gothangylcasper · 4 months
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mood all day everyday 24/7 around the clock
image credits @viaadsa1utem
i appreciate this photo i use it as a reaction meme frequently! thank you.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
Satan does not care how you express yourself, love yourself and glorify yourself, as long as you respect yourself, know your worth, and are true to yourself. And that can look like anything and anyone.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
Acknowledging the Theistic Satanists who are modest, who wait until marriage to have sex, who never have sex, who hate sex, who rarely have sex, who are monogamous, vanilla, aspec, etc. You are just as important. You are always important. You do not have to meet any criteria whatsoever in order to be a Theistic Satanist. You can do whatever you damn well please and still be a Satanist. There is no one way to be a Satanist. The only “right way” is your way. All Satanists are not the same, and that is the beauty of Satanism.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
blood daze & satanic rites.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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Ted bundy carved his name into the courtroom table during trial in Orlando, 1980
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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After Ronald Defeo gunned down his entire family, the house became known as “The Amityville Horror”
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
forgotten memories.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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The pair of scissors 11-year-old Mary Bell used to mutilate her younger victim, Brian Howe.
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
where the powerlines shorter then the trees
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
winter is coming.. colder streets, vacant eyes, decaying homes.
the cycle of war never ends.
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jordan_decoster on ig
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
i hear screaming in the night but it’s not there😥🌚
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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artyom my brotha from anotha motha u know what the fuc it means ‼️‼️
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gothangylcasper · 4 months
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On the night of June 19, 1984 teenage friends Ricky Allen Kasso, Jimmy Troiano, and Albert Quinones invited mutual acquaintance Gary Lauwers to the Aztakea Woods.
While in the previous months Kasso and Lauwers had had some issues that stemmed from Lauwers stealing drugs, the teens had agreed to put everything aside and enjoy a night of smoking PCP and taking LSD by the campfire.
Kasso was infamous in the quiet town of Northport, New York for his outlandish behavior and was given the nickname “The Acid King”. Because of his lack of self control and disobedient nature his parents couldn’t control him. His parents even tried to get him committed to a psychiatric facility numerous times, but to no avail with doctors stating that Kasso was not psychotic.
Therefore Kasso was often kicked out of his home where he would then couch surf with friends and live in the local woods.
When he was around the town he was often seen with a group of marijuana dealers who named themselves The Knights of Black Circle who many believed to be a Santanist group since this was the height of the “Satanic Panic”.
Even though Lauwers had returned five of the ten bags of PCP he had stolen from Kasso and paid him $50 for the other five, Kasso did not see this as enough to make up for the theft.
While the three teens had promised Lauwers a calm night in the woods, things soon took a massive turn.
Kasso and Lauwers started to physically fight. Troiano jumped in to hold Lauwers down while Kasso demanded him to say, “I love Satan” to which Lauwers responded, “I love my mother”. Kasso then began repeatedly stabbing Lauwers upwards of 36 times.
The three then covered Lauwers lifeless body with leaves and left the woods.
On July 1, 1984 an anonymous tip was called in claiming Lauwers was buried in a shallow grave in the woods. Police with the help of search dogs found Gary Lauwers body July 4th.
The following day Kasso, Quinones, and Troiano were arrested for the murder.
But, Kasso never even saw a court room. On July 7, 1984 he was found hanging in his jail cell from suicide.
Quinones and Troiano were both acquitted of second degree murder due to their drug induced state at the time of the murder.
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