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I am not a big fan of star wars but I had to do it. 
-Vader: I like this one.
-Trooper: aah~sir
-Vanitas- Who are you? 
-Vader: Look it’s minnie me!
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I wrote a thiiiiiiing
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“Lazy bum, huh? Well, I’m not going anywhere. Show me what you’ve got, Kairi!”
goofballfromtheislands started following you
✰٭~( ⚝ @goofballfromtheislands​ ⚝ )
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—✭—   ❝ I spy a lazy bum! It’s about time you dropped in. Hopefully you’ll stay around long enough for me to show you how strong I’ve gotten! ❞
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This is something I have been doing on the side for a while now and I was able to finish it somewhat.
I got those Sokai feels tho
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{{Hey guys! I just got the most wonderful idea for Halloween!}}
{{Mickey’s gonna host a BIG OL’ Costume Ball at Disney Castle, and everyone’s invited! There’s gonna be food and drinks, and music and dancing!}}
{{And I mean EVERYONE is invited! Old friends, new friends, friends of friends, AU’s crossovers, what have you! No previous interactions needed. The more the merrier! It’ll be House of Mouse, Kingdom Hearts style!}}
{{We’ll have it all through October, so that even the busiest of us can have plenty of time for Halloween shenanigans. I’ll try to post up at least one open starter everyday, but please feel free to send inbox things, or even post your own starters! My tag’s getting kind of crazy, so I’ll tag and follow this event as KingdomOfMouse. Get it? Haha!
Starting tomorrow, I’ll be getting this underway, so for now, start thinking of what your muse wants to dress up as for Halloween!}}
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“Sheesh. Mr Sensitive.”
The boy rolled his eyes and pulled his hand back. He adjusted the pumpkin on his head and looked around. He couldn’t actually ever remember bringing Riku to Halloween Town. Was this the first time Riku’s appearance changed upon entering a new world?
“What’s the hurry? Everyone is getting ready for Halloween!”
“Can I touch them?”
Vampire Ghoulish AU Starter Sentences
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“No, now cut it out!”
He batted his hand away from his eyes. Well, eye sockets. He still wasn’t sure how all this weird costume magic worked, or why he could still see from his lack of eyeballs, but Riku wasn’t really sure he wanted to know the details. And he did not want Sora’s dirty grubby fingers in his eyes just to see if they were really gone, or just “invisible”.
“Let’s just hurry and go to this other town or whatever.” And find out what Sora was going on about.
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Chopping is all done and only got one cut! Time to add it all together!
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divewxng started following you
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“Riku! Just in time. Can you do me a favour?”
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Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, everyone! I’m soloing it again this year, so I decided to make a giant turkey stew! I’ll be posting as it goes. Hope your weekend is going well. :)
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Sora took a step back to let Mickey hop out of the beam from his ship. He was excited to have his friend come and visit. 
“You couldn’t enjoy it last time?” The boy tilted his head in confusion, “Why? What happened? You didn’t try and plan a vacation when the islands were covered in darkness, did you?”
At the mention of the darkness, Sora looked up at his home. There were times when it didn’t seem real, like the world had never recovered. But sure enough, Destiny Islands was restored to its former glory, though a few residents were lost in the process. Namely, Sora’s parents.
“I’ve got my place all ready for you!” The boy turned back to the King with a grin, “Let’s go!”
"Your Majesty! You made it!"
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✻➣ ‵‵Sure did! I couldn’t pass up the chance t’ come back here. Last time I couldn’t even enjoy it!’’
The Little Mouse King hopped out from the beam of the ship. The islands were still as sunny and bright as he remembered, with a breeze that was ever so pleasant and cool. Why, he would love to take Minnie here some day, if it were at all possible.
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bxrriermaiden started following you
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“You look kind of familiar...”
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   Maybe she should leave the baking to the experts…. “At least this batch is edible.”
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“Aww, don’t be so hard on yourself, Your Majesty!” The boy beamed, “I’m sure they taste great!”
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“Nah, Cid keeps us pretty well-stocked.  Getting supplies, taking care of the security system and ferrying us to other worlds when we need it is pretty much all he does.” He rubbed the back of his neck.  “Right now we’re sort of just.  Trying to do things for citizens.  Open more shops, maybe some holiday street fairs, stuff like that.  It’s hard living in such a dreary place.”
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The boy’s lips pursed a little. It wasn’t like he was used to having nothing to do. He couldn’t help but feel a little useless, “I’m sure you’ll be able to make the place seem more lively. It’ll be back to the way it was before you know it!”
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“Well, that’s good,” The boy nodded, “Is there anything I can do to help speed the process along? Are you running out of supplies I can help you gather?”
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“It’s going.  We’ve got houses built, some businesses are up.  It’s easier since Tron showed us what it used to look like.  Most of the pictures of old RG were lost.  I only have one myself, and it’s not of outside.”
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He shrugged, not bothered by his teasing. “Busy, like always. People coming back more and more.”
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“Oh yeah?” Sora looked around, seeing new faces everywhere, “How goes the restoration?”
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“…Sora. It’s been a while.” Leon folded his arms and tilted his head. “Something up, or did you just miss us that much?”
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“Nope. I came all this way to get hair advice from you,” The smaller brunet chuckled, “Of course I missed you! How have you been?”
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He was quick to beam at her when her eyes met his in the mirror. He was just as quick to bow to her as well, “No, Your Majesty. I wanted to come and see how you were faring. How can I serve you today?”
"Your Majesty?"
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   Hand stilling over the vial of scented oil, she looked up at the vanity and looked at the brunets reflection. “Yes my dear? Is there something the matter?”
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