goobtimus-prime · 1 year
I got home from work and after I made myself dinner I went upstairs to go to bed
Part of my before bed routine is washing my face
My mom went to the store today and she bought more facewash,
We had run out a long time ago
The previous facewash left was a twice watered-down combination of the tablespoon of soap left in the container and sink and shower water
All mixed together in a lovely soap soup
It worked for weeks, except recently when the previously orange face soap was suddenly a dusty, bloody, rose color
Almost like a sign that something was wrong with it, almost like it was pleading for me to just buy more instead of wringing out every last drop of blood inside this container
It scared me a little but not enough for me to stop using it
When I went into the bathroom I noticed that my mom had gotten a different brand of facewash
I missed the old container, I remembered there being just enough left for one last use
I went to use the fresh bottle
Still the familiar orange
But as it fell out of the bottle, it was thicker, like worms wriggling out into my hand, remaining solid even when I squished them between my fingers, squeezing through the cracks of my palms, only falling apart into a white soapy mess when I put my hands on my face like I was Kevin McCallister from the first home alone movie
I had gotten too much soap on accident
So when I rinsed my face, I had to splash water on it for way longer than normal
When I looked up after drying my face, something was off
My eyes were different
I swear, the skin around was a little red and my eyes looked so intense and full of both pain and knowledge
I am convinced they were not my eyes
I was looking through something that was not me and was probably not even human
I blinked a few times and it seemed to disappear
But for a few moments I experienced the world through something that was not myself
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goobtimus-prime · 1 year
The Void
I saw someone refilling their coffee bean shaped ice tray with coffee poured out of a can.
This video had two million likes and almost eighteen million views
And this is all this woman does
Fill up, restock, use up, throw out
Buy buy buy buy buy
And it’s not flashy either
She creates in a white void that has one corner and nothing else
No decoration just void
She makes the excess appear minimal
I don’t care about this woman at all
She’s not the problem, she’s a symptom
She makes a smoothie in the morning then puts it into eight different identical glass bottles
She puts her laundry detergent into another sleeker, more aesthetic container
She just moves things from one bottle to another
Over and over and over constantly restocking
Buying bouquets of flowers endlessly
She carefully peels off petals and snips leaves so they fit perfectly in a container
That she fills with a strange powder to keep the illusion that the flowers are thriving in this void
She could just grow a garden instead
But she keeps the illusion that she is thriving in this void as well
And everyone says “THIS IS WHY I LOVE YOU !!” “THIS IS WHY I DO THE SAME !!”
Sometimes she creates for herself
She makes tea
But even that is soon consumed by the void
She must use some novel container to mix the tea so she can pour it into another cup and another cup and another cup and another cup and another cup on and on and on until her kitchen is full of unused yet dirty cups
All for 12 oz of tea
She is stuck just like the rest of us
People see her and they want the life the void offers
And the void only says
“in my storefront”
“on amazon”
“make a purchase”
To have peace you must buy it
It’s frustrating.
She makes coffee
She is sponsored
I saw a comment that said  “BEST AD EVER !!”
The ice returned to the void as I kept exploring her page
Here she was restocking the freezer drawer that held the ice
(not the ice trays themselves, rookie mistake to think that. You’d have to be stupid to not understand the difference. You’d have to have no brain at all, you’d have to be born in the middle of the fucking woods with wolves as a mother to not fucking understand what any of this means at all. You’d have to be the most brain-dead person to not get this. Everyone else understands. Why don’t you.)
All this meaning that she was taking the ice out of the trays to put it in another container to put in her freezer and all I ask is why do you need this much ice?
There were six separate trays of flavored ice
Why do you need any of this?
Each of them was made with some other ingredient besides water
Don’t you feel trapped living like this?
She bought special drinks just to make ice out of them
Is this really what you want?
Is this what any of us want? Six trays of ice we have to restock every week?
Do we really want to live inside a void with one corner?
Or are we stuck just like her?
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