gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
Grey pictures
I’m gonna get all of the bad pictures out of the way first so skip this one if you wanna see good pics haha
There were 13 pictures on the roll that came out grey and useless. Some of them have a little bit of something in them, but nothing legible. I took a quick note to remember the names and interactions I had with all of the strangers though, so I know what some of them are. The weird thing is, I remember that there was great lighting in at least a couple of them, so I feel certain that there was a fault with the camera. Bummed to have missed the pics but at least I have the notes, which I'm dropping below:
Day 1: Gave MP his camera, and went out to El Chucho's for a beer. We watched a game of pool and caught up, as we were leaving I asked the bouncer to take a pic - his name was Stan.
Day 6: I left a note that I was super hungover this day and only left my house for McDonalds. I took the opportunity to ask the person in the drive through to take my picture, but quickly realised that she didn't speak much English. She was visibly freaked out and declined my request, I felt terrible. Some hungover guy thrusting a film camera out the window at her while she is just trying to serve burgers.
Day 12: Went climbing with Alex and Callum. We climbed for 2 or 3 hours on a Friday night and made a friend called Lauren who took our picture. You can kind of make us out but we are mostly grey blobs. The boys were psyched though. Great climb! Thanks Lauren
Day 13: "think yara took a picture of me while i was gaming"
Day 14: Met a guy called Isaac at the climbing gym who took my picture. He made me stick my hands up and put my tongue out
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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This was the second day of the project, and the first ok picture. We had just moved into the new office and there were still a lot of tradespeople around.
I took the opportunity to ask one of them to take a picture of me and Aneisha in the new digs. I told him he could make us do whatever he wanted in the picture so he told us to go and sit on the steps.
Aneisha and I were pretty excited about it haha. His name was Montey, and he let me take his picture on my phone! Thank you Montey :)
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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Austin came into town on his way to Cabo before Hurricane Hailey. We all caught up with him at Tavern on main for a beer. The waitress took our picture, her name was Karen. If you look closely you'll see we were all trying to hold our beverages in weird ways.
Austin never ended up going to Cabo because of Hurricane Hailey, but he ended up going to Arizona or something and blacking out. I heard he got kicked out of a bar. Classic Tony Downs behaviour. Miss ya Austin!
From the left, me, Austin, Kelly, Vedika, Leighton, Zay, and Nat
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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Yara and I went to a dodgers game on this day. Part of me wishes I saved the picture for the stadium, but we ended up getting one in front of this mascot guy outside the stadium. We saw a couple taking a picture so we jumped on the opportunity. They were not chatty and did not care about my little spiel about strangers and cameras haha
Maybe one of the best pictures on the role though haha
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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These are maybe the two most heart breaking pictures on the entire role. I was excited to see a lot of pics that didn't turn out, but none more than this one.
I went out on a Friday or Saturday with Red, Jason, and Bill. We watched UFC or something and went to a DJ gig in an Indian restaurant across the road from Jamesons Culver afterwards. I have my camera with me and I need to take this picture, so I ask the bartender "hey, if i had to ask a stranger to take a picture of my in this bar, who would take the best picture?" he points to a guy and off I go
His name is Evan. I give the guy my spiel and he says sure, i'll take a picture. I tell him I'll do whatever he wants if he asks me to do something and he stops to think for about 2 seconds before telling me to take my top off
I take my top off and he takes a picture without flash, so I ask him to turn the flash on and he takes it - but turns out his finger was in the way haha
Picture me in an indian restaurant, standing a couple metres away from the bar, room full of people dancing to a dj, and I just take my shirt off, and pose flexing my biceps for a picture with flash hahaha
The only thing you can see is his finger and my lower torso, but honestly this was one of the most fun pictures! Thank god I took a picture with the guy on my phone afterwards.
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A couple months go by and I end up running into the guy at Jameson's. Turns out he's one of Bill's buddies. Nice guy! Thank you for being a good sport Evan, hope you enjoyed the gig that night
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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This is a picture of me and Sonia. I'm pretty sure I was super hungover after the last picture I'd taken so I missed a few days of pictures and when I forgot to find a stranger during the course of the work day I asked Amber (my roommate) to take a picture of us at the end of the day. Amber had made a flower arrangement for the dining room table so that’s what I’m holding onto haha
check her out! @ wildthings.la
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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This was a team dinner at Bacari Playa Del Rey. We had just finished moving into the showroom and went out to celebrate with the team.
The waitress took the picture and her name was Zazil. Sick name. She was pretty excited about taking a film pic of the table haha, thank you Zazil!
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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This pic is from a work dinner in Manhattan called Rose. The waiter took it, his name is Minor. Nice guy, covered in tats, interesting name.
There was this douchebag waiter there who we really didn't like, so when this guy came over to clear the table we asked him to take our pic haha
He told us a story about a waiter he used to know in New York that used to take pictures of peoples crotches if they asked him to take pictures. No crotches in this pic thankfully.
I believe I was in the middle of telling the guy to turn the flash on when he snapped us haha
From left to right, Callum, Britt, Henry, me, Chelsea, Hailey, Vedika, Alex
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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From left to right: Meg, Chelsea, Me, Britt, Callum
Meg was finishing her work trip to the LA office and wanted to go to the pier (can't remember which one). It looks like it's really dark in this pic but it was the beginning of sunset!
I asked a guy walking past if he could take our picture, I told him to get creative with it and do "whatever he wants" before realising the guy didn't speak a lick of English
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gorillaztortillaz · 10 months
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These are the pictures from the end of the role! They were all taken in or around Sci Arc. My two favourites are the night pictures we took. One was of Yara as we were walking down the road with her family, and one was in little tokyo, where we walked to. The other one was of a guy called ben i think. I took a picture of him like the papparazi and he wasn't expecting it haha. There are two really dark ones in there, I met a guy called Miguel and asked him to take my picture. I tried taking his as well but they turned out crap. Miguel if you're reading this I'm sorry haha thanks for taking the pic!
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