gotham-city-jumper · 2 days
Does the Joker have a Gotham accent?
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gotham-city-jumper · 29 days
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gotham-city-jumper · 2 months
everyone make sure to set out cheese & crackers for neil tonight <3
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gotham-city-jumper · 2 months
Hyper-realistic packers are OUT packers that look like these things are IN
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Yes the fish are included, they live in the balls
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gotham-city-jumper · 3 months
Y'know how the phrase the New York Minute is "a very short span of time" or, as some local New Yorkers have informed me, the amount of time it takes for the traffic light to turn green and for the cab behind you to honk their horn and shout "fucking move, asshole!"
The Gotham Minute is the amount of time it takes for you to step outside your door and see a crime. Or to commit a crime. No one's really picky.
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gotham-city-jumper · 3 months
I hate that SEPTember OCTOber NOVember and DECember aren’t the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th months.
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gotham-city-jumper · 3 months
to anyone who binds/ wants to bind:
my biggest tip for you is to find a sports bra (or more than one could be good tbh) that you are fairly comfortable wearing. bc if you’re constantly using a binder, even if you take binder break days (which are CRUCIAL!!!) you can still get back pain from wearing binders often:( so having a sports bra that you like and wearing that as much as possible and saving the actual binder/s for “special occasions”/suuuper dysphoric days is something i highly recommend!!!
i used to bind most days of the week with actual binders, and even tho they were good quality (and right size!) it’s gotten to the point where i have back pain most days & i’m wearing a sports bra most days!!
also please please PLEASE do not wear your binder for longer than you should (6/8 hours, absolutely max 12, it varies from person to person-if it hurts, TAKE IT OFF) and remember to stretch!!!
big hugs,
your friendly neighborhood transmasc (who has back pain😔)
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gotham-city-jumper · 3 months
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
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Bacchae, Euripides
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
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memes by @dionysiandevotee
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
every time i remember this video exists im not even exaggerating when i say i wheeze until i cant breathe its the fuckijgn funniest thing in thw world to me it gives me a migraine every time i watch it
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
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A girl and her books 📓🗝☕️
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
I was wondering what I could do to be more masculine as a FTM pre-T and I finally found some good tips that I hope maybe will help you too
Be swift as a coursing river
With all the force of a great typhoon
All the strength of a raging fire
Mysterious as the dark side of the moon
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
Get your popcorn. It's storytime, kiddos
CW: death and death related stuff
We got a call to a funeral home tonight. Nbd, not the first time it's happened. Medical emergencies can happen anywhere, and occasionally you'll get a call for broken heart syndrome. But anyway, that's what we were expecting. A sick family member
As you might guess from my setup, that's not what we found.
We get to the funeral home, and there's a group of people clustered in the parlor. They're all murmuring with varied levels of panic. Usually, people cluster around the patient, so I'm kind of pushing through, looking for the center of the group. But I don't see anyone on the floor, and people are starting to point towards the casket
"What's going on?" I ask. "Where's the patient?"
They keep pointing at the casket
For a long moment, I wonder if this is worth it. Maybe I should just quit. But switching jobs is always a hassle, and somehow, being strangled by a zombie is more appealing than job hunting
I approach the casket. The deceased looks as they should: dead. But the family is still gesturing that way, so I tap the body on the shoulder. "Sir?"
I feel so stupid. This is stupid. I wonder if this is a prank
"Sir?" I repeat.
The body's eyes open. I jump, but this is probably not completely impossible. People can gasp and have reflexes after death. I've never heard of it happening so late after death, but-
The body sits up
"I..." I have no clue what to say.
The non-deceased corpse groans. Rubs their temples. "Ugh," they groan. "Where am I?"
"The... funeral home. It's your viewing."
"Again?" The patient huffs, swings their legs over the edge of the casket, and hops out. "So do you need me to sign some paperwork or something? I'm not going to the hospital."
I look at the family. They're terrified. I look back at the patient. They're tired.
"Um. Yeah. Just a few questions first"
I ask for their name. The day. The city. The president.
They pass with flying colors and sign the refusal form, and I'm driving back to the station five minutes later
I still don't know what happened, but if anyone has suggestions, I'd love to hear them
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gotham-city-jumper · 4 months
Oh dang, sweet. Thanks!
I’ve seen a lot of footage of vigilantes and villains in winter versions of their costumes/outfits/whatever, which makes sense considering the weather we’ve been getting, but I’ve also seen just as much footage of these guys wearing what looks like the exact same thing they always do.
So does Nightwing have a secret lining inside his suit or does he just, like, tough it out
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