penelopeisms · 4 years
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penelopeisms · 4 years
“Where did you get that dress, by the way?” Penny asks, with a tilt of her head. Truthfully, she had never been all that into fashion, and all that came with it. Kat had a big hand in what she was wearing tonight. Without her, she probably would have ended up with something from JC Penny, which no one would have wanted to see.
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penelopeisms · 4 years
“Isla!” Penny exclaims, making her way towards the other woman. She’d meant Isla shortly after her move to the city. And while maybe Isla didn’t see Penelope as a close friend, Penny was always genuinely happy to see the other.
“Look at you—you look amazing! How have you been?”
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penelopeisms · 4 years
“That looks REALLY good,” she says, eyeing the drink that Rowan was drinking. “Is it really good? Because if it is, I’m gonna need one. Or...? Three,” she grins, shrugging her shoulders. She didn’t know Rowan all that well, but with the extent of knowledge she had on what her brother Payton did, she knew that Rowan had a hand in that group, as well. And in her world, that was all the knowledge she felt she needed on that.
“Hey, do you think they have food here? Like, fries or something?”
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penelopeisms · 4 years
“Okay, weird question,” she says to the first person she saw. “Do I have anything in my teeth?” She flashes her teeth, nose scrunching as she did so. After a few seconds, she shakes her head, waving her hand to dismiss the question. “Never mind, you don’t have to answer that, I’m sorry,” she quickly goes on, letting out a small laugh. “It’s just, sometimes when you see a cupcake, you can’t not have it.”
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penelopeisms · 4 years
“It’s so pretty in here!” The brunette exclaims, a bright grin on her face as she spins around, taking it all on. Las Vegas May have never been the most pristine places in the world, or even in the country, but Penelope loved her home, and all of its imperfections. After a few seconds spent admiring their surroundings, she turns to her friend, grinning from ear to ear.
“And you my dear, are stunning, as always.”
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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penelope black attends sinfully classic - accompanied by @ms-katrina-scott
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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ALIAS: Penelope “Penny” Black  AGE & SEXUALITY: Twenty-seven & Bisexual  BIRTHPLACE: Las Vegas, Nevada  AFFILIATION: Neither  OCCUPATION: Social Worker  FACE CLAIM: Grace Phipps 
The first few years of Penny’s life were perfectly pleasant. This is until her mother was brutally murdered, landing her and her brother in an orphanage. The thing is, she could hardly remember what life was like before, so she thankfully adjusted very easily. It helped having Payton at her side, for sure.
It wasn’t easy growing up in a home, but Penny took this in stride. She genuinely enjoyed being surrounded by others, and having the opportunity to learn from them all. Often times, she was too blinded by her own desire to learn, to even realize the trouble she could get herself into. Penny had always been a pretty girl, so it wasn’t hard for her to get attention, but a lot of the time she attracted the wrong kind of attention without even realizing it.
Penelope had been a chatty girl from day one. She could start a conversation with anybody, quite literally about anything and everything. Along with her desire to learn, she longs to make connections with others. Having been in the system, nothing was ever really set in stone. Tomorrow would never be guaranteed. Penny just longed to make that change. Not only this, but she wanted to be a part of that change, and better other people’s lives. If she could prevent any other kid having to go through the system, she would without a blink of an eye.
She is very family oriented. Granted, she only really has her brother Payton. Penny really considers anyone close to her, as her family. A lot of the friendships she made as a child, carried into adulthood. However, not all of those relationships go both ways. One might say she tries too hard, but at times it almost feels like she doesn’t try hard enough. Truthfully, the woman longs for a connection, wherever she can get it.
Nowadays, she gives her all to her job, and doesn’t really give much of her free time to herself. It is pretty easy to keep busy in the city of Las Vegas, but it’s just as easy to overwork yourself. And a lot of the reasons that she does this, has to do with wanting to keep herself away from the trouble. She doesn’t know a lot of what her brother does, running around with that Dahlia crew, she just knows she needs to keep a distance, no matter how enticing it may be.
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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I need someone with edge.
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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penelopeisms · 4 years
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penelopeisms · 5 years
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penelopeisms · 5 years
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Freaks and Geeks (1999 — 2000) Tests and Breasts
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