goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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Above are the concepts of our VR Room and character environment.
Character Profile:
Name:Katayama Hiroshi Age: 65 Nationality: Japanese Past, Present or Future: Future Socioeconomic Level as a child: Socioeconomic Level as an adult: Hometown: Kyoto Current Residence: Hiroshima Occupation: Racing Income: Multi Millionaire Talents/Skills: Racing, mechanic, Singing Salary:Millions per year Siblings (describe relationship): Older brother(deceased: died from car accident) Spouse (describe relationship): Children (describe relationship): Grandparents (describe relationship): Grandchildren (describe relationship): No granchildren yet. Significant Others (describe relationship): Mikasa Makamura. Girlfriend who's an actress. Tense because she is with him because of his money. Mostly sexual. Relationship skills: Grade A simp beforehand. Charming individual now. Pulls very easily. Physical Characteristics: Slim build Height: 65kg Weight: 5'8 Race: Asian Eye Color: Brown Hair Color: Jet black Glasses or contact lenses?: Glasses Skin color: Black-Asian Shape of Face: Square Distinguishing features: Scar from shoulder from accident. How does he/she dress?: Old school japanese style. Mannerisms: Masculine. Reserved behaviour. Habits: (smoking, drinking etc.) Health: Healthy for his age. Very fit. Hobbies: Driving. Repairing cars. Singing. Drawing. Scuba diving. Favorite Sayings: Onwards and upwards, always. / 常に上向きに Speech patterns: Sarcastic tone. Humourous. Disabilities: Nope. Style (Elegant, shabby etc.): Greatest flaw: Not emotionally available for children. Best quality: Wise individual. Very good advice. Thinks he's a monik. Intellectual/Mental/Personality Attributes and Attitudes Educational Background: Standard grades. Minimum requirement of education to succeed in life. Intelligence Level: Very intelligent. Any Mental Illnesses?: Suffered from depression after the death of his brother. Learning Experiences: Death of his brother is a learning experience. Discovered the importance of not drinking and driving., Character's short-term goals in life: Lacking short term goals. Late-Life crisis. Character's long-term goals in life: Finish building his dream car. Honda Acura NSX 1991. Make it the epitomy of JDM cars. Renovate it. How does Character see himself/herself?: Accomplished. Very confident in self worth. How does Character believe he/she is perceived by others?: Down to earth. Clumsy over girls. Someone that's easy to talk to. How self-confident is the character?: Very self confident. Does the character seem ruled by emotion or logic or some combination thereof?: They're more controlled by logic. Which is why their relationship with their children is tilted. What would most embarrass this character?: Finishing too early in sex. Emotional Characteristics: Strengths/Weaknesses: Very technical. Critical thinker. Very intuitive. Sometimes Insensitive due to logical thinking. Monotonous due to short term goals missing from life. Lacks emotion sometimes. Introvert or Extrovert?: Ambivert How does the character deal with anger?:  They drive around and wait until they calm down. With sadness?: Painting helps them convey their emotions on canvas. With conflict?: They generally prefer to avoid conflict. With change?: They start by drawing. Drawing on a canvas is way of them to take control. Only they control the outcome of what they'll create. With loss?: Try their best to make a lesson out of it. What does the character want out of life?: They want their children to be successful and want to have their dream car. What would the character like to change in his/her life?: They'd do anything to prevent their brother from dying. What motivates this character?: Right now, the only thing that motivates them is them getting closer to build their dream car. What frightens this character?: The potential risk of car accidents. What makes this character happy?: Working on their car, their children succeeding in life. Is the character judgmental of others?: They're generally not judgemental. Is the character generous or stingy?: Overall they're quite stingy. They don't want to be taken advantage of all the time because of their wealth. Is the character generally polite or rude?: They're generally polite. They have no reason to leave a bad impression. Character's Role in the Movie (main character? hero? heroine? Romantic interest? etc.): Main character.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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Female life drawing
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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My render assignment. This is something I somewhat struggle with. Mainly due to not really being able to easily navigate with my lights. I was going for a warm and comforting vibe with this render.
Dust particles added in post processing.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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Male Muscle studies
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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Some life drawing practice.
1 - Sketch of girl
2 - Sketch of friend, James
3 - Sketch of friend, Mel
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
[FINAL] VCD1501 workshop 4 RETRY
Here is my character lip sync and expression animation. I improved the quality tremendously over my previous animation. My original animation was very stiff and I had troubles with rendering the rig. This led to a lacklustre result as displayed below.
 However, this time I planned more efficiently beforehand. I initially created 2 pose sketches to get the general idea of what I wanted. I did not do this with my previous animation.
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After that, I started by creating key poses and blocking them out along with the lip sync.
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 After getting the blocked poses out, I enabled splines and added more keyframes in between to improve the animation integrity. Getting the key poses down really helped with being efficient with my progress. I could move splines around as opposed to making a bunch of unnecessary key frames manually.
I then worked on the lip sync and also worked on improving the facial expressions to add more life into it, as well as adding subtle face changes such as blinking, winking and general eye movement.
I wanted the character to be portrayed as sassy, playful and flirtatious. I changed some of these poses slightly to make them less suggestive as I felt like it was really pushing the boundaries.
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The final thing to figure out was the lighting. I initially went for a darker vibe with strong rim light. However at the time, I felt like I was using it as a crutch as the dark lighting was hiding issues with my animation.
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Overall I think this project was a success. 
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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After working on the character, I created the plinth and other accessory items in Blender 2.8. We then got the character rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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Monika did a very good job at creating the character model using zbrush. The model was then sent over to me. At first, I posed the character using the mask and rotate method as opposed to rigging the model as the model needed to be posed in order for me to create the clothes accurately.
I used Marvelous Designer to create the base for my clothing. After that, I exported the clothes model into zbrush to clean it up and add details. I then used blender to combine the two, along with fixing some anatomy issues.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 4 years
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My partner and I were assigned the task to create a model along with a plinth. Monika was assigned with the task of creating the character model. I was assigned with the task of creating the plinth.
Monika created the silo concepts for the character along with the general vibe for the plinth.
I created some concepts for the plinth and in the end decided to combine some aspects from all concepts.
Our main final figure reference was this image of a fish/plant woman, so we went with that vibe.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
VCD1501 workshop 4
Key poses
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
This is a collaboration project between me and Monika. Our objective was to make a level inspired by a given artist. Our artist was Ai Wei Wei. One thing Monika and I noticed is that he uses light as his main theme for a few of his pieces. So we decided to use that as our main inspiration and apply our own twist to it; replacing his neutral lights for pink,blue and green hues. We used god rays and dark ambience to compliment the contrasting features.
We scaled up two of his pieces we found the most impressive and used them as environment features.
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Descending Light(Ai Wei Wei)
This is the main inspiration for the Tunnel we go through.
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Chandelier(Ai Wei Wei)
This is the main inspiration for the platform we climb on.
Unity Scene:
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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Final Model of my Organic bones model. Rendered in Marmoset Toolbag.
I made some extra adjustments to my design. I added baroque style markings to my bone, as well as limiting the gold tint to limited spaces on the mesh. High Poly normal map detail as created in zbrush. Albedo texture created in Substance painter . Other maps were baked in substance painter.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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I created a low poly and high poly version of my mesh to use for baking. The high poly consists of 3m poly to allow for enough details.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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For uv-ing. I uv-ed one side of the bone using a planar unwrap mode. Then I could select the rest and uv them using a camera based mode. I then unfolded each section to allow for maximum texture space. I also scaled the uv parts accordingly so that the texture quality will be even across all seams.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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The maya creation of my organic bone model. I focused on making a low poly version with correct forms in order to correctly uv and apply a displacement map over my mesh.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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Final Concepts for my helmet and bones.
The bones consist of damaged and mutated bones. Both bones together vaguely forms a trumpet.
The helmet is a mixture of two of my previous designs as I liked different aspects from each.
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goly-hawthorne-y1 · 5 years
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Silhouettes and developed initial designs from them. I used webchemy to create interesting silhouettes. I tried to ggo outside my comfort zone.
The first set of designs are bone shapes.
The second set of designs are helmet shapes.
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