gooooblin · 1 year
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୭୧  : @i92-93 !
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Wallpapers Xayah (e Rakan?)
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gooooblin · 2 years
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Xayah and Rakan in League of Legends: Wild Rift
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gooooblin · 2 years
College! Edward Nashton ━ Headcanons (SFW and NSFW)
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a/n: i dunno why but i always have THE BIGGEST college! eddie brainrot... so here's some general/relationship headcanons. Sfw relationship hcs are x gn! reader, nsfw hcs are x f! reader. My apologies for the weird page breaks. had to get arround the annoying bulletpoint character limit somehow.
contents: contains 18+ content (smut) mdni!! also contains mentions of drugs, alcohol, and smoking
General Headcanons:
Edward didn't have much apprehension about going to college, he'd essentially been on his own his entire life only now he got three meals a day, and a decent bed to sleep on.
Also, this time around he's not completely alone, he has a couple of friends. two to be exact. they're a bit dorky, but so is he.
Eddie likes to skip class a lot, not in a lazy/slacker sort of way but just, he hates going to class, he's always hated school in general.
He knows enough to get by though, Edward is smart, especially when it comes to problem-solving, but he often doesn't have the energy to put any real time into his studies.
This is not a shocker, but he's not really a huge partier. Or a partier at all really. He doesn't like most of the people he goes to college with, why would he want to spend more time with them?
If we're to believe Edward's license in The Batman then he'd be going to college around 2003-2007... which is... wink...the prime emo music era.
Edward's not really into bands like fall out boy or panic! at the disco though, he tends to get a little stuck up when it comes to music and he finds them "too polished"
My Chemical Romance on the other hand? Oh, he could fuck it up to some mcr, hell yeah.
Gotham is in New Jersey... My Chemical Romance is from New Jersey, Eddie definitely at one point or another during My Chem's early 'Bullets' days found himself at one of their shows.
Actually Eddie really enjoys going to local shows. He doesn't really talk to anyone there, nor does he really dance, or mosh- he likes to just stand in the back and watch.
Edward enjoys seeing hardcore and screamo shows the most, he finds the vocal style insanely cathartic.
Sometimes he gets jealous watching the people who can just let loose and have a good time, but, he justifies it by saying standing there quietly is his idea of having a good time.
Eddie doesn't really drink at all. Maybe a beer on occasion, but never hard liquor or wine.
He does drops semi-frequently, a bad habit he picked up while in the orphanage. This is more so during his early days rather though, and he tries to wane off of them as he nears graduation.
He also smokes weed on a more frequent basis than he does drops. And despite his general awkwardness, he gets along pretty well with his plug, but he wouldn't consider the two of them friends.
His worst vice is smoking cigarettes, however. He'd picked up the habit while in the orphanage as well, and his nicotine addiction only worsened once he didn't have to sneak around with it anymore.
He enjoys menthol cigarettes the most because he's just a pretty big fan of mint in general, but he'll smoke just about any type of cigarette he can get his hands on.
Eddie for sure hates his roommate, he's loud, obnoxious, and rude-just the type of dude who'd bully him in high school. In fact, his roommate does bully him , despite being an adult. But, Edward isn't really surprised because guys like that usually never grow out of high school.
Sometimes when his roommate is out Edward will steal his papers, or erase/change his homework answers just to get back and fuck with him a little.
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SFW Relationship Headcanons:
You and Edward met while you were drunkenly stumbling back to your dorm after a night out. He'd been standing outside on that late night, smoking a cigarette, you vaguely recognized him from one of your classes, you'd always thought he was cute. With the alcohol still rampant in your system, you were suddenly craving a cigarette, so you went up to him and asked him to bum one.
The two of you talked all that night, he was genuinely really surprised you'd been so nice to him. You were attentive and sweet, he instantly developed a crush on you.
You became fast friends, the two of you often ditching your respective friend groups to see each other.
Eventually that friendship became a little something more after you'd without thinking, kissed him goodbye on the cheek one night after he walked you back to your dorm.
You apologized incessantly but soon found his lips on yours, and you kissed him right back.
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You're Edward's first-ever relationship, so he's pretty awkward and fumble-y a lot of the time. It's not that he's not comfortable around you, he's just never done this before.
But, boy, is that man head over heels in love with you. He just wants to spend every. single. hour of the day with you. His habit of skipping class only gets worse now that he's skipping his classes to see you when you have downtime.
You honestly end up having to have an intervention with him about it, because, his grades are starting to slip, and he's essentially just wasting the money he's been working for by not going to class.
Edward, reluctantly agrees to start going to class more, only because it'll make you happy though, not because he actually thinks there's any problem.
The two of you also go on little study dates in an attempt to help fix Edward's failing grades. You're not much of a tutor to him, rather just good company while he completes his mountains of missing assignments.
Edward does the best he can when it comes to dates, but, he's a broke college student, and so are you, so most of the time things aren't very extravagant.
He takes you to the movies a lot since it's pretty much within budget. It's become pretty much tradition to have bi-weekly movie dates, seeing almost every new movie that comes out. It's sweet, the two of you share snacks and hold hands during the movie, sometimes you'll push up the arm rests and snuggle into him, especially if the movie is late at night and you start to get sleepy.
He does however sometimes take more hours at work whenever he overhears you mention something you'd like so he can get the money and buy it for you.
Eddie is insanely overprotective, despite his slight stature. He's got a height advantage on most people, but that's about it. But if anyone even tried to lay a finger on you, he'd make his best attempt to beat them to a pulp.
It takes him a while, but, eventually, Edward gets pretty into PDA, not like full-on making out in public or anything, but holding hands, hugging, small kisses in public, etc... he loves it all. he absolutely adores showing you off.
One of his favorite past times is snuggling up with you while the two of you do a crossword puzzle, he likes to hold you from behind while you attempt the puzzle, he'll look over your shoulder and whisper hints in your ear, and absolutely smother you in kisses when you get an answer right.
Eddie also takes you to shows with him, he tries to keep you away from the pit because he's pretty overprotective, but, if you really want to mosh he doesn't really have any objections.
Usually though, the two of you will just stand in the small crowd together, him behind you, arms wrapped tight around you, his chin resting on the top of your head.
He's pretty scared to tell you about his childhood and waits a pretty long time to do so, he's worried you will somehow think less of him if you knew the conditions he grew up in. and he was, absolutely relieved when that was not the case at all.
One evening he spills everything to you, winding up a crying mess by the end of it. But he feels SO much better having gotten it off his chest, and he's so relieved when you don't judge him at all, and you're there with literally anything he needs, holding and comforting him throughout the entire story.
Eddie isn't really put off by anything you do (no "icks" for him) and the same vise-versa, Edward is so glad he's finally found someone he feels entirely comfortable and can just be himself with.
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NSFW Relationship Headcanons: 18+ content!!!
Not only are you Edward's first relationship, but you're also Edward's first time, he's definitely a virgin before the two of you meet.
He's pretty shy when it comes to sex, and it takes a pretty long time for the two of you to go all the way. Of course, you're very patient with him! You'd never want to pressure him into doing something he's not ready for.
He worries you may mistake his shyness around the subject as uneagerness, but that is NOT the case, he is very eager.
Being a 18-22 in college and all his sex drive is insanely high, you just breathing within a few feet of him gets him horny.
Until you two do go all the way through, Eddie enjoys doing pretty much everything but.
You'll place your hand on his thigh while the two of you are making out, and he'll start desperately trying to change his position, trying to move so he can get some friction against your hand.
You get the memo pretty quickly and start to feel him up through his jeans. You're not even in contact with his skin, but even between the two layers of fabric between your hand and him, he's an absolute mess, trying his best to suppress his loud moans into the kiss.
Eventually, and pretty quickly he's finishing in his pants, and god is he embarrassed. But you're quickly there to tell him there's no need to be embarrassed and that's literally just a natural response to being touched like that.
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Eventually Eddie warms up to you a little more, and you move onto handjobs, and blowjobs. He's definitely very nervous about you seeing his dick, due to the standards porn has created he's worried you may laugh at him and call him small. But, you quickly squash that fear by telling him he's just perfect, and you wouldn't want him any other way.
You're going to have to teach him the ways around your anatomy, sorry, but before you he definitely had no fucking clue wtf the clit is.
You don't mind though because he actually wants to learn how to please you. One night he bashfully asks if he could try fingering you and if you could help him out.
Of course you oblige, and you gently guide his fingers through your folds, telling him what to do where, and what you specifically like. He gets the hang of it pretty quickly, eventually, you're letting go of his hand as he does all the work himself. And before you know it your head is thrown back in absolute pleasure and you can't contain the moans that escape your mouth as he works his fingers in and out of you with his thumb gently circling your clit. It may take a little while to get there, but eventually, you're out of breath, cumming all over his fingers
The first few times he eats you out aren't great, he's not bad, just inexperienced. but, as with anything, he gets better with practice, and eventually it becomes one of his favorite things to do, and one of your favorite things to have done to you.
But, Eddie definitely prefers recieving oral rather than giving, not out of selfishness but, because he just feels a little insecure about his skills when it comes to it. Reciving on the other hand? Oh he's a mess, the first time you ever gave him a blowjob he was cumming down your throat the minute your tongue swirled around the head of his cock. (Though, he eventually does gain more stamina, and is able to last a lot longer)
You're just over 3 months into dating when you finally go all the way, and Eddie's a mess, he's so nervous but he wants you so bad, worse than he's wanted anything in his entire life.
The first time is very slow, and gentle, and just a little bit awkward. You're very careful with him, constantly asking and making sure he's alright. There's a lot, a lot of build-up/foreplay beforehand to ease into it.
You decide the best position is for you to be on top so you can guide him a little bit better. And it's really not bad at all, but Edward is so worked up from all the foreplay, and the nerves that he finishes in less than a minute.
He ends up crying, both out of sheer pleasure and embarrassment. But you assure him there's literally nothing to be embarrassed of, and that you're so glad you were able to make him feel that good.
Right after this was the first time either of you had ever said "i love you". as you were stroking edward's cheek, drying off one of his tears, telling him everything was okay, it kind of just slipped out of his mouth- and before he could even start to apologize, you say it right back.
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From that point on sex is pretty regular in your relationship. Being similar in age, you have a sex drive to match Edward's, so, the two of you are ready to go at it at any moment when you know you'll be totally alone for a while.
His favorite position is cowgirl, he loves it when you ride him, though, he also enjoys missionary, he's not huge on doggy style- he prefers to see your face, it makes sex feel more intimate.
He also (especially in the beginning) prefers to listen to music during sex, pure silence aside from the noises the two of you are making, sometimes tends to make him a bit nervous, he feels music tends to relieve some of his tension. (His favorite songs to do it to are Knife Prty by Deftones and Blue by A Perfect Circle)
Being in college and all he's pretty vanilla, which is obviously no problem at all. he's still pretty young, so, he's not really going to be into anything insanely kinky, or huge into experimenting, he's still just trying to find his footing with sex in general.
He does have things he does know he likes though. He loooves hickeys, the sensation of your teeth grazing his neck combined with your warm, soft lips sends him into an absolute daze!! he also just loves the pretty purple and red bruises you leave all over his neck, he loves being marked as yours, and he loves doing the same to you.
He also loves when you pull his hair, whether its while you're kissing, or he's eating you out, or during sex, it drives him wild, just that little action to let him know how good he's making you feel.
The same goes with scratching, he honestly encourages you to dig your nails into him, he doesn't mind the sting.
The most "extreme" thing he's ever done really, was taking some nude polaroids with you. he's got a couple (a lot) of you posing in various positions for him in a shoebox under his bed which he guards with his entire life (he'd obviously never, under any circumstance let those get out). he makes sure his roommate doesn't know that that shoebox even exists, and if he'd somehow know about it, it's strategically buried under so much junk he'd never find it.
Those pictures are 100% masturbation material for him, ever since dating he only jerks off to the thought of or pictures of you. porn has been absent in his life since you came into it.
You, of course, also have a couple of him, but he's not much of a photograph person, and doesn't really enjoy getting his picture taken. But, the ones you have you think are absolutely adorable.
Edward still masturbates relatively frequently, now that you're together, 2-3 times a week maybe, not as much as he used to which was usually at least once a day. He can't help it, sometimes he's in his dorm room late at night and you're not around, he has nothing else to turn to but his hand.
There's definitely a fair bit of phone sex/ mutual masturbation whenever you go home during winter/spring break. Edward's able to get off to the sound of your voice just as easily as he does when he's buried in you.
He honestly enjoys phone sex a lot, obviously he'd rather physically be inside you, but the sound of your sweet voice moaning some of the dirtiest words he's ever heard combined with the faint noises of you touching yourself make for a deadly combination in Edward's eyes.
Overall, sex with Eddie is mutually very fun. He's a very sweet partner who is just as concerned with your pleasure as he is his own.
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gooooblin · 2 years
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gooooblin · 2 years
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gooooblin · 2 years
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pt. 1 of 2 (pt. 2)
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SAGE /seɪdʒ/
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𝖒𝖊𝖑𝖑𝖔 + 𝖓𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖞 𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘
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gooooblin · 5 years
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𝖇𝖆𝖊𝖐𝖍𝖞𝖚𝖓 𝖒𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖞 𝖎𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖘 ♡
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