goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
I have a crush on my art history professor and I don't know what to do
Hello!! There’s not a lot of information here so I’ll try and cover all the bases.
If the issue here is that your professor is of a gender that you were previously not attracted to and you are confused, please don’t worry! If you are interested in exploring bisexuality or pansexuality, tumblr is a pretty great place. Have a scroll through this blog to start, and then see all the A+ blogs I reblog from. Sexuality is fluid, so it is perfectly valid to feel this way now, and it is also perfectly valid to say, even a month from now, that you no longer feel this way any more. ONLY A SITH DEALS IN ABSOLUTES and everyone is constantly growing and changing.
If the issue is the crush itself, then I’m going to jump right in here and say NOTHING. You do NOTHING. I obviously don’t have all the circumstances, but I’m just going to quickly run through the bits that give me alarm bells.
1. Your professor probably doesn’t know you. Heck, when I was in college, I was in lectures of over a hundred people. My lecturers couldn’t pick me out of a line-up. If you make some romantic overture towards them, you’re only likely to embarrass them and get hurt.
2. Even if I’m wrong about that, and they have been making bedroom-eyes at you and sending “I want you I need you oh baby oh baby” signals your way, NOPE. NOPE NOPE NOPE. They are your professor, they are in a position of authority over you. Not a good idea, and the fact that they think that it is is a black mark. Additionally, it’s probably a part of their employment contract that dating is forbidden between professors and students. They could lost their job. And YOU don’t need all that mess. What if the Board of Education or whoever finds out about it and wonders if you really earned your art history grades? Nope. Just nope.
3. I’m going to make an educated guess here and say that you don’t hang out with your professor during one-to-one downtime. Would it be accurate to say that the only time you see them is when they’re giving hour long lectures on their specialised subject to a room hanging on to their every word? Those aren’t natural circumstances. You’re seeing them at their best, in a rehearsed scenario. They could be an absolute shitlord in real life. You don’t have a crush on THEM you have a crush on the personality they exhibit during those brief classes, not to mention (WE ALL DO IT) the fantasies that you have projected onto them - (just-in-case disclaimer: Obviously I am not de-legitimising a same-sex crushes here, this applies to everyone who has ever crushed on a celebrity, a teacher, someone they don’t really know)
4. It’s just a crush! It will fade away, I promise you. Once the end of the year comes, and you’re out of that classroom, they will start to slip from your mind and you’ll forget all about them.
OK AND FINALLY if the question pertained more to “I want to not like them how do I do that” ohohohoh buddy. Friend buddy pal. If I knew that, my life would be at least 60% better now let me tell you. All I can suggest is that you try and project what you’re feeling onto an imaginary character. Find someone you think is good looking in a TV show or a movie and be like “yes, THIS is the shit lord I shall obsess over”. Don’t do it to a real person! ESPECIALLY not someone who might really be interested in you, because you’ll get confused and they’ll get confused and it’s not really fair on them. Just stick to the imaginary hotties that you can daydream about all day long.
If you don’t think you can do that, well, just take comfort in the fact that this is not a forever thing, it’s going to go away as soon as the year ends, and for the moment you have a free reign to stare unabashedly at your professor for hour long stretches without being labelled a stalker.
If you need any more help, please hit me up!
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
The 2015 edition of GLAAD’s annual report on the state of minorities on TV mostly looks like progress … But larger pools of diverse characters make it easier to spot cliches … One observation: It appears that what the website TV Tropes calls “the Depraved Bisexual” is only getting more common. while gay and lesbian characters on TV increasingly are portrayed in a way that doesn’t make their sexuality into a large and dubious metaphor about their character, bisexuality often is portrayed as going hand-in-hand with moral flexibility. The tropes, as identified by GLAAD:
• bisexual characters who are depicted as untrustworthy, prone to infidelity, and/or lacking a sense of morality; • characters who use sex as a means of manipulation or who are lacking the ability to form genuine relationships; • associations with self-destructive behavior; • and treating a character’s attraction to more than one gender as a temporary plot device that is rarely addressed again.
Studies have revealed widespread stigma and disbelief facing people who identify as bisexual. Women are frequently seen as experimenting when they identify as bisexual; men have it arguably worse because they’re often seen as lying to themselves and others about just being gay. In both cases, the upshot is: untrustworthy…
As for why any of this matters, GLAAD’s Alexandra Bolles explains in the report,
“Though bisexual people make up the majority of the LGBT community, they are less likely than their gay and lesbian peers to be out to the people they love, because their identity is constantly misconstrued as either a form of confusion, a lie, or a contrived and hypersexualized means to an end. Perpetuating these tropes undermines the truth that bisexuality is real and that bi people deserve to be treated equally and fairly.”
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
Hey! I've been reading your blog to ease myself out of the closet and I wanted to thank you for being this huge support. I don't know how to mention to my father (who would be totally fine) that I sometimes like to hook up with dudes without feeling so fucking awkward. There is also the thing where I fall into a lot of the stereotypes, which makes me so confused about how I'm doing things and how negative this can be to the community. Anyway, thank you again, so much, this gives so much strength
Hello tiny greyface!!
This blog has been dead for quite a while, because the person who runs it has been going through Real Life Grossness, and I’d like to apologise for that. But I am so so delighted to know that there are bisexuals out there still getting some comfort and joy out of the stuff on here.
Hey! Don’t friggin worry about stereotypes! The only thing bad about stereotypes is that people think they apply to ENTIRE CLASSES of people. It’s when people assume that whole groups of people fall into one set mould that’s the problem. Don’t let anyone think you’re not a “good bisexual” just because you want to have threesomes and you want to sleep with ALL THE PEOPLE. That’s just what you want, it’s not your problem that people think that applies to all bisexuals. (I use that as an example, as it seems to be the most prevalent bi stereotype but you could be talking about our tendency towards crocheting who knows). YOU DO YOU, FRIEND.
You do whatever you want buddy. And I know you’ll be magnificent while you do it.
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
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HRC’s research brief published today (September 17, 2015) underscores a dangerous but largely hidden crisis–the striking physical, mental and sexual health disparities bisexual people face.
The Health Disparities Among Bisexual People report, based on the most recent and reliable data available on bisexual health and released in partnership with the Bisexual Resource Center, BiNet USA, and the Bisexual Organizing Project, reveals a troubling chasm between the health outcomes of bisexual people and those of the rest of the population - including gay men and lesbians.
“Bisexual people are the largest single group within the LGBT community, but we’re not addressing their specific healthcare needs,” said Tari Hanneman, Deputy Director of the Health and Aging Program at the HRC Foundation. “The reality is that bisexual people face discrimination not only outside of our community, but also from within.” please Click Here to read HRC’s Full Blog Post
Click Here to download HRC’s full Health Disparities Among Bisexual People brief (pdf)
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
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Sources Directly Referenced:
Understanding Issues Facing Bisexual Americans (September 2014)
New Patterns of Poverty in the Lesbian, Gay, and Bisexual Community (June 2013)
Employment Discrimination against Bisexuals: An Empirical Study (July 2013)
The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey (January 2013)
Health Inequities by Sexual Orientation in New Mexico 2005-2011 (July 2013)
Men’s Sexual Orientation and Health in Canada (May/June 2010)
It may not ‘get better’ for bisexual teens (October 2013)
Other Resources:
Research Report on LGB-Parent Families (July 2014)
Bisexual Invisibility: Impacts and Recommendations (2011)
The Scientific Quest to Prove Bisexuality Exists (March 2014)
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
Can bi tumblr stop spreading that lie that a bisexual trans woman started pride. If you want to feel so important why not do something for the bisexual community .like um have a proud to be bisexual day. Instead of trying to erase lesbians and gay men from history. Seriously is your self worth so low that you must steal things from lesbians and gays to make yourself important?
Have some pride in yourselves
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
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For trans visibility day.
[Image: Dark purple background with pink and blue gradients, combined with luminous, white sparkles. Text: “Bi trans people exist”]
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goshdarnbisexuals · 9 years
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
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4 Unintentionally Oppressive Things That Pushed Me Further Into the Closet.
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
Bisexual person in a relationship with someone of a different sex: I'm not straight, I'm bisexual
Gay community: you're only saying that because you want to be a part of the Gay Club, you don't belong with us, you're basically just a straight person anyway
Bisexual person in a relationship with someone of the same sex: I'm not gay I'm bisexual
Gay community: why do you feel the need to clarify that? You just want to be one of the straight people, you just want to reassure them that you're Not That Gay, you don't belong with us
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
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Conner Mertens on coming out as bisexual in the often hyper-masculine world of football, and on LGBT youth representation in athletics. Keep fighting the good fight, Conner!
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
Fact: 4 out of 5 dentists recommend bisexuals. It is currently unclear what exactly they recommend bisexuals for, but nonetheless bisexuals are flattered
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
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Makeup tutorial parody tears down bisexual stereotypes
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
who’s excited to be bi as hell in 2015 
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
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251/365 - Bisexuwhale
Celebrate Bi Pride! Available as t-shirts, throw pillows, and more on my redbubble. :)
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goshdarnbisexuals · 10 years
Bisexuals are not confused
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