on their  #hmm maybe its a bit fucked up we're child soldiers
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goldtinged · 4 years
me on all my blogs: let’s talk about this characters flaws! me on emma: she’s baby and she’s never done anything wrong in her life
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goldtinged · 4 years
JEAN /  trjnhealed
             Jean knew the first few practices would be…an adjustment. As much as the Trojans were known for their sportsmanship, they were unlikely to just accept a former competitor in to their ranks. Unable to hide the shudder that ran up his body as she pointed the racquet at him, he settled for leveling her with a flat look.           “ Vous pensez peut-être que vous me menacez, mais il n'y a rien qu'une petite fille puisse faire qui ne m'ait déjà été faite. ”           Behind him, Jeremy cleared his throat and politely asked him to use a language they could all understand.           “ Thank you for the warm welcome. ”
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emma  knew  she  was  supposed  to  be  friendly  .    she  could  see  jeremy  shooting  her  glare  over  jean’s  head,   all  his  exasperated  pleas  from  earlier  that  she  be  nice  gone  to  waste .   but  emma  didn’t  care.  she  didn’t  trust  the  ravens,  and  she’d  look  out  for  her  own  team  before  his  feelings .    
eyes  narrow,     ❝   that’s  a  lot  of  french  words  just  to  say  thank  you  ❞     she  wishes  she’d  payed  more  attention  when  julian  had  tried  to  teach  her  french.    ❝   I  know  a  translator,  moreau,  just  a  heads  up   ❞   not nearly  as  impressive  as  revealing  she  spoke  french  would  have  been,  but  it  would  have  to  do.  
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goldtinged · 4 years
mundane emma is even worse then shadowhunter emma at languages because there’s even LESS reason to force herself to be good at them but u know a bitch will learn one out of spite
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goldtinged · 4 years
FEYRE / halfbeasts
“ maybe this isn’t about you. “ feyre’s voice is harsh; however open to the idea of peace she was, she wasn’t going to stand by the insult. the way she said the word fae, made rage burn in her chest . “ — it’s personal business . “ family. that’s the only thing that could drag feyre back to this world again.
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a   blink .    the   the  harsh   reply  was  unexpected  .    emma  didn’t  think  she  had  even  said  anything  that  bad.   she  can  hear  julian  telling  her  to  drop  it,  but  he  not  a  good  control  over  her  when  he  wasn’t  there  .  ❝    by  the  angel   !     ❞       words  essentially  a  groan,  hands  thrown  into  the  air        ❝  look  .  I  honestly  don’t  care  what  you  gotta  do .  you  could  be  on  a  personal  trip  out  of  faerie  to  deliver  stuffed  mice  to  a  local  cat  colony  and  I  wouldn’t  care .      but  according  to  the  clave,    it’s  prohibited .   no  fae  in  the  mundane  world   without  permission       ❞ 
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goldtinged · 4 years
 if you saw my tears would you touch me  ?    kiss me on the mouth,  say you love me ?     leave a message,    tell me you’re sorry  
-   why you treating me like somebody that you never loved ?
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goldtinged · 4 years
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[photo credit]
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goldtinged · 4 years
                                           @halfbeasts​   /  starter   
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 ❝    oh  .    great     ❞          fae .   she  hated  the  fae  .      tongue  clicks with impatience .    once  .   twice     .      ❝    not   good  for  me  if  I’m  seen  talking  to  fae  .   let’s  make  this  one  snappy,    what  do  you  want   ❞
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goldtinged · 4 years
                                        @hiddensteel​  /  starter
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‘   you  actually   have  things   in  common    ’     clary  had  said  when  emma  had  asked  about  who  was  living  in  the  new  york  institute .   emma  supposed  that  was  the  gentle  way  of  saying  they  both  had  dead  parents .    but  she  was  not  going  to  bring  that  up,  now  or  ever .  instead  it’s  arms  folded  across  her  chest,   an  eyebrow  raised  as  she  watches  the  girl  in  the  training  room,       ❝     you’re  holding  it  wrong  .   and  you  need  to  swing  a  sword  like  you  mean  it       ❞
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goldtinged · 4 years
Send Me a Symbol for a Starter
Or send “Starter please!” and I’ll use a generator to decide.
# and a number - Inspired a random sentence on that page in the book I’m currently reading and/or a book sitting nearby (If using the generator, I’ll flip to a random page.)  
♬ - Inspired by the first song that comes up on my MP3 player after putting it on shuffle.
✉ - Based around the last text I sent/received.
۩  - Inspired by the last place I went.
$ - Inspired by the last thing I spent money on.
✧ - Inspired by the last picture I took.
✍ - Inspired by the last piece of art I made.
◎ - Inspired by the plot of the last movie I watched.
▢ -  Inspired by the plot of the last TV show I watched.
☄ - Inspired by the plot of the last computer/console game I played.
★  - Based off a post on my wishlist.
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goldtinged · 4 years
                                              @trjnhealed​​  /  starter
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 ❝     so   we’re   teammates    now   ,     huh   .     ❞       she  brings  her  racquet  up,   points  it  at  him .   it  was  not  a  threat,  but  the  next  words  were  .        ❝     good  .   that  means  you’ll  learn  pretty  quickly  I’ve  got  a  mean  swing    ❞ 
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