shazzula · 2 years
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shazzula · 2 years
ZERO KAMA LIVE AT TV EYE, NYC, 23 07 2022 from zoedewitt on Vimeo.
Zero Kama live performance at Summer Scum 7 noise fest, TV Eye, Queens, NYC, 23 07 2022.
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shazzula · 3 years
Eat It, Chew It! from Shazzula on Vimeo.
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shazzula · 3 years
Peter Tscherkassky - Outer Space from INDEX EDITION on Vimeo.
Full version of Outer Space by Austrian avant-garde filmmaker Peter Tscherkassky in high quality. Watch more films by Peter Tscherkassky and many other austrian avant-garde and experimental filmmakers, as well as video artists at: vimeo.com/indexedition or get the DVD's at index-dvd.at
If you like our content, you can follow us to stay in touch. And we always appreciate a thumbs-up.
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shazzula · 3 years
10 Year Anniversary Trailer MATER SUSPIRIA VISION from Mater Suspiria Vision on Vimeo.
1 Day Exclusive items available 29 December 2019 via phantasmadisques.bigcartel.com celebrating the 10 Year anniversary of Mater Suspiria Vision
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shazzula · 3 years
Extreme Animalz: the Movie, Part 1 from Matt Barton on Vimeo.
A collaboration with Jacob Ciocci for the Rhizome Artbase show at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, NY, 2005.
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shazzula · 3 years
LE DISPOSITIF 49 - Le Peuple des Hommes Reconstitués from Sycomore films on Vimeo.
LE DISPOSITIF 49 - Le Peuple des Hommes Reconstitués Thomas Bertay & Pacôme Thiellement sycomorefilms.com
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shazzula · 3 years
DISPOSITIF 47 - THE SECOND DEATH - With english subtitles from Sycomore films on Vimeo.
DISPOSITIF 47 - THE SECOND DEATH - With english subtitles by Thomas Bertay & Pacôme Thiellement Produced by Sycomore films - Paris sycomorefilms.com
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shazzula · 3 years
LE DISPOSITIF 50 - Le Manège Cosmique du Dieu-Peur from Sycomore films on Vimeo.
LE DISPOSITIF 50 Thomas Bertay & Pacôme Thiellement sycomorefilms.com
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shazzula · 3 years
THE SALES MAN from jacobciocci2 on Vimeo.
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shazzula · 3 years
THE URGENCY (9-minute excerpt) from jacobciocci2 on Vimeo.
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shazzula · 3 years
Whispering Pines Zero from jacobciocci2 on Vimeo.
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shazzula · 3 years
Luminaris from Juan Pablo Zaramella on Vimeo.
GUINNESS WORLD RECORD to the Most Awarded Short, with 324 Awards.
About the short: zaramella.com.ar/LUMINARIS/
Sinopsis / Synopsis: En un mundo en el que la luz reina y marca el ritmo de la vida, un hombre común tiene un plan que puede cambiar el rumbo de las cosas. In a world controlled and timed by light, an ordinary man has a plan that could change the natural order of things.
Duración / Running Time: 6 minutos 20 segundos / 6 minutes 20 seconds
Técnica / Technique: Stop Motion / Pixilation
Formato original / Original Format: Foto Digital / Digital Photo
Formato final / Final format: HD 1920 x 1080 (16:9)
Estreno / Premiere: Febrero 2011 / February 2011
Creditos / Credits:
Idea / Animación / Dirección: Idea/ Animator / Director Juan Pablo Zaramella
Guión / Writer: Juan Pablo Zaramella Gustavo Cornillón
Director de Fotografía / Director of Photography: Sergio Piñeyro
Asistente de dirección / Director Assitant: Sol Rulloni
Pre- Producción / Pre- Production: Silvina Cornillón
Producción / Producer: Sol Rulloni Mario Rulloni
Producción Ejecutiva / Production executive: Juan Pablo Zaramella
Elenco / Cast Gustavo Cornillón María Alché Luis Rial
Extras / Extras Florence Carriere, Nicole Carriere, Sergio Piñeyro, Diana Ravscovschi, Mario Rulloni, Sol Rulloni, Fabián Cornoló, Victoria Mutti, Germán Castro, Cecilia Nuñez, Cordo, Lucila Las Heras, Gastón Urbano, María del Sol Molina, Gabriela Montero Rico, Josué Jaramillo, Agustín Graham Nakamura, Celina Hiromi Saito, Julieta Troilo, Ciro Paz Osorio, Juan Pablo Zaramella
Animación Adicional / Additional Animation: Mariano Bergara Becho Lo Bianco Lucila Las Heras Sergio Piñeyro
Arte y diseños / Art and Design: Juan Pablo Zaramella
Asistente de Arte / Art Assistant: Diana Rascovschi
Constructores / Constructors: Ciro Paz Osorio Diana Rascovschi Sebastian Hojnadel Adrian Vasquez
Reparto / Cast: Gustavo Cornillón María Alché Luis Rial
Composición y Arte Digital / Composition and Digital Art: José Leon Molfino Alejo Villarino Roberto Connolly Mario Rulloni Peque Varela
Rotoscopía / Rotoscoping: Federico Molfino
Sonido / Sound: Diego Gat Alejo Villarino
Mezcla de Sonido / Sound Mix: Diego Gat Tauro Digital Sound
Música / Music: “Lluvia de Estrellas” (Osmar Maderna, 1948)
Interpretada por / Played by: Orquesta Típica Sans Souci
Grabación y Edición / Recording and Editing: Mauro Ruda Producción / Production: Katia Ivandic
Grabado en / Recorded at: Estudios ION
Compañía Productora / Production Company: JPZtudio
Contacto / Contact: [email protected] zaramella.com.ar
Sitio web del corto / Website of the short: zaramella.com.ar/LUMINARIS
Material de Prensa / Electronic Press Kit: zaramella.com.ar/LUMINARIS/Press.html
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shazzula · 3 years
Demander Venir May 2021.mpg from SERPENT ART on Vimeo.
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shazzula · 3 years
Oh, the Grand old Duke of York de Gilbert & George (1972) from El Otro Blog on Vimeo.
Este fotolibro de Gilbert & George es un folioscopio (flipbook), vendría a ser un paso intermedio entre el fotolibro y el cine.
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shazzula · 3 years
Nimbes trailer from Joanie Lemercier on Vimeo.
Nimbes Audiovisual piece – 15 minutes by Joanie Lemercier and James Ginzburg
Soundtrack out now on Subtext recordings subtextrecordings.net Touring in Dome and theater formats in 2015. Also available on the Oculus and VR devices.
VISUALS: Joanie Lemercier Software development: Nikolay Matveiev Laser scan of a forest by Ecosynth project
MUSIC: James Ginzburg Contrabass – Yair Glotman Percussion – Brandon Rosenbluth Location Recording Engineer – Kai Schoormann Special thanks to Laurens Von Oswald & Kraftwerk Berlin
PRODUCTION: Artist production – Juliette Bibasse coproduced with SAT Montreal. Photos at Satosphere by Sebastien Roy.
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shazzula · 4 years
The Inferno Index (2021, Official Teaser) A Film by Cosmotropia de Xam from Mater Suspiria Vision on Vimeo.
Pre-order from 8th March 2021, 3 PM CET via phantasmadisques.bigcartel.com
Litha's journey through a burning brain. Being watched and followed by a mysterious woman, she escaped from paradise into the city of skytrains. Lost in train of thoughts while eating fruits of chaos or just mind expanding psychedelia? A 63 minutes psychedelic horror trip by Cosmotropia de Xam.
Language: surreal/english
Cast: Lapis Exilis, Mira Kohli, Marijana Mladenov, Marcus Littwin
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