rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
          Loving reminder that Adrala is not inactive and I haven’t           abandoned him, it’s just March ( a la my rules ) so I’m           slow and crappy. Thank you all for your patience, ilu. I’ll           return soon with my big doof son to blow shit up and flirt           with all the short people. 
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
          Really going to try to wake Adrala back up. The house           has settled a bit though I’m still somewhat overwhelmed.           I’ll try to do drafts, maybe a starter call later today! 
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
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sorry I vanished my sister just came back from Japan this week and there are so many children in the house now I
I’m having a week
I will try to do things on Adrala tomorrow! <3
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
Poe look you dropped something. My jaw.
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     ❛what about your pants? ❜     smooth.
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
          Do you ever look over the posts on your blog and just read           the italicized, bolded, and underlined text and laugh because           it could almost pass as some kind of really obscure poem??           Like go look at a post and just take out all of the bolded,           italicized, and underlined text and stick it into it's own post.                     Watch,
Taking orders, strutting around, leaned on them, robes. It just didn't work on him; connection. The weapons expert, destruction and obliterated Stormtroopers. Poe knew him as Adie; affection and wanting. Steadfast allure, cityscapes, life; out of his element. Scarred with blaster bolts, bite his lip, flinging. Reckless stunts awkwardly. So good, too damn good, especially together. First Order knuckle-draggers, blowing up a whole moon; frustrated, crispy.
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
“ sometimes the things i do astound me, mostly whenever you’re around. ”
          ( @fightpilot )
          ❝I'm almost positive General Organa would see that as cause for concern.❞
         Of course he starts off with a joke; it makes it easier for him to slip into conversation. If he's not taking orders he's strutting around with his colorful feathers all on display. Conversations are simple enough to fall into when there's no connection. Sometimes Adrala was a giant fool and broke stools when he leaned on them the wrong way, but other times he could practically talk a devout Jedi out of their robes ( if ever he truly met a Jedi he'd like to believe, anyways ).
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         Poe presented a difficulty in the Shasca's usual fortress level layer of charm and humor; it just didn't work on him. There was a connection. They grew up together and Poe knew his idiosyncrasies and flaws and habits, he knew him before he towered over nearly everyone in the Resistance; he knew Adrala before he was the weapons expert that did solo stints and left a blazing trail of destruction and obliterated Stormtroopers in his wake.
         Poe knew him as Adie, and Adie had cared for him since before he even know what affection and wanting was.
         It really faltered his whole steadfast allure routine and had him leaning against the guard rail of the rooftop landing pad ( dimly lit but practically glittering with city lights ) looking down at the night scene below; a rare and somewhat relaxing trip into cityscapes, surrounded by life, people, walls, music, and light. He was a little out of his element here; there were no bunker or base walls scarred with blaster bolts and the smells reaching his nose weren't of used up power packs or ashy armor. Maybe that's why he kept looking down and instead of at Poe; that damn pilot would probably unconsciously bite his lip and he'd have to deal with Adrala flinging himself over the guardrail.
         ❝Prob'ly because we just get reckless-------- with each other,          I mean. Some of the stunts we've pulled----❞        he laughed,          awkwardly, turning to rest the back of his thighs against the rail. 
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         ❝If we weren't so good at what we do I think we would have had          our asses dropped off to hustle Pod races ages ago. We are just          too damn good though. Better together--------- especially together,          really, because other wise it's just---- ❞          A vague 'blowing up' gesture with his hand accompanies the mirrored sound effect, before he's crossing his arms again ( a protective barrier ), head tilting a bit to look over at one of his oldest and only surviving friends. A smile helps to mask the depth of his humorously delivered but no less true words.          ❝You go start fights with First Order knuckle-draggers and then I          gotta do nothing short of blowing up a whole moon to come save          your ass and everyone involved is just frustrated and a little bit crispy.❞
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
Frank Sinatra Sentence Meme
“But it wouldn’t be make believe if you believed in me.”
“Forget your troubles and just get happy.”
“I don’t know why I love you like I do.”
“I get along without you very well, of course I do.”
“I thought at last I’d found you but other loves surround you and I don’t stand a ghost of a chance with you.”
“I’m sorry I made you cry. Won’t you forget, won’t you forgive?”
“It breaks my heart to hear you sigh.”
“It must be fun, lots of fun, to be sure when day is done that the hour is coming when you’ll be kissed and then you’ll be kissed again.”
“Lately, I find myself gazing at stars, hearing guitars like someone in love.”
“Look at yourself, if you had a sense of humor you would laugh to beat the band.”
“Should I reveal exactly how I feel?”
“Sometimes the things I do astound me, mostly whenever you’re around me.”
“The only time you hold me is when we’re dancing.”
“When skies are cloudy and gray, they’re only gray for a day So wrap your troubles in dreams and dream your troubles away.”
“When we met, I felt my life begin.”
“When you’re alone, who cares for starlit skies?”
“Whenever skies look gray to me and trouble begins to brew, whenever the winter winds become too strong, I concentrate on you.”
“Why shouldn’t I take a chance when romance passes by? Why shouldn’t I know of love?”
“Yes, I met my ideal thing when I met you.”
“Your looks are laughable, unphotographable, yet youre my favourite work of art.”
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
plz Maz, Poe is not a "hulking beast", THIS is a hulking beast *flexes*
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                  ❛     -––––– when they ask you why i left the resistance,                   and you wonder if it was your fault -––– please know that                   it was. one-hundred percent.      ❜
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
          I’m fell into the Chicago soundtrack and Adrala is really           digging it. He’s musical trash. I bet he would know every           song in Chicago. 
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
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          my ‘poe is doing something dangerous and needs me’ senses are tingling
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
Send me a URL + 👄 and my muse will kiss them
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
general sunshine.
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      He was a man that valued appearances, that was so sure of         himself as he moved, as he spoke, as he stood still that         sheer power seemed to emanate off of him.  Even in this         room that was rank with the smell iron and the lingering scent         of burning flesh. 
      It doesn’t seem to bother the general.
      “ They come in one size fits most, unfortunately, but I have           heard that the morgue has longer tables. “
      Not that he’s ever been down there himself, he doesn’t really         need to see what they did with the bodies once the higher ups         were done with them.  I the time between death and incineration.
      “ If you like, we could send you there. “
         'I'm about to be tortured like never before' was the first thought that flew through Adrala's mind. This guy was the first bastard he'd seen waltzing in here without a helmet on; conclusion? He was in some superior position, and if someone helmet-less was coming down to the level reserved for Rebel Scum it had to mean business. The fear served to make him angrier, and the smart comments just kept coming.
        ❝Sure, might be a nice change; startin' to loose feeling in         my toes, prob'ly need to stretch them out.❞
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        He gives a drawn out pull at the restraints, a building frustration in his body from being unable to stretch or move ( the denial of struggling against pain was just icing on the darkside cake ).
        ❝Whattaya say we make a date of it huh? Just me 'n you,             Sunshine.❞
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
“Could those of us who aren’t psychic at least get some subtitles?”
          ( @diirtyhands )
          Adrala snorted slightly, quickly covering up the action by clearing his throat and resuming a serious and involved stance. Though, all of the Force talk floating about did have his mind wandering. Weapon systems, stratagem, ordnance----- all of that he understood ( he was actually a good voice to listen to in those respects ), but the whole Jedi thing went over his head. After a moment silence, he leaned down slightly to Nayva's height and whispered,
         ❝Do you think they'd sense it if we took a lightsaber and broke it open?❞
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         One couldn't mention a weapon like that around Adrala, even a melee weapon, and not pique his curiosity; and Nayva was a mechanic, a damn good one, he had to guess that she wanted to know what made them tick as well.
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rebelexpert-blog · 9 years
“Okay. So what do we do for eight minutes?”
( @cxtoma  )
          Don't make a dirty joke, don't make a dirty joke, don't make a dirty joke----❝Well I can probably think of a few things.❞                      Nailed it.
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          Granted it was an incredibly short ETA to be waiting on, and normally he'd just be content to sit in silence and ted to his weapons any time he was getting picked up, but at the very least he could humor Toma.
         ❝Ever disassembled a blaster before? I can prob'ly          take my rifle apart and put her back together five times          before those eight minutes are up.❞
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