gonna-pop · 2 years
May I ask.. are you done with pokemon?
I'm not working on any Pokemon projects right now, but I wouldn't say I'm done with it! I still love Pokemon and think about Pokemon stuff frequently 🙈
I keep seeing posts about the new Arceus game and thinking that, if I play it, I bet I'll have ideas for new Pokemon stories... so stay tuned on that lol.
also, please feel free to send prompts! I can't promise I'll write them, but I'll share them on the blog (and tbh almost all of my Pokemon stories have been based on prompts).
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gonna-pop · 2 years
chapter 2 is live!
(surprise! this fic is back, and so am I!)
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Part alien, Armitage Hux has always longed to have a child. But his biological clock is ticking.
With no time to find a suitable partner to father his baby, Armitage hires the services of Snoke’s prize breeding stud, Kylo Ren.
kylux • mpreg, breeding, soft kylux • explicit
read it on ao3
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gonna-pop · 4 years
I think that maybe Kylo would cheat (whether emotionally or physically) out of anger, or for “vengeance”, maybe from feeling neglect? but I love the (extremely angsty) idea of Kylo/ben just. letting himself get caught up and cheat, leaving hux heartbroken and gutted? aah so many scenarios, all made to crush my soul. also I would love to see Kylos family get involved in the scandal in a modern/canon divergence au. Maybe they go and support hux “ . “
cw: infidelity, cheating
omg, anon, your ideas are both incredibly angsty and incredibly juicy…
I can see both of these scenarios!
maybe Hux and Ben (you guys know how much I love my canonverse benarmie aus lol) are going through a rough patch. Ben is feeling unhappy and resentful. maybe Hux has been distant, and they’ve been fighting, and Ben (wrongly) suspects that Hux has been cheating emotionally or physically.
when he meets someone in a cantina (having stormed out of the house during a fight), part of him feels like this is what Hux deserves for treating him badly.
or maybe they're not having any big problems... but when Ben is offworld without Hux, he meets someone, and there's instant chemistry. he loves Hux and wants to be with him - but they've been together for so long that he'd almost forgotten what it was to feel a spark like this: an immediate, intense attraction, the excitement of something new.
he lets himself get swept up in what he's feeling and cheats. (is it a one-night stand? do they spend a few days together while he's planetside?) then he goes home to Hux. (does he keep talking to the person he slept with?)
the other question is how Hux finds out...
forgive me if this is too angsty, but... I once read that men are more likely to cheat when their partner is pregnant (for a variety of reasons). just throwing that out there...
in any case, I love the idea of Ben’s family “siding” with Hux. both Ben and Hux would probably be surprised by this - Hux thought Ben's family didn't really like him, and Ben had always sort of assumed their loyalty would be with him, whatever the situation. but everyone is so disappointed in Ben's behavior. (I imagine Leia would have some choice words for him.)
any thoughts or ideas that you guys have are welcome. 👀
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gonna-pop · 4 years
hello! Are there any commission slots open by any chance? Thank you, hope you are well!!
hi! I don’t have any slots open at the moment, but I’m planning to reopen commissions in February.
if you message me off anon (feel free to use the messenger feature - that’s usually easier for both parties than regular asks), we can talk about what you might be interested in commissioning and I can put you on a wait-list (reserve a slot for you, if you want).
thank you for your interest!
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gonna-pop · 4 years
a random thought while working on a few projects (including commissions, which I hope to reopen sometime in January, wink-wink)...
I have the strangest desire to write a fic where Ben/Kylo (depending on the au) cheats on Hux and they go about the lengthy, painful, difficult process of rebuilding trust
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gonna-pop · 4 years
oh lord that’s so sad 😭😭😭😭 but I love it.....
me too, I’ve been thinking about it all day  😭 😭 😭
just... poor Armitage, having to deal with morning sickness and hormones and various aches and pains, all alone, while grieving 😭
through the first trimester and most of the second, he’s terrified that something will go wrong and he’ll lose the baby -- lose the last piece of Ben, the only connection that remains.
when he feels the baby kick for the first time, he’s thrilled at first. overjoyed. then he’s devastated all over again, because Ben is supposed to be here for this.
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gonna-pop · 4 years
since hux is terrified of giving birth how does Rey deal?? Does he start panicking, or does he try to repress it, and Rey has to figure out how to calm him, quick?
(re: this post and this post)
both, I think -- one after another. initially, he staunchly insists that he’s not in labor. he can’t be, since he’s not due for another two weeks.
even when the speeder breaks down on the way to the medcenter, he tells himself (and Rey) that it’s fine, really, because this isn’t the real thing. (they shouldn’t have left the house in the first place, he argues, but there’s nothing for it now.) they’ll just wait until the storm blows over and everything will be fine.
when it becomes clear that he’s in labor, he still tries to resist -- doesn’t want to practice proper breathing, doesn’t want to change positions (as much as is possible in a speeder, anyway), doesn’t want to do anything to facilitate the process.
it’s not up to him, though. eventually he realizes that he’s really having the baby, whether he wants to or not, without a medical professional in sight. that’s when the panic sets in.
Rey has to do a lot of cajoling and careful hand-holding just to get him to breathe properly. that’s hard enough -- she has no idea how she’s going to get him through the pushing stage. 😓
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gonna-pop · 4 years
for a week after the accident, Armitage is just – numb. in shock. it doesn’t feel real yet. he saw Ben’s body, sat beside him for hours, touched his cold hands and face, but it doesn’t feel real yet. he keeps forgetting.
they bury him in the Alderaanian fashion. there hasn’t been a funeral for a prince of Alderaan in generations, but the required ceremonies are clearly outlined. hardly any decisions have to be made, and for that, Armitage is grateful.
Leia gives the eulogy. it seems unnatural, almost – a reversal of how things should be. parents aren’t supposed to eulogize their children.
Armitage barely hears her words and remembers almost none of them. he’s in a fog.
after the funeral, Ben’s sister Rey insists on driving him home. she says he’s in no state to drive himself. Armitage disagrees – he’s fine, really, no need for all this, she’s grieving, too – but eventually, he gets in the speeder.
Armitage enters the big, empty house he shared with Ben and makes it about seven steps before his legs just – give out.
it’s like the weight of the last week crashes down on him all at once, and it’s crushing. suddenly he can’t breathe. he feels like he’s choking. what is he supposed to do without Ben?
in an instant, Rey is kneeling beside him. she reaches for him, and when she touches the bare skin of his wrist, she gasps.
his vision swims, but he can see how huge and sorrowful her eyes are. he realizes then that she knows. she felt it – the little spark inside him. that’s how Ben described it.
“oh, Armie,” she says, so softly, and then her eyes are filling with tears, too.
cw character death
just had a concept pop into my brain: vaguely canonverse au where Ben dies in an accident when Armie is 8 weeks pregnant
no miraculous return for Ben -- just a sad (but ultimately hopeful, I think) fic about Armie coping with his loss
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gonna-pop · 4 years
cw character death
just had a concept pop into my brain: vaguely canonverse au where Ben dies in an accident when Armie is 8 weeks pregnant
no miraculous return for Ben -- just a sad (but ultimately hopeful, I think) fic about Armie coping with his loss
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gonna-pop · 5 years
3 slots have been filled! just one slot left. 😌
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As a holiday treat, I’m opening writing commissions… at a discounted rate!
4 slots available.
My rates are $10.00 USD per 500 words, with a 1000 word minimum.
I’m best known for writing pregnancy, lactation, birth, stuffing/feeding and similar content. Please see my ao3 for examples of my work.
I’m open to writing many types of content (with the exception of underage – all characters must be 18 or older). Commissions do not need to be fanfic. I’m  happy to write about your OCs.
Feel free to inquire (via tumblr message or email) about any specific content not listed here.
If you’re interested, please email [email protected] (include “commission” in the subject line).
In your initial email, please include the desired length (ex: 1000 words, 2500 words, etc), fandom (if any), setting and a basic description of the scenario. I’ll ask for more information if I accept your commission.
I will update this post as slots fill up.
Thank you!
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gonna-pop · 5 years
been having a delightful conversation on discord about alpha!Rey knocking up omegas Hux and Kylo at the same time and... I’m seriously considering writing a proper fic for the concept
you guys know how much I like the whole “mutual pregnancy” thing, and also that I have a soft spot for reylux
if anyone has ideas or suggestions (or if anyone wants in on my discord server, which is strictly for people 18 and older), hmu 👀
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gonna-pop · 5 years
holiday stuffing/feeding prompts, anyone? 👀
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gonna-pop · 5 years
1 slot is filled! 3 slots remain. ♥️
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As a holiday treat, I’m opening writing commissions… at a discounted rate!
4 slots available.
My rates are $10.00 USD per 500 words, with a 1000 word minimum.
I’m best known for writing pregnancy, lactation, birth, stuffing/feeding and similar content. Please see my ao3 for examples of my work.
I’m open to writing many types of content (with the exception of underage – all characters must be 18 or older). Commissions do not need to be fanfic. I’m  happy to write about your OCs.
Feel free to inquire (via tumblr message or email) about any specific content not listed here.
If you’re interested, please email [email protected] (include “commission” in the subject line).
In your initial email, please include the desired length (ex: 1000 words, 2500 words, etc), fandom (if any), setting and a basic description of the scenario. I’ll ask for more information if I accept your commission.
I will update this post as slots fill up.
Thank you!
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gonna-pop · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media
As a holiday treat, I’m opening writing commissions... at a discounted rate!
4 slots available.
My rates are $10.00 USD per 500 words, with a 1000 word minimum.
I’m best known for writing pregnancy, lactation, birth, stuffing/feeding and similar content. Please see my ao3 for examples of my work.
I’m open to writing many types of content (with the exception of underage – all characters must be 18 or older). Commissions do not need to be fanfic. I’m  happy to write about your OCs.
Feel free to inquire (via tumblr message or email) about any specific content not listed here.
If you’re interested, please email [email protected] (include “commission” in the subject line).
In your initial email, please include the desired length (ex: 1000 words, 2500 words, etc), fandom (if any), setting and a basic description of the scenario. I’ll ask for more information if I accept your commission.
I will update this post as slots fill up.
Thank you!
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gonna-pop · 5 years
hello *sweats* uh how do u feel about lactating hux and Kylo just,,,... being all over that
I have extremely powerful feelings on the subject 💦
there are a lot of possible scenarios, but for right now, let’s say that Hux has recently given birth to their first child and is nursing. while Kylo certainly enjoyed the many changes to Hux’s body during the pregnancy (including his bigger breasts), he didn’t think that would extend to changes after the baby came...
... until the first time Hux wakes up in the middle of the night, his breasts full and leaking through the thin fabric of his top. Kylo is transfixed.
it’s not long before they discover that additional nursing sessions don’t take anything away from the baby -- in fact, the stimulation convinces Hux’s body to produce even more milk, which necessitates more nursing sessions, which results in more milk...
after a year, their baby is weaned and eating solid food -- but Hux is still lactating, because somebody isn’t ready to give it up. 😉
(seriously... if y’all have lactation scenarios/prompts/etc... I would be interested in reading them 👀)
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gonna-pop · 5 years
I love that 😭😭 Hux having to give birth in a speeder on the side of a road, with only Rey to help him
in this scenario, I imagine that Hux is terrified of giving birth. he wants to have a child, and pregnancy is all right... but he’s fearful and anxious about the actual delivery.
for months, he’s envisioned a calm, controlled, medicated birth in a hospital, with his husband by his side the whole time.
that’s what he planned for -- not having his baby without an epidural, in a kriffing speeder, with his well-meaning but clueless 19yo sister-in-law peering fretfully between his legs. 😭
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gonna-pop · 5 years
omgg i love that fic AND that idea sooo much. ok uh, maybe theyre stuck in a car/speeder on the side of a road? or in a sandstorm (lol), maybe kylo is knocked out smwhere, OR hux is captured (with Rey, by some.. space mobsters idk) it’s very late but I’m excited
ahh, omg, thank you for this message! it inspired me. I think I’ve got something...
Armie and Ben live on Arkanis, in a remote home near the sea, with no close neighbors. two weeks before Armie is due to deliver their first child, Ben’s younger sister Rey comes to visit.
for some reason (we’ll work that out later), Ben is away from home and unavailable. Rey is keeping Armitage company for the afternoon.
when Armitage goes into labor, Rey panics -- but he insists it’s not the real thing, because he’s not due for two more weeks.
eventually, however, Rey insists on driving him to the medcenter, which is more than an hour away by speeder. because of Armitage’s denial, his labor is well underway by the time they get on the road.
it happens to be storm season on Arkanis. the sea is roiling, the roads are flooding, and rain is coming down hard enough to bruise the skin.
several miles away from town, the speeder breaks down and Rey is unable to repair it. the road is remote enough that there are no passing speeders that might be able to give them a lift.
to make matters worse, the weather is so bad that their comms get no signal, so they can’t even let someone know where they are.
meanwhile, Armitage’s contractions are getting closer and closer together.
poor Rey has no clue how to deliver a baby, but she has to figure it out, in the back of a speeder in the middle of a storm.
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