goritan · 6 years
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hokuto and his bitches
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goritan · 9 years
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5/?? Johnny’s Juniors: Haba Yuuki
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goritan · 9 years
Jesse's Forbidden Games
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goritan · 9 years
( c )
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
what if you were stuck with whoever/whatever your icon was for the rest of your life
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goritan · 9 years
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working hard is important, but there’s something that matters even more. believing in yourself.
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goritan · 9 years
when ur thirsty for fic but you have quite fucking literally read every single quality fanfiction for the pairing
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goritan · 9 years
do you ever have a plan for the day and suddenly it’s 4pm and you’ve achieved literally nothing 
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
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goritan · 9 years
Me: *plays video games so I don't have to think about the mess that is my life.
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goritan · 9 years
Re: Johnny’s hunkering down on fandoms
So far there’s a chance that that user was flagged for copyright issues because they post full J-web entries with frequency. They’re also more on the Arashi side of things, and with Arashi’s popularity internationally it makes sense that they’d be noticed more. Still, now that Johnny’s is aware of Arashi J-web material being posted, likely they’ll notice other fandoms as well in time.
Here’re some things to help maybe!
Full streaming videos for Johnny’s-hosted shows (e.g. VS Arashi, SMAPxSMAP, TOKIO Kakeru, Shounen Club Premium)
Live performances from Johnny’s-hosted shows???
Full streaming videos for Johnny’s PVs
Screenshots from Johnny’s Web members’ only entries (or any members’ only material you can take from the site, generally. This one’s VERY important because Johnny’s is crazy particular about it)
Videos from J-web that are members only/Family Club only
Full songs
Subbed videos that’re posted for streaming
Scanned shop photos (unedited)
Screenshots from videos
Fanvideos (?)
Fanart (But you should watch out for slash-y stuff)
News posts in Japanese (as long as they aren’t screenshots from J-web)
Translated news (again, as long as they aren’t screenshots; generally for news it’d be better to put them in text posts instead, anyway)
Audio clips
Video clips? (Unsure whether you can post a live performance of a full song from Johnny’s Concert DVDs etc., it’s your call)
Vines lol
Performances on music shows for general artists, as in not just Johnny’s performances (e.g. stuff from The Music Day, Music Station, old shows like HEY! x3, Utaban)
If you still want to post J-web entries, maybe you should re-type them and then put them under read more. Or you can make a separate side-blog, post the entries there without tagging them, and then tell your followers on your main blog to check said side-blog for more without putting the direct link to the post. J-web entries are risky, though, so it’s up to you whether you want to do this or not! And don’t be surprised if Tumblr contacts you about it, too.
This is just speculation on my end, so I don’t claim to know Johnny’s policies on things. And if you want to add anything to the post, go ahead!
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goritan · 9 years
happy birthday, mr. “ i’m-cool-365-days-a-year ”
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