got · 10 months
💼 Work Tip #8: Anatomy of a work email
Hi [coworker / client / etc.],
[Intro - mention a time-bound event, such as a recent meeting, a current initiative, or upcoming due date]
[Body - a few bullet points]
[End with the question or action you want to drive]
[your name]
Hi Jo,
Looking forward to our 2024 strategy workshop next Monday.
See below for the discussion topics, along with anything you have:
Goals (metrics)
Priorities, Roadmap and Critical Activities
If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call.
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got · 2 years
🌠Life Tip #1: Get concise news and high-yield savings.
Every morning, I read the news to talk smart with coworkers, family and friends. There’s a free daily 5-minute long newsletter called Morning Brew. Here’s the referral link to sign up with your email.
This month, I get 4% interest in my savings account. It’s called a high-yield savings account, and I use a no fees one called Marcus by Goldman Sachs.  Here’s the referral link to sign up with your email and link your bank account.
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got · 2 years
💼 Work Tip #7: Be kind to everyone at work.
Leaders wanting something? If it’s reasonable, try to accommodate it.
Admins helping you out? Make sure you thank them graciously and be patient if they miss something.
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got · 3 years
We always think the waves define the ocean, but we forget about the huge amount of water underneath. Now imagine you being an ocean. Emotions, stress and painful situations are only waves that come and go from time to time. They don’t define your life and they for sure don’t define you.
Pamela Reif, Fitness Influencer
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got · 3 years
💼 Work Tip #7: Salary Negotiation (scenario 3)
Recruiter: what is your salary range?
You: Given my education, experience, and strong work performance, I'm after a base salary in the $80-$90k / $110k - $125k / $135k - $160k range.
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got · 3 years
Favorite quote lately
Infinitely Worthy
Fundamentally Equal
Totally Unique
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got · 4 years
You don't have to land flawlessly.  You just have to take the leap.
Michelle Kwan, U.S. Olympic Figure Skater
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #6: Salary negotiation (scenario 2)
Recruiter: What are your salary expectations?
You: What salary would you be comfortable with, for my level of experience?
Recruiter: [$$$]
You: I generally target a minimum of [$$$].  Would the hiring manager be able to flex up to that number, do you think, if I was able to prove I am a good fit?
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got · 4 years
🧐 FAQ: How did you know which career/company you wanted to work for after college?
As a business/econ major, I knew I wanted to work for a big-name company for better training, opportunities, benefits... as for work function, I was more open because I tend to learn fast, and I was just starting out with no prior experience.  I also liked to see where the previous graduating class went to work for.  Of the classmates I admired most, where did they end up and do you see yourself doing something similar?
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #5: Don’t just “update” your resume. Make sure each bullet point in your resume addresses a bullet point in the job posting you want.
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #4: Don’t underestimate the (power of the) pre-meeting.
Have an important meeting coming up, where you need to wow a lot of people?
Meet with each attendee in advance.  It could be you and the attendee, or you and your boss with the attendee.  Thus the “pre-meeting” or “pre-read”.  The purpose is to get their early reaction and advice, so there are little to no surprises or pushback at the actual meeting.  Keep revising your presentation until it meets their expectations.
Then, wow everyone the day of ⭐🌠✨
You GOT this!
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got · 4 years
💖 Love Tip #4: Learn their love language!
Is it intimacy?  Acts of service?  Compliments?  Gifts?  Thank yous?  Show them love the way they know it.  And I am totally one of those people whose preferences changed over time - even to align with my partner’s.
Here’s a link to the quiz:
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #3: Salary negotiation (scripted)
1. “I wanted to first say thank you for extending me the offer.  I am very excited about this opportunity to work with the Strategy team.”
2. “I know I will bring a distinct perspective to the work, with my background in ... and experience making an impact on ...”
3. “You had mentioned a base salary of X and 3 weeks vacation with a September 1 start date.”
4. “In comparing it to my [current position, competing offer, market salary research, etc.], it is a bit lower than what I was expecting.  Is there flexibility to work toward a base salary of A, with B weeks vacation?  The start date I can do.”
You never know until you ask  💯 💯 💯
(At time of writing, base salary: $120K)
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got · 4 years
💖 Love Tip #3: Love them, love their “circle of trust”.
“Circle of trust”, if I recall, is a term coined by the highly intellectual, highly serious movie Meet the Parents.  The circle of trust can mean family and friends that your partner has chosen to be close with, and trust.
When you love someone, you should also show attention toward their circle of trust.  Address them by name, ask how they have been, remember their bdays, and if you feel up to it, send a card or small gift that made you think of them 🎁 💐 🍾
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #2: How to run a good meeting.
Before the meeting:
- Send an invite with a reminder.
- If people don’t know what the meeting is for, include a list of discussion topics.
- If people will be resistant to the topic, first meet with them individually and agree on an outcome (sometimes, this is called a “pre-meeting”).
During the meeting:
- Thank everyone for joining.  Make introductions if there are people who don’t know each other.
- State the objective upfront.  “We’re going to be discussing x... and making a decision on y.”
After the meeting:
- Email a recap with the general consensus: “We decided that z...” and action items with people and dates: “Jess to provide updated distribution by Friday 8/21.”
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got · 4 years
💖 Love Tip #2: Be real, not dramatic.
Upset at your partner?  Give them space, but also give them chances.
In my first relationship, I remember being annoyed at something minor.  And I would text with one word responses like “K” or “cool”.  So cold, I know.  In retrospect, that didn’t help things at all.  I should have started a real conversation with “about last weekend... I was so nervous meeting your parents, and it seemed like they were nervous too.  But, when they said I was [negative trait] behind my back, I felt like that was a snap judgment.”
And, depending on how your partner responds, that could be a saving grace or a red flag.  Needless to say, I’m no longer in that relationship.
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got · 4 years
💼 Work Tip #1: Watch your tone & try to use the positive version of everything.
So instead of “I can’t get it done today” ➡️ say “I’ll have time to review it tomorrow / next week”
“Sorry, my mistake” ➡️  “good catch, please see updated version”
“Yea no problem / no worries” ➡️  “happy to help”
“I don’t think that’s correct” ➡️  “In my view, the data shows xyz... for my reference, can you clarify why it should be abc?” (just in case you don’t know the whole story)
“Thanks” (a somewhat transactional phrase) ➡️  “Look forward to chatting” (less transactional, more organic)
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