Aru Shah and The End of Time
Author: Roshani Chokshi
This book is the first of the Aru Shah Pandavas series. The whole series focuses in Hindu mythology, and as a Hindu myself, I felt more connected to a book than I ever had in my life. I was hooked from the table of contents, I'm not joking.
The protagonist, seventh-grader Aru Shah, lives in the Museum of Indian Art and Culture with her mom. There is a lamp in the Hall of the Gods that is supposedly cursed, and Aru's mom warns her not to light it.
But then, some mean kids from Aru's school, Agustus Day, force her to light the lamp. And then, the Sleeper breaks free, and Aru is told she's a Pandava, on of the five heroes in the epic the Mahabharata. She teams up with one of her Pandava soul sisters, Mini, and they get claimed by the gods. Aru is the daughter of Indra, the god of thunder and king of the heavens, and Mini is the daughter of Dharma Raja, the god of death. Now, they need to work together to get three keys to get into the Kingdom of Death to find out the secret that will stop the Sleeper.
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