gorillaziimagines · 6 years
hey, so i've decided this:
i'm done with writing for gorillaz!
i'm not too invested in the fandom anymore- i'm dreadfully sorry. i've got a significant amount of asks in my inbox and i'm nearly finished with them. once i post them that'll be it! this'll be a dead account. i've set up a new writing account (maintaining a brand new aesthetic and whatnot) and if you're willing to see more of my structured/serious writing, you can check it out! (it's @hvrgreeeves)
i'd like to thank those who enjoyed my stupid little posts- it's awfully comforting to know that people like them. as i mentioned, if you want more of my writing check out my fresh, new blog- if not, then i really hope you had an okay time.
as i said, i will be finishing the asks in my inbox!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
Glad I could help! BTW that shot of 2D up there is really cute LOL
hey thanks! also i Wholeheartedly Agree hes so pure
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
Hi, I saw you saying how much you like Ace's full name, but unfortunately it is not canon- the wiki has no source and as far as I can tell, it is never stated in any official media. What I think happened at least with the middle "D" was confusion with Snake's real name- I don't think 2 GGG members would be named with the same middle initial! Just thought you might be interested in knowing this. I sure would like to know where the Copular originated from though.
yo i had to answer this like RIGHT AWAY. this is my most recent ask and!! thank you so much for the info! there isnt any info on the origin of his full name. im glad you decided to inform me! unfortunately i love the name, so ill tag it as not canon in the rest of my posts. hope everyone takes a look at this!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
oh my god. i made this account last SUMMER. i cant believe i have 400 followers. im losing my gotdam MIND. i really wanna get this started up again, gonna start answering asks right. damn. now. and i mean it.
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
an apology + update
fellas, holy smokes. i’m so sorry for leaving without a trace for a couple of days. the now now is scheduled to drop in like 20 minutes as i’m writing this, but i’ve been so caught up with actual real life events that i’ve barely had any time to write. coming up, i’ve got some 2d and murdoc imagines to write that’ll be posted sooner than later. again, super sorry for getting caught up in stuff (my goal was to stay as active as possible lmao), but i’m totally making an effort to kick my schedule back into place!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
OH GOSH i love those ace headcanons!! i would love to see some more fluffy headcanons with him! especially as someone who loves affection (and giving it). it's so easy for me to get swooned and ace is that flirty kind of goof/punk i'm weak for hfbghfg
just posted it!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
[ ace - hc’s + fluff! ]
anonymous said:  OH GOSH i love those ace headcanons!! i would love to see some more fluffy headcanons with him! especially as someone who loves affection (and giving it). it's so easy for me to get swooned and ace is that flirty kind of goof/punk i'm weak for hfbghfg
a/n: MEGA sorry if these weren’t up to your standards, but i tried my best to stay with the fluff theme
let the record show that ace d. copular (i will never stop spontaneously using his full name) is a man of great sass, swoon, and SOFTNESS
on many occasions, he’ll swing a casual arm around your shoulder or waist during conversation or walking. he doesn’t even notice it- it’s almost entirely voluntary and is pretty much oblivious until he sees you flustered from his touch. 
man he just loves you so much that Even He Doesn’t Know It (Please, Protect Him)
“you really don’t have to look so embarrassed from an arm.”
“uhhhffksjsukk can you like shutupthanks”
regarding the last bullet, he gets a kick out of making you blush. as soon as he hears you stuttering and losing your cool, he gives a chuckle. what’s better than hearing you make unintelligible noises???
if you’re used to affection, he’s honestly surprised (but really isn’t). usually, ace has no trouble swooning people! what’s going on! is he broken??? however, it’s no surprise that he sees you accustomed to relationships. a gorgeous person like yourself would have anybody at your heels, right?
This Particular Man has changed his teenage rebellion ways (sorta?) and has learned that the only way to earn respect is to give it. he never does anything without your consent. during the first weeks of your relationship, he would ALWAYS ask before holding your hand, kissing you, hugging you- it was madness. to bystanders and the other members of the band, you weren’t even in a relationship. there was so much asking.
“hey- uh- don’t freak out but i.. kinda wanna hold your hand? is that okay?”
“why whould i freak out?”
“i.. well, maybe y-”
“you can hold my hand.”
he seems to be the type of person to always sling his jacket over your shoulders as soon as he sees you shudder. you guys go for a lot of walks, and they usually take place at dusk. ace says that “it’s cool seeing the sky with stars. it’s a lot less empty, it’s got more friends that way.”, and you just roll with it. when the weather starts to cool, he’s quick to notice. it doesn’t even matter if you aren’t that cold?? despite your protests, ace is NOT risking your health due to stubbornness.
“hey wh- ace, it’s not that cold! i really don’t need a jac-”
“the forecast called for cool temperatures and winds and you could get sick baby don’t argue with me about the weather”
canonically has aquaphobia (this boy no like agua)
if d, noodz, and russ plan on going to the beach, ace always asks to stay behind. you’re obviously not fond of leaving him alone at home, so you both decide to venture out for the next couples of hours. 
you end up walking up and down sidewalks in the city, which is pulsating with life amidst its daytime schedule. many snack and food stops are made (ace would hoard convenience store snacks this is a fact) at those really cute little buildings with small square areas, and you alwaysalwaysalways stayed outside and ate. those little tables with the overhead umbrellas? he’s a sucker for ‘em!
he beats you at every game lmao
surprisingly he’s good at skeeball, shooting hoops, galaga, donkey kong, pac-man, blah blah BLAH he’s good at EVERYTHING
he n the gang went to the arcade a lot and they got real good (they didn’t. he did.)
he sees you getting frustrated and??? wow adorable??
“oh my GOD you didn’t TELL ME you were good at EVERYTHING”
“aw, sweets, i’m sorry.” (but,, he is)
tries letting you win from now on but you notice right away and he’s,,,, caught red-handed for trying to love you oh no
uses his tickets to buy you a stuffed penguin (it’s like as long as your torso, man) as an apology
sometimes he pretends to sleep with his glasses on JUST to let you take his glasses off and try them with one of his leather jackets don’t @ me
you don’t know he actually isn’t sleeping though
okay, so picture this: ace is laying on the bed. he’s a very lanky and tall boy so his feet are like, super close to the edge. there’s a mirror not too far from the edge of the bed. you’re giggling to yourself, seeing how rock-and-roll you appear with those whack shades and stylin’ jacket. suddenly, you feel something nudge your leg. it’s ace. he gives your calf a small kick, one eye open, shit-eating grin: “that shade of cool suits ya, doll.”
you DIE
and you’re all??? freaked out?? n just embarrassed?? bc uh?? aceyoursupposedtobesleeping???
would give you pet names nine out of ten times
i’ve been insinuating this since like the first hc’s post but uhh imagine him using “baby”, “babe”, “doll”, “sweets”, “hun”, “toots”
it’s DEFINITELY not meant to offend you. if you’re not buying the names, he’d drop them instantly. 
contrary to the countless ‘60′s sounding names he’d give you, he’ll never lose the thrill of saying your name on his tongue. ace wouldn’t be addressing you, just randomly saying your name out loud sometimes because he just adores it.
“how fucking stunning.”
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
alrighty lads we’re getting a shipment of more ace + 2d bc of asks! i went on a hella long (+ very peaceful) road trip today so i jotted a ton of thoughts on paper. hopefully everything comes out as planned!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
Hey uhh what are your rules? I just don’t want to make you uncomfortable ya know ;w;
hi! thanks for asking! shit if i know tho lmao
but, seriously, i can’t write smut. like, at all. i’m majorly bad at it. maybe somewhere down the road i can practice, but not right now! my skills are rusty. i’m alright with insinuating some events, but i’m such a wuss i can’t flat out write it sjsjkjsk
thank u anon bc i kinda forgot to put up rules whups
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
aaaahh sorry this isn’t really a request or anything but i really love your headcanons with ace they made my day ;v; they’re just so! comfy!! and nice! AND SILLY I LOVE EM i have a huge crush on him so my face is all heated ahah keep it up!! have a good day !
hi uhhh anon you killed me and made my tuesday jus sayin
thank you so much! im glad you loved em, ace is a mighty fine guy if i do say so myself,, major crushin over that punk!!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
oh golly i was tired when i typed this
hhhhooolylyly ffuckfc dude its like 3 am and i dont know what i had to drink but im so. fucking sad about murdoc in jail,,,, n i miss em,,, n ai want em BACK TO MEEEEEEEEeee im so sadd,,…. sign tge petition,,. he’d like that,;
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
uhh? bless y’all for allowing me to wake up to 40 notes on my ace headcanons! <3 i’m about to cry, i’m glad you guys enjoyed it! i went on a rampage last night and i’ve got like 10 posts planned, so those are definitely to come soon. hopefully i can expand on all members, because i don’t want anyone feeling left out!
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
yknow what fuck it man iii gotta write some murdoc shit soon or ill fskcing consume like three arby’s
hhhhooolylyly ffuckfc dude its like 3 am and i dont know what i had to drink but im so. fucking sad about murdoc in jail,,,, n i miss em,,, n ai want em BACK TO MEEEEEEEEeee im so sadd,,…. sign tge petition,,. he’d like that,;
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
hhhhooolylyly ffuckfc dude its like 3 am and i dont know what i had to drink but im so. fucking sad about murdoc in jail,,,, n i miss em,,, n ai want em BACK TO MEEEEEEEEeee im so sadd,,.... sign tge petition,,. he’d like that,;
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
[ ace d. copular - hc’s ]
a/n: i am a Bitch bc my Writing Is Bad,,, uhh here u go have the other green bassist
⦁ listens to rock in front of people. chills the fuck out to lofi when he's alone.
bonus: sometimes you walk in on him laying in bed, headphones on, calmly nodding his head up and down with his hands behind his head. if he notices you, he lets you join him.
⦁ initially cringes at the memory of the gangreen gang and then softens once remembering the "family" he had with them. proceeds to feel hatred when he's reminded that he terrorized kids and tricked Buttercup into letting it slide (from s1 ep4 of ppg: "buttercrush"- watch it, it's good!)
⦁ occasionally misses his gang pals and tells stories of the whack shit they got into to noodle
bonus: russel and 2d come over and eventually everyone's sitting around this green dude telling strange childhood stories (russel is Concerned and 2d is Fucking Shocked,,, noodle's all "nice.")
⦁ will take you out for those sweet ice treats 10/10
⦁ can drink a wholeass slushee in like 30 seconds and DOESN'T get brain freeze
"hey babe wanna watch me slurp this thing in under half a minute" "isn't that dangerous-" "NO *slurpslurpslurpslriupsiorjs*"
⦁ LOVES watching you hold his bass. like, ADORES it. his instrument would be his prized possession if it wasn't for you! whether you can play it or not, that trademark smirk appears on his face once your fingers grace its frets and mindlessly strum its strings.
- if you know how to play, he McFucking Melts when he hears you. he's like,,, hovering over you the entire time you play?? but he also tries to keep his distance. it's this awkward shuffle/vulture-circling thing he does because he just LOVES YOU and LOVES BASS oKAY
- if you don't, there's no escaping being taught. he'll school you on that shit. without a doubt. he's unbelievably patient- he always hopes there's more to teach you because he's literally obsessed with your thinking face. it drives him nuts knowing that he knows more than a person. however, he's not so much of a hothead with you (due to like the batshit amounts of respect he holds for you).
⦁ the reason he respects you so much: ace knows he's been a major delinquent. the fact that he's only known for being a jerk upsets him more than words can describe. when he sees you, someone who spends time with him because you claim that "you can't get enough of his personality and charisma", instead of "because you're just cool!". having his gang follow him around was, at the time, his family, but with you? whew. what a family YOU are. he's eternally grateful that you're not shallow and wanting of his attention to climb the social ranks.
⦁ if u talk abt that boy murdoc niccals he Does Not Like It and well you just can't talk abt him :///
"ace, do you think we should get murdoc some 'welcome back' gift or is that too l-" "who the fuck is murdonk"
⦁ if noodle/2d/russel mention murdoc he has to be respectful about it because they know him personally and could Kick Him Out If They Wanted
⦁ he,,,,,,,,, letsyouplaywithhisweapons
but like,,, w mega supervision
"WOAH your switchblade is- oh shit- really cool!"
"hey yeah you just almost dropped it i'm gonna take that back now"
⦁ DID I MENTION REALLY OVERPROTECTIVE??? if there is one thing ace d. copular is not, it's TRUSTING OF THE OUTSIDE WORLD TOWARDS HIS S/O
- he's overprotective due to his own insecurities and personal issues. yeah, he's "messed with peoples' heads" and flirted, but it's never meant anything. he's been thoroughly convinced that nobody would want to date him. that is, until you changed him.
⦁ he's so chill in public w other social groups and just that one dude that people are like "woah, hey, that's ace- HEY ACE HOWZITGOIN"
- sometimes it scares you because you might be under his arm as he's getting called out from across the street or down the block, but might yell a "YO" or give a curt wave and keep a steady grip on you. pretty much, his focus never shifts from your safety.
⦁ he uhhh can drive a motorcycle for a very long time. he enjoys the thrill of going zoom zoom!! sometimes you'll join him (when you do, he decreases his speed like,, a lot) but you both have fun driving to random places into the night, stopping to get snacks or just talk and take walks
⦁ like in the humility video, he'll try and impress some guys for kicks, usually going about it the wrong way. one time, he had walked into a menial game of ball throwing. these two guys had been passing around a football for the past 15 minutes, keeping a streak of letting it not fall to the ground. the ball was thrown too hard, flew astray, and ace decided to catch that fucker. its like he punted it like 2 fucking miles 
⦁ one of his favorite pastimes: doing nothing. after being constantly occupied with something back in townsville, he's mellowed out a ton over the past 20 years. now, he's bouncing walls just to fall asleep with you on his shoulder at 3 am, downstairs, on the sofa, watching a shitty mtv series. it's his favorite.
lmao woah fellas my first piece! if you enjoyed, like and reblog. if you wanna request, feel free to ask! sorry this was so sloppy, hopefully, i can do more serious ones in the future?
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gorillaziimagines · 6 years
hi! i usually start off with an introductory post, so here we are. this is a gorillaz fic blog- pretty much designed to try and make your requests a reality! i’ll eventually set some ground rules (my biggest rule is no smut; i’m not good at writing smut, and i’d rather leave that to other talented writers}, but for now it’s sort of a free-for-all? anyways, don’t hesitate to ask for whatever your heart desires! <3
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